2,612 research outputs found

    Understanding the local livelihood system in reosurce management: the pelagic longline fishery in Gouyaye, Grenada

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    ABSTRACT There is a need to include social objectives in fisheries management, and this paper focuses on one set of social considerations, those regarding livelihood. We pay particular attention to sustainable livelihood strategies, the importance of commercial pelagic longline fishing for the entire community livelihood system, and implications for management. Field data were obtained between December 2002 and March 2004 in Gouyave, Grenada, using participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and a quantitative survey. The economic base (fishing and agriculture) of the community is both unpredictable and seasonal, therefore individuals and households engage in diverse strategies to secure their livelihood. Three livelihood strategies were deemed important: 1) livelihood diversification, developing additional sources of income from agriculture, wage labor, and trade work, 2) fishing diversification, learning to switch to alternative gear and species, and 3) the availability of an informal "social security net" involving cash and in-kind assistance. These strategies help to spread the flow of income and food during lean times and across seasons. A major management implication is that fishery managers need to pay attention to the multi-species nature of fisheries and to the importance of livelihood diversification, including reliance on other economic sectors. RESUMEN Existe la necesidad de incluir objetivos sociales en el manejo de la industria pesquera y este artículo se focaliza en un grupo de consideraciones sociales, las que se refieren al sustento. Prestanos particular atención a las estrategias de los sustento sostenibles, la importancia de la pesca pelágica comercial para el sustento de toda la comunida y las implicaciones para su manejo. Los datos de campo fueron obtenidos entre Diciembre del 2002 y Marzo del 2004 de Gouyave, Grenada a través del estudio de los participantes, entrevistas semi-estructuradas y un examen cuantitativo. La base económica (pesca y agricultura) de la comunidad es tanto impredecible como variable, por lo tanto individuos y hogares adoptan estrategias diversificadas para logar la seguridad del sustento. Tres estrategias de sustento fueron consideradas importantes: 1) diversificación de las actividades para sustento desarrollando fuentes de ingresos adicionales en agricultura, labor pagada y trabajo de obrero, 2) la diversificación de la pesca aprendiendo a utilizar hacia equipos y especies alternativas, y 3) la disponibilidad de una red de seguridad social que incluye asistencia monetaria y en especie. Estas estrategias diversificadas ayudan a distribuir el flujo de ingresos y alimentos a través de las estaciones. Un mayor involvcramiento en el manejo implica que los gerentes pesqueros presten mayor cuidado a la naturaleza multi-especies de la pesca y a la importancia de la diversificacion del sustento, incluyendo la confianza en otros sectores económicos

    Reasons for adopting different capacity levels in the denominator of overhead rates: a research note

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    There has been criticism of the use of budgeted capacity as the denominator of overhead rates. Prior questionnaire-based research has analysed which type of capacity is used in the denominator of overhead rates, but it has not assessed why these capacity levels are used. This paper uses grounded theory techniques to analyse 50 interviews with British management accountants about why a particular capacity level is used to determine the denominator of overhead rates. The results reveal that budgeted capacity is used because the calculation of the denominator is regarded as part of the budgeting process. Practical capacity and normal capacity are used to ensure that products are not under or overcosted

    Quebec Legal Education Since 1945: Cultural Paradoxes and Traditional Ambiguities

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    Some remarkable things have occurred in Quebec legal education over the last forty years. All phases of the educational process have been the object of an official government enquiry (as a consequence of widespread student discontent that led to street demonstrations); a major sociological and futuristic study of the profession and of university studies has attempted to stimulate a major shift in the intellectual orientations of legal education to ready us for the year 2000; the loss by the Quebec legal professions of lawyers and notaries of substantial power to the profit of a government agency regulating all professions in the province opens up the prospect of a major new impact on the nature of legal training; the university educational network in law has grown to be the largest and yet one of the poorest, in financial terms, in Canada; and, it almost would seem, without anyone really noticing, a semi-Marxist teaching institution has been established within the otherwise highly conservative establishment that Quebec law faculties have traditionally been

