102 research outputs found

    Medición por un método óptico del desplazamiento del extremo de obenques en el puente Zárate - Brazo Largo

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    El dispositivo óptico utilizado para medir el desplazamiento (en las direcciones horizontal y vertical) del extremo del obenque se esquematiza en la Figura (pag. 4). La unidad emisora, fija próxima al obenque, consiste en un diodo láser visible (de longitud de onda: 670nm y potencia: 1OmW) cuya radiación se acopla a una guía de luz por fibras ópticas. Esta guía se divide en dos partes, proporcionando de este modo dos fuentes luminosas con una separación entre sí de: d0 = 380 mm, en la dirección vertical En la zona del puente elegida como "punto fijo de referencia", distante a unos 170m del obenque a medir, se colocó la unidad detectora. Esta consiste en un telescopio reflector de distancia focal: f = 210cm, y apertura: a = 18cm, que forma una imagen demagnificada de las fuentes luminosas sobre un arreglo detector CCD ("charge-coupled-device") con una resolución espacial de 756 x 581 pixels. La salida de video de la cámara CCD, correspondiente a las sucesivas imágenes detectadas, se almacenó en una grabadora de video (VCR). La cámara CCD se ubicó de forma que los desplazamientos verticales de la unidad emisora coincidieran con la dirección horizontal, de mayor tamaño, del monitor de observación. A continuación se describe el procedimiento utilizado para efectuar las mediciones.Informe técnico. Digitalizado en SEDICI-CIC DigitalFacultad de Ingenierí

    Medición por un método óptico del desplazamiento del extremo de obenques en el puente Zárate - Brazo Largo

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    El dispositivo óptico utilizado para medir el desplazamiento (en las direcciones horizontal y vertical) del extremo del obenque se esquematiza