819 research outputs found

    Exploring the association of Brownfield remediation status with socioeconomic conditions in Wayne County, MI

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    Urban neighborhoods with locations of environmental contamination, known as brownfields, impact entire neighborhoods, but corrective environmental remedial action on brownfields is often tracked on an individual property basis, neglecting the larger neighborhood-level impact. This study addresses this impact by examining spatial differences between brownfields with unmitigated environmental concerns (open site) and sites that are considered fully mitigated or closed in urban neighborhoods (closed site) on the US census tract scale in Wayne County, MI. Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s leaking underground storage tank (LUST) database provided brownfield information for Wayne County. Local indicators of spatial association (LISA) produced maps of spatial clustering and outliers. A McNemar’s test demonstrated significant discordances in LISA categories between LUST open and closed sites (p\u3c0.001). Geographically weighted regressions (GWR) evaluated the association between open and closed site spatial density (open-closed) with socioeconomic variables (population density, proportion of White or Black residents, proportion of college educated populations, the percentage of owner-occupied units, vacant units, rented units, and median household value). Final multivariate GWR showed that population density, being Black, college education, vacant units, and renter occupied units were significantly associated (p\u3c0.05) with open-closed, and that those associations varied across Wayne County. Increases in Black population was associated with increased open-closed. Increases in vacant units, renter-occupied units, and college education were associated with decreased open-closed. These results provide input for environmental justice research to identify inequalities and discover the distribution of environmental hazards among urban neighborhoods

    Revealing the Nature of Algol Disks through Optical and UV Spectroscopy, Synthetic Spectra, and Tomography of TT Hydrae

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    We have developed a systematic procedure to study the disks in Algol-type binaries using spectroscopic analysis, synthetic spectra, and tomography. We analyzed 119 H-alpha spectra of TT Hya, an Algol-type eclipsing interacting binary, collected from 1985-2001. The new radial velocities enabled us to derive reliable orbital elements, including a small non-zero eccentricity, and to improve the accuracy of the absolute dimensions of the system. High resolution IUE spectra were also analyzed to study the formation of the ultraviolet lines and continuum. Synthetic spectra of the iron curtain using our new shellspec program enabled us to derive a characteristic disk temperature of 7000K. We have demonstrated that the UV emission lines seen during total primary eclipse cannot originate from the accretion disk, but most likely arise from a hotter disk-stream interaction region. The synthetic spectra of the stars, disk, and stream allowed us to derive a lower limit to the mass transfer rate of 2e-10 solar masses per year. Doppler tomography of the observed H-alpha profiles revealed a distinct accretion disk. The difference spectra produced by subtracting the synthetic spectra of the stars resulted in an image of the disk, which virtually disappeared once the composite synthetic spectra of the stars and disk were used to calculate the difference spectra. An intensity enhancement of the resulting tomogram revealed images of the gas stream and an emission arc. We successfully modeled the gas stream using shellspec and associated the emission arc with an asymmetry in the accretion disk.Comment: 46 pages, 15 figures, 6 tables, accepted by Ap

    An environmental study of the ultraluminous X-ray source population in early-type galaxies

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    Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are some of the brightest phenomena found outside of a galaxy's nucleus, and their explanation typically invokes accretion of material onto a black hole. Here, we perform the largest population study to date of ULXs in early-type galaxies, focusing on whether a galaxy's large-scale environment can affect its ULX content. Using the AMUSE survey, which includes homogeneous X-ray coverage of 100 elliptical galaxies in the Virgo cluster and a similar number of elliptical galaxies in the field (spanning stellar masses of 108-1012 M ☉), we identify 37.9 ± 10.1 ULXs in Virgo and 28.1 ± 8.7 ULXs in the field. Across both samples, we constrain the number of ULXs per unit stellar mass, i.e., the ULX specific frequency, to be 0.062 ± 0.013 ULXs per 10 10 M ☉ (or about 1 ULX per 1.6 × 10 11 M ☉ of galaxy stellar mass). We find that the number of ULXs, the specific frequency of ULXs, and the average ULX spectral properties are all similar in both cluster and field environments. Contrary to late-type galaxies, we do not see any trend between specific ULX frequency and host galaxy stellar mass, and we show that dwarf ellipticals host fewer ULXs than later-type dwarf galaxies at a statistically meaningful level. Our results are consistent with ULXs in early-type galaxies probing the luminous tail of the low-mass X-ray binary population, and are briefly discussed in context of the influence of gravitational interactions on the long-term evolution of a galaxy's (older) stellar population

    Amuse-field. II. Nucleation of early-type galaxies in the field versus cluster environment

