571 research outputs found

    Synchrotron brightness distribution of turbulent radio jets

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    Radio jets are considered as turbulent mixing regions and it is proposed that the essential small scale viscous dissipation in these jets is by emission of MHD waves and by their subsequent strong damping due, at least partly, to gyro-resonant acceleration of supra-thermal particles. A formula relating the synchrotron surface brightness of a radio jet to the turbulent power input is deduced from physical postulates, and is tested against the data for NGC315 and 3C31 (NGC383). The predicted brightness depends essentially on the collimation behavior of the jet, and, to a lesser extent, on the CH picture of a 'high' nozzle with accelerating flow. The conditions for forming a large scale jet at a high nozzle from a much smaller scale jet are discussed. The effect of entrainment on the prediction is discussed with the use of similarity solutions. Although entrainment is inevitably associated with the turbulent jet, it may or may not be a dominant factor depending on the ambient density profile

    Neutrino production through hadronic cascades in AGN accretion disks

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    We consider the production of neutrinos in active galactic nuclei (AGN) through hadronic cascades. The initial, high energy nucleons are accelerated in a source above the accretion disk around the central black hole. From the source, the particles diffuse back to the disk and initiate hadronic cascades. The observable output from the cascade are electromagnetic radiation and neutrinos. We use the observed diffuse background X-ray luminosity, which presumably results {}from this process, to predict the diffuse neutrino flux close to existing limits from the Frejus experiment. The resulting neutrino spectrum is E−2E^{-2} down to the \GeV region. We discuss modifications of this scenario which reduce the predicted neutrino flux.Comment: 12 Pages, LaTeX, TK 92 0

    Density Evolution in the New Modified Chaplygin Gas Model

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    In this paper, we have considered new modified Chaplygin gas (NMCG) model which interpolates between radiation at early stage and Λ\LambdaCDM at late stage. This model is regarded as a unification of dark energy and dark matter (with general form of matter). We have derived the density parameters from the equation of motion for the interaction between dark energy and dark matter. Also we have studied the evolution of the various components of density parameters.Comment: 6 Latex pages, 4 figures, RevTex styl

    Simulating cosmic rays in clusters of galaxies - II. A unified scheme for radio halos and relics with predictions of the gamma-ray emission

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    The thermal plasma of galaxy clusters lost most of its information on how structure formation proceeded as a result of dissipative processes. In contrast, non-equilibrium distributions of cosmic rays (CR) preserve the information about their injection and transport processes and provide thus a unique window of current and past structure formation processes. This information can be unveiled by observations of non-thermal radiative processes, including radio synchrotron, hard X-ray, and gamma-ray emission. To explore this, we use high-resolution simulations of a sample of galaxy clusters spanning a mass range of about two orders of magnitudes, and follow self-consistent CR physics on top of the radiative hydrodynamics. We model CR electrons that are accelerated at cosmological structure formation shocks and those that are produced in hadronic interactions of CRs with ambient gas protons. We find that CR protons trace the time integrated non-equilibrium activities of clusters while shock-accelerated CR electrons probe current accretion and merging shock waves. The resulting inhomogeneous synchrotron emission matches the properties of observed radio relics. We propose a unified model for the generation of radio halos. Giant radio halos are dominated in the centre by secondary synchrotron emission with a transition to the synchrotron radiation emitted from shock-accelerated electrons in the cluster periphery. This model is able to explain the observed correlation of mergers with radio halos, the larger peripheral variation of the spectral index, and the large scatter in the scaling relation between cluster mass and synchrotron emission. Future low-frequency radio telescopes (LOFAR, GMRT, MWA, LWA) are expected to probe the accretion shocks of clusters. [abridged]Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures, small changes to match the version to be published by MNRAS, full resolution version available at http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~pfrommer/Publications/CRs_non-thermal.pd

