200 research outputs found

    Preliminary Characterization of Voltage-Activated Whole-Cell Currents in Developing Human Vestibular Hair Cells and Calyx Afferent Terminals

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    We present preliminary functional data from human vestibular hair cells and primary afferent calyx terminals during fetal development. Whole-cell recordings were obtained from hair cells or calyx terminals in semi-intact cristae prepared from human fetuses aged between 11 and 18 weeks gestation (WG). During early fetal development (11–14 WG), hair cells expressed whole-cell conductances that were qualitatively similar but quantitatively smaller than those observed previously in mature rodent type II hair cells. As development progressed (15–18 WG), peak outward conductances increased in putative type II hair cells but did not reach amplitudes observed in adult human hair cells. Type I hair cells express a specific low-voltage activating conductance, G(K,L). A similar current was first observed at 15 WG but remained relatively small, even at 18 WG. The presence of a “collapsing” tail current indicates a maturing type I hair cell phenotype and suggests the presence of a surrounding calyx afferent terminal. We were also able to record from calyx afferent terminals in 15–18 WG cristae. In voltage clamp, these terminals exhibited fast inactivating inward as well as slower outward conductances, and in current clamp, discharged a single action potential during depolarizing steps. Together, these data suggest the major functional characteristics of type I and type II hair cells and calyx terminals are present by 18 WG. Our study also describes a new preparation for the functional investigation of key events that occur during maturation of human vestibular organs

    Heterogeneous Responses to Antioxidants in Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus Indicate Differing Susceptibility to Free Radical Content

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    The present study investigated the effects of the antioxidants trolox and dithiothreitol (DTT) on mouse Locus coeruleus (LC) neurons. Electrophysiological measurement of action potential discharge and whole cell current responses in the presence of each antioxidant suggested that there are three neuronal subpopulations within the LC. In current clamp experiments, most neurons (55%; 6/11) did not respond to the antioxidants. The remaining neurons exhibited either hyperpolarization and decreased firing rate (27%; 3/11) or depolarization and increased firing rate (18%; 2/11). Calcium and JC-1 imaging demonstrated that these effects did not change intracellular Ca2+ concentration but may influence mitochondrial function as both antioxidant treatments modulated mitochondrial membrane potential. These suggest that the antioxidant-sensitive subpopulations of LC neurons may be more susceptible to oxidative stress (e.g., due to ATP depletion and/or overactivation of Ca2+-dependent pathways). Indeed it may be that this subpopulation of LC neurons is preferentially destroyed in neurological pathologies such as Parkinson's disease. If this is the case, there may be a protective role for antioxidant therapies

    Heterogeneous Responses to Antioxidants in Noradrenergic Neurons of the Locus Coeruleus Indicate Differing Susceptibility to Free Radical Content

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    The present study investigated the effects of the antioxidants trolox and dithiothreitol (DTT) on mouse Locus coeruleus (LC) neurons. Electrophysiological measurement of action potential discharge and whole cell current responses in the presence of each antioxidant suggested that there are three neuronal subpopulations within the LC. In current clamp experiments, most neurons (55%; 6/11) did not respond to the antioxidants. The remaining neurons exhibited either hyperpolarization and decreased firing rate (27%; 3/11) or depolarization and increased firing rate (18%; 2/11). Calcium and JC-1 imaging demonstrated that these effects did not change intracellular Ca2+ concentration but may influence mitochondrial function as both antioxidant treatments modulated mitochondrial membrane potential. These suggest that the antioxidant-sensitive subpopulations of LC neurons may be more susceptible to oxidative stress (e.g., due to ATP depletion and/or overactivation of Ca2+-dependent pathways). Indeed it may be that this subpopulation of LC neurons is preferentially destroyed in neurological pathologies such as Parkinson's disease. If this is the case, there may be a protective role for antioxidant therapies

    Biodisponibilidad de plomo y cadmio en sedimentos dragados del río Matanza y evaluación de métodos geoquímicos para su estimación

