61 research outputs found

    Hubungan Keaktifan Mengikuti Layanan Informasi Bidang Bimbingan Karir dan Motivasi Melanjutkan Pendidikanke Perguruan Tinggi pada Siswa Kelas XI Sekolah Menengah AtasNegeri 12Pekanbaru“

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) Gambaran keaktifan siswa mengikuti Layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. (2) Gambaran motivasi melanjutkanpendidikankeperguruantinggi pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. (3) Hubungan antara keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti Layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir danmotivasi melanjutkanpendidikankeperguruantinggi pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) bagaimana keaktifan siswa dalam mengikuti layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir (2) bagaimana motivasi melanjutkan pendidikan ke perguruan tinggi dan (3)adakah hubungan yang signifikan antara keaktifan mengikuti layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karirdan motivasi melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi pada siswa Kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru. Data dikumpulkan melalui teknik angket dan dokumentasi. Untuk mengetahui tujuan 1 dan 2 dianalisis secara deskriptif persentase, sedangkan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya hubungan antara keaktifan mengikuti layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir dan motivasimelanjutkanpendidikankeperguruantinggi pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru dianalisis secara statistik dengan teknik korelasi product moment. Setelah data yang diperoleh dilapang di analisis, maka disimpulkan bahwa : 1. Keaktifan siswa kelas XI mengikuti layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru tergolongsedang. Hasil ini didapat berdasarkan persentase jawaban anket sebesar 73,611% 2. Motivasi melanjutkanpendidikankeperguruantinggi pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru tergolong sedang. hasil ini didapat berdasarkanpersentase anket sebesar 73,611% 3. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara keaktifanmengikuti layanan informasi bidang bimbingan karir dan motivasimelanjutkanpendidikankeperguruantinggi pada siswa kelas XI di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbar

    A Role for TLR4 in Clostridium difficile Infection and the Recognition of Surface Layer Proteins

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    Clostridium difficile is the etiological agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea (AAD) and pseudomembranous colitis in humans. The role of the surface layer proteins (SLPs) in this disease has not yet been fully explored. The aim of this study was to investigate a role for SLPs in the recognition of C. difficile and the subsequent activation of the immune system. Bone marrow derived dendritic cells (DCs) exposed to SLPs were assessed for production of inflammatory cytokines, expression of cell surface markers and their ability to generate T helper (Th) cell responses. DCs isolated from C3H/HeN and C3H/HeJ mice were used in order to examine whether SLPs are recognised by TLR4. The role of TLR4 in infection was examined in TLR4-deficient mice. SLPs induced maturation of DCs characterised by production of IL-12, TNFα and IL-10 and expression of MHC class II, CD40, CD80 and CD86. Furthermore, SLP-activated DCs generated Th cells producing IFNγ and IL-17. SLPs were unable to activate DCs isolated from TLR4-mutant C3H/HeJ mice and failed to induce a subsequent Th cell response. TLR4−/− and Myd88−/−, but not TRIF−/− mice were more susceptible than wild-type mice to C. difficile infection. Furthermore, SLPs activated NFκB, but not IRF3, downstream of TLR4. Our results indicate that SLPs isolated from C. difficile can activate innate and adaptive immunity and that these effects are mediated by TLR4, with TLR4 having a functional role in experimental C. difficile infection. This suggests an important role for SLPs in the recognition of C. difficile by the immune system

    Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and mannan-binding lectin (MBL): On constant alert in a hostile environment

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    In the beginning were neither B cells nor T cells nor antibodies, but innate immune defense alone. The primary functional theme of innate immunity is the distinction between self and non-self, which is maintained by a vast number of cellular and subcellular components. In this context, the immense importance of the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) is well established. Positive (Darwinian) selection seems to be acting on the ligand-binding domains of these molecules, suggesting a selection pattern similar to that previously observed in the MHC proteins. In sharp contrast to TLRs, the biological significance of mannan-binding lectin (MBL) is controversial, and, concerning humans, it has been suggested that low concentration of MBL in serum represents a selective advantage. In this mini-review, based on a doctoral thesis, evolutionary aspects of TLRs and MBL are discussed

    Analysis of the interleukin - 1 receptor type I signalling complex by mass spectrometry

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Mass spectrometric analysis of the endogenous type I interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor signaling complex formed after IL-1 binding identifies IL-1RAcP, MyD88, and IRAK-4 as the stable components.

