176 research outputs found


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    The study objective was to analyze the effect of nutrition education programs on snacking behavior of school children. A pre-post intervention study was conducted at 13 districts/cities from 8 provinces in Indonesia, and involved 1,600 grade 5 school children. The snack education program was done by PT Unilever Indonesia in the period of May 2016. The intervention was conducted at the schools by applying education media such as flipcharts, posters and audio-kinetic for children exercices. A self-administered measurement by a validated questionnaire was applied to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices before and after the program. The results showed that before intervention there are 50.9% of school children had good knowledge, 82.8% had good attitude, 34.0% of children had bad practices on snacks food. After the education program, the good knowledge increase by 16.2% and the good attitudes increased by 7.4% of children. Only few students (2.7%) increased practices on good snacking, meanwhile there was 13.4% decrease on poor snack practices. In conclusion, the education program could improve the snacking behavior in school children.Keywords: attitudes, knowledge, practices, school children, snack food

    Kebiasaan Makan dan Aktivitas Fisik Remaja Obes: Studi Kasus pada Murid Smu Kornita Bogor (Food Habit And Physical Aactivity Of Obese Adolescents: A Case Study At Smu Kornits Bogor)

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    The aim of this study was to explore food habit, physical activity of the obese adolescents and their views on obesity by involving interviews with obese adolescents, their mothers and their closed friends. Four obese adolescents aged 16-17 years from senior high school Kornita Bogor participated in this study. The results showed obese adolescents have unhealthy food habit and physical activity. All subjects knew the interaction their daily food habit and physical activities with their body size. Although they know the negative interaction obesity with health, but obese adolescents felt enjoy with their body size

    Hubungan Status Gizi, Pengetahuan, dan Suhu Tubuh dengan Asupan Cairan pada Ibu Hamil di Jakarta Barat

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    This research has the aim to analyze the relationship of nutritional status, knowledge, body temperature with fluid intake in pregnant women in West Jakarta. This study design used a cross sectional approach, with number of subjects 84 pregnant women in West Jakarta. Sampling using a purposive sampling method. The nutritional status of pregnant women was obtained based on the weight record before pregnancy. Subject knowledge and fluid intake were obtained by interview with questionnaire. The subject's body temperature was measured with a digital thermometer. Analysis of the relationship between nutritional status, knowledge, and body temperature with fluid intake using the Spearman test. Based on the test of the relationship of nutritional status with fluid intake, the value of p = 0,002 was obtained. Analysis of the relationship of knowledge with fluid intake obtained p = 0,022 and the relationship between body temperature and fluid intake obtained p = 0,089. The conclusion that can be obtained is that there is a relationship between, nutritional status, knowledge with fluid intake, and  body temperature has no relationship with fluid intake


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    The objective of this study was to analyze the anthropometry status, and body fat percentage of first year students in IPB. The subjects of this study were 117 IPB first year students. The result shows that most of the male subjects has a normal body mass index (75.0%), normal waist circumference (87.5%) and normal waist-hip-ratio (93.8%). Most of the male subjects has a normal body fat percentage (37.5%). In the meanwhile, most of the female subjects has normal body mass index (83.2%), normal waist circumference (98.0%) and normal waist-hip-ratio (95.0%). Most of the female subjects had a normal body fat percentage (56.0%). There was a significant correlation between body mass index, waist circumference, waist hip ratio, and percentage of body fat (p<0.05).

    Kualitas Diet, Aktivitas Fisik, dan Status Gizi Remaja Selama Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Bogor: Diet Quality, Physical Activity, and Nutritional Status of Adolescents During the Covid-19 Pandemic in Bogor City

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between diet quality and physical activity with the nutritional status of adolescents during the pandemic. The research design was cross-sectional with the number of subjects as many as 100 students at SMA Negeri 5 Bogor. Data collection is done semi-online. Diet quality data was calculated from the 2x24 hour food recall conversion using the Diet Quality Index for Adolescents (DQI-A) modified using Balanced Nutrition Guidelines 2014. Physical activity data was obtained by interviewing subjects using the International Physical Activity Questionnare Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Nutritional status was determined using the BMI for age z-score indicator. Most of the subjects (60%) were female with an average age of 16.8±0.6 years old. Overall nutritional status based on BMI for age is normal with a percentage of 78%. The average DQI-A score of the subjects was 52.6%±12.1% which classified quite good. Physical activity is classified as low to moderate. There was no significant relationship between diet quality and BMI for age (p>0.05). However, BMI for age had a significant relationship with METs scores (p<0.05).   Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kualitas diet dan aktivitas fisik dengan status gizi remaja selama masa pandemi. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 100 siswa di SMA Negeri 5 Bogor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara semi daring. Data kualitas diet dihitung dari konversi food recall 2x24 jam menggunakan indeks Diet Quality Indeks for Adolescents (DQI-A) yang dimodifikasi menggunakan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang 2014. Data aktivitas fisik didapatkan dengan wawancara subjek menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnare Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Status gizi ditentukan menggunakan indikator z-score IMT/U. Sebagian besar subjek (60%) merupakan perempuan dengan rata-rata usia 16,8±0,6 tahun. Status gizi subjek berdasarkan IMT/U secara keseluruhan tergolong normal dengan persentase 78%. Rata-rata skor DQI-A subjek yaitu 52,6%±12,1% yang tergolong cukup baik. Aktivitas fisik subjek tergolong rendah ke sedang. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas diet dengan IMT/U (p>0,05). Namun, status gizi IMT/U memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan skor METs (p<0,05).Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis hubungan kualitas diet dan aktivitas fisik dengan status gizi remaja selama masa pandemi. Desain penelitian adalah cross-sectional dengan jumlah subjek sebanyak 100 siswa di SMA Negeri 5 Bogor. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara semi daring. Data kualitas diet dihitung dari konversi food recall 2x24 jam menggunakan indeks Diet Quality Indeks for Adolescents (DQI-A) yang dimodifikasi menggunakan Pedoman Gizi Seimbang 2014. Data aktivitas fisik didapatkan dengan wawancara subjek menggunakan International Physical Activity Questionnare Short Form (IPAQ-SF). Status gizi ditentukan menggunakan indikator z-score IMT/U. Sebagian besar subjek (60%) merupakan perempuan dengan rata-rata usia 16,8±0,6 tahun. Status gizi subjek berdasarkan IMT/U secara keseluruhan tergolong normal dengan persentase 78%. Rata-rata skor DQI-A subjek yaitu 52,6%±12,1% yang tergolong cukup baik. Aktivitas fisik subjek tergolong rendah ke sedang. Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas diet dengan IMT/U (p>0,05). Namun, status gizi IMT/U memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan skor METs (p<0,05)

