19 research outputs found

    Interpretation of inverted photocurrent transients in organic lead halide perovskite solar cells: proof of the field screening by mobile ions and determination of the space charge layer widths

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    In Methyl Ammonium Lead Iodide (MAPI) perovskite solar cells, screening of the built-in field by mobile ions has been proposed as part of the cause of the large hysteresis observed in the current/voltage scans in many cells. We show that photocurrent transients measured immediately (e.g. 100 μs) after a voltage step can provide direct evidence that this field screening exists. Just after a step to forward bias, the photocurrent transients are reversed in sign (i.e. inverted), and the magnitude of the inverted transients can be used to find an upper bound on the width of the space charge layers adjacent to the electrodes. This in turn provides a lower bound on the mobile charge concentration, which we find to be ≳1 × 1017 cm−3. Using a new photocurrent transient experiment, we show that the space charge layer thickness remains approximately constant as a function of bias, as expected for mobile ions in a solid electrolyte. We also discuss additional characteristics of the inverted photocurrent transients that imply either an unusually stable deep trapping, or a photo effect on the mobile ion conductivity

    MicroRNA Profiling During Craniofacial Development: Potential Roles for Mir23b and Mir133b

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    Defects in mid-facial development, including cleft lip/palate, account for a large number of human birth defects annually. In many cases, aberrant gene expression results in either a reduction in the number of neural crest cells (NCCs) that reach the frontonasal region and form much of the facial skeleton or subsequent failure of NCC patterning and differentiation into bone and cartilage. While loss of gene expression is often associated with developmental defects, aberrant upregulation of expression can also be detrimental. microRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of non-coding RNAs that normally repress gene expression by binding to recognition sequences located in the 3’ UTR of target mRNAs. miRNAs play important roles in many developmental systems, including midfacial development. Here, we take advantage of high throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) from different tissues of the developing mouse midface to interrogate the miRs that are expressed in the midface and select a subset for further expression analysis. Among those examined, we focused on four that showed the highest expression level in situ hybridization analysis. Mir23b and Mir24.1 are specifically expressed in the developing mouse frontonasal region, in addition to areas in the perichondrium, tongue musculature and cranial ganglia. Mir23b is also expressed in the palatal shelves and in anterior epithelium of the palate. In contrast, Mir133b and Mir128.2 are mainly expressed in head and trunk musculature. Expression analysis of mir23b and mir133b in zebrafish suggests that mir23b is expressed in the pharyngeal arch, otic vesicle and trunk muscle while mir133b is similarly expressed in head and trunk muscle. Functional analysis by overexpression of mir23b in zebrafish leads to broadening of the ethmoid plate and aberrant cartilage structures in the viscerocranium, while overexpression of mir133b causes a reduction in ethmoid plate size and a significant cleft. These data illustrate that miRs are expressed in the developing midface and that Mir23b and Mir133b may have roles in this developmental process

    The Response to Stressors in Adulthood Depends on the Interaction Between Prenatal Exposure to Glucocorticoids and Environmental Context​

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    Maternal stress during reproduction can influence how offspring respond to stress later in life. Greater lifetime exposure to glucocorticoid hormones released during stress is linked to greater risks of behavioral disorders, disease susceptibility, and mortality. The immense variation in individual’s stress responses is explained, in part, by prenatal glucocorticoid exposure. To explore the long-term effects of embryonic glucocorticoid exposure, we injected Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) eggs with corticosterone. We characterized the endocrine stress response in offspring and measured experienced aggression at three different ages. We found that prenatal glucocorticoid exposure affected (1) the speed at which the stress response was terminated suggesting dysregulated negative feedback, (2) baseline corticosterone levels in a manner dependent on current environmental conditions with higher levels of experienced aggression associated with higher levels of baseline corticosterone, (3) the magnitude of an acute stress response based on baseline concentrations. We finish by proposing a framework that can be used to test these findings in future work. Overall, our findings suggest that the potential adaptive nature of prenatal glucocorticoid exposure is likely dependent on environmental context and may also be tempered by the negative effects of longer exposure to glucocorticoids each time an animal faces a stressor