317 research outputs found

    Nuclear magnetic resonance applications in fermented foods and plant-based beverages: challenges and opportunities

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    Currently, there has been a growing interest in fermented foods and plant-based beverages (PBBs) by the consumers because of the benefits they provide to human health or due to restrictions in the diet associated to some pathologies or personal choices. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is a versatile technique that presents many advantages for the identification and quantification of metabolites in food with a variety of one- and two-dimensional experiments. This review delves into the current applications of NMR in the fields of fermented foods and PBBs. The interest from researchers in the analysis of fermented foods by NMR in the recent literature mainly focused on three main sub-areas: characterization of exopolysaccharides (EPS) and their functional, and rheological properties; metabolomics to find discriminant markers during and after the process of fermentation for the optimization of the productive process or development of products; and characterization of traditional and novel foods. However, the area of plant-based beverages studies by NMR presented a remarkable literature gap. The opportunities for future investigations concerning food authentication, traceability, and functional food development, among others, are presented

    Central Executive Dysfunction and Deferred Prefrontal Processing in Veterans with Gulf War Illness.

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    Gulf War Illness is associated with toxic exposure to cholinergic disruptive chemicals. The cholinergic system has been shown to mediate the central executive of working memory (WM). The current work proposes that impairment of the cholinergic system in Gulf War Illness patients (GWIPs) leads to behavioral and neural deficits of the central executive of WM. A large sample of GWIPs and matched controls (MCs) underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging during a varied-load working memory task. Compared to MCs, GWIPs showed a greater decline in performance as WM-demand increased. Functional imaging suggested that GWIPs evinced separate processing strategies, deferring prefrontal cortex activity from encoding to retrieval for high demand conditions. Greater activity during high-demand encoding predicted greater WM performance. Behavioral data suggest that WM executive strategies are impaired in GWIPs. Functional data further support this hypothesis and suggest that GWIPs utilize less effective strategies during high-demand WM

    Kidney transplantation in patients with previous renal cancer : a critical appraisal of current evidence and guidelines

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    Due to the increasing occurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in the general population and the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease among cancer patients, many people with a previous RCC may eventually require renal replacement therapy including kidney transplantation. They should accordingly be evaluated to assess their life expectancy and the risk that the chronic immunosuppressive therapy needed after grafting might impair their long-term outcome. Current guidelines on listing patients for renal transplantation suggest that no delay is required for subjects with small or incidentally discovered RCC, while the recommendations for patients who have been treated for a symptomatic RCC or for those with large or invasive tumours are conflicting. The controversial results reported by even recent studies focusing on the cancer risk in kidney graft recipients with a prior history of malignancy do not help to clarify the doubts arising in everyday clinical practice. Several tools, including integrated scoring systems, are currently available to assess the prognosis of patients with a previous RCC and, although they have not been validated in subjects receiving long-term immunosuppressive drugs, they can be used to identify patients suitable to be listed for grafting. Among these, the Leibovich score is currently the most widely used as it has proved simple and reliable enough and helps categorize renal transplant candidates. According to this system, subjects with a score from 0 to 2 are at low risk and may be listed without delay, while those with a score of 6 or higher should be excluded from grafting. In addition, other factors have an established positive prognostic value, including chromophobe or clear cell papillary tumour, or G1 grade cancer; on the contrary, medullary or Bellini\u2019s duct carcinoma or those with sarcomatoid dedifferentiation at histological examination should be excluded. All other patients would be better submitted to careful individual evaluation by an Oncologist before being listed for renal transplantation, pending studies specifically focusing on cancer risk evaluation in people already treated for malignancy receiving long-term immunosuppressive therapy

    Kidney transplantation in patients with previous renal cancer: a critical appraisal of current evidence and guidelines

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    Due to the increasing occurrence of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) in the general population and the high prevalence of chronic kidney disease among cancer patients, many people with a previous RCC may eventually require renal replacement therapy including kidney transplantation. They should accordingly be evaluated to assess their life expectancy and the risk that the chronic immunosuppressive therapy needed after grafting might impair their long-term outcome. Current guidelines on listing patients for renal transplantation suggest that no delay is required for subjects with small or incidentally discovered RCC, while the recommendations for patients who have been treated for a symptomatic RCC or for those with large or invasive tumours are conflicting. The controversial results reported by even recent studies focusing on the cancer risk in kidney graft recipients with a prior history of malignancy do not help to clarify the doubts arising in everyday clinical practice. Several tools, including integrated scoring systems, are currently available to assess the prognosis of patients with a previous RCC and, although they have not been validated in subjects receiving long-term immunosuppressive drugs, they can be used to identify patients suitable to be listed for grafting. Among these, the Leibovich score is currently the most widely used as it has proved simple and reliable enough and helps categorize renal transplant candidates. According to this system, subjects with a score from 0 to 2 are at low risk and may be listed without delay, while those with a score of 6 or higher should be excluded from grafting. In addition, other factors have an established positive prognostic value, including chromophobe or clear cell papillary tumour, or G1 grade cancer; on the contrary, medullary or Bellini’s duct carcinoma or those with sarcomatoid dedifferentiation at histological examination should be excluded. All other patients would be better submitted to careful individual evaluation by an Oncologist before being listed for renal transplantation, pending studies specifically focusing on cancer risk evaluation in people already treated for malignancy receiving long-term immunosuppressive therapy