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    The optical light profiles of nearby early-type galaxies are known to exhibit a smooth transition from nuclear light deficits to nuclear light excesses with decreasing galaxy mass, with as much as 80% of the galaxies with stellar masses below 1010 M ? hosting a massive nuclear star cluster (NSC). At the same time, while all massive galaxies are thought to harbor nuclear supermassive black holes (SMBHs), observational evidence for SMBHs is slim at the low end of the mass function. Here, we explore the environmental dependence of the nucleation fraction by comparing two homogeneous samples of nearby field versus cluster early-type galaxies with uniform Hubble Space Telescope (HST) coverage. Existing Chandra X-ray Telescope data for both samples yield complementary information on low-level accretion onto nuclear SMBHs. Specifically, we report on dual-band (F475W and F850LP) Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) imaging data for 28 out of the 103 field early-type galaxies that compose the AMUSE-Field Chandra survey, and compare our results against the companion HST and Chandra surveys for a sample of 100 Virgo Cluster early-types (ACS Virgo Cluster and AMUSE-Virgo surveys, respectively). We model the two-dimensional light profiles of the field targets to identify and characterize NSCs, and find a field nucleation fraction of 26% +17%-11% (at the 1s level), consistent with the measured Virgo nucleation fraction across a comparable mass distribution (30%+17%-12%). Coupled with the Chandra result that SMBH activity is higher for the field, our findings indicate that, since the last epoch of star formation, the funneling of gas to the nuclear regions has been inhibited more effectively for Virgo galaxies, arguably via ram pressure stripping

    Transient reduction of DNA methylation at the onset of meiosis in male mice

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    Background: Meiosis is a specialized germ cell cycle that generates haploid gametes. In the initial stage of meiosis, meiotic prophase I (MPI), homologous chromosomes pair and recombine. Extensive changes in chromatin in MPI raise an important question concerning the contribution of epigenetic mechanisms such as DNA methylation to meiosis. Interestingly, previous studies concluded that in male mice, genome-wide DNA methylation patters are set in place prior to meiosis and remain constant subsequently. However, no prior studies examined DNA methylation during MPI in a systematic manner necessitating its further investigation. Results: In this study, we used genome-wide bisulfite sequencing to determine DNA methylation of adult mouse spermatocytes at all MPI substages, spermatogonia and haploid sperm. This analysis uncovered transient reduction of DNA methylation (TRDM) of spermatocyte genomes. The genome-wide scope of TRDM, its onset in the meiotic S phase and presence of hemimethylated DNA in MPI are all consistent with a DNA replication-dependent DNA demethylation. Following DNA replication, spermatocytes regain DNA methylation gradually but unevenly, suggesting that key MPI events occur in the context of hemimethylated genome. TRDM also uncovers the prior deficit of DNA methylation of LINE-1 retrotransposons in spermatogonia resulting in their full demethylation during TRDM and likely contributing to the observed mRNA and protein expression of some LINE-1 elements in early MPI. Conclusions: Our results suggest that contrary to the prevailing view, chromosomes exhibit dynamic changes in DNA methylation in MPI. We propose that TRDM facilitates meiotic prophase processes and gamete quality control

    A Review of Volatile Organic Compound Contamination in Post-Industrial Urban Centers: Reproductive Health Implications Using a Detroit Lens

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    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are a group of aromatic or chlorinated organic chemicals commonly found in manufactured products that have high vapor pressure, and thus vaporize readily at room temperature. While airshed VOCs are well studied and have provided insights into public health issues, we suggest that belowground VOCs and the related vapor intrusion process could be equally or even more relevant to public health. The persistence, movement, remediation, and human health implications of subsurface VOCs in urban landscapes remain relatively understudied despite evidence of widespread contamination. This review explores the state of the science of subsurface movement and remediation of VOCs through groundwater and soils, the linkages between these poorly understood contaminant exposure pathways and health outcomes based on research in various animal models, and describes the role of these contaminants in human health, focusing on birth outcomes, notably low birth weight and preterm birth. Finally, this review provides recommendations for future research to address knowledge gaps that are essential for not only tackling health disparities and environmental injustice in post-industrial cities, but also protecting and preserving critical freshwater resources

    Incorporation of a chiral gem-disubstituted nitrogen heterocycle yields an oxazolidinone antibiotic with reduced mitochondrial toxicity

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    gem-Disubstituted N-heterocycles are rarely found in drugs, despite their potential to improve the drug-like properties of small molecule pharmaceuticals. Linezolid, a morpholine heterocycle-containing oxazolidinone antibiotic, exhibits significant side effects associated with human mitochondrial protein synthesis inhibition. We synthesized a gem-disubstituted linezolid analogue that when compared to linezolid, maintains comparable (albeit slightly diminished) activity against bacteria, comparable in vitro physicochemical properties, and a decrease in undesired mitochondrial protein synthesis (MPS) inhibition. This research contributes to the structure-activity-relationship data surrounding oxazolidinone MPS inhibition, and may inspire investigations into the utility of gem-disubstituted N-heterocycles in medicinal chemistry
