26 research outputs found

    Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in Kings River and Leatherwood Creek

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    The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure used to regulate water quality. Under the CWA, States are required to assess water bodies relative to water‐quality standards and designated beneficial uses and then to submit lists of impaired bodies every other year to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In 2015, at least 4,800 water bodies were listed as impaired by dissolved oxygen across the US (USEPA, 2015). Aquatic species like fish and macroinvertebrates depend on adequate dissolved oxygen for survival. Low dissolved oxygen can lead to fish kills, reduced aquatic diversity, and nuisance smells from anaerobic conditions – ultimately, low dissolved oxygen concentrations result in water bodies not being able to meet the aquatic life designated use

    Final Report to Governors from the Joint Study Committee and Scientific Professionals

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    The intent of this publication of the Arkansas Water Resources Center is to provide a location whereby a final report on water research to a funding entity can be archived. The States of Arkansas and Oklahoma signed the Second Statement of Joint Principles and Actions in 2013 to form a governors’ appointed ‘Joint Study Committee’ to oversee the ‘Joint Study’ and make recommendations on the phosphorus criteria in Oklahoma’s Scenic Rivers. This publication has maintained the original format of the report as submitted to the Governors of Arkansas and Oklahoma

    Intramolecular vinylation of carbanions using N-acyl benzomorpholines as masked vinylureas and vinylcarbamates

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    Treatment of urea or carbamate derived benzomorpholines with lithium diisopropylamide generates N-vinyl ureas or N-vinyl carbamates by elimination of a phenoxide anion, cleaving the benzomorpholine ring. Simultaneous formation of a carbanion a to a stabilising aryl or nitrile group allows migration of the newly formed N-vinyl substituent to the carbanionic centre, in some cases with high enantiospecificity. Mild hydrolysis of the resulting urea or carbamate returns a C-vinylated amine, alcohol or hydantoin, in some cases with high enantiomeric purity. This 'masked' vinylation strategy avoids the need to use the reactive and volatile vinyl isocyanate as a starting material. (C) 2017 Academie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Applying Large Language Models for Causal Structure Learning in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer

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    Causal discovery is becoming a key part in medical AI research. These methods can enhance healthcare by identifying causal links between biomarkers, demographics, treatments and outcomes. They can aid medical professionals in choosing more impactful treatments and strategies. In parallel, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great potential in identifying patterns and generating insights from text data. In this paper we investigate applying LLMs to the problem of determining the directionality of edges in causal discovery. Specifically, we test our approach on a deidentified set of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer(NSCLC) patients that have both electronic health record and genomic panel data. Graphs are validated using Bayesian Dirichlet estimators using tabular data. Our result shows that LLMs can accurately predict the directionality of edges in causal graphs, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods. These findings suggests that LLMs can play a significant role in advancing causal discovery and help us better understand complex systems

    Условия формирования и проблемы функционирования крупных диверсифицированных производственно-корпоративных структур в Украине

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    У статті розглянуто умови формування та функціонування, а також історія розвитку великих диверсифікованих виробничо-корпоративних структур в Україні. Пропонуються підходи оцінки результативності процесу диверсифікації з використанням різних методик. Визначено, що в даний час оцінка результативності процесу диверсифікації можлива лише непрямими математичними методами.В статье рассмотрены условия формирования и функционирования, а также история развития крупных диверсифицированных производственно-корпоративных структур в Украине. Предлагаются подходы оценки результативности процесса диверсификации с использованием разных методик. Определено, что в настоящее время оценка результативности процесса диверсификации возможна лишь косвенными математическими методами.In the article address the formation and functioning of the conditions, as well as story development of large industrial and corporate structures, becoming diversification in Ukraine. Proposes approaches assessing impact of the process of diversification, using of different methods. Proved that the current performance assessment process of diversification can only be indirect mathematical methods

    Steric exclusion and wrapping of the excluded DNA strand occurs along discrete external binding paths during MCM helicase unwinding

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    The minichromosome maintenance (MCM) helicase complex is essential for the initiation and elongation of DNA replication in both the eukaryotic and archaeal domains. The archaeal homohexameric MCM helicase from Sulfolobus solfataricus serves as a model for understanding mechanisms of DNA unwinding. In this report, the displaced 5′-tail is shown to provide stability to the MCM complex on DNA and contribute to unwinding. Mutations in a positively charged patch on the exterior surface of the MCM hexamer destabilize this interaction, alter the path of the displaced 5′-tail DNA and reduce unwinding. DNA footprinting and single-molecule fluorescence experiments support a previously unrecognized wrapping of the 5′-tail. This mode of hexameric helicase DNA unwinding is termed the steric exclusion and wrapping (SEW) model, where the 3′-tail is encircled by the helicase while the displaced 5′-tail wraps around defined paths on the exterior of the helicase. The novel wrapping mechanism stabilizes the MCM complex in a positive unwinding mode, protects the displaced single-stranded DNA tail and prevents reannealing

    Automated Segmentation of MS Lesions in MR Images Based on an Information Theoretic Clustering and Contrast Transformations

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) plays a significant role in the current characterization and diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS) in radiological imaging. However, early detection of MS lesions from MRI still remains a challenging problem. In the present work, an information theoretic approach to cluster the voxels in MS lesions for automatic segmentation of lesions of various sizes in multi-contrast (T1, T2, PD-weighted) MR images, is applied. For accurate detection of MS lesions of various sizes, the skull-stripped brain data are rescaled and histogram manipulated prior to mapping the multi-contrast data to pseudo-color images. For automated segmentation of multiple sclerosis (MS) lesions in multi-contrast MRI, the improved jump method (IJM) clustering method has been enhanced via edge suppression for improved segmentation of white matter (WM), gray matter (GM), cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and MS lesions if present. From this preliminary clustering, a pseudo-color to grayscale conversion is designed to equalize the intensities of the normal brain tissues, leaving the MS lesions as outliers. Binary discrete and 8-bit fuzzy labels are then assigned to segment the MS lesions throughout the full brain. For validation of the proposed method, three brains, with mild, moderate and severe hyperintense MS lesions labeled as ground truth, were selected. The MS lesions of mild, moderate and severe categories were detected with a sensitivity of 80%, and 96%, and 94%, and with the corresponding Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.5175, 0.8739, and 0.8266 respectively. The MS lesions can also be clearly visualized in a transparent pseudo-color computer rendered 3D brain