63 research outputs found

    Environmental-dependent proline accumulation in plants living on gypsum soils

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    [EN] Biosynthesis of proline¿or other compatible solutes¿is a conserved response of all organisms to different abiotic stress conditions leading to cellular dehydration. However, the biological relevance of this reaction for plant stress tolerance mechanisms remains largely unknown, since there are very few available data on proline levels in stress-tolerant plants under natural conditions. The aim of this work was to establish the relationship between proline levels and different environmental stress factors in plants living on gypsum soils. During the 2-year study (2009¿2010), soil parameters and climatic data were monitored, and proline contents were determined, in six successive samplings, in ten taxa present in selected experimental plots, three in a gypsum area and one in a semiarid zone, both located in the province of Valencia, in south-east Spain. Mean proline values varied significantly between species; however, seasonal variations within species were in many cases even wider, with the most extreme differences registered in Helianthemum syriacum (almost 30 lmol g-1 of DW in summer 2009, as compared to ca. 0.5 in spring, in one of the plots of the gypsum zone). Higher proline contents in plants were generally observed under lower soil humidity conditions, especially in the 2009 summer sampling preceded by a severe drought period. Our results clearly show a positive correlation between the degree of environmental stress and the proline level in most of the taxa included in this study, supporting a functional role of proline in stress tolerance mechanisms of plants adapted to gypsum. However, the main trigger of proline biosynthesis in this type of habitat, as in arid or semiarid zones, is water deficit, while the component of ¿salt stress¿ due to the presence of gypsum in the soil only plays a secondary role.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Project CGL2008-00438/BOS), with contribution from the European Regional Development Fund.Boscaiu, M.; Bautista Carrascosa, I.; Lidón Cerezuela, AL.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Lull, C.; Donat-Torres, M.; Mayoral García-Berlanga, O.... (2013). Environmental-dependent proline accumulation in plants living on gypsum soils. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 35:2193-2204. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11738-013-1256-3S2193220435Alvarado JJ, Ruiz JM, López-Cantarero I, Molero J, Romero L (2000) Nitrogen metabolism in five plant species characteristic of gypsiferous soils. 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    Powder Compaction: Compression Properties of Cellulose Ethers

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    Effective development of matrix tablets requires a comprehensive understanding of different raw material attributes and their impact on process parameters. Cellulose ethers (CE) are the most commonly used pharmaceutical excipients in the fabrication of hydrophilic matrices. The innate good compression and binding properties of CE enable matrices to be prepared using economical direct compression (DC) techniques. However, DC is sensitive to raw material attributes, thus, impacting the compaction process. This article critically reviews prior knowledge on the mechanism of powder compaction and the compression properties of cellulose ethers, giving timely insight into new developments in this field

    Effects of Salt Stress on Three Ecologically Distinct Plantago Species

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    Comparative studies on the responses to salt stress of taxonomically related taxa should help to elucidate relevant mechanisms of stress tolerance in plants. We have applied this strategy to three Plantago species adapted to different natural habitats, P. crassifolia and P. coronopus both halophytes and P. major, considered as salt-sensitive since it is never found in natural saline habitats. Growth inhibition measurements in controlled salt treatments indicated, however, that P. major is quite resistant to salt stress, although less than its halophytic congeners. The contents of monovalent ions and specific osmolytes were determined in plant leaves after four-week salt treatments. Salt-treated plants of the three taxa accumulated Na+ and Cl- in response to increasing external NaCl concentrations, to a lesser extent in P. major than in the halophytes; the latter species also showed higher ion contents in the non-stressed plants. In the halophytes, K+ concentration decreased at moderate salinity levels, to increase again under high salt conditions, whereas in P. major K+ contents were reduced only above 400 mM NaCl. Sorbitol contents augmented in all plants, roughly in parallel with increasing salinity, but the relative increments and the absolute values reached did not differ much in the three taxa. On the contrary, a strong (relative) accumulation of proline in response to high salt concentrations (600 800 mM NaCl) was observed in the halophytes, but not in P. major. These results indicate that the responses to salt stress triggered specifically in the halophytes, and therefore the most relevant for tolerance in the genus Plantago are: a higher efficiency in the transport of toxic ions to the leaves, the capacity to use inorganic ions as osmotica, even under low salinity conditions, and the activation, in response to very high salt concentrations, of proline accumulation and K+ transport to the leaves of the plants.MAH was a recipient of an Erasmus Mundus pre-doctoral scholarship financed by the European Commission (Welcome Consortium). AP acknowledges the Erasmus mobility programme for funding her stay in Valencia to carry out her Master Thesis.Al Hassan, M.; Pacurar, AM.; López Gresa, MP.; Donat Torres, MDP.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Vicente Meana, Ó. (2016). Effects of Salt Stress on Three Ecologically Distinct Plantago Species. PLoS ONE. 11(8):1-21. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160236S12111

