128 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this work was to research the morphological characteristics of monofloral bee pollen obtained from Brassica napus L. The formulated goals were: determine the period of bee pollen receiving; implement the selection of bee pollen samples during blooming period of species; establish the monoflorality ratio of the total pollen collection; explore the morphometric indicators of bee pollen by the parameters of pollen lump, shaping level and weight. Bee pollen collection was carried out in Skvyra district of Kyiv region from local population of Apis mellifera L. families. Morphometric measurements were performed in the Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and Biosafety, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra. Here were determined the amount of bee pollen per one day brought by one family: from  27.04 to 03.05.16 is 50.8 ± 2.25 g; from 04.05 to 06.05.16 – 100.0 ± 3.33 g; from 07.05 to 17.05.16 – 270.7 ± 11.79 g; from 18.05 to 22.05.16 – 100.5 ± 3.028 g; from 23.05 – 25.05.16 – 39.8 ± 2.74 g. Here were defined the morphological parameters of bee pollen lump from B. napus: length is in the range from 3.40 ± 0.061 mm to 3.66 ± 0.048 mm; width is in the range from 2.88 ± 0.059 mm to 3.26 ± 0.067 mm; weight is in the range from 8.65 ± 0.317 mg to 11.31 ± 0.241 mg; shaping level of bee pollen is in the range 4.62 – 4.96 points. The total monoflorality ratio constitutes from 79.94 ± 0.619 % to 98.00 ± 0.202 %. The obtained results confirmed that the activity of bee flying depends on the blooming period and intensity of the nectar secretion, on the collection of protein feed from B. napus. Pollen lumps from Brassica napus L. bee pollen were large, dense, regular shape without splits, which specified the possibility of its use for the producing on a commercial scale.  Целью работы было исследование морфологической характеристики монофлорной пчелиной обножки полученной из Brassica napus L. Поставленные задачи: установить период получения пчелиной обножки; осуществить отбор пчелиной обножки течение цветения вида; установить монофлорность общего сбора обножки; исследовать морфометрические показатели обножки по параметрам пыльцевого комочка, сформированности и массы. Отбор обножки осуществляли в Сквирском районе Киевской области от семей Apis mellifera L. местной популяции. Морфометрические измерения проводили в Институте сохранения агробиоразнообразия и биологической безопасности, при Словацком аграрном университете в Нитре. Установили, количество принесенной обножки в сутки одной семьей: с 27.04 по 03.05.16 г. – 50,8 ± 2,25 г.; с 04.05 по 06.05.16 г. – 100,0 ± 3,33 г.; с 07.05 по 17.05.16 г. – 270,7 ± 11,79 г.; с 18.05 по 22.05.16 г. – 100,5 ± 3,028 г.; с 23.05 по 25.05.16 г. – 39,8 ± 2,74 г. Определили морфологические параметры пыльцевого комочка обножки с Brassica napus L.: длина в пределах от 3,40 ± 0,061 мм до 3,66 ± 0,048 мм; ширина в пределах от 2,88 ± 0,059 мм до 3,26 ± 0,067 мм; масса в пределах от 8,65 ± 0,317 мг до 11,31 ± 0,241 мг; сформированность в пределах от 4,62 – 4,96 баллов. Степень монофлорности составлял от 79,94 ± 0,619 % до 98,00 ± 0,202 %. Полученные результаты подтверждают, что активность лета пчел на сборе белкового корма из B. napus зависит от периода его цветения и интенсивности выделения нектара. Пыльцевые комочки обножки с B. napus крупные, плотные, правильной формы, без надколов, что указывает на возможность использовать их для производства в промышленных объемах.Метою роботи було дослідження морфологічної характеристики монофлорного бджолиного обніжжя одержаного з Brassica napus L. Поставлені завдання: встановити період одержання бджолиного обніжжя; здійснити відбір бджолиного обніжжя продовж цвітіння виду; встановити монофлорність загального збору обніжжя; дослідити морфометричні показники обніжжя за параметрами пилкової грудочки, сформованістю та масою. Відбір обніжжя здійснювали у Сквирському районі Київської області від сімей Apis mellifera L. місцевої популяції. Морфометричні вимірювання проводили в Інституту збереження агробіорізноманіття та біологічної безпеки, при Словацькому аграрному університеті в Нітрі. Встановили, кількість принесеного обніжжя за добу однією сім’єю: з 27.04 по 03.05.16 р. – 50,8 ± 2,25 г; з 04.05 по 06.05.16 р. – 100,0 ± 3,33 г; з 07.05 по 17.05.16 р. – 270,7 ± 11,79 г; з 18.05 по 22.05.16 р. – 100,5 ± 3,028 г; з 23.05 – 25.05.16 р. – 39,8 ± 2,74 г. Визначили морфологічні параметри пилкової грудочки обніжжя з Brassica napus L.: довжина у межах від 3,40 ± 0,061 мм до 3,66 ± 0,048 мм; ширина у межах від 2,88 ± 0,059 мм до 3,26 ± 0,067 мм; маса у межах від 8,65 ± 0,317 мг до 11,31 ± 0,241 мг; сформованість у межах від 4,62 – 4,96 балів. Ступінь монофлорності становив від 79,94 ± 0,619% до 98,00 ± 0,202%. Отримані результати підтверджують, що активність льоту бджіл на зборі білкового корму з B. napus залежить від періоду його цвітіння та інтенсивності виділення нектару. Пилкові грудочки обніжжя з B. napus великі, щільні, правильної форми, без надколів, що вказує на можливість використовувати їх для виробництва у промислових обсягах. &nbsp