    Morphometric multislice computed tomography examination of the craniovertebral junction in neck flexion and extension

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    Background: Detailed study of the craniovertebral junction (CVJ) is necessary to completely understand the mechanism of its flexion and extension. Materials and methods: One cadaver head was sectioned in the sagittal plane. Also, in 22 volunteers, examined using the multislice computed tomography (MSCT), 14 parameters and 2 angles were measured in the neutral position, flexion and extension. Results: The obtained measurements showed the anterior part of the occiput to move inferiorly in flexion, and the anterior atlas arch and the tip of the dens to get closer to the basion. At the same time, the opisthion moves superiorly, but the cervical spine bends anteriorly. Consequently, the dens-opisthion diameter and the opisthion-posterior atlas arch distance slightly decrease in length, whilst the arches of the atlas (C1), axis (C2) and C3 vertebra become more distant. Following extension, the posterior part of the occiput moves inferiorly, so that the basion-dens tip, the basion-axis arch, and the basion-posterior atlas arch distances increase in length. In contrast, the distances of the C1–C3 arches decrease in length. The angle between the foramen magnum and the dens tip decreases 1.620 on average in flexion, but increases 3.230 on average in extension. The angle between the axis body and the opisthion also decreases in flexion (mean, 3.360) and increases in extension (mean, 6.570). Among the congenital anomalies, a partial agenesis of the posterior atlas arch was revealed (4.5%), as well as an anterior dehiscence of the C1 foramen transversarium (13.6%). Conclusions: The mentioned measurements improved our understanding of the CVJ biomechanics. The obtained data can be useful in the evaluation of the CVJ instability caused by trauma, congenital anomalies and certain spine diseases

    Horizons and the Thermal Harmonic Oscillator

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    We show that two-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime (AdS_2) can be put in correspondence, holographically, both with the harmonic oscillator and the free particle. When AdS_2 has an horizon the corresponding mechanical system is a thermal harmonic oscillator at temperature given by the Hawking temperature of the horizon.Comment: Content changed, title slightly modifie

    The added value of operator’s judgement in thyroid nodule ultrasound classification arising from histologically based comparison of different risk stratification systems.

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    Objective: Several ultrasound classifications for thyroid nodules were proposed but their accuracy is still debated, since mainly estimated on cytology and not on histology. The aim of this study was to test the diagnostic accuracy and the inter-classification agreement of AACE/ACE-AME, American Thyroid Association (ATA), British Thyroid Association (BTA), and Modena Ultrasound Thyroid Classification (MUT) that stratifies malignancy risk considering also the clinician subjective impression. Methods: A prospective study collecting thyroid nodule features at ultrasound and histological diagnosis was conducted. Ultrasound features were collected following a preformed checklist in candidates for surgery because of indeterminate, suspicious, or malignant cytology. All the nodules, besides the cytologically suspicious one, were blinded analyzed. MUT score was applied prospectively, and the others retrospectively. Sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic cut-off value, and accuracy of each classification were calculated. The overall agreement between classifications was tested by Bland-Altman, and agreement between single nodule analysis by different classifications by Weighted Cohen's Kappa. Results: In classifying a total of 457 nodules, MUT has the highest accuracy (AUC 0.808) and specificity (89%), followed by ATA and BTA, and finally by AACE/ACE-AME. ATA, BTA, and MUT are highly interchangeable. Considering agreement between single nodule analyses, ATA and BTA had the best (Îș = 0.723); AACE/ACE-AME showed slight agreement with BTA (Îș = 0.177) and MUT (Îș = 0.183), and fair agreement with ATA (Îș = 0.282); MUT had fair agreement with both ATA (Îș = 0.291) and BTA (Îș = 0.271). Conclusion: Classifications have an acceptable overall diagnostic accuracy, improved using a less rigid system that takes into consideration operator subjective impression

    The “hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy” of endothelial dysfunction markers in human fertility

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    Endothelial dysfunction is an early event in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and represents the first step in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases. The evaluation of endothelial health is fundamental in clinical practice and several direct and indirect markers have been suggested so far to identify any alterations in endothelial homeostasis. Alongside the known endothelial role on vascular health, several pieces of evidence have demonstrated that proper endothelial functioning plays a key role in human fertility and reproduction. Therefore, this stateof‐the‐art review updates the endothelial health markers discriminating between those available for clinical practice or for research purposes and their application in human fertility. Moreover, new molecules potentially helpful to clarify the link between endothelial and reproductive health are evaluated herein