    Autothermal reforming of palm empty fruit bunch bio-oil: thermodynamic modelling

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    This work focuses on thermodynamic analysis of the autothermal reforming of palm empty fruit bunch (PEFB) bio-oil for the production of hydrogen and syngas. PEFB bio-oil composition was simulated using bio-oil surrogates generated from a mixture of acetic acid, phenol, levoglucosan, palmitic acid and furfural. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the hydrogen and syngas yields were not sensitive to actual bio-oil composition, but were determined by a good match of molar elemental composition between real bio-oil and surrogate mixture. The maximum hydrogen yield obtained under constant reaction enthalpy and pressure was about 12 wt% at S/C = 1 and increased to about 18 wt% at S/C = 4; both yields occurring at equivalence ratio Φ of 0.31. The possibility of generating syngas with varying H2 and CO content using autothermal reforming was analysed and application of this process to fuel cells and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is discussed. Using a novel simple modelling methodology, reaction mechanisms were proposed which were able to account for equilibrium product distribution. It was evident that different combinations of reactions could be used to obtain the same equilibrium product concentrations. One proposed reaction mechanism, referred to as the ‘partial oxidation based mechanism’ involved the partial oxidation reaction of the bio-oil to produce hydrogen, with the extent of steam reforming and water gas shift reactions varying depending on the amount of oxygen used. Another proposed mechanism, referred to as the ‘complete oxidation based mechanism’ was represented by thermal decomposition of about 30% of bio-oil and hydrogen production obtained by decomposition, steam reforming, water gas shift and carbon gasification reactions. The importance of these mechanisms in assisting in the eventual choice of catalyst to be used in a real ATR of PEFB bio-oil process was discussed