    Kualitas diet dan kontrol glikemik pada orang dewasa dengan diabetes melitus tipe dua

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    Diet quality and glycemic control in adults with type two diabetes mellitusBackground: As assessed by Alternate Healthy Eating Index (AHEI), diet quality is correlated with glycemic control through its effect on glucose-insulin homeostasis. Studies are evaluating the diet quality index in Indonesia, especially its relation to glycemic control in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), are lacking. Objective: To analyze the association between diet quality and glycemic control T2DM in adults. Methods: This research was a cross-sectional study using data from "Cohort study of non-communicable disease risk factors" in 2016 by the Indonesia Ministry of Health. Hundred and five (105) subjects diagnosed with T2DM, aged 25-65, were recruited in this study. A 24-hour dietary recall was collected, and a diet quality index referred to the USA adapted AHEI-2010 was assessed. The portion of food components was modified based on the Indonesian Dietary Guidelines. Glycemic control was evaluated according to fasting blood glucose (FBG) and 2-hours-post-75-g glucose load (2h-PG). Spearman correlation test was applied in this analysis. Results: A mean age of subjects was 51 years, and 77.1% out of 105 subjects were women. Mean value of FBG 123.5 and 2h-PG 228.9 mg/dL. The total score of AHEI was 53.8. There was not a significant correlation between the total score of AHEI with FBG (r= -0.079) and 2h-PG (r= -0.069) (p>0.05). However, there was a significant association between the fruits score and 2h-PG (r= -0.224) (p<0.05). Most of the subjects consumed fruits containing low-moderate fructose, such as bananas, oranges, papayas. Conclusions: In T2DM, there was no significant association between the total score of current diet quality and poor glycemic control, except for the fruits component


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    Parents have an important role in childcare. Not all parents, especially fathers are able to practice child caring in proper and adequate way. The objective of this research was to analyze relationship of stimulation given by parents to the development of their children. The research was carried out in surrounding Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) Darmaga Campus. Samples consisted of two groups of children, 37 normal and 37 stunting were drawn randomly from the participants of World Food Program (WFP) feeding project in Bogor District. Data were collected from April to May 2005. The instruments used to measure stimulation and child development were referred to Ministry of Health recommendation used by Posyandu cadres. Spearman rank correlation and descriptive statistics were applied to analyze the data. Research results showed that family characteristics between the two groups are relatively the same. The age of stunting children was younger and period of sickness was shorter than that of normal children. It was also found that not all children get adequate stimulation. Stimulation was practiced by only 48-72% family. After 18 months old the children were intensively stimulated by the largest portion of mothers. The stunting children received stimulation intensively beginning at earlier age and the stimulation mostly practiced by mother. Only small part of stimulation was taken by father after the children reach one year. At the average, score stimulation was low in 21-22% normal and stunting children. The stimulation practiced by parents significantly related to child development

    Determinan keberhasilan program suplementasi zat besi

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    Background: The iron supplementation program is implemented in many countries for improving the iron status. However, this program is not always successfully reducing the prevalence of anemia due to the various factors. Objective: To determined the success factors of iron supplementation program at the female school students. Method: The program of iron supplementation at the school was run by the Health Office of Bekasi City. The pre-post design study was applied among junior and senior high school female students. The variables collected were age, health status, menstrual pattern, hand washing habit, body mass index, capsule compliance, and food consumption. The hemoglobin (Hb) was measured by cyanmethemoglobin method. The logistic regression was applied to analyses the determinant factors. Results: The prevalence of anemia among female students was decreased by 3.4% after four month of supplementation. However, its result was different between the junior and senior high school students, in fact the prevalence of anemia at the junior students was increased. The number of students at the junior high school who decreased in haemoglobin and became anemia were more than the senior high school. The\u27logistic regression analyses showed that the success determinant of iron supplementation program were students not anemic before supplementation (OR = 10.8190% CI: 7.04-16.50)and they used to handwashing (OR = 11.2290% CI: 1.90-64.60). Conclusion: After the iron supplementation program, the decrease prevalence of anemia was different between the junior and senior high school students. The determinants of success program were hand washing habits and the anemia status before supplementation