392 research outputs found

    The political economy of competitiveness and social mobility

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    Social mobility has become a mainstream political and media issue in recent years in the United Kingdom. This article suggests that part of the reason for this is that it can serve as a mechanism to discuss policy concerns that appear to be about social justice without questioning important aspects of neo-liberal political economy. The article charts the policy rhetoric on social mobility under both New Labour and the current Coalition Government. It is argued first that under New Labour the apparent commitment to social mobility was in fact subsumed beneath the pursuit of neo-liberal competitiveness, albeit imperfectly realised in policy. Second, the article suggests that under the Coalition Government the commitment to raising levels of social mobility has been retained and the recently published Strategy for Social Mobility promises that social mobility is what the Coalition means when it argues that the austerity programme is balanced with ‘fairness’. Third, however, the Strategy makes clear that the Coalition define social mobility in narrower terms than the previous government. It is argued here that in narrowing the definition the connection with the idea of competitiveness, while still clearly desirable for the Coalition, is weakened. Fourth, a brief analysis of the Coalition's main policy announcements provides little evidence to suggest that even the narrow definition set out in the Strategy is being seriously pursued. Fifth, the international comparative evidence suggests that any strategy aimed at genuinely raising the level of social mobility would need to give much more serious consideration to narrowing levels of inequality. Finally, it is concluded that when considered in the light of the arguments above, the Strategy for Social Mobility – and therefore ‘Fairness’ itself – is merely a discursive legitimation of the wider political economy programme of austerity

    Diurnal changes in seawater carbonate chemistry speciation at increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide

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    Natural variability in seawater pH and associated carbonate chemistry parameters is in part driven by biological activities such as photosynthesis and respiration. The amplitude of these variations is expected to increase with increasing seawater carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the future, because of simultaneously decreasing buffer capacity. Here, we address this experimentally during a diurnal cycle in a mesocosm CO2 perturbation study. We show that for about the same amount of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) utilized in net community production diel variability in proton (H+) and CO2 concentrations was almost three times higher at CO2 levels of about 675 ± 65 in comparison with levels of 310 ± 30 μatm. With a simple model, adequately simulating our measurements, we visualize carbonate chemistry variability expected for different oceanic regions with relatively low or high net community production. Since enhanced diurnal variability in CO2 and proton concentration may require stronger cellular regulation in phytoplankton to maintain respective gradients, the ability to adjust may differ between communities adapted to low in comparison with high natural variability

    Free-ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) systems: present status and future developments

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    Free-ocean CO2 enrichment (FOCE) systems are designed to assess the impact of ocean acidification on biological communities in situ for extended periods of time (weeks to months). They overcome some of the drawbacks of laboratory experiments and field observations by enabling (1) precise control of CO2 enrichment by monitoring pH as an offset of ambient pH, (2) consideration of indirect effects such as those mediated through interspecific relationships and food webs, and (3) relatively long experiments with intact communities. Bringing perturbation experiments from the laboratory to the field is, however, extremely challenging. The main goal of this paper is to provide guidelines on the general design, engineering, and sensor options required to conduct FOCE experiments. Another goal is to introduce xFOCE, a community-led initiative to promote awareness, provide resources for in situ perturbation experiments, and build a user community. Present and existing FOCE systems are briefly described and examples of data collected presented. Future developments are also addressed as it is anticipated that the next generation of FOCE systems will include, in addition to pH, options for oxygen and/or temperature control. FOCE systems should become an important experimental approach for projecting the future response of marine ecosystems to environmental change

    Inorganic speciation of dissolved elements in seawater: the influence of pH on concentration ratios

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    Assessments of inorganic elemental speciation in seawater span the past four decades. Experimentation, compilation and critical review of equilibrium data over the past forty years have, in particular, considerably improved our understanding of cation hydrolysis and the complexation of cations by carbonate ions in solution. Through experimental investigations and critical evaluation it is now known that more than forty elements have seawater speciation schemes that are strongly influenced by pH. In the present work, the speciation of the elements in seawater is summarized in a manner that highlights the significance of pH variations. For elements that have pH-dependent species concentration ratios, this work summarizes equilibrium data (S = 35, t = 25°C) that can be used to assess regions of dominance and relative species concentrations. Concentration ratios of complex species are expressed in the form log[A]/[B] = pH - C where brackets denote species concentrations in solution, A and B are species important at higher (A) and lower (B) solution pH, and C is a constant dependent on salinity, temperature and pressure. In the case of equilibria involving complex oxy-anions (MO(x)(OH)(y)) or hydroxy complexes (M(OH)(n)), C is written as pK(n )= -log K(n )or pK(n)* = -log K(n)* respectively, where K(n )and K(n)* are equilibrium constants. For equilibria involving carbonate complexation, the constant C is written as pQ = -log(K(2)(l)K(n )[HCO(3)(-)]) where K(2)(l )is the HCO(3 )(- )dissociation constant, K(n )is a cation complexation constant and [HCO(3)(-)] is approximated as 1.9 × 10(-3 )molar. Equilibrium data expressed in this manner clearly show dominant species transitions, ranges of dominance, and relative concentrations at any pH

    Folding of the apolipoprotein A1 driven by the salt concentration as a possible mechanism to improve cholesterol trapping

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    The folding of the cholesterol trapping apolipoprotein A1 in aqueous solution at increasing ionic strength is studied using atomically detailed molecular dynamics simulations. We calculate various structural properties to characterize the conformation of the protein, such as the radius of gyration, the radial distribution function and the end to end distance. Additionally we report information using tools specifically tailored for the characterization of proteins, such as the mean smallest distance matrix and the Ramachandran plot. We find that two qualitatively different configurations of this protein are preferred, one where the protein is extended, and one where it forms loops or closed structures. It is argued that the latter promote the association of the protein with cholesterol and other fatty acids.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures. To appear in "Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics", Springer, J. Klapp, G. Ru\'iz, A. Medina, A. L\'opez & L. Di G. Sigalotti (eds.), 201

    Expansion of oxygen minimum zones may reduce available habitat for tropical pelagic fishes

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    Climate model predictions1, 2 and observations3, 4 reveal regional declines in oceanic dissolved oxygen, which are probably influenced by global warming5. Studies indicate ongoing dissolved oxygen depletion and vertical expansion of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the tropical northeast Atlantic Ocean6, 7. OMZ shoaling may restrict the usable habitat of billfishes and tunas to a narrow surface layer8, 9. We report a decrease in the upper ocean layer exceeding 3.5 ml l−1 dissolved oxygen at a rate of ≤1 m yr−1 in the tropical northeast Atlantic (0–25° N, 12–30° W), amounting to an annual habitat loss of ~5.95×1013 m3, or 15% for the period 1960–2010. Habitat compression and associated potential habitat loss was validated using electronic tagging data from 47 blue marlin. This phenomenon increases vulnerability to surface fishing gear for billfishes and tunas8, 9, and may be associated with a 10–50% worldwide decline of pelagic predator diversity10. Further expansion of the Atlantic OMZ along with overfishing may threaten the sustainability of these valuable pelagic fisheries and marine ecosystems

    Novel Colicin F-Y of Yersinia frederiksenii Inhibits Pathogenic Yersinia Strains via YiuR-Mediated Reception, TonB Import, and Cell Membrane Pore Formation

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    A novel colicin type, designated colicin F-Y, was found to be encoded and produced by the strain Yersinia frederiksenii Y27601. Colicin F-Y was active against both pathogenic and nonpathogenic strains of the genus Yersinia. Plasmid YF27601 (5,574 bp) of Y. frederiksenii Y27601 was completely sequenced. The colicin F-Y activity gene (cfyA) and the colicin F-Y immunity gene (cfyI) were identified. The deduced amino acid sequence of colicin F-Y was very similar in its C-terminal pore-forming domain to colicin Ib (69% identity in the last 178 amino acid residues), indicating pore forming as its lethal mode of action. Transposon mutagenesis of the colicin F-Y-susceptible strain Yersinia kristensenii Y276 revealed the yiuR gene (ykris001_4440), which encodes the YiuR outer membrane protein with unknown function, as the colicin F-Y receptor molecule. Introduction of the yiuR gene into the colicin F-Y-resistant strain Y. kristensenii Y104 restored its susceptibility to colicin F-Y. In contrast, the colicin F-Y-resistant strain Escherichia coli TOP10F' acquired susceptibility to colicin F-Y only when both the yiuR and tonB genes from Y. kristensenii Y276 were introduced. Similarities between colicins F-Y and Ib, similarities between the Cir and YiuR receptors, and the detected partial cross-immunity of colicin F-Y and colicin Ib producers suggest a common evolutionary origin of the colicin F-Y-YiuR and colicin Ib-Cir systems

    Carbon sequestration via wood burial

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    To mitigate global climate change, a portfolio of strategies will be needed to keep the atmospheric CO2 concentration below a dangerous level. Here a carbon sequestration strategy is proposed in which certain dead or live trees are harvested via collection or selective cutting, then buried in trenches or stowed away in above-ground shelters. The largely anaerobic condition under a sufficiently thick layer of soil will prevent the decomposition of the buried wood. Because a large flux of CO2 is constantly being assimilated into the world's forests via photosynthesis, cutting off its return pathway to the atmosphere forms an effective carbon sink

    The Effect of Diel Temperature and Light Cycles on the Growth of Nannochloropsis oculata in a Photobioreactor Matrix

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    A matrix of photobioreactors integrated with metabolic sensors was used to examine the combined impact of light and temperature variations on the growth and physiology of the biofuel candidate microalgal species Nannochloropsis oculata. The experiments were performed with algal cultures maintained at a constant 20u C versus a 15°C to 25°C diel temperature cycle, where light intensity also followed a diel cycle with a maximum irradiance of 1920 μmol photons m-2 s-1. No differences in algal growth (Chlorophyll a) were found between the two environmental regimes; however, the metabolic processes responded differently throughout the day to the change in environmental conditions. The variable temperature treatment resulted in greater damage to photosystem II due to the combined effect of strong light and high temperature. Cellular functions responded differently to conditions before midday as opposed to the afternoon, leading to strong hysteresis in dissolved oxygen concentration, quantum yield of photosystem II and net photosynthesis. Overnight metabolism performed differently, probably as a result of the temperature impact on respiration. Our photobioreactor matrix has produced novel insights into the physiological response of Nannochloropsis oculata to simulated environmental conditions. This information can be used to predict the effectiveness of deploying Nannochloropsis oculata in similar field conditions for commercial biofuel production. © 2014 Tamburic et al

    Comparing the effectiveness of monetary versus moral motives in environmental campaigning

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    Environmental campaigns often promote energy conservation by appealing to economic (for example, lower electricity bills) rather than biospheric concerns (for example, reduced carbon emissions), assuming that people are primarily motivated by economic self-interest. However, people also care about maintaining a favourable view of themselves (they want to maintain a 'positive self-concept'), and may prefer to see themselves as 'green' rather than 'greedy'. Consequently, people may find economic appeals less attractive than biospheric appeals. Across two studies, participants indicated feeling better about biospheric ('Want to protect the environment? Check your car's tire pressure') than economic ('Want to save money? Check your car's tire pressure') tyre-check appeals. In a field experiment, we found that an economic tyre-check appeal ('Do you care about your finances? Get a free tire check') elicited significantly less compliance than parallel biospheric and neutral appeals. Together, these studies discredit the conventional wisdom that appealing to economic self-interest is the best way to secure behaviour change. At least in some cases, our studies suggest, this strategy is not effective.</p