    Ultrapyrolysis of automobile shredder residue

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    A fast pyrolysis (Ultrapyrolysis) process was employed to convert automobile shredder residue (ASR) into chemical products. Experiments were conducted at atmospheric pressure and temperatures between 700 and 850\ub0C with residence times between 0.3 and 1.4 seconds. Pyrolysis products included 59 to 68 mass% solid residue, 13 to 23 mass% pyrolysis gas (dry) and 4 to 12 mass% pyrolytic water from a feed containing 39 mass% organic matter and 2 mass% moisture. No measurable amounts of liquid pyrolysis oil were produced. The five most abundant pyrolysis gases, in vol%, were CO (18-29), CO\u2082 (20-23), CH\u2084 (17-22), C\u2082H\u2084 (20-22) and C\u2082H\u2086 (1-ll), accounting for more than 90% of the total volume. The use of a higher organic content ASR feed (58 mass%) resulted in less solid residue and more pyrolysis gas. However, no significant changes were noted in the composition of the pyrolysis gas.On a utilis\ue9 un proc\ue9d\ue9 de pyrolyse rapide (ultrapyrolyse) pour convertir les r\ue9sidus des d\ue9chiqueteuses d'automobiles (ASR) en produits chimiques. Des exp\ue9riences ont \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9es \ue0 des pressions proches de la pression atmosph\ue9rique et \ue0 des temp\ue9ratures comprises entre 700 et 850\ub0C, les temps de s\ue9jour variant de 0,3 \ue0 1,4 secondes. Les produits de pyrolyse comprennent de 59 \ue0 68% en masse de r\ue9sidus solides, de 13 \ue0 23% en masse de gaz de pyrolyse (sec) et de 4 \ue0 12% en masse d'eau pyrolytique, \ue0 partir d'une alimentation contenant 39% en masse de mati\ue8re organique et 2% en masse d'humidit\ue9. On n'a pas produit de quantit\ue9s mesurables d'huile de pyrolyse liquide. Les cinq gaz de pyrolyse les plus abondants, en pourcentage volumique, sont le CO (18-29), CO\u2082 (20-23), CH\u2084 (17-22), C\u2082H\u2084 (20-22) and C\u2082H\u2086 (1-ll), qui comptent pour plus de 90% du volume total. L'utilisation d'une alimentation en ASR \ue0 forte teneur organique (58% en masse) donne moins de r\ue9sidus solides et davantage de gaz pyrolitique. Cependant, aucun changement significatif n'est not\ue9 dans la composition du gaz de pyrolyse.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Ultrapyrolysis of automobile shredder residue

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    A fast pyrolysis (Ultrapyrolysis) process was employed to convert automobile shredder residue (ASR) into chemical products. Experiments were conducted at atmospheric pressure and temperatures between 700 and 850\ub0C with residence times between 0.3 and 1.4 seconds. Pyrolysis products included 59 to 68 mass% solid residue, 13 to 23 mass% pyrolysis gas (dry) and 4 to 12 mass% pyrolytic water from a feed containing 39 mass% organic matter and 2 mass% moisture. No measurable amounts of liquid pyrolysis oil were produced. The five most abundant pyrolysis gases, in vol%, were CO (18-29), CO\u2082 (20-23), CH\u2084 (17-22), C\u2082H\u2084 (20-22) and C\u2082H\u2086 (1-ll), accounting for more than 90% of the total volume. The use of a higher organic content ASR feed (58 mass%) resulted in less solid residue and more pyrolysis gas. However, no significant changes were noted in the composition of the pyrolysis gas.On a utilis\ue9 un proc\ue9d\ue9 de pyrolyse rapide (ultrapyrolyse) pour convertir les r\ue9sidus des d\ue9chiqueteuses d'automobiles (ASR) en produits chimiques. Des exp\ue9riences ont \ue9t\ue9 men\ue9es \ue0 des pressions proches de la pression atmosph\ue9rique et \ue0 des temp\ue9ratures comprises entre 700 et 850\ub0C, les temps de s\ue9jour variant de 0,3 \ue0 1,4 secondes. Les produits de pyrolyse comprennent de 59 \ue0 68% en masse de r\ue9sidus solides, de 13 \ue0 23% en masse de gaz de pyrolyse (sec) et de 4 \ue0 12% en masse d'eau pyrolytique, \ue0 partir d'une alimentation contenant 39% en masse de mati\ue8re organique et 2% en masse d'humidit\ue9. On n'a pas produit de quantit\ue9s mesurables d'huile de pyrolyse liquide. Les cinq gaz de pyrolyse les plus abondants, en pourcentage volumique, sont le CO (18-29), CO\u2082 (20-23), CH\u2084 (17-22), C\u2082H\u2084 (20-22) and C\u2082H\u2086 (1-ll), qui comptent pour plus de 90% du volume total. L'utilisation d'une alimentation en ASR \ue0 forte teneur organique (58% en masse) donne moins de r\ue9sidus solides et davantage de gaz pyrolitique. Cependant, aucun changement significatif n'est not\ue9 dans la composition du gaz de pyrolyse.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye