32 research outputs found

    In Vivo Phenotyping for the Early Detection of Drought Stress in Tomato

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    Drought stress imposes a major constraint over a crop yield and can be expected to grow in importance if the climate change predicted comes about. Improved methods are needed to facilitate crop management via the prompt detection of the onset of stress. Here, we report the use of an in vivo OECT (organic electrochemical transistor) sensor, termed as bioristor, in the context of the drought response of the tomato plant. The device was integrated within the plant's stem, thereby allowing for the continuous monitoring of the plant's physiological status throughout its life cycle. Bioristor was able to detect changes of ion concentration in the sap upon drought, in particular, those dissolved and transported through the transpiration stream, thus efficiently detecting the occurrence of drought stress immediately after the priming of the defence responses. The bioristor's acquired data were coupled with those obtained in a high-throughput phenotyping platform revealing the extreme complementarity of these methods to investigate the mechanisms triggered by the plant during the drought stress event

    Análise multicritério para a seleção de uma área de conservação na maior savana da Amazônia

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    A maior área contínua de savana do Bioma Amazônia situa-se no estado de Roraima sendo conhecida localmente como Lavrado. Este trabalho apresenta o método estabelecido por gestores, e pesquisadores analistas ambientais para indicar áreas potenciais para a conservação do Lavrado baseada em multicritérios quantitativos que deveriam: (1) valorizar a heterogeneidade da paisagem, (2) considerar as propostas de uso do solo do Zoneamento Ecológico Econômico de Roraima (ZEE-RR) e (3) facilitar o processo de gestão e fiscalização de uma unidade de conservação (UC). Doze critérios e seus indicadores quantitativos foram definidos para calcular o valor de conservação das áreas considerando a representatividade dos indicadores e o peso atribuído para cada critério. Três regiões foram pré-selecionadas pela baixa ocupação do solo. A Serra da Lua obteve maior pontuação (15,18), seguida pela Serra do Tucano (10,35) e Rio Jauari (9,81). Os pontos somados nos três principais critérios (área de lavrado, insubstituibilidade das fitofisionomias e heterogeneidade da paisagem) igualam as regiões em termos de valor ecológico. Os critérios relacionados à gestão de UC foram imprescindíveis para o desempate das áreas. A região da Serra da Lua se destacou por apresentar 69% da sua área indicada para conservação no zoneamento estadual. A falta de dados atualizados sobre o uso da terra e de dados sistematizados sobre biodiversidade foram as principais dificuldades enfrentadas nesta avaliação. Esse estudo representa a primeira iniciativa conhecida de integração de órgãos de gestão ambiental e pesquisa para indicar uma área de conservação no estado de Roraima a partir de critérios quantitativo

    Approches statistiques et informatiques à l'acquisition du français langue première: une étude basée sur les suivis longitudinaux du corpus de Paris (CoLaJE)

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    Improve the current understanding of first language acquisition, especially the learning paths of certain phonetic/phonological units and the building of a phonological consciousness through the use of statistical meansComprendre les parcours d'acquisition du langage de l'enfant, notamment de certaines unités phonético/phonologiques, ainsi que la construction d'une conscience phonologique à l'aide de moyens statistiques et de modélisations informatique

    Une nouvelle approche graphique pour la visualisation de l'évolution des phonèmes au cours de l'acquisition du français L1

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    International audienceA new interactive graphical approach to visualise children phonemes' acquisition over time. CoLaJE is a French open access database (available in CHILDES) containing longitudinal recordings of in vivo child spoken language from seven children that have been regularly filmed one hour every month from their first year of life until 5. Each record has been transcribed in CHAT, for two children an additional transcription in orthographic norm and IPA is provided. Data is coded in two tier : "pho" reprents what the child says and"mod" represents what the child should have said according to the adult's norm. This sampling scheme meets child language representativeness standards (Stahl & Tomasello, 2004). Data is turned into a machine-readable format by converting it into .txt to make it suitable for Python. We wrote a set of scripts to extract every occurrence of each of the 36 phonemes specific to French. It would have been possible to code Child-Directed Speech too, as everything adults say has been transcribed in these corpora, but we decided to focus on production only, even considering that the data amount was already huge. We ordered the 36 phonemes into a hierarchical list according to their articulatory effort (Sauvage, 2015). Aim was to obtain a global overview of the phonemes'acquisition over time and, at the same time, having the possibility to focus on the specific development of any given phoneme in relation to every other one: to do so, we chose to adopt the Multiresolution Streamgraph (Cuenca et al. 2018). This graph has been conceived to overcome readability and scalability issues in the visualisation of multiple time series: it allows a navigation through the different hierarchical levels providing a way to aggregate and disaggregate its structure, as well as to filter and highlight a specific element. Through this visualisation it is possible to know how many occurrences of any phoneme has been pronounced by any of the seven children in any of the sessions. Results are coherent to current literature on consonants acquisition (McLeod et al., 2018). A comparison has been made on the children of this dataset, allowing us to establish the amount of differences and similarities between them by overlapping graphs in a synoptic way. We then tested whether the occurrences in this graph fit with Clements' « Theory of phonological features » : according to the « markedness avoidance » principle, we found that marked phonemes occur most of the times less than unmarked ones (e.g « p » occurs more times than « b », « t » occurs more times than « d », « k » more times than « g » and so on). By focusing on the same gropu of consonants specified by the voicing contrast, we found how the « feature economy » principle-according to which features present in one segment tend to be used to define others-is coherent to what it is possible to observe from the graphs: as this feature specifies more phonemes than any other one in French, those features appear more frequently and-a fortiori-children prioritize their acquisition. These preliminary results are part of a Phd project: we are currently working on the analyses of the same corpora through features instead of phonemes. By visualising the hierarchy of features in the Multistream, we suppose to improve current knowledge on the path of phonological variations (i.e the sequence of temporary achieved stages toward the adult norm). To give an example , « tʁaktoeʁ » is never pronunced « dʁaktoeʁ » but instead « kʁaktoeʁ » as « k » is voiceless as « t ». In this way we would try to improve knowledge about the relation between feature hierarchy and acquisition.https://pape2021.upf.edu/program-4/ book of abstracts by the conference organizerhttps://marine27.github.io/TER/index.html to see the graphshttps://pape2021.upf.edu/program-4/https://marine27.github.io/TER/index.htm