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    We investigated the composition of the endogenous ligand-bound type I interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor (IL-1RI) signaling complex using immunoprecipitation and tandem mass spectrometry. Three proteins with approximate molecular masses of 60 (p60), 36 (p36), and 90 kDa (p90) became phosphorylated after treatment with IL-1. Phosphorylation in vitro of p60 has been reported previously, but its identity was unknown. We showed using tandem mass spectrometry that p60 is identical to interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase (IRAK)-4. MS also enabled detection of IL-1, IL-1RI, IL-1 receptor accessory protein (IL-1RAcP), and myeloid differentiation primary response protein 88 (MyD88) in the complex. The p60 protein (IRAK-4) was the earliest component of the complex to be phosphorylated. Phosphorylated IRAK-4 from the receptor complex migrated more slowly in SDS-PAGE than its unphosphorylated form as did recombinant IRAK-4 autophosphorylated in vitro. Phosphorylation was restricted to serine and threonine residues. IRAK-4, p36, IL-1RAcP, and MyD88 bound to the liganded receptor within 15 s of activation by IL-1 and remained associated upon prolonged activation, suggesting that the signaling complex is very stable. The p90 phosphoprotein was only transiently associated with the receptor. This behavior and its size were consistent with it being IRAK-1. Our work revealed that liganding of IL-1RI causes its strong and stable association with IL-1RAcP, MyD88, and the previously unidentified protein p60 (IRAK-4). The only component of the IL-1RI signaling complex that dissociated is IRAK-1. Our study is therefore the first detailed description of the endogenous IL-1RI complex

    Identification of a novel human MD-2 splice variant that negatively regulates Lipopolysaccharide-induced TLR4 signaling

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    Myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD-2) is a secreted gp that assembles with TLR4 to form a functional signaling receptor for bacterial LPS. In this study, we have identified a novel alternatively spliced isoform of human MD-2, termed MD-2 short (MD-2s), which lacks the region encoded by exon 2 of the MD-2 gene. Similar to MD-2, MD-2s is glycosylated and secreted. MD-2s also interacted with LPS and TLR4, but failed to mediate LPS-induced NF-kappaB activation and IL-8 production. We show that MD-2s is upregulated upon IFN-gamma, IL-6, and TLR4 stimulation and negatively regulates LPS-mediated TLR4 signaling. Furthermore, MD-2s competitively inhibited binding of MD-2 to TLR4. Our study pinpoints a mechanism that may be used to regulate TLR4 activation at the onset of signaling and identifies MD-2s as a potential therapeutic candidate to treat human diseases characterized by an overly exuberant or chronic immune response to LPS

    Autoimmunity Links Vinculin to the Pathophysiology of Chronic Functional Bowel Changes Following Campylobacter jejuni Infection in a Rat Model

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    Background: Acute gastroenteritis can precipitate irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in humans. Cytolethal distending toxin is common to all pathogens causing gastroenteritis. Its active subunit, CdtB, is associated with post-infectious bowel changes in a rat model of Campylobacter jejuni infection, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Aim: To evaluate the role of host antibodies to CdtB in contributing to post-infectious functional sequelae in this rat model. Methods: Ileal tissues from non-IBS human subjects, C. jejuni-infected and control rats were immunostained with antibodies to CdtB, c-Kit, S-100, PGP 9.5 and vinculin. Cytosolic and membrane proteins from mouse enteric neuronal cell lysates were immunoprecipitated with anti-CdtB and analyzed by mass spectrometry. ELISAs were performed on rat cardiac serum using CdtB or vinculin as antigens. Results: Anti-CdtB antibodies bound to a cytosolic protein in interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) and myenteric ganglia in C. jejuni-infected and naïve rats and human subjects. Mass spectrometry identified vinculin, confirmed by co-localization and ELISAs. Anti-CdtB antibodies were higher in C. jejuni-infected rats (1.27 ± 0.15) than controls (1.76 ± 0.12) (P < 0.05), and rats that developed SIBO (2.01 ± 0.18) vs. rats that did not (1.44 ± 0.11) (P = 0.019). Vinculin expression levels were reduced in C.jejuni-infected rats (0.058 ± 0.053) versus controls (0.087 ± 0.023) (P = 0.0001), with greater reductions in rats with two C.jejuni infections (P = 0.0001) and rats that developed SIBO (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Host anti-CdtB antibodies cross-react with vinculin in ICC and myenteric ganglia, required for normal gut motility. Circulating antibody levels and loss of vinculin expression correlate with number of C. jejuni exposures and SIBO, suggesting that effects on vinculin are important in the effects of C. jejuni infection on the host gut. © 2014, Springer Science+Business Media New York