9 research outputs found

    Social Contact Patterns During the COVID-19 Pandemic : Implications for Public Health and Hospital Infection Control

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    Social contact patterns are an important driver of respiratory epidemics. Human behaviour is likely to change during an outbreak; this may be due to imposed control measures or as a personal-risk judgement. Following the emergence of the COVID19 pandemic in 2020, numerous interventions were implemented in the UK to curb community transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by reducing social contact. It was therefore important to quantify contact patterns during the pandemic to understand how social networks had changed and identify key routes of transmission. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis outline two cross-sectional population-based surveys which quantified and characterised social contact patterns in different populations during the pandemic. Social contact patterns are quantified at the national scale in Chapter 2, following the relaxation of pandemic restrictions in July 2020. We investigated the association of demographic characteristics and behaviour, such as shielding and selfisolating, with non-household mixing. Chapter 3 describes an occupational study conducted in December 2020. In this study, we quantified social contact patterns of home delivery drivers at delivery depots and with customers, and identified the protective measures that they adopted during the pandemic. In Chapter 4 we outline a statistical framework to identify the role of hospital structure and staff interactions in nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2 during the first wave of the pandemic. We present an efficient method to infer epidemiological event times and quantify relative routes of transmission, while accounting for the intricacies of the staff-patient contact network. This thesis demonstrates how social contact data can provide insight into adherence to non-pharmaceutical interventions, identify subgroups of the population which may be at a greater risk of infection, and quantify relative routes of transmission in high-risk settings. We identify the wider implications of social contact patterns during the COVID-19 pandemic for public health and hospital infection control

    Social mixing patterns in the UK following the relaxation of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, July to August 2020: a cross-sectional online survey

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    Objectives: To quantify and characterize non-household contact and to identify the effect of shielding and isolating on contact patterns. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting and participants: Anyone living in the UK was eligible to take part in the study. We recorded 5,143 responses to the online questionnaire between 28 July and 14 August 2020. Outcome measures: Our primary outcome was the daily non-household contact rate of participants. Secondary outcomes were propensity to leave home over a 7 day period, whether contacts had occurred indoors or outdoors locations visited, furthest distance travelled from home, ability to socially distance, and membership of support bubble. Results: The mean rate of non-household contacts per person was 2.9 d-1. Participants attending a workplace (adjusted incidence rate ratio (aIRR) 3.33, 95%CI 3.02 to 3.66), self-employed (aIRR 1.63, 95%CI 1.43 to 1.87) or working in healthcare (aIRR 5.10, 95%CI 4.29 to 6.10) reported significantly higher non-household contact rates than those working from home. Participants self-isolating as a precaution or following Test and Trace instructions had a lower non-household contact rate than those not self-isolating (aIRR 0.58, 95%CI 0.43 to 0.79). We found limited evidence that those shielding had reduced non-household contacts compared to non-shielders. Conclusion: The daily rate of non-household interactions remained lower than pre-pandemic levels measured by other studies, suggesting continued adherence to social distancing guidelines. Individuals attending a workplace in-person or employed as healthcare professionals were less likely to maintain social distance and had a higher non-household contact rate, possibly increasing their infection risk. Shielding and self-isolating individuals required greater support to enable them to follow the government guidelines and reduce non-household contact and therefore their risk of infection

    Novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV (COVID-19): early estimation of epidemiological parameters and epidemic size estimates

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    Since it was first identified, the epidemic scale of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan, China, has increased rapidly, with cases arising across China and other countries and regions. Using a transmission model, we estimate a basic reproductive number of 3.11 (95% CI, 2.39–4.13), indicating that 58–76% of transmissions must be prevented to stop increasing. We also estimate a case ascertainment rate in Wuhan of 5.0% (95% CI, 3.6–7.4). The true size of the epidemic may be significantly greater than the published case counts suggest, with our model estimating 21 022 (prediction interval, 11 090–33 490) total infections in Wuhan between 1 and 22 January. We discuss our findings in the light of more recent information. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Modelling that shaped the early COVID-19 pandemic response in the UK’

    Enhancing epidemiological surveillance of the emergence of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant using spike gene target failure data, England, 15 November to 31 December 2021

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    When SARS-CoV-2 Omicron emerged in 2021, S gene target failure enabled differentiation between Omicron and the dominant Delta variant. In England, where S gene target surveillance (SGTS) was already established, this led to rapid identification (within ca 3 days of sample collection) of possible Omicron cases, alongside real-time surveillance and modelling of Omicron growth. SGTS was key to public health action (including case identification and incident management), and we share applied insights on how and when to use SGTS

    A Bayesian approach to identifying the role of hospital structure and staff interactions in nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2.

