2,538 research outputs found

    Asp-120 Locates Zn2 for Optimal Metallo-β-lactamase Activity

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    Metallo-β-lactamases are zinc-dependent hydrolases that inactivate β-lactam antibiotics, rendering bacteria resistant to them. Asp-120 is fully conserved in all metallo-β-lactamases and is central to catalysis. Several roles have been proposed for Asp-120, but so far there is no agreed consensus. We generated four site-specifically substituted variants of the enzyme BcII from Bacillus cereus as follows: D120N, D120E, D120Q, and D120S. Replacement of Asp-120 by other residues with very different metal ligating capabilities severely impairs the lactamase activity without abolishing metal binding to the mutated site. A kinetic study of these mutants indicates that Asp-120 is not the proton donor, nor does it play an essential role in nucleophilic activation. Spectroscopic and crystallographic analysis of D120S BcII, the least active mutant bearing the weakest metal ligand in the series, reveals that this enzyme is able to accommodate a dinuclear center and that perturbations in the active site are limited to the Zn2 site. It is proposed that the role of Asp-120 is to act as a strong Zn2 ligand, locating this ion optimally for substrate binding, stabilization of the development of a partial negative charge in the β-lactam nitrogen, and protonation of this atom by a zinc-bound water molecule

    Divalent Metal Binding Properties of the Methionyl Aminopeptidase from \u3cem\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/em\u3e

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    The metal-binding properties of the methionyl aminopeptidase from Escherichia coli (MetAP) were investigated. Measurements of catalytic activity as a function of added Co(II) and Fe(II) revealed that maximal enzymatic activity is observed after the addition of only 1 equiv of divalent metal ion. Based on these studies, metal binding constants for the first metal binding event were found to be 0.3 ± 0.2 μM and 0.2 ± 0.2 μM for Co(II)- and Fe(II)-substituted MetAP, respectively. Binding of excess metal ions (\u3e50 equiv) resulted in the loss of ∼50% of the catalytic activity. Electronic absorption spectral titration of a 1 mM sample of MetAP with Co(II) provided a binding constant of 2.5 ± 0.5 mM for the second metal binding site. Furthermore, the electronic absorption spectra of Co(II)-loaded MetAP indicated that both metal ions reside in a pentacoordinate geometry. Consistent with the absorption data, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectra of [CoCo(MetAP)] also indicated that the Co(II) geometries are not highly constrained, suggesting that each Co(II) ion in MetAP resides in a pentacoordinate geometry. EPR studies on [CoCo(MetAP)] also revealed that at pH 7.5 there is no significant spin-coupling between the two Co(II) ions, though a small proportion (∼5%) of the sample exhibited detectable spin−spin interactions at pH values \u3e 9.6. EPR studies on [Fe(III)_(MetAP)] and [Fe(III)Fe(III)(MetAP)] also suggested no spin-coupling between the two metal ions. 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of [Co(II)_(MetAP)] in both H2O and D2O buffer indicated that the first metal binding site contains the only active-site histidine residue, His171. Mechanistic implications of the observed binding properties of divalent metal ions to the MetAP from E. coli are discussed

    Reversible Carbon Monoxide Binding and Inhibition at the Active Site of the Fe-Only Hydrogenase

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    Carbon monoxide binding and inhibition have been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy in solution and in crystals of structurally described states of the Fe-only hydrogenase (CpI) from Clostridium pasteurianum. Simulation of the EPR spectrum of the as-isolated state indicates that the main component of the EPR spectrum consists of the oxidized state of the “H cluster” and components due to reduced accessory FeS clusters. Addition of carbon monoxide to CpI in the presence of dithionite results in the inhibition of hydrogen evolution activity, and a characteristic axial EPR signal [geff(1), geff(2), and geff(3) = 2.0725, 2.0061, and 2.0061, respectively] was observed. Hydrogen evolution activity was restored by successive sparging with hydrogen and argon and resulted in samples that exhibited the native oxidized EPR signature that could be converted to the reduced form upon addition of sodium dithionite and hydrogen. To examine the relationship between the spectroscopically defined states of CpI and those observed structurally by X-ray crystallography, we have examined the CpI crystals using EPR spectroscopy. EPR spectra of the crystals in the CO-bound state exhibit the previously described axial signal associated with CO binding. The results indicate that the addition of carbon monoxide to CpI results in a single reversible carbon monoxide-bound species characterized by loss of enzyme activity and the distinctive axial EPR signal

