250 research outputs found

    State Banking Department

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    Off-equilibrium corrections to energy and conserved charge densities in the relativistic fluid in heavy-ion collisions

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    Dissipative processes in relativistic fluids are known to be important in the analyses of the hot QCD matter created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. In this work, I consider dissipative corrections to energy and conserved charge densities, which are conventionally assumed to be vanishing but could be finite. Causal dissipative hydrodynamics is formulated in the presence of those dissipative currents. The relation between hydrodynamic stability and transport coefficients is discussed. I then study their phenomenological consequences on the observables of heavy-ion collisions in numerical simulations. It is shown that particle spectra and elliptic flow can be visibly modified.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; title changed, references added, conclusions unchange

    Board of Forestry

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    Grating coupled photonic crystal demultiplexer with integrated detectors on InP-membrane

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    We report on the successful integration of grating fiber couplers, compact photonic crystal demultiplexers and efficient p-i-n photodetectors on a single bonded InP-membrane chip. Polarization independent operation is obtained by implementing polarization diversity

    40-Gb/s TDM-PON downstream with low-cost EML transmitter and 3-level detection APD receiver

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    We report a cost-effective 40-Gb/s TDM-PON downstream utilizing an integrated DFB-EAM in OLT and an APD-based 3-level detection receiver in ONU, achieving a high power budget of 23.4 dB in real time operation

    Preliminary signs of the initiation of deep convection by GNSS

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    This study reports on the exploitation of GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) and a new potential application for weather forecasts and nowcasting. We focus on GPS observations (post-processing with a time resolution of 5 and 15 min and fast calculations with a time resolution of 5 min) and try to establish typical configurations of the water vapour field which characterise convective systems and particularly which supply precursors of their initiation are associated with deep convection. We show the critical role of GNSS horizontal gradients of the water vapour content to detect small scale structures of the troposphere (i. e. convective cells), and then we present our strategy to obtain typical water vapour configurations by GNSS called "H2O alert". These alerts are based on a dry/wet contrast taking place during a 30 min time window before the initiation of a convective system. GNSS observations have been assessed for the rainfall event of 28-29 June 2005 using data from the Belgian dense network (baseline from 5 to 30 km). To validate our GNSS H2O alerts, we use the detection of precipitation by C-band weather radar and thermal infrared radiance (cloud top temperature) of the 10.8-micrometers channel [Ch09] of SEVIRI instrument on Meteosat Second Generation. Using post-processed measurements, our H2O alerts obtain a score of about 80 %. Final and ultra-rapid IGS (International GNSS Service) orbits have been tested and show equivalent results. Fast calculations (less than 10 min) have been processed for 29 June 2005 with a time resolution of 5 min. The mean bias (and standard deviation) between fast and reference post-processed ZTD (zenith total delay) and gradients are, respectively, 0.002 (+/- 0.008) m and 0.001 (+/- 0.004) m. The score obtained for the H2O alerts generated by fast calculations is 65 %

    DIAMS revisited: Taming the variety of knowledge in fault diagnosis expert systems

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    The DIAMS program, initiated in 1986, led to the development of a prototype expert system, DIAMS-1 dedicated to the Telecom 1 Attitude and Orbit Control System, and to a near-operational system, DIAMS-2, covering a whole satellite (the Telecom 2 platform and its interfaces with the payload), which was installed in the Satellite Control Center in 1993. The refinement of the knowledge representation and reasoning is now being studied, focusing on the introduction of appropriate handling of incompleteness, uncertainty and time, and keeping in mind operational constraints. For the latest generation of the tool, DIAMS-3, a new architecture has been proposed, that enables the cooperative exploitation of various models and knowledge representations. On the same baseline, new solutions enabling higher integration of diagnostic systems in the operational environment and cooperation with other knowledge intensive systems such as data analysis, planning or procedure management tools have been introduced
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