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    p.49-55En este trabajo se determinó la biodisponibilidad de cadmio y plomo en sedimentos dragados del río Matanza midiendo la acumulación de estos metales en los tejidos de la lombriz Eisenia foetida. Se evaluó la aplicación de métodos simples de extracción de cadmio y plomo, como medidas indirectas de su biodisponibilidad. La concentración de ambos metales aumentó en los tejidos de Eisenia fetida acorde con las mayores concentraciones en el sedimento; sin embargo, los coeficientes de bioacumulación sólo fueron mayores que la unidad para los tratamientos con adición de 5, 10 y 25 mg de Cd/kg de sedimento. El fraccionamiento de los metales por el método de Tessier mostró que la principal forma de cadmio presente en el sedimento fue la intercambiable para todos los tratamientos, mientras que las formas de plomo, variaron según la dosis del metal agregada. Las concentraciones de los metales extractados del sedimento con MgCi2, EDTA y DTPA se relacionaron con la bioacumulación en los tejidos de Eisenia ferida, indicando que pueden utilizarse como indicadores de la fracción biodisponible de Cd y Pb en los sedimentos

    High Harmonic Spectroscopy of the Cooper Minimum in Molecules

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    The Cooper minimum (CM) has been studied using high harmonic generation solely in atoms. Here, we present detailed experimental and theoretical studies on the CM in molecules probed by high harmonic generation using a range of near-infrared light pulses from λ = 1.3 to 1.8 µm. We demonstrate the CM to occur in CS₂ and CCl₄ at ~42 and ~40 eV, respectively, by comparing the high harmonic spectra with the known partial photoionization cross sections of different molecular orbitals, confirmed by theoretical calculations of harmonic spectra. We use CM to probe electron localization in Cl-containing molecules (CCl₄, CH₂Cl₂, and trans-C₂H₂Cl₂) and show that the position of the minimum is influenced by the molecular environment

    Comparative Study of Monoclonal and Recombinant Antibody-Based Immunoassays for Fungicide Analysis in Fruit juices