    UK Government policy, credit unions and payday loans

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    This article outlines how successive UK governments’ policies first created a three tier system of credit unions and then posited credit unions as alternatives to payday lenders. The three tier framework is used for an analysis of loans offered on credit union websites. The findings indicate that while the first two tiers of credit unions now offer loans to people who have not saved with them previously, they do so in ways consistent with credit unions’ original character, rather than in ways that replicate commercial payday loans. The other tier of credit unions appears unable to offer such loans

    Developments in Legal Education at McGill, 1970-1980

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    In order to trace the developments in legal education at McGill during the last decade, it is first of all necessary to recall the principal initiatives which occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. These were, in chronological order, the creation of the Institute of Air & Space Law in 1951 and the offering of higher degrees in that speciality; the creation of the Institute of Comparative Law in 1965 to give particular focus to graduate work at McGill in fields other than air and space law; and the institution, in 1968, of a programme of undergraduate study leading to the Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.), alongside the traditional Bachelor of Civil Law (B.C.L.). Both degrees were, at that time, set within the framework of a National Programme of legal education, that is to say an integrated curriculum in civil law and common law studies at the undergradate level

    A parametric study to determine time-temperature-vacuum relationships for sterilization of terrestrial spores, phase 2 Summary report

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    Parametric study of time-temperature-vacuum relationships for terrestrial spore sterilizatio

    Purinergic receptor mediated calcium signalling in urothelial cells

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    Non-neuronal ATP released from the urothelium in response to bladder stretch is a key modulator of bladder mechanosensation. Whilst non-neuronal ATP acts on the underlying bladder afferent nerves to facilitate sensation, there is also the potential for ATP to act in an autocrine manner, modulating urothelial cell function. The aim of this study was to systematically characterise the functional response of primary mouse urothelial cells (PMUCs) to ATP. PMUCs isolated from male mice (14-16 weeks) were used for live-cell fluorescent calcium imaging and qRT-PCR to determine the expression profile of P2X and P2Y receptors. The majority of PMUCs (74-92%) responded to ATP (1 μM-1 mM), as indicted by an increase in intracellular calcium (iCa2+). PMUCs exhibited dose-dependent responses to ATP (10 nM-1 mM) in both calcium containing (2 mM, EC50 = 3.49 ± 0.77 μM) or calcium free (0 mM, EC50 = 9.5 ± 1.5 μM) buffers. However, maximum iCa2+ responses to ATP were significantly attenuated upon repetitive applications in calcium containing but not in calcium free buffer. qRT-PCR revealed expression of P2X1-6, and P2Y1-2, P2Y4, P2Y6, P2Y11-14, but not P2X7 in PMUCs. These findings suggest the major component of ATP induced increases in iCa2+ are mediated via the liberation of calcium from intracellular stores, implicating functional P2Y receptors that are ubiquitously expressed on PMUCs.Russell Chess-Williams, Donna J. Sellers, Stuart M. Brierley, David Grundy, Luke Grund

    Perceptions of Psychological Coercion and Human Trafficking in the West Midlands of England: Beginning to Know the Unknown

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    Modern slavery is less overt than historical state-sanctioned slavery because psychological abuse is typically used to recruit and then control victims. The recent UK Draft Modern Slavery Bill, and current UK government anti-slavery strategy relies heavily on a shared understanding and public cooperation to tackle this crime. Yet, UK research investigating public understanding of modern slavery is elusive. We report community survey data from 682 residents of the Midlands of England, where modern slavery is known to occur, concerning their understanding of nonphysical coercion and human trafficking (one particular form of modern slavery). Analysis of quantitative data and themed categorization of qualitative data revealed a mismatch between theoretical frameworks and understanding of psychological coercion, and misconceptions concerning the nature of human trafficking. Many respondents did not understand psychological coercion, believed that human trafficking did not affect them, and confused trafficking with immigration. The public are one of the most influential interest groups, but only if well informed and motivated towards positive action. Our findings suggest the need for strategically targeted public knowledge exchange concerning this crime