    X-ray-emitting Atmospheres of B2 Radio Galaxies

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    We report ROSAT PSPC spatial and spectral analysis of the eight B2 radio galaxies NGC 315, NGC 326, 4C 35.03, B2 0326+39, NGC 2484, B2 1040+31, B2 1855+37, and 3C 449, expected to be representative of the class of low-power radio galaxies. Multiple X-ray components are present in each, and the gas components have a wide range of linear sizes and follow an extrapolation of the cluster X-ray luminosity/temperature correlation, implying that there is no relationship between the presence of a radio galaxy and the gas fraction of the environment. No large-scale cooling flows are found. There is no correlation of radio-galaxy size with the scale or density of the X-ray atmosphere. This suggests that it is processes on scales less than those of the overall gaseous environments which are the major influence on radio-source dynamics. The intergalactic medium is usually sufficient to confine the outer parts of the radio structures, in some cases even to within 5 kpc of the core. In the case of NGC 315, an extrapolation suggests that the pressure of the atmosphere may match the minimum pressure in the radio source over a factor of about 40 in linear size (a factor of about 1600 in pressure).Comment: 34 pages, including 10 figures, using aasms4.sty To appear in the Ap

    Multifrequency VLA observations of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 31: morphology, spectrum and magnetic field

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    We present high-quality VLA images of the FR I radio galaxy 3C 31 in the frequency range 1365 to 8440 MHz with angular resolutions from 0.25 to 40 arcsec. Our new images reveal complex, well resolved filamentary substructure in the radio jets and tails. We also use these images to explore the spectral structure of 3C 31 on large and small scales. We infer the apparent magnetic field structure by correcting for Faraday rotation. Some of the intensity substructure in the jets is clearly related to structure in their apparent magnetic field: there are arcs of emission where the degree of linear polarization increases, with the apparent magnetic field parallel to the ridges of the arcs. The spectral indices are significantly steeper (0.62) within 7 arcsec of the nucleus than between 7 and 50 arcsec (0.52 - 0.57). The spectra of the jet edges are also slightly flatter than the average for their surroundings. At larger distances, the jets are clearly delimited from surrounding larger-scale emission both by their flatter radio spectra and by sharp brightness gradients. The spectral index of 0.62 in the first 7 arcsec of 3C 31's jets is very close to that found in other FR I galaxies where their jets first brighten in the radio and where X-ray synchrotron emission is most prominent. Farther from the nucleus, where the spectra flatten, X-ray emission is fainter relative to the radio. The brightest X-ray emission from FR I jets is therefore not associated with the flattest radio spectra, but with a particle-acceleration process whose characteristic energy index is 2.24. The spectral flattening with distance from the nucleus occurs where our relativistic jet models require deceleration, and the flatter-spectra at the jet edges may be associated with transverse velocity shear. (Slightly abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    In search of dying radio sources in the local universe

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    Up till now very few dying sources were known, presumably because the dying phase is short at centimeter wavelengths. We therefore have tried to improve the statistics on sources that have ceased to be active, or are intermittently active. The latter sources would partly consist of a fossil radio plasma left over from an earlier phase of activity, plus a recently restarted core and radio jets. Improving the statistics of dying sources will give us a better handle on the evolution of radio sources, in particular the frequency and time scales of radio activity. We have used the WENSS and NVSS surveys, in order to find sources with steep spectral indices, associated with nearby elliptical galaxies. In the cross correlation we presently used only unresolved sources, with flux densities at 1.4 GHz larger than 10 mJy. The eleven candidates thus obtained were observed with the VLA in various configurations, in order to confirm the steepness of the spectra, and to check whether active structures like flat-spectrum cores and jets are present, perhaps at low levels. We estimated the duration of the active and relic phases by modelling the integrated radio spectra using the standard models of spectral evolution. We have found six dying sources and three restarted sources, while the remaining two candidates remain unresolved also with the new VLA data and may be Compact Steep Spectrum sources, with an unusually steep spectrum. The typical age of the active phase, as derived by spectral fits, is in the range 10^7 - 10^8 years. For our sample of dying sources, the age of the relic phase is on average shorter by an order of magnitude than the active phase.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, accepted by A&A. For a version with high quality figures, see http://erg.ca.astro.it/preprints/dying2007