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    From an organizational point of view, culinary tourism involves features of local food production technologies, their history and traditions consumption, as well as possible tourist participation in the preparation of national dishes, visit culinary festivals and contests. Gastronomic tourism can also be considered an auxiliary tool in the knowledge of the cultural heritage of countries and regions of the world, since national cuisine is one of the elements that reflects the lifestyle, outlook, ethnic traditions. The phenomenon, which today is called to be called culinary tourism, is rooted in the distant past. As an example many centuries ago, merchants committed to purchase travel for different sweets, spices, wines and various beverages.The purpose of the article’s research is to to explore the national identity of the French cuisine and the principality of Monaco. To achieve the goal we set the task of denoting the culinary borders of a nation, traditions, habits and culinary preferences, origin of dishes, their recipes. Make a grammatical analysis of the recipe text in the context of culinary discourse. Show the transformation of the culinary ideas of the French cuisine and the principality of the Monaco kitchen and how culinary discourse is reflected in the process of national formation identity

    Haptically Assisted Golf Putting Through a Planar Four-Cable System

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    Individuals learning a new sport often repeat a motion hundreds or thousands of times to try to perfect their form. The quintessential example of this process may be a beginning golfer struggling to learn to putt, where strokes must be precise and consistent in order to place the ball in the hole. This paper presents a four-cable haptic device designed to help golfers learn to improve their putting accuracy. This planar three-DOF system provides feedback that consists of two Cartesian forces and one angular moment. We present the system’s design and kinematics, along with a closed-loop controller that helps the user keep the putter head at the correct angle in the plane. We evaluated our design through a study in which five subjects used the system to repeatedly putt at a target both with and without assistance. While assistance did not change the mean of the putting distribution, it did significantly affect the variance for some subject

    Contamination of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. pollen by microorganisms, mycotoxins and heavy metals

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    Pollen samples of silver birch from Ukraine and Slovakia were investigated in order to estimate their contamination with heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr, As, Ni, Se, Co), representatives of the Enterobacteriaceae family, mesophilic aerobic bacteria, fungi and mycotoxins. The study is focused on the comparative analysis among pollen samples when complex of biotic, abiotic and anthropogenic factors in different places of growth affect. The obtained results are compared to the existing requirements. It is established excess of limits on the content of cadmium, lead, chromium, the concentrations of enterobacteria and mesophilic aerobic bacteria in some samples of birch pollen. The Tukey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of P < 0.05. Also in this work, the steps from collection to storage of wind-pollinated pollen were analyzed

