2,905 research outputs found

    An evidence-base for the implementation of hospital-based palliative care programs in routine cancer practice:A systematic review

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    Background: Despite global support, there remain gaps in the integration of early palliative care into cancer care. The methods of implementation whereby evidence of benefits of palliative care is translated into practice deserve attention. Aim: To identify implementation frameworks utilised in integrated palliative care in hospital-based oncology services and to describe the associated enablers and barriers to service integration. Design: Systematic review with a narrative synthesis including qualitative, mixed methods, pre-post and quasi experimental designs following the guidance by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (PROSPERO registration CRD42021252092). Data sources: Six databases searched in 2021: EMBASE, EMCARE, APA PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library and Ovid MEDLINE searched in 2023. Included were qualitative or quantitative studies, in English language, involving adults >18ā€‰years, and implementing hospital-based palliative care into cancer care. Critical appraisal tools were used to assess the quality and rigour. Results: Seven of the 16 studies explicitly cited the use of frameworks including those based on RE-AIM, Medical Research Council evaluation of complex interventions and WHO constructs of health service evaluation. Enablers included an existing supportive culture, clear introduction to the programme across services, adequate funding, human resources and identification of advocates. Barriers included a lack of communication with the patients, caregivers, physicians and palliative care team about programme goals, stigma around the term ā€˜palliativeā€™, a lack of robust training, or awareness of guidelines and undefined staff roles. Conclusions: Implementation science frameworks provide a method to underpin programme development and evaluation as palliative care is integrated within the oncology setting.Farwa Rizvi, Helen Elizabeth Wilding, Nicole M Rankin, Roslyn Le Gautier, Lorna Gurren, Vijaya Sundararajan, Kylee Bellingham, Joyce Chua, Gregory B Crawford, Anna K Nowak, Brian Le, Geoff Mitchell, Sue-Anne McLachlan, Tanara Vieira Sousa, Robyn Hudson, Maarten IJzerman, Anna Collins, and Jennifer Phili

    Workflow for the generation of expert-derived training and validation data: a view to global scale habitat mapping

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    Our ability to completely and repeatedly map natural environments at a global scale have increased significantly over the past decade. These advances are from delivery of a range of on-line global satellite image archives and global-scale processing capabilities, along with improved spatial and temporal resolution satellite imagery. The ability to accurately train and validate these global scale-mapping programs from what we will call ā€œreference data setsā€ is challenging due to a lack of coordinated financial and personnel resourcing, and standardized methods to collate reference datasets at global spatial extents. Here, we present an expert-driven approach for generating training and validation data on a global scale, with the view to mapping the worldā€™s coral reefs. Global reefs were first stratified into approximate biogeographic regions, then per region reference data sets were compiled that include existing point data or maps at various levels of accuracy. These reference data sets were compiled from new field surveys, literature review of published surveys, and from individually sourced contributions from the coral reef monitoring and management agencies. Reference data were overlaid on high spatial resolution satellite image mosaics (3.7 m Ɨ 3.7 m pixels; Planet Dove) for each region. Additionally, thirty to forty satellite image tiles; 20 km Ɨ 20 km) were selected for which reference data and/or expert knowledge was available and which covered a representative range of habitats. The satellite image tiles were segmented into interpretable groups of pixels which were manually labeled with a mapping category via expert interpretation. The labeled segments were used to generate points to train the mapping models, and to validate or assess accuracy. The workflow for desktop reference data creation that we present expands and up-scales traditional approaches of expert-driven interpretation for both manual habitat mapping and map training/validation. We apply the reference data creation methods in the context of global coral reef mapping, though our approach is broadly applicable to any environment. Transparent processes for training and validation are critical for usability as big data provide more opportunities for managers and scientists to use global mapping products for science and conservation of vulnerable and rapidly changing ecosystems

    Operative Environment

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    Postoperative SSIs are believed to occur via bacterial inoculation at the time of surgery or as a result of bacterial contamination of the wound via open pathways to the deep tissue layers.1ā€“3 The probability of SSI is reflected by interaction of parameters that can be categorized into three major groups.2 The first group consists of factors related to the ability of bacteria to cause infection and include initial inoculation load and genetically determined virulence factors that are required for adherence, reproduction, toxin production, and bypassing host defense mechanisms. The second group involves those factors related to the defense capacity of the host including local and systemic defense mechanisms. The last group contains environmental determinants of exposure such as size, time, and location of the surgical wound that can provide an opportunity for the bacteria to enter the surgical wound, overcome the local defense system, sustain their presence, and replicate and initiate local as well as systemic inflammatory reactions of the host. The use of iodine impregnated skin incise drapes shows decreased skin bacterial counts but no correlation has been established with SSI. However, no recommendations regarding the use of skin barriers can be made (see this Workgroup, Question 27)

    Kepler eclipsing binary stars. VII. the catalogue of eclipsing binaries found in the entire Kepler data set

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    The primary Kepler Mission provided nearly continuous monitoring of ~200,000 objects with unprecedented photometric precision. We present the final catalog of eclipsing binary systems within the 105 deg2 Kepler field of view. This release incorporates the full extent of the data from the primary mission (Q0-Q17 Data Release). As a result, new systems have been added, additional false positives have been removed, ephemerides and principal parameters have been recomputed, classifications have been revised to rely on analytical models, and eclipse timing variations have been computed for each system. We identify several classes of systems including those that exhibit tertiary eclipse events, systems that show clear evidence of additional bodies, heartbeat systems, systems with changing eclipse depths, and systems exhibiting only one eclipse event over the duration of the mission. We have updated the period and galactic latitude distribution diagrams and included a catalog completeness evaluation. The total number of identified eclipsing and ellipsoidal binary systems in the Kepler field of view has increased to 2878, 1.3% of all observed Kepler targets
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