924 research outputs found

    Structure, function and nutritional potential of milk osteopontin

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    AbstractOsteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional protein present in most tissues and body fluids, with the highest concentrations found in milk. Processes for isolation of OPN from bovine milk for use in infant formula have been developed and studies have investigated the effects of oral administration of milk OPN. At the same time, plasma OPN levels have been shown to be elevated in some types of cancer, and OPN has been suggested as a potential diagnostic marker for cancer. OPN exists in several different isoforms in vivo, of which presumably only a minority is directly or indirectly implicated in cancer related events. In this article, we review the differences between milk-derived OPN and OPN derived from transformed cells and compare the structure of OPN from human and bovine milk. Furthermore, current knowledge about the function of OPN in milk and recent findings about the effect of orally presented OPN is discussed

    Using superlattice potentials to probe long-range magnetic correlations in optical lattices

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    In Pedersen et al. (2011) we proposed a method to utilize a temporally dependent superlattice potential to mediate spin-selective transport, and thereby probe long and short range magnetic correlations in optical lattices. Specifically this can be used for detecting antiferromagnetic ordering in repulsive fermionic optical lattice systems, but more generally it can serve as a means of directly probing correlations among the atoms by measuring the mean value of an observable, the number of double occupied sites. Here, we provide a detailed investigation of the physical processes which limit the effectiveness of this "conveyer belt method". Furthermore we propose a simple ways to improve the procedure, resulting in an essentially perfect (error-free) probing of the magnetic correlations. These results shows that suitably constructed superlattices constitute a promising way of manipulating atoms of different spin species as well as probing their interactions.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Probing spatial spin correlations of ultracold gases by quantum noise spectroscopy

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    Spin noise spectroscopy with a single laser beam is demonstrated theoretically to provide a direct probe of the spatial correlations of cold fermionic gases. We show how the generic many-body phenomena of anti-bunching, pairing, antiferromagnetic, and algebraic spin liquid correlations can be revealed by measuring the spin noise as a function of laser width, temperature, and frequency.Comment: Revised version. 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for PR

    Quantifying signal changes in nano-wire based biosensors

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    In this work, we present a computational methodology for predicting the change in signal (conductance sensitivity) of a nano-BioFET sensor (a sensor based on a biomolecule binding another biomolecule attached to a nano-wire field effect transistor) upon binding its target molecule. The methodology is a combination of the screening model of surface charge sensors in liquids developed by Brandbyge and co-workers [Sørensen et al., Appl. Phys. Lett., 2007, 91, 102105], with the PROPKA method for predicting the pH-dependent charge of proteins and protein-ligand complexes, developed by Jensen and co-workers [Li et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2005, 61, 704-721, Bas et al., Proteins: Struct., Funct., Bioinf., 2008, 73, 765-783]. The predicted change in conductance sensitivity based on this methodology is compared to previously published data on nano-BioFET sensors obtained by other groups. In addition, the conductance sensitivity dependence from various parameters is explored for a standard wire, representative of a typical experimental setup. In general, the experimental data can be reproduced with sufficient accuracy to help interpret them. The method has the potential for even more quantitative predictions when key experimental parameters (such as the charge carrier density of the nano-wire or receptor density on the device surface) can be determined (and reported) more accurately. Š 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry

    Requirement for Abasic Endonuclease Gene Homologues in Arabidopsis Seed Development

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    Arabidopsis thaliana has three genes, Ape1L, Ape2, and Arp, that show homology to abasic (apurinic/apyrimidinic) endonuclease genes of bacterial, yeast, or animal cells. In bacteria, yeast, and animals, abasic endonucleases function in base excision repair of oxidized and other modified DNA bases. Here we report that plants with knock-out mutations in any one of Ape1L, Ape2, or Arp show no apparent differences from wild type in growth rate, growth habit, and fertility. However, coincident knock-out mutations in Ape1L and Ape2 are lethal and lead to abortion of developing embryos. Mutations of Arp are not deleterious, even in combination with one of the other two mutations. The results are consistent with the interpretation that the process of base excision repair, involving at least one intact copy of Ape1L or Ape2, is required in the process of embryogenesis

    Heart failure associated with imported malaria:a nationwide Danish cohort study

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    Abstract Aims Despite adequate treatment, recent studies have hypothesized that malaria may affect long‐term cardiovascular function. We aimed to investigate the long‐term risk of cardiovascular events and death in individuals with a history of imported malaria in Denmark. Methods Using nationwide Danish registries, we followed individuals with a history of malaria for the risk of incident heart failure (HF), myocardial infarction (MI), cardiovascular death and all‐cause death (1 January 1994 to 1 January 2017). The population was age‐ and sex‐matched with individuals without a history of malaria from the Danish population (ratio 1:9). We excluded patients with known HF and ischaemic heart disease at inclusion. Results We identified 3912 cases with a history of malaria (mean age 33 ± 17 years, 57% male, 41% Plasmodium falciparum infections). The median follow‐up was 9.8 years (interquartile range 3.9–16.4 years). Event rates per 1000 person‐years for individuals with a history vs. no history of malaria were HF: 1.84 vs. 1.32; MI: 1.28 vs. 1.30; cardiovascular death: 1.40 vs. 1.77; and all‐cause death: 5.04 vs. 5.28. In Cox proportional hazards models adjusted for cardiovascular risk factors, concomitant pharmacotherapy, region of origin, household income and educational level, malaria was associated with HF (HR: 1.59 [1.21–2.09], P = 0.001), but not MI (HR: 1.00 [0.72–1.39], P = 1.00), cardiovascular death (HR: 1.00 [0.74–1.35], P = 0.98) or all‐cause death (HR 1.11 [0.94–1.30], P = 0.21). Specifically, P. falciparum infection was associated with increased risk of HF (HR: 1.64 [1.14–2.36], P = 0.008). Conclusion Individuals with a history of imported malaria, specifically P. falciparum, may have an increased risk of incident HF

    Structural design of contact lens-based drug delivery systems; in vitro and in vivo studies of ocular triggering mechanisms

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    This study identifies and investigates the potential use of in-eye trigger mechanisms to supplement the widely available information on release of ophthalmic drugs from contact lenses under passive release conditions. Ophthalmic dyes and surrogates have been successfully employed to investigate how these factors can be drawn together to make a successful system. The storage of a drug-containing lens in a pH lower than that of the ocular environment can be used to establish an equilibrium that favours retention of the drug in the lens prior to ocular insertion. Although release under passive conditions does not result in complete dye elution, the use of mechanical agitation techniques which mimic the eyelid blink action in conjunction with ocular tear chemistry promotes further release. In this way differentiation between passive and triggered in vitro release characteristics can be established. Investigation of the role of individual tear proteins revealed significant differences in their ability to alter the equilibrium between matrix-held and eluate-held dye or drug. These individual experiments were then investigated in vivo using ophthalmic dyes. Complete elution was found to be achievable in-eye; this demonstrated the importance of that fraction of the drug retained under passive conditions and the triggering effect of in-eye conditions on the release process. Understanding both the structure-property relationship between drug and material and in-eye trigger mechanisms, using ophthalmic dyes as a surrogate, provides the basis of knowledge necessary to design ocular drug delivery vehicles for in-eye release in a controllable manner
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