    Белково-липидный состав пыльцы березы бородавчатой (Betula verrucosa) и ее антиоксидантная активность в зависимости от места произрастания

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    Pollen has various effects on the human body. In order to study and compare the biological activity of the mature pollen grains of Betula verrucosa Ehrh. we investigated the protein-lipid composition and total antioxidant activity (TAA) of 10 samples from different habitats in the territory of Ukraine and the Slovak Republic. The collection sites are near highways and apartment blocks, as well as a nature reserve, forest and botanical garden. The protein content was determined by the Kjeldahl method. A chromatographic analysis of fatty acids from lipids was performed using a “Cvet 500” gas chromatograph, equipped with a flame-ionization detector in the isothermal mode. The bioactivity of aqueous, ethanol and methanol extracts of pollen grains was evaluated by the DPPH free radical scavenging method (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) by means spectrophotometry in vitro. The protein content of the pollen of B. verrucosa ranged from 17.9% to 25.6%, depending on the habitat. Unsaturated fatty acids were found in higher amounts than saturated fatty acids. The profile of fatty acids indicates a higher content of palmitic (33.9%), oleic (29.5%) and linoleic (27.8%) acids and a low content of arachidonic (0.4%) and pentadecanoic (0.8%) acids. We also established that silver birch pollen is characterized by high antioxidant activity. The measured value of TAA for aqueous pollen extracts was within 74.8–85.5%. For the ethanol extracts it was quantified within 60.3–95.0% and for the methanol extracts – 46.1–92.6%. The Tukey test was used to determine the differences between the means at a level of P &lt; 0.05. A strong correlation coefficient (0.70) was defined between the protein content and the TAA of aqueous extracts. In general, the Ukrainian and Slovak samples of pollen differ in the fatty acid composition of lipids and aqueous and ethanol TAA extracts. Pollen of B. verrucosa should be used for diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic purposes as close as possible to the place of origin. Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности.Исследованы белковый и липидный состав и биологическая активность 10 образцов пыльцы Betula verrucosa Ehrh. из разных мест произрастания на территории Украины и Словакии. Определено содержание белков (17,9–25,6%) и 8 жирных кислот (с числом углеродных атомов от 14 до 20) в составе липидов. Выявлено преобладание ненасыщенных жирных кислот (58,6%) с доминированием пальмитиновой (33,9%), олеиновой (29,5%) и линолевой (27,8%). Оценена общая антиоксидантная активность водных, этаноловых и метаноловых экстрактов пыльцы березы бородавчатой с использованием свободного стабильного радикала дифенил­пикрилгидразила колориметрически в реакции in vitro. Установлены статистически достоверные различия между образцами как внутри украинских и словацких генотипов, так и между ними. Рассматриваются факторы влияния на вариации белково-липидного состава пыльцы и ее биологической активности

    Comparison of selected characteristics of cultivarsand wild-growing genotypes of Sambucus nigra in Slovakia

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    In view of global changes, it is necessary to consider plant breeding as a process of developing new varieties and cultivars for present and future needs, with an emphasis on improving their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. The aim of this study was to compare wild-growing genotypes of elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) with three registered cultivars Haschberg, Sambo and Bohatka in selected economic traits in Slovakia. Characters of selected genotypes and cultivars were tested in dynamics of inflorescences and fruit clusters, the morphological parameters such as the weight of fruit clusters, weight and number of drupes and weight of cluster without drupes. On the cv. Haschberg we evaluated the number of inflorescences for each individual plant for a period of three years. A high number of inflorescences was established in the first 3 years of plant growth. This is evidenced by the measurements from the 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-year old plants with the number of inflorescences on average 21.3–25.7, 42.2–51.0, 65.1–73.7 and 99.0, respectively. The cultivars matured about two to three weeks later compared with wild-growing genotypes. The weight of the fruit clusters and the weight of drupes is an important trait in terms of plant production and efficiency of cultivation. For wild-growing genotypes, we also identified genotypes with a high weight of fruit clusters (111.1 g – SN-48) and weight of drupes (105.5 g – SN-48), which are determinant properties for selection of new genotypes for plant breeding and cultivation. The yield of juice is an important indicator for technological processing of elderberry fruit. For the cultivars the juice yield was found to range from 78.7% (cv. Sambo) to 82.9% (cv. Haschberg). We determined that the yield of juices of wild-growing genotypes ranged from 77.9–86.0%. The cultivar Haschberg had a better set of morphological traits compared to wild-growing genotypes, even though it was possible to find comparative genotypes in some characteristics. The results and knowledge obtained are useful for future breeders, cultivators, and processors of elderberries