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    [EN] A comparative study of the analytical performance of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), based on monoclonal and recombinant antibodies, for the determination of fungicide residues in fruit juices has been carried out. To this aim, three murine hybridoma cell lines secreting specific monoclonal antibodies against (RS)-2-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-3-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)propyl-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethyl ether (tetraconazole), 2-(4-triazolyl)benzimidazole (thiabendazole), and (RS)-1-(beta-allyloxy-2,4-dichlorophenylethyl)imidazole (imazalil) were used as a source of immunoglobulin gene fragments for the production of single-chain variable fragment (scFv) and fusion scFv-pIII recombinant antibodies in Escherichia coli. Selected recombinant antibodies displayed cross-reactivity profiles very similar to those of the parent monoclonal antibodies. Imazalil and tetraconazole recombinant antibodies showed one order of magnitude lower affinity than their respective monoclonal antibodies, whereas the thiabendazole recombinant antibodies showed an affinity similar to that of their parent monoclonal antibody. On the other hand, scFv-pIII fusion fragments showed similar analytical properties as, and occasionally better than, scFv recombinant antibodies. Finally, ELISAs developed from each antibody type showed similar analytical performance when applied to the analysis of the target fungicides in fruit juices.This work was funded by Ministerio de Educacion y Ciencia (MEC, Spain, Project AGL2002-03266). E. P. was the recipient of a doctoral fellowship from Conselleria d'Educacio (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain).Moreno Tamarit, MJ.; Plana Andani, E.; Manclus Ciscar, JJ.; Montoya Baides, Á. (2014). Comparative Study of Monoclonal and Recombinant Antibody-Based Immunoassays for Fungicide Analysis in Fruit juices. Food Analytical Methods. 7(2):481-489. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12161-013-9655-zS48148972Abad A, Manclús JJ, Moreno M, Montoya A (2001) J AOAC Int 84:1–6Alcocer MJC, Doyen C, Lee HA, Morgan MRA (2000) J Agric Food Chem 48:4053–4059Brichta J, Vesela H, Franek M (2003) Vet Med 48:237–247Brichta J, Hnilova M, Viskovic T (2005) Vet Med 50:231–252Charlton K, Harris WJ, Potter AJ (2001) Biosens Bioelec 16:639–646EU Pesticide Database (2013) Pesticide EU-MRLs. http://ec.europa.eu/sanco_pesticides/public/index.cfm . Accessed Jan 2013Ferrer C, Martínez-Bueno MJ, Lozano A, Fernández-Alba AR (2011) Talanta 83:1552–1561Garret SD, Appleford DJA, Wyatt GM, Lee HA, Morgan MRA (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:4183–4189Graham BM, Porter AJ, Harris WJ (1995) J Chem Technol Biotech 63:279–289Hiemstra M, de Kok A (2007) J Chromatog A 1154:3–25Kipriyanov SM, Moldenhauer G, Little M (1997) J Immunol Meth 200:69–77Kramer K, Hock B (2007) Recombinant antibodies for agrochemicals: Evolutionary optimization. In: Kennedy IR, Solomon KR, Gee SJ, Crossan AN, Wang S, Sánchez-Bayo F (eds) Rational environmental management of agrochemicals: Risk assessment, monitoring, and remedial action. ACS Symposium Series, vol. 966, pp 155−170Krebber A, Bornhauser S, Burmester J, Honegger A, Willuda J, Bosshard HR, Plückthun A (1997) J Immunol Meth 201:35–55Leong SSJ, Chen WN (2008) Chem Engin Sci 63:1401–1414Li T, Zhang Q, Liu Y, Chen D, Hu B, Blake DA, Liu F (2006) J Agric Food Chem 54:9085–9091Manclús JJ, Moreno M, Plana E, Montoya A (2008) J Agric Food Chem 56:8790–8800Markus V, Janne L, Urpo L (2011) Trends Anal Chem 30:219–226Mersmann M, Schmidt A, Tesar M, Schöneberg A, Welschof M, Kipriyanov S, Terness P, Little M, Pfizenmaier K, Moosmayer D (1998) J Immunol Meth 220:51–58Moreno M, Plana E, Montoya A, Caputo P, Manclús JJ (2007) Food Addit Contam 24:704–712Morozova VS, Levashova AI, Eremin SA (2005) J Anal Chem 60:202–217Nishi K, Imajuku Y, Nakata M, Ohde K, Miyake S, Morimune K, Kawata M, Ohkawa H (2003) J Pest Sci 28:301–309Nishi K, Ishiuchi M, Morimune K, Ohkawa H (2005) J Agric Food Chem 53:5096–5104Scholthof KB, Whang G, Karu AE (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:1509–1517Sheedy C, MacKenzie CR, Hall JC (2007) Biotech Adv 25:25333–25352Tout NL, Yau KYF, Trevors JT, Lee H, Hall JC (2001) J Agric Food Chem 49:3628–3637Webb SR, Lee H, Hall JC (1997) J Agric Food Chem 45:535–541Yau KYF, Tout NL, Trevors JT, Lee H, Hall JC (1998) J Agric Food Chem 46:4457–4463Yoshioka N, Akiyama Y, Matsuoka T, Mitsuhashi T (2010) Food Control 21:212–21

    An ∼140-kb Deletion Associated with Feline Spinal Muscular Atrophy Implies an Essential LIX1 Function for Motor Neuron Survival