    Weak gravitational lensing with the Square Kilometre Array

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    We investigate the capabilities of various stages of the SKA to perform world-leading weak gravitational lensing surveys. We outline a way forward to develop the tools needed for pursuing weak lensing in the radio band. We identify the key analysis challenges and the key pathfinder experiments that will allow us to address them in the run up to the SKA. We identify and summarize the unique and potentially very powerful aspects of radio weak lensing surveys, facilitated by the SKA, that can solve major challenges in the field of weak lensing. These include the use of polarization and rotational velocity information to control intrinsic alignments, and the new area of weak lensing using intensity mapping experiments. We show how the SKA lensing surveys will both complement and enhance corresponding efforts in the optical wavebands through cross-correlation techniques and by way of extending the reach of weak lensing to high redshift.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures. Cosmology Chapter, Advancing Astrophysics with the SKA (AASKA14) Conference, Giardini Naxos (Italy), June 9th-13th 201

    Clinical practice guidelines on hemochromatosis: Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver

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    Hereditary hemochromatosis is the result of pathogenic variants in multiple genes that can result in increased body iron stores with excess iron deposited in various organs, including the liver, pancreas, and heart. The two most important advances in the field over the past 30 years have been the identification of the HFE gene (and the associated p.Cys282Tyr substitution), and the discovery of the hormone hepcidin, which is inappropriately low in this condition and is the pathophysiological basis of the increased iron absorption. The identification of mutations in the HFE gene and subsequent studies have reshaped diagnostic algorithms resulting in a marked reduction in the need for liver biopsy. The discovery of hepcidin has resulted in many studies that have dramatically improved our understanding of iron metabolism with clear potential therapeutic implications. The variable clinical expression of hemochromatosis has puzzled clinicians and scientists, and our understanding of the factors that influence the phenotype has increased over recent years. Nevertheless, increased clinician and patient awareness, early diagnosis, and therapeutic phlebotomy to restore normal life expectancy are still the cornerstones of management. The classic triad of cirrhosis, diabetes, and skin pigmentation is now uncommon, and many patients are diagnosed with minimal or no symptoms

    Multiwavelength Observations of the Second Largest Known FR II Radio Galaxy, NVSS 2146+82

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    We present multi-frequency VLA, multicolor CCD imaging, optical spectroscopy, and ROSAT HRI observations of the giant FR II radio galaxy NVSS 2146+82. This galaxy, which was discovered by the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS), has an angular extent of nearly 20' from lobe to lobe. The radio structure is normal for an FR II source except for its large size and regions in the lobes with unusually flat radio spectra. Our spectroscopy indicates that the optical counterpart of the radio core is at a redshift of z=0.145, so the linear size of the radio structure is ~4 h_50^-1 Mpc. This object is therefore the second largest FR II known (3C 236 is ~6 h_50^-1 Mpc). Optical imaging of the field surrounding the host galaxy reveals an excess number of candidate galaxy cluster members above the number typically found in the field surrounding a giant radio galaxy. WIYN HYDRA spectra of a sample of the candidate cluster members reveal that six share the same redshift as NVSS 2146+82, indicating the presence of at least a ``rich group'' containing the FR II host galaxy. ROSAT HRI observations of NVSS 2146+82 place upper limits on the X-ray flux of 1.33 x 10^-13 ergs cm^-2 s^-1 for any hot IGM and 3.52 x 10^-14 ergs cm^-2 s^-1 for an X-ray AGN, thereby limiting any X-ray emission at the distance of the radio galaxy to that typical of a poor group or weak AGN. Several other giant radio galaxies have been found in regions with overdensities of nearby galaxies, and a separate study has shown that groups containing FR IIs are underluminous in X-rays compared to groups without radio sources. We speculate that the presence of the host galaxy in an optically rich group of galaxies that is underluminous in X-rays may be related to the giant radio galaxy phenomenon.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures, AASTeX aaspp4 style, accepted for publication in A
