136 research outputs found

    Social-Economic Impacts of the Marine Shrimp Culture in Selected Brazilian Cities

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    The impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities are analyzed. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.Farmed Shrimp, Job, Income, Municipal Level Impacts, Direct Indirect and Induced Impacts, Tax Impacts, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q10, Q22, R0,

    The South Eastern BRT Network in Brisbane, Australia: How much is added to residential house values as a result of the network effect?

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    This paper addresses an area of policy much understudied in the literature. It emerged out of investigating the policy needs of governments seeking to find new ways of funding public transport infrastructure. Land rent theory (Alonso, 1964) identifies that the value of unimproved land reflects accessibility gradients with new transport infrastructure, through improvements in accessibility, uplifting land values. Capturing the uplift in land value for funding requires that the amount of uplift be known as well as when the uplift occurs – is this after the announcement of the project, after building starts or when the new infrastructure starts to operate? However, many cities plan a number of projects over a longer timescale, what is the value of the network effect as additional infrastructure provides the opportunity to access more destinations quickly. This network effect is a case of a ‘product’ that has less value in isolation but increases in value when in combination with other ‘products’ (Katz and Shapiro, 1994). There have been a few studies on the timing of uplift (Gatzlaff and Smith, 1993; Knaap et al., 2001), but these have been generally confined to rail based infrastructure in the public transport domain. The objective of this paper is to identify how much is added to residential land values through the provision of bus rapid transit (BRT) in Brisbane, Australia and to identify specifically the value of the network effect as incrementally adding to existing transport infrastructure as a feature of Australian cities. The paper is structured as follows. The next section explores the literature context for this study. This is followed by a description of the data and the case-study area. The method follows which describes the difference in difference methodology employed while the following section interprets the results. The final section discusses the results and concludes with recommendations for future research

    Influências políticas na eficiência de empresas de saneamento brasileiras

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    Sanitation services present severe losses and serves only 31% of Brazilian homes. DEA efficiency models for water supply and sewage collection and treatment with 4 inputs and 8 outputs are estimated. Water systems are more efficient than the sewage ones. Regression analysis explains efficiency by operational, geographical and political variables. Companies located in the South are positively affected while those in the North and Center-West are negatively affected. Efficiency is positively affected by administrative continuity and coincidence of political parties at a municipal and state level.O setor de saneamento apresenta elevado nível de perdas e atinge apenas 31% dos domicílios. Modelos de eficiência DEA com 4 insumos e 8 produtos foram estimados para empresas de abastecimento de água e coleta e tratamento de esgoto. Serviços de água são mais eficientes que os de esgoto. Foi estimada regressão para analisar a influência de variáveis operacionais, geográficas e políticas. Localização no Sul afeta positivamente a eficiência e localização no Norte e no Centro-Oeste negativamente. A eficiência é positivamente afetada pela continuidade administrativa e pela coincidência de partido na gestão municipal e estadual

    Duopoly Competition between Airline Groups with Dual-brand Services - The case of the Australian domestic market

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    The Australian aviation industry achieved substantial growth after the abolition of the “two-airline-policy” in 1990. With Virgin’s purchase of Tiger Airways, a new duopoly between two airlines groups, each consisting of a full service airline (FSA) and a low cost carrier (LCC), emerged in the domestic market. In this study, we analyze the pricing dynamics among the four airlines of the duopoly groups, using panel data of online fares on the four most travelled routes in the domestic market. Our empirical results suggest that market segmentation allows the FSAs to charge significantly higher prices than the LCCs. Still, there is clear evidence of competition within and across the market segments, and the airlines’ pricing responses are asymmetric. Virgin’s price responses to Qantas and Jetstar are moderate. In comparison, more than one third of Qantas’s fare changes and less than half of Jetstar’s fare charges are in response to Virgin’s fare adjustments in the previous period. Despite Qantas and Jetstar’s large market share, after lengthy and costly price wars in previous years, the Qantas group still responds to Virgin as if competing with an entrant. All four carriers adopt revenue management practices, but the pricing of Qantas and Jetstar does not seem to be coordinated. Our study identifies a complex competition pattern between airline groups offering dual-brand services, and suggests that the Australian domestic market has not reached a stable equilibrium