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    The leading genetic cause of infant mortality is spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. Previously we described a domestic cat model of autosomal recessive, juvenile-onset SMA similar to human SMA type III. Here we report results of a whole-genome scan for linkage in the feline SMA pedigree using recently developed species-specific and comparative mapping resources. We identified a novel SMA gene candidate, LIX1, in an ~140-kb deletion on feline chromosome A1q in a region of conserved synteny to human chromosome 5q15. Though LIX1 function is unknown, the predicted secondary structure is compatible with a role in RNA metabolism. LIX1 expression is largely restricted to the central nervous system, primarily in spinal motor neurons, thus offering explanation of the tissue restriction of pathology in feline SMA. An exon sequence screen of 25 human SMA cases, not otherwise explicable by mutations at the SMN1 locus, failed to identify comparable LIX1 mutations. Nonetheless, a LIX1-associated etiology in feline SMA implicates a previously undetected mechanism of motor neuron maintenance and mandates consideration of LIX1 as a candidate gene in human SMA when SMN1 mutations are not found

    Development and application of recombinant antibody-based immunoassays to tetraconazole residue analysis in fruit juices

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    Tetraconazole is currently used as a fungicide in fruit and vegetables. The aim of this work was the development of immunochemical techniques based on recombinant antibodies for the screening of tetraconazole residues in fruit juices. Recombinant antibodies were produced from a hybridoma cell line secreting a monoclonal antibody specific for tetraconazole and from lymphocytes of mice hyperimmunised with tetraconazole haptens conjugated to bovine serum albumin. From these antibodies, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in the conjugate-coated format were developed, which were able to detect tetraconazole standards down to 1 ng/mL. From recovery studies with spiked samples, these immunoassays determined tetraconazole in orange and apple juices with acceptable reproducibility (coefficients of variation below 25%) and recoveries (ranging from 78% to 145%) for a screening technique. The analytical performance of RAb-based immunoassays was fairly similar to that of the MAb-based immunoassays. Due to their simplicity and high sample throughput, the developed recombinant-based immunoassays can be valuable analytical tools for the screening of tetraconazole residues in fruit juices at regulatory levels.This work was funded by Ministerio de EducaciOn y Ciencia (MEC, Spain, Project AGL2002-03266). E. P. was the recipient of a doctoral fellowship from Conselleria d'Educacio (Generalitat Valenciana, Spain).Plana Andani, E.; Moreno Tamarit, MJ.; Montoya Baides, Á.; Manclus Ciscar, JJ. (2014). Development and application of recombinant antibody-based immunoassays to tetraconazole residue analysis in fruit juices. Food Chemistry. 143:205-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2013.07.121S20521314

    Genetic and expression studies of SMN2 gene in Russian patients with spinal muscular atrophy type II and III

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA type I, II and III) is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron gene (<it>SMN1</it>). <it>SMN2 </it>is a centromeric copy gene that has been characterized as a major modifier of SMA severity. SMA type I patients have one or two <it>SMN2 </it>copies while most SMA type II patients carry three <it>SMN2 </it>copies and SMA III patients have three or four <it>SMN2 </it>copies. The <it>SMN1 </it>gene produces a full-length transcript (FL-SMN) while <it>SMN2 </it>is only able to produce a small portion of the FL-SMN because of a splice mutation which results in the production of abnormal SMNΔ7 mRNA.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In this study we performed quantification of the <it>SMN2 </it>gene copy number in Russian patients affected by SMA type II and III (42 and 19 patients, respectively) by means of real-time PCR. Moreover, we present two families consisting of asymptomatic carriers of a homozygous absence of the <it>SMN1 </it>gene. We also developed a novel RT-qPCR-based assay to determine the FL-SMN/SMNΔ7 mRNA ratio as SMA biomarker.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Comparison of the <it>SMN2 </it>copy number and clinical features revealed a significant correlation between mild clinical phenotype (SMA type III) and presence of four copies of the <it>SMN2 </it>gene. In both asymptomatic cases we found an increased number of <it>SMN2 </it>copies in the healthy carriers and a biallelic <it>SMN1 </it>absence. Furthermore, the novel assay revealed a difference between SMA patients and healthy controls.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We suggest that the <it>SMN2 </it>gene copy quantification in SMA patients could be used as a prognostic tool for discrimination between the SMA type II and SMA type III diagnoses, whereas the FL-SMN/SMNΔ7 mRNA ratio could be a useful biomarker for detecting changes during SMA pharmacotherapy.</p