405 research outputs found

    Geoconservation: international advancements and future challenges

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    During the last two decades, geoconservation has been gradually entering into the geosciences’ community. Recently, Henriques et al. (2011) presented a theoretical framework justifying geoconservation as an emerging geoscience. Geological heritage – materialized in geosites properly managed – establishes multiple links with the society. In spite of this general positive trend, geoconservation faces some future challenges

    Património geológico e geoconservação : a conservação da natureza na sua vertente geológica

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    Disponibiliza-se apenas o prefácio e a introdução.Com este livro, pretende-se fazer um contributo para a inclusão do tema do património geológico e da geoconservação nas políticas de conservação da natureza.Museu Nacional de História Natural.Parque Biológico de Gaia

    Legal framework and the protection of geological heritage

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    As acções de geoconservação devem estar apoiadas em legislação publicada no âmbito da conservação da Natureza e do ordenamento do território. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um balanço da legislação nacional em vigor que, directa e indirectamente, relação com a protecção do património geológico. Apresenta-se e discute-se a legislação publicada em 2008 que integra, pela primeira vez em Portugal, o conceito de património geológico. São também apresentados alguns instrumentos legais europeus e internacionais que suportam a geoconservação em Portugal.A strong legal framework related with Nature conservation and land-use planning should support geoconservation activities. This work presents the present-day status of the Portuguese legislation that can be used for geosites protection. The brand new legislation published in 2008 is discussed, stressing the integration of geological heritage concepts for the first time in this country. Some European and International legislation related with the Portuguese geological heritage protection is also discussed

    A Importância dos geoparques no ensino e divulgação das geociências

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    A implementação de geoparques, originalmente na Europa mas atualmente com expressão em todo o Mundo, veio possibilitar a criação de novas estratégias promotoras do ensino e divulgação das Geociências. Centrados na conservação do patrimônio geológico na perspectiva do seu uso sustentável, os geoparques permitem veicular, não só conhecimentos de caráter técnico-científico, mas também valores promotores de uma cidadania responsável. No entanto, para atingir com sucesso estes objetivos, a estrutura de gestão dos geoparques deve contar com pessoal técnico especializado, devidamente suportado numa sólida ligação à comunidade e administração locais. Neste trabalho, serão desenvolvidos estes tópicos e apresentados exemplos de ações educativas dirigidas às escolas e ao público em geral, em curso, em geoparques europeus.The creation of geoparks, at fi rst in Europe but nowadays in the whole world, allowed the establishment of new strategies for the teaching and interpretation of the geosciences. Geoparks promote not only the interpretation of geological knowledge but also the values of responsible citizenship, based on a sustainable use of well-protected geological heritage. In order to achieve these aims, geopark staff must include experts in geosciences education, and must maintain a close relationship with the local community. This paper develops these topics, and discusses several examples of geological education and interpretation in European geoparks

    Mining and Geoconservation

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    [Excerpt] Mining versus geoconservation is often addressed as a source of conflict. Frequently, and misleading misconceptions arguments are used to explain this apparently difficult relation. However, the two activities may coexist. The demystification of some preconceived ideas (see i-iv below) is thus necessary. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trends and challenges for geoconservation

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    Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 19, EGU2017-8626[Excerpt] Geoconservation as a geosciences domain is still a recent activity. Founded on the Earth’s geodiversity, geoconservation aims to assure a proper conservation, management, and sustainable use of the most important geodiversity elements (minerals, rocks, fossils, soils, landforms and their landscapes, and active geological/geomorphological processes), which are generally known as geological heritage or simply geoheritage. During the last two decades, scientificresearchongeoconservationhasbeenincreasing,asitisdemonstratedbythe growing number of published papers, master/PhD theses and scientific events worldwide. Also at the international level, geoconservation seems to gain importance. The UNESCO officially recognizes geoheritage under two main systems (World Heritage and Global Geoparks) and IUCN is slowly accepting geoconservation as a fundamental asset for a holistic nature conservation approach. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A geologia, os geólogos e o manto da invisibilidade.