    Impactos socioeconômicos do cultivo de camarão marinho em municípios selecionados do Nordeste brasileiro

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    This paper analyses the impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.farmed shrimp, municipal level impacts, direct, indirect and induced impacts, job, income, tax impacts., Agribusiness, Q10, Q22, R11.,

    Diferenças de eficiência entre ensino público e privado no Brasil

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    O ensino básico do Brasil vem sendo bastante questionado quanto a sua qualidade e eficiência. Avaliações realizadas pelo INEP mostram que aproximadamente 5% dos alunos apresentam desempenho classificado em "adequado". Ainda ao longo dos últimos anos, esse desempenho vem decaindo devido exclusivamente ao desempenho dos alunos de escolas públicas. Motivado pela diferença entre as duas redes de ensino no Brasil, este artigo analisa a eficiência das escolas públicas e privadas por meio da metodologia desenvolvida por Thanassoulis (1999) e depois estendida por Portela e Thanassoulis (2001). Portela e Thanassoulis (2001) decompõem a eficiência geral em dois componentes distintos: um componente atribuído à instituição de ensino que o estudante frequentou e outro componente atribuído à eficiência somente do estudante. Os resultados obtidos mostram que há grandes diferenças de eficiência entre os colégios privados e públicos. Os colégios privados obtiveram eficiência máxima e os colégios públicos obtiveram eficiência de 0,901, com destaque para os públicos federais que ficaram com 0,910, enquanto os públicos estaduais obtiveram 0,879. Os colégios foram então analisados quanto à equidade do ensino para diferentes níveis de conhecimento dos alunos. Isso mostrou que o ensino público federal apresentou eficiência tão boa quanto o ensino privado para os melhores alunos. Já para o ensino público estadual, os melhores alunos são mais prejudicados que os alunos intermediários, cuja eficiência do ensino fica pouco acima da eficiência média.Recently, quality and efficiency of elementary education in Brazil has been questioned. Evaluations conducted by INEP showed that only 5% of the students present a performance that can be classified as adequate. Even this low performance has been decreasing mainly due to the lower performance of public school students. Given the differences onpublic and private schools performance wedecided to analyze thecomparative efficiencyof public and private schools using a methodology developed by Thanassoulis (1999) and further extended by Portela and Thanassoulis (2001). The former decomposes efficiency into two components: one attributed to the school and the other exclusively to the student. Results show large differences in efficiency between public and private schools. Private schools obtained maximum efficiency score while public ones reached only 0,901. Moreover, federal public schools reached a score of 0,910 and state schools 0,879. Schools were further analyzed with respect to the equity performance considering the different performance obtained by each student. This result showed that there is no difference between federal public and private schools. With respect to state schools, they showed relatively lower efficiency for the best students compared to average students


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    O Sistema de Transporte Público da Região Metropolitana do Recife está vivenciando processo de reestruturação. Análise de eficiência foi procedida para identificar sistemas eficientes e elementos correlacionados a essa eficiência, visando obter indicações que auxiliem nesse processo. Os sistemas de transporte públicos urbanos caracterizam-se por estruturas institucionais e tarifárias distintas tendo, os eficientes, partição de poder do órgão gestor bastante democrática entre componentes e sistema tarifário com múltiplas opções. A partir da análise, é sugerida a adoção de estrutura institucional que tenha partição de poder distribuída, com participação dos diferentes níveis de Governo e de órgãos representativos da sociedade, e que tenha estrutura tarifária flexível, atendendo tanto às necessidades de deslocamentos como favorecendo melhoria qualitativa e de eficiência do sistema.The Transport System of the Recife Metropolitan Area is under change. As a subsidy to its change an efficiency analysis is done with the purpose of highlighting characteristics of the efficient systems. These systems are characterized by different power and tariff structure. Efficient ones adopted a more democratic power partition among communalities and established a more broad system of tariffs. Among other lessons it is suggested that RMR adopts structure that allows a more equal partition of the municipalities comprising the Metro Area including representatives of users groups. Also it should adopt a more flexible tariff system giving advantages to usual users and favoring an improvement of efficiency