48 research outputs found

    A criterion for the permutability of subnormal subgroups

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    Cyclodextrins and ternary complexes: technology to improve solubility of poorly soluble drugs

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    Cyclodextrins (CDs) are cyclic oligosaccharides composed of D-glucopyranoside units linked by glycosidic bonds. Their main property is the ability to modify the physicochemical and biological characteristics of low-soluble drugs through the formation of drug:CD inclusion complexes. Inclusion complexation requires that host molecules fit completely or partially within the CD cavity. This adjustment is directly related to the physicochemical properties of the guest and host molecules, easy accommodation of guest molecules within the CD cavity, stoichiometry, therapeutic dose, and toxicity. However, dosage forms may achieve a high volume, depending on the amount of CD required. Thus, it is necessary to increase solubilization efficiency in order to use smaller amounts of CD. This can be achieved by adding small amounts of water-soluble polymers to the system. This review addresses aspects related to drug complexation with CDs using water-soluble polymers to optimize the amount of CD used in the formulation in order to increase drug solubility and reduce dosage form volume.Ciclodextrinas (CDs) são oligossacarídeos cíclicos, compostos por unidades D-glicopiranosídicas ligadas entre si por meio de ligações glicosídicas e sua principal propriedade está na capacidade de alterar as características físico-químicas e biológicas de fármacos com baixa solubilidade por meio da formação de complexos de inclusão fármaco:CD. Para a formação dos complexos de inclusão a molécula hospedeira necessita ajustar-se total ou parcialmente no interior da cavidade da CD, onde este ajuste está diretamente ligado a propriedades físico-químicas da molécula hóspede e hospedeira, facilidade de alojamento da molécula hóspede no interior da cavidade da CD, estequiometria, dose terapêutica e toxicidade. No entanto, as formas farmacêuticas podem atingir um elevado volume, em função da quantidade de CD requerida, sendo necessário aumentar sua eficiência de solubilização para que seja possível utilizar menores quantidades das mesmas. Isso pode ser obtido com a inclusão de pequenas quantidades de polímeros hidrossolúveis ao sistema. Nessa revisão, são abordados aspectos relacionados à complexação de fármacos com ciclodextrinas empregando-se polímeros hidrossolúveis para otimização da quantidade de CD utilizada na formulação, com a finalidade de aumentar a solubilidade do fármaco e reduzir o volume das preparações

    The MEK Kinase Ssk2p Promotes Actin Cytoskeleton Recovery After Osmotic Stress

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    Saccharomyces cerevisiae adapts to osmotic stress through the activation of a conserved high-osmolarity growth (HOG) mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway. Transmission through the HOG pathway is very well understood, yet other aspects of the cellular response to osmotic stress remain poorly understood, most notably regulation of actin organization. The actin cytoskeleton rapidly disassembles in response to osmotic insult and is induced to reassemble only after osmotic balance with the environment is reestablished. Here, we show that one of three MEK kinases of the HOG pathway, Ssk2p, is specialized to facilitate actin cytoskeleton reassembly after osmotic stress. Within minutes of cells' experiencing osmotic stress or catastrophic disassembly of the actin cytoskeleton through latrunculin A treatment, Ssk2p concentrates in the neck of budding yeast cells and concurrently forms a 1:1 complex with actin. These observations suggest that Ssk2p has a novel, previously undescribed function in sensing damage to the actin cytoskeleton. We also describe a second function for Ssk2p in facilitating reassembly of a polarized actin cytoskeleton at the end of the cell cycle, a prerequisite for efficient cell cycle completion. Loss of Ssk2p, its kinase activity, or its ability to localize and interact with actin led to delays in actin recovery and a resulting delay in cell cycle completion. These unique capabilities of Ssk2p are activated by a novel mechanism that does not involve known components of the HOG pathway