378 research outputs found

    Interaction of Two Filament Channels of Different Chiralities

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    We present observations of interactions between the two filament channels of different chiralities and associated dynamics that occurred during 2014 April 18 -- 20. While two flux ropes of different helicity with parallel axial magnetic fields can only undergo a bounce interaction when they are brought together, the observations at the first glance show that the heated plasma is moving from one filament channel to the other. The SDO/AIA 171 A observations and the PFSS magnetic field extrapolation reveal the presence of fan-spine magnetic configuration over the filament channels with a null point located above them. Three different events of filament activations, partial eruptions, and associated filament channel interactions have been observed. The activation initiated in one filament channel seems to propagate along the neighbour filament channel. We believe that the activation and partial eruption of the filaments bring the field lines of flux ropes containing them closer to the null point and trigger the magnetic reconnection between them and the fan-spine magnetic configuration. As a result, the hot plasma moves along the outer spine line toward the remote point. Utilizing the present observations, for the first time we have discussed how two different-chirality filament channels can interact and show interrelation.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, Accepted for Publication in Ap

    Editorial: Globalisierung und Gender

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    Editorial: Globalisierung und Gende

    The impact of unconventional monetary policy on gendered wealth inequality

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    Unconventional monetary policy was implemented as a result of the financial crisis and resulted in rising asset prices in the stock markets. While the increase in asset prices is not exclusively triggered by unconventional monetary policy, central bankers accept that unconventional monetary policy has resulted in distributional effects on wealth, and that these are not negligible. What is missing are studies analyzing whether these non-standard monetary policies have different distributional effects on women and men. The intent of the paper is to interrogate whether unconventional monetary policy of central banks has a gender bias that operates in favor of men as gender and against women as gender. Relying on insights from feminist economics, the paper uses the results of the ECB Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) of 62,000 household across 15 euro-area countries. While the results are tentative, they show an asymmetric distributional gendered impact. Since the rich own more assets than the poor, and since monetary easing works in part by raising asset prices, these unconventional policies may unintentionally benefit the wealthier quintile (on average more male) at the expense of the poorer strata of society (on average more female)

    Genderregime und Staat in der globalen Netzwerk-Ă–konomie

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    The articles starts with a critique of the present feminist state theories and argues that the framework is no longer adequate to comprehend the gendered process of global restructuring. Relying on the insights of the French Regulation School, the author suggests that specific regimes of accumulation generate specific gender regimes and gender orders. While the dominant discourse around restructuring remains wedded to a largely gender-neutral paradigm, the paper points out that the rise of the global network economy has not only altered the fordist accumulation regime, it has also undermined and changed the gender relations that characterized fordism. The effects of these changes are not altogether negative for women; they are ambiguous and vary according to race and class

    Asynchronitäten der deutsch-deutschen Frauenbewegung

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    This article problematizes the much used cliche that Warnen are the main losers of German unification« and suggests that the »disempowerment« of warnen during and after Unification is due to two non-synchronization processes. First, the development of separate East and West German feminist identities has made it difficult for feminists to agree on common goals and strategies, and second, the state centered strategies of feminists fail to take into account the structural transformations of the German state

    Globalization and Shifting Gender Governance Order(s)

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    This article analyses the different ways globalisation affects women, showing clearly that the theoretical as well as empirical analyses of globalisation processes remain insufficient without a gender perspective. Based on the thesis that the transformation of specific historic systems of capitalism goes hand in hand with the reconfiguration of gender governance orders, essential elements of this process are described: the decline of the family wage model, the reconfiguration of the public and the private spheres, the increasing polarisation among women and the reprivatization of social reproduction. These changes do not imply only negative consequences for women; they also have the potential of weakening and dissolving local, patriarchal cultures and systems of male domination. Using the examples of the emerging economies in East Asia, the article demonstrates the ambivalence of shifting gender governance orders and emphasises the necessity of future research that includes the gender perspective

    „Neue Weltordnung“: Nach dem 11. September bleibt vieles, wie es war

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    The attacks on 11th September are – according to the current belief – a turning point in the US-foreign policy. The authors contest this popular view and suggest that a new military policy was already designed in the aftermath of the collaps of the Soviet Union in 1990. Focussing on the Gulf War and the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty the authors argue, that the USA has relied on both unilateralism and mulitlateralism to further its particular foreign policy intersts

    Shareholder Kapitalismus und das Casino Spiel an den Börsen

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    'Das Konzept des Shareholder Value ist durch die jüngsten Entwicklungen im Unternehmenssektor, vor allem durch die Bilanz- und Betrugsskandale von TNC's und die damit verbundene Vernichtung von Arbeitsplätzen in die Kritik geraten. In den politischen Debatten über Shareholder Value wird ein Systemunterschied zwischen dem 'Stakeholder-Ansatz' (wie im rheinischen Kapitalismus) und dem mit der Liberalisierung der Finanzmärkte Ende der 70er Jahre in den USA entwickelten Begriff Shareholder Value (angelsächsischer Kapitalismus) skizziert. Ziel des Papiers ist es die Widersprüchlichkeit und Ungenauigkeit des Shareholder Value Konzeptes theoretisch zu untersuchen, um dann zu zeigen, wie Shareholder Value den amerikanischen Kapitalismus seit den 70er Jahren verändert hat und warum diese Variante des Kapitalismus sich auch immer mehr als Unternehmerstrategie in Europa durchsetzt.' (Autorenreferat)'The concept of shareholder value has come in for heavy criticism as a result of the recent developments in the corporate governance sector, particularly the revelations of false accounting by global corporate titans and the subsequent large lay-offs in the workforce. In the debates, two models of capitalism are contrasted. On the one hand, the 'Stakeholder' capitalism (as in the 'rhinish' model)and, on the other, the model of Shareholder Value (anglo-saxon model), which emerged as a result of the liberalisation of the US financial markets at the end of the 70s. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the contradictions and theoretical confusion about the concept of Shareholder Value, in order to demonstrate how Shareholder Value has initiated changes in the Anglo-Saxon capitalism since the 1970s, and why Shareholder Value is increasingly accepted as a corporate governance strategy in Europe.' (author's abstract
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