    Diet and Gut Microbial Function in Metabolic and Cardiovascular Disease Risk

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    Over the past decade, the gut microbiome has emerged as a novel and largely untapped source of variability for metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk, including diabetes. Animal and human studies support several possible pathways through which the gut microbiome may impact health, including the production of health-related metabolites from dietary sources. Diet is considered important to shaping the gut microbiota; in addition, gut microbiota influence the metabolism of many dietary components. In the present paper, we address the distinction between compositional and functional analysis of the gut microbiota. We focus on literature that highlights the value of moving beyond surveys of microbial composition to measuring gut microbial functioning to delineate mechanisms related to the interplay between diet and gut microbiota in cardiometabolic health

    Chemical Switching Behaviour of Tricarbonylrhenium(I) Complexes of a New Redox Active ‘Pincer’ Ligand

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    The structures and optoelectronic properties of tricarbonylrhenium(I) complexes of di(2-pyrazolyl-p-tolyl)amine in its neutral and deprotonated (uninegative amido) form were investigated. Reactions of the complexes with Brønsted acids or bases result in distinctive changes of colour and electrochemical activity owing to the non-innocent nature of the ligand

    Using Sterics to Promote Reactivity in \u3cem\u3efac\u3c/em\u3e-Re(CO)\u3csub\u3e3\u3c/sub\u3e Complexes of Some ‘Non-Innocent’ NNN-Pincer Ligands

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    Two new redox active ligands based on di(2-(3-organopyrazolyl)-p-tolyl)amine have been prepared in order to investigate potential effects of steric bulk on the structures, electronic properties, or reactivity of tricarbonylrhenium(I) complexes. Replacing the hydrogens at the 3-pyrazolyl positions with alkyl groups causes significant distortion to the ligand framework due to potential interactions between these groups when bound to a fac-Re(CO)3 moiety. The distortions effectively increase the nucleophilic character of the central amino nitrogen and ligand-centered reactivity of the metal complexes

    Evidence for a Dinuclear Active Site in the Metallo-β-lactamase BcII with Substoichiometric Co(II): A New Model for Uptake

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    Metallo-β-lactamases are zinc-dependent enzymes that constitute one of the main resistance mechanisms to β-lactam antibiotics. Metallo-β-lactamases have been characterized both in mono- and dimetallic forms. Despite many studies, the role of each metal binding site in substrate binding and catalysis is still unclear. This is mostly due to the difficulties in assessing the metal content and site occupancy in solution. For this reason, Co(II) has been utilized as a useful probe of the active site structure. We have employed UV-visible, EPR, and NMR spectroscopy to study Co(II) binding to the metallo-β-lactamase BcII from Bacillus cereus. The spectroscopic features were attributed to the two canonical metal binding sites, the 3H (His116, His118, and His196) and DCH (Asp120, Cys221, and His263) sites. These data clearly reveal the coexistence of mononuclear and dinuclear Co(II)-loaded forms at Co(II)/enzyme ratios as low as 0.6. This picture is consistent with the macroscopic dissociation constants here determined from competition binding experiments. A spectral feature previously assigned to the DCH site in the dinuclear species corresponds to a third, weakly bound Co(II) site. The present work emphasizes the importance of using different spectroscopic techniques to follow the metal content and localization during metallo-β-lactamase turnover

    Maximal information component analysis: a novel non-linear network analysis method.

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    BackgroundNetwork construction and analysis algorithms provide scientists with the ability to sift through high-throughput biological outputs, such as transcription microarrays, for small groups of genes (modules) that are relevant for further research. Most of these algorithms ignore the important role of non-linear interactions in the data, and the ability for genes to operate in multiple functional groups at once, despite clear evidence for both of these phenomena in observed biological systems.ResultsWe have created a novel co-expression network analysis algorithm that incorporates both of these principles by combining the information-theoretic association measure of the maximal information coefficient (MIC) with an Interaction Component Model. We evaluate the performance of this approach on two datasets collected from a large panel of mice, one from macrophages and the other from liver by comparing the two measures based on a measure of module entropy, Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment, and scale-free topology (SFT) fit. Our algorithm outperforms a widely used co-expression analysis method, weighted gene co-expression network analysis (WGCNA), in the macrophage data, while returning comparable results in the liver dataset when using these criteria. We demonstrate that the macrophage data has more non-linear interactions than the liver dataset, which may explain the increased performance of our method, termed Maximal Information Component Analysis (MICA) in that case.ConclusionsIn making our network algorithm more accurately reflect known biological principles, we are able to generate modules with improved relevance, particularly in networks with confounding factors such as gene by environment interactions

    Choline metabolites: gene by diet interactions

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    This review highlights recent advances in our understanding of the interactions between genetic polymorphisms in genes that metabolize choline and the dietary requirements of choline and how these interactions relate to human health and disease

    Expanding role of gut microbiota in lipid metabolism

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    This review highlights recent advances in the emerging role that gut microbiota play in modulating metabolic phenotypes, with a particular focus on lipid metabolism