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    O número 6 da revista Comunicação e Sociedade é temático dedicado à Comunicação da Ciência.O distanciamento entre a ciência e a sociedade tem vindo a preocupar os cientistas durante as últimas décadas. Neste trabalho apresentam-se alguns factores que podem, pelo menos em parte, justificar este afastamento, recorrendo ao exemplo da Geologia portuguesa: reduzido número de profissionais o que conduz a uma dificuldade de protagonismo e intervenção sociais, elevados níveis de iliteracia científica por parte da população, ausência de uma estratégia estatal para com os recursos geológicos do país e um deficiente tratamento das questões científicas por parte dos media.In recent decades, scientists have been increasingly worried about the gap between science and society. This paper discusses some factors that can explain this gap, mainly referring to the example of Geology in Portugal: deficient social intervention due to a reduced number of geologists, low level of scientific culture of the Portuguese population, low political interest towards geological resources, and deficient treatment of scientific issues by the media

    Methodological proposal for a geoconservation strategy

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    Nos últimos anos assiste-se a um interesse crescente pelas temáticas associadas à conservação do património geológico. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma proposta metodológica para o estabelecimento de uma estratégia de geoconservação. Ao delinear uma série de etapas que vão desde a inventariação e caracterização de geossítios, à sua conservação, divulgação e monitorização, pretende-se, desta forma, rentabilizar e sistematizar os esforços levados a cabo pelas diversas instituições que têm operado nesta temática.During the last couple of years the conservation of geological heritage is gaining interest between geoscientists and general public. This work presents a proposal for a geoconservation strategy based on a methodology supported on the application of successive fundamental steps. This strategy assures a systematic approach to all work related with geoheritage also preventing the lost of energies and the work done by different protagonists

    Integrin α2β1 Expression Regulates Matrix Metalloproteinase-1-Dependent Bronchial Epithelial Repair in Pulmonary Tuberculosis.

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    Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is caused by inhalation of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which damages the bronchial epithelial barrier to establish local infection. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 plays a crucial role in the immunopathology of TB, causing breakdown of type I collagen and cavitation, but this collagenase is also potentially involved in bronchial epithelial repair. We hypothesized that the extracellular matrix (ECM) modulates M. tuberculosis-driven matrix metalloproteinase-1 expression by human bronchial epithelial cells (HBECs), regulating respiratory epithelial cell migration and repair. Medium from monocytes stimulated with M. tuberculosis induced collagenase activity in bronchial epithelial cells, which was reduced by ~87% when cells were cultured on a type I collagen matrix. Matrix metalloproteinase-1 had a focal localization, which is consistent with cell migration, and overall secretion decreased by 32% on type I collagen. There were no associated changes in the specific tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases. Decreased matrix metalloproteinase-1 secretion was due to ligand-binding to the α2β1 integrin and was dependent on the actin cytoskeleton. In lung biopsies, samples from patients with pulmonary TB, integrin α2β1 is highly expressed on the bronchial epithelium. Areas of lung with disrupted collagen matrix showed an increase in matrix metalloproteinases-1 expression compared with areas where collagen was comparable to control lung. Type I collagen matrix increased respiratory epithelial cell migration in a wound-healing assay, and this too was matrix metalloproteinase-dependent, since it was blocked by the matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor GM6001. In summary, we report a novel mechanism by which α2β1-mediated signals from the ECM modulate matrix metalloproteinase-1 secretion by HBECs, regulating their migration and epithelial repair in TB

    Protected areas interpretation based on geology

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    During the last couple of decades, many earth scientists around the world stated that the creation of protected areas rarely take into account geological features. In fact, many protected areas are normally justified just in terms of scenery and wildlife. Without denying the obvious relevance, conservation strategies are almost based on the preservation of fauna and flora. It is quite surprisingly to note that for conservationists, neither the landscape is considered a result of geological processes nor wildlife is considered to be highly dependent on the conjugation of weather and geology. During recent years, geologists are trying to persuade park managers, conservation leaders, and politicians about the need to implement geoconservation strategies. This task is being based on several arguments: i) the fact that biodiversity is intrinsically linked to geodiversity; ii) the need of urgent conservation of certain geotopes due to their high scientific, didactic, and aesthetic values; iii) the importance of geotourism revenues to local populations, and iv) the need to implement a rational exploration of natural resources in order to ensure sustainable development. The "geoconservationists war" is mainly against public unawareness and well-established interests. Regarding public unawareness of geoconservation, two force lines should be implemented: i) enhance Geosciences education in the school curricula, and ii) raise sensibility about the significance of geological systems in our daily lives. Protected areas constitute key zones to implement geoconservation strategies. Since 2000 Portuguese geologists from the Minho University and from the Geological Survey are working together in natural parks from Northern Portugal. The adopted strategy will be presented, which consider that, for any audience, rather than just offering information, interpretation is also required. A strong effort is being made in the parks under study in order to produce: i) interpretative panels; ii) materials to support geological trails and viewpoints; iii) geological guidebooks and simplified geological and geomorphological maps; iv) web pages; v) staff training sessions, and vi) guided field trips. Besides these deliverables mostly directed to raise awareness of general public and students, technical geological information as geological, mineral resources, and geosites maps is also provided to park managers due to its importance for the implementation of park management plans