    Search for a new gauge boson in the AA' Experiment (APEX)

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    We present a search at Jefferson Laboratory for new forces mediated by sub-GeV vector bosons with weak coupling α\alpha' to electrons. Such a particle AA' can be produced in electron-nucleus fixed-target scattering and then decay to an e+ee^+e^- pair, producing a narrow resonance in the QED trident spectrum. Using APEX test run data, we searched in the mass range 175--250 MeV, found no evidence for an Ae+eA'\to e^+e^- reaction, and set an upper limit of α/α106\alpha'/\alpha \simeq 10^{-6}. Our findings demonstrate that fixed-target searches can explore a new, wide, and important range of masses and couplings for sub-GeV forces.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, references adde

    The G0 Experiment: Apparatus for Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurements at Forward and Backward Angles

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    In the G0 experiment, performed at Jefferson Lab, the parity-violating elastic scattering of electrons from protons and quasi-elastic scattering from deuterons is measured in order to determine the neutral weak currents of the nucleon. Asymmetries as small as 1 part per million in the scattering of a polarized electron beam are determined using a dedicated apparatus. It consists of specialized beam-monitoring and control systems, a cryogenic hydrogen (or deuterium) target, and a superconducting, toroidal magnetic spectrometer equipped with plastic scintillation and aerogel Cerenkov detectors, as well as fast readout electronics for the measurement of individual events. The overall design and performance of this experimental system is discussed.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Method

    Progress on the Design of the Polarized Medium Energy Electron Ion Collider at JLab

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    The Medium-energy Electron Ion Collider (MEIC) at JLab is designed to provide high luminosity and high polarization needed to reach new frontiers in the exploration of nuclear structure. The luminosity, exceeding 1033 cm-2s−1 in a broad range of the center-of-mass (CM) energy and maximum luminosity above 1034 cm-2s−1, is achieved by high-rate collisions of short small-emittance low-charge bunches made possible by high-energy electron cooling of the ion beam and synchrotron radiation damping of the electron beam. The polarization of light ion species (p, d, 3He) can be easily preserved and manipulated due to the unique figure-8 shape of the collider rings. A fully consistent set of parameters have been developed considering the balance of machine performance, required technical development and cost. This paper reports recent progress on the MEIC accelerator design including electron and ion complexes, integrated interaction region design, figure-8-ring-based electron and ion polarization schemes, RF/SRF systems and ERL-based high-energy electron cooling. Luminosity performance is also presented for the MEIC baseline design

    Measurement of Tensor Polarization in Elastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering at Large Momentum Transfer

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    Tensor polarization observables (t20, t21 and t22) have been measured in elastic electron-deuteron scattering for six values of momentum transfer between 0.66 and 1.7 (GeV/c)^2. The experiment was performed at the Jefferson Laboratory in Hall C using the electron HMS Spectrometer, a specially designed deuteron magnetic channel and the recoil deuteron polarimeter POLDER. The new data determine to much larger Q^2 the deuteron charge form factors G_C and G_Q. They are in good agreement with relativistic calculations and disagree with pQCD predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, for associated informations, see http://isnwww.in2p3.fr/hadrons/t20/t20_ang.html clarification about several topics, one figure has been had, extraction of form factors use AQ interpolation in our Q2 range onl