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    Nosocomial infections threaten patient safety, and were widely reported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective hospital infection control requires a detailed understanding of the role of different transmission pathways, yet these are poorly quantified. Using patient and staff data from a large UK hospital, we demonstrate a method to infer unobserved epidemiological event times efficiently and disentangle the infectious pressure dynamics by ward. A stochastic individual-level, continuous-time state-transition model was constructed to model transmission of SARS-CoV-2, incorporating a dynamic staff-patient contact network as time-varying parameters. A Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm was used to estimate transmission rate parameters associated with each possible source of infection, and the unobserved infection and recovery times. We found that the total infectious pressure exerted on an individual in a ward varied over time, as did the primary source of transmission. There was marked heterogeneity between wards; each ward experienced unique infectious pressure over time. Hospital infection control should consider the role of between-ward movement of staff as a key infectious source of nosocomial infection for SARS-CoV-2. With further development, this method could be implemented routinely for real-time monitoring of nosocomial transmission and to evaluate interventions

    A Bayesian approach to identifying the role of hospital structure and staff interactions in nosocomial transmission of SARS-CoV-2

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    Nosocomial infections threaten patient safety, and were widely reported during the COVID-19 pandemic. Effective hospital infection control requires a detailed understanding of the role of different transmission pathways, yet these are poorly quantified. Using patient and staff data from a large UK hospital, we demonstrate a method to infer unobserved epidemiological event times efficiently and disentangle the infectious pressure dynamics by ward. A stochastic individual-level, continuous-time state-transition model was constructed to model transmission of SARS-CoV-2, incorporating a dynamic staff–patient contact network as time-varying parameters. A Metropolis–Hastings Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm was used to estimate transmission rate parameters associated with each possible source of infection, and the unobserved infection and recovery times. We found that the total infectious pressure exerted on an individual in a ward varied over time, as did the primary source of transmission. There was marked heterogeneity between wards; each ward experienced unique infectious pressure over time. Hospital infection control should consider the role of between-ward movement of staff as a key infectious source of nosocomial infection for SARS-CoV-2. With further development, this method could be implemented routinely for real-time monitoring of nosocomial transmission and to evaluate interventions

    Contact patterns of UK home delivery drivers and their use of protective measures during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: To quantify contact patterns of UK home delivery drivers and identify protective measures adopted during the pandemic. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional online survey to measure the interactions of 170 UK delivery drivers during a working shift between 7 December 2020 and 31 March 2021. Results: Delivery drivers had a mean number of 71.6 (95% CI 61.0 to 84.1) customer contacts per shift and 15.0 (95% CI 11.2 to 19.2) depot contacts per shift. Maintaining physical distancing with customers was more common than at delivery depots. Prolonged contact (more than 5 min) with customers was reported by 5.4% of drivers on their last shift. We found 3.0% of drivers had tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 since the start of the pandemic and 16.8% of drivers had self-isolated due to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. In addition, 5.3% (95% CI 2.3% to 10.2%) of participants reported having worked while ill with COVID-19 symptoms, or with a member of their household having a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. Conclusion: Delivery drivers had a large number of face-to-face customer and depot contacts per shift compared with other working adults during this time. However, transmission risk may be curtailed as contact with customers was of short duration. Most drivers were unable to maintain physical distance with customers and at depots at all times. Usage of protective items such as face masks and hand sanitiser was widespread

    Comparison of the risk of hospitalisation among BA.1 and BA.2 COVID‐19 cases treated with sotrovimab in the community in England

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    There are concerns that sotrovimab has reduced efficacy at reducing hospitalisation risk against the BA.2 sub-lineage of the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant. We performed a retrospective cohort (n = 8850) study of individuals treated with sotrovimab in the community, with the objective of assessing whether there were any differences in risk of hospitalisation of BA.2 cases compared with BA.1. We estimated that the hazard ratio of hospital admission with a length of stay of 2 days or more was 1.17 for BA.2 compared with BA.1 (95%CI 0.74–1.86). These results suggest that the risk of hospital admission was similar between the two sub-lineages