    To be or to have? That is the question : auxiliary selection in Italian

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    Altres ajuts: We would like to thank the University of Verona (Italy) for the fully funded PhD position of Greta Viale and Sorbonne Université (France) for funding the participation at Going Romance 2022 conference.For the first time, systematic research of auxiliary selection in Italian is proposed using corpus analysis and natural language processing (NLP). By combining these methods, we seek to find the most significant factors that influence the choice of auxiliary in intransitive verbs with double auxiliation. These verbs have often been studied in the literature (e.g., peripheral verbs [Sorace 2000]), but they have never been addressed in a comprehensive way (Giancarli 2015). The findings emphasize the most significant factors influencing the choice of 'be' or 'have' based on semantic, syntactic, and morphological aspects. On the basis of corpus analysis and statistical tools (CHAID and Random Forest) evidence, we propose the internal cause and the human trait as the possible factors useful in untangling the knot of auxiliary selection within Italian verbs with double auxiliation. This article also presents a reflection on semi-auxiliary verbs, a particular group of Italian verbs that operate as semi-auxiliary by being followed by an infinitive. For this group of verbs, we propose that auxiliary selection depends not only on the semantics of the verb or of the subject, but mainly on the auxiliary selection of the infinitive

    Auxiliary selection in Italian and French

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    A Statistical Model for Predicting Child Language Acquisition: Unfolding Qualitative Grammatical Development by Using Logistic Regression Model

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    International audienceLanguage acquisition is a scientific puzzle still awaiting a theoretical solution. Children seem to acquire their native language in a spontaneous and effortless way and they probably do so by keeping track of the frequency with which language items such as phonemes or parts of speech occur. Advances in data storage, processing and visualization have triggered a growing and fertile interest in analysing language by relying on statistics and quantitative methods. In this paper we propose a multiple logistic regression model to evaluate how different components of language contribute to its acquisition over time. The empirical basis consists of a corpus, which can be considered as a series of statistically representative samples taken at regular time intervals. The aim is to show how quantitative methods can contribute to explaining the creation and development of grammatical categories in first language acquisition

    Un modèle de régression logistique pour la prédiction du développement langagier chez l'enfant

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    International audienceIn this paper we propose a logistic regression model to evaluate how different components of language contribute to its acquisition over time. Theempirical basis consists of a corpus which can be considered as a series of statistically representative samples taken at regular time intervals. Aim is to show how quantitative methods can contribute to solve linguistic puzzles.Dans cet article, nous proposons un modèle de régression logistique pour évaluer comment différentes composantes du langage contribuent à son acquisition au fil du temps. La base empirique consiste en un corpus qui peut être considéré comme une série d'échantillons statistiquement représentatifs prélevés à intervalles de temps réguliers.Le but est de montrer comment les méthodes quantitatives peuvent contribuer à résoudre des problèmes récurrents en linguistique

    La norme et la variation dans le cadre du Traitement Automatique du Langage: Représenter la diversité des parcours d’acquisition du langage à l’aide de modèles informatiques

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    National audienceAbstract : This article deals with the problem of the status of norm and variation in NLPby proposing examples drawn from previous research concerning computer modelsused to represent French language acquisition. Two case studies illustrate the choicearound the norm-variation axis: the automatic computation of a frequency distributionand the recognition of sequential patterns in words containing specific syllablesequences that are hard to learn due to their inner phonetic difficulty. Whether the levelof analysis is the word (first example) or the phoneme (second example), obstacles andtrade-offs come up in a similar way. The choice - often difficult and constrained -between the accuracy of the language description and the need to have uniform datafor the machine to be easily handled. The avoidable and unavoidable biases, theprecautions to be taken beforehand, as well as the advantages and disadvantages ofthese types of NLP models will be discussed. The article ends by outlining the possiblefuture complementarities between qualitative and quantitative methods in currentlinguistics.Résumé : Cet article pose la problématique du statut de la norme et de la variation enTAL en proposant des exemples tirés des recherches précédentes concernant desmodèles informatiques employés pour représenter l’acquisition de langue française.Deux cas d’étude exemplifient le choix autour de l’axe norme-variation : le calculautomatique d’une distribution de fréquence et la reconnaissance de motifs séquentiels.Que le niveau d’analyse soit le mot (premier exemple) ou le phonème (deuxièmeexemple), des obstacles et compromis reviennent d’une manière analogue. Le choix –souvent difficile et contraint - entre la précision de la description du langage et lanécessité d’avoir des données uniformes pour que la machine puisse les traiteraisément. Les biais évitables et inévitables, les précautions à prendre en amont, ainsique les avantages et les inconvénients de ce type de modèles seront discutés. L’articlese termine en dessinant les contours des futures complémentarités possibles entreméthodes qualitatives et quantitatives