1,322 research outputs found

    Macroeconomic news announcements and the Yen/$US intraday exchange rate

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    This study provides new evidence on the effects of macroeconomic news announcements and their impact on the yen/US$ exchange rate. Trading days are divided into 4 groups: (1) major US announcement days, (2) minor US announcement days, (3) Japanese announcement days, and (4) Non-announcement days. These groups are examined to determine the effects they have upon the volatility of intraday (five-minute) returns of yen futures contracts. Both Japanese and US announcements are also examined in order to determine which specific announcements have the greatest affect upon the exchange rate. Both US and Japanese announcements are found to have significant impacts on the volatility of intraday returns of yen futures contracts. Major US announcements were found to have the greatest affect upon the exchange rate, with Japanese announcements having the second largest affect. The increased volatility, due to the release of the announcements continues to affect volatility throughout the day, however the major impact disappears quite rapidl

    Calorimetric evaluation of commercial Ni-MH cells and charges

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    The test objectives are to evaluate the electrical and thermal performance of commercial Ni-MH cells and to evaluate the effectiveness of commercial charge control circuits. The ultimate design objectives are to determine which cell designs are most suitable for scale-up and to guide the design of future Shuttle and Station based battery chargers

    The Last Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Southern Yukon Territory

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    The Cordilleran Ice Sheet in Yukon radiated from ice-divides in the Selwyn, PeIIy1 Cassiar, and eastern Coast Mountains and was contiguous with a piedmond glacier complex from the St. Elias Mountains. Expansion of glaciers in divide areas could have been underway by 29 ka BP but these did not merge to form the ice sheet until after 24 ka BP. The firn line fell to approximately 1500 m at the climax of McConnell Glaciation. Flow within the ice sheet was more analogous to a complex of merged valley glaciers than to that of extant ice sheets: topographic relief was typically equal to or exceeded ice thickness, and strongly influenced ice flow. Surface gradients on the ice sheet were fractions of a degree. Steeper ice-surface gradients occurred locally along the digitate ice margin. Retreat from the terminal moraine was initially gradual as indicated by recessional moraines within a few tens of kilometres of the terminal moraine. Small magnitude readvances occurred locally. The ice sheet eventually disappeared through regional stagnation and downwasting in response to a rise in the firn line to above the surface of the ice sheet. Regional déglaciation was complete prior to approximately 10 ka BP.L'Inlandsis de la Cordillère a progressé dans le Yukon à partir des lignes de partage des glaces des monts Selwyn, PeIIy et Cassiar et de l'est de la chaîne Côtière; il était contigu à un glacier de piémont complexe en provenance des monts St. Elias. Les glaciers ont pu se développer dans les régions de partage des glaces à partir de 29 ka BP, mais ils ne se sont fusionnés pour former un inlandsis qu'à partir de 24 ka BP. À l'optimum de la Glaciation de McConnell, la ligne de névé s'est abaissée à environ 1500 m. L'écoulement à l'intérieur de l'inlandsis ressemblait davantage à celui d'un complexe de glaciers de vallées coalescents qu'à celui des inlandsis actuels: le relief rejoignait l'épaisseur de glace ou la dépassait et influençait grandement l'écoulement glaciaire. Sur l'inlandsis, les gradients du profil topographique se mesuraient en fractions de degrés, mais le long de la marge digitée, les gradients étaient par endroits plus prononcés. Le retrait à partir de la moraine frontale a au départ été graduel comme l'indiquent les moraines de retrait à quelques dizaines de kilomètres de la moraine frontale. Il y eut localement quelques récurrences mineures. L'inlandsis disparut avec le temps par stagnation à une échelle régionale et fonte en réponse à une hausse de la ligne de névé au-dessus de la surface de l'inlandsis. À l'échelle régionale, la déglaciation était terminée avant 10kaBP environ.Die Kordilleren-Eisdecke in Yukon breitete sich strahlenfôrmig von den Eisscheiden der Seywyn-, Pelley- und Cassiar-Berge und den ôstlichen Kùstenbergen aus und grenzte an einen Vorlandgletscher von den St. Elias-Bergen. Die Ausdehnung der Gletscher in den Eisscheiden-Gebieten kônnte schon um 29 ka v.u.Z. eingesetzt haben; doch sind sie erst nach 24 ka v.u.Z. zu der Eisdecke verschmolzen. Die Firn-Linie sank auf etwa 1500m wâhrend des Hôhepunkts der McConnell-Vereisung. Das Fliessen innerhalb der Eisdecke entsprach mehr einer Einheit verschmolzener Talgletscher als dem der noch vorhandenen Eisdecke: das topographische relief stimmt in beispielhafter Weise mit der Dicke des Eises ùberein, oder ùbertraf dièse und beeinflusste sehr stark die Eisstrômung. Auf der Oberflàche der Eisdecke betrug das Gefàlle nur Bruchteile eines Grads. Steilere Eisoberflàchengefàlle gab es ôrtlich entlang des fingerfôrmigen Eisrands. Der Rùckzug von der Endmoràne geschah anfangs graduell, was aus den einige 10 km von der Endmoràne entfernten Rùckzugsmorànen hervogeht. Ôrtlich gab es einige kleinere Rùckvorstôsse. Die Eisdecke verschwand schliesslich durch régionale Stagnation und Abzehrung infolge eines Anhubs der Firnlinie ùber die Oberflàche der Eisdecke hinaus. Die régionale Enteisung war vor etwa 10 ka v.u.Z. vollendet

    Lack of association between dietary fructose and hyperuricemia risk in adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High serum uric acid concentration (hyperuricemia) has been studied for its relationship with multiple adverse health outcomes, such as metabolic syndrome. Intervention studies have produced inconsistent outcomes for the relationship between fructose intake and serum uric acid concentration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The association of dietary fructose intake with hyperuricemia risk in adults was examined using logistic regression and U.S. NHANES 1999-2004 databases. A total of 9,384 subjects, between the ages 20 and 80 years, without diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, were included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The highest added or total fructose intake (quartiles by grams or % energy) was not associated with an increase of hyperuricemia risk compared to the lowest intake with or without adjustment (odds ratios = 0.515-0.992). The associations of alcohol and fiber intakes with the risk were also determined. Compared to the lowest intake, the highest alcohol intake was associated with increased mean serum uric acid concentration (up to 16%, <it>P </it>< 0.001) and hyperuricemia risk (odds ratios = 1.658-1.829, <it>P </it>= 0.057- < 0.001); the highest fiber intake was correlated with decreases of uric acid concentration (up to 7.5%, <it>P </it>< 0.002) and lower risk (odds ratios = 0.448-0.478, <it>P </it>= 0.001- < 0.001). Adults who were over 50 y old, male, or obese had significantly greater risk.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The data show that increased dietary fructose intake was not associated with increased hyperuricemia risk; while increased dietary alcohol intake was significantly associated with increased hyperuricemia risk; and increased fiber intake was significantly associated with decreased hyperuricemia risk. These data further suggest a potential effect of fructose consumption in an ordinary diet on serum uric acid differs from results found in some short-term studies using atypical exposure and/or levels of fructose administration.</p

    The Career Transitions of High-Profile Student-Athletes: Identity, Role Engulfment, and Psychological Well-Being

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    The purpose of this study is to build upon previous literature on the stages of career preparation of college student-athletes by examining identity, role engulfment, and psychological well-being as it relates to preparation for ‘post-playing days’ life. More specifically, the authors endeavored to examine the relationship between role engulfment and psychological well-being and how it affects post-athletic career transitions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 former Division I college football student-athletes who were previously student-athletes at 14 different Division I institutions. Utilizing identity, role engulfment, and psychological well-being as conceptual frameworks, this study discusses the how and why behind the experiences of high-profile student-athletes as they transition from athlete to their post-playing careers


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    Interarm star formation contributes significantly to a galaxy's star formation budget and provides an opportunity to study stellar birthplaces unperturbed by spiral arm dynamics. Using optical integral field spectroscopy of the nearby galaxy NGC 628 with VLT/MUSE, we construct Hα maps including detailed corrections for dust extinction and stellar absorption to identify 391 H ii regions at 35 pc resolution over 12 kpc2. Using tracers sensitive to the underlying gravitational potential, we associate H ii regions with either arm (271) or interarm (120) environments. Using our full spectral coverage of each region, we find that most physical properties (luminosity, size, metallicity, ionization parameter) of H ii regions are independent of environment. We calculate the fraction of Hα luminosity due to the background of diffuse ionized gas (DIG) contaminating each H ii region, and find the DIG surface brightness to be higher within H ii regions than in the surroundings, and slightly higher within arm H ii regions. Use of the temperature-sensitive [S ii]/Hα line ratio instead of the Hα surface brightness to identify the boundaries of H ii regions does not change this result. Using the dust attenuation as a tracer of the gas, we find depletion times consistent with previous work (2 × 109 yr) with no differences between the arm and interarm, but this is very sensitive to the DIG correction. Unlike molecular clouds, which can be dynamically affected by the galactic environment, we see fairly consistent properties of H ii regions in both arm and interarm environments. This suggests either a difference in star formation and feedback in arms or a decoupling of dense star-forming clumps from the more extended surrounding molecular gas

    The Resolved Radio--FIR Correlation in Nearby Galaxies with Herschel and Spitzer

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    We investigate the correlation between the far-infrared (FIR) and radio continuum emission from NGC6946 on spatial scales between 0.9 and 17 kpc. We use the Herschel PACS (70, 100, 160μ\mum) and SPIRE (250μ\mum) data from the KINGFISH project. Separating the free-free and synchrotron components of the radio continuum emission, we find that FIR is better correlated with the free-free than the synchrotron emission. Compared to a similar study in M33 and M31, we find that the scale dependence of the synchrotron--FIR correlation in NGC6946 is more similar to M31 than M33. The scale dependence of the synchrotron--FIR correlation can be explained by the turbulent-to-ordered magnetic field ratio or, equivalently, the diffusion length of the cosmic ray electrons in these galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, The Spectral Energy Distribution of Galaxies Proceedings IAU Symposium No. 284, 2011, R.J. Tuffs & C.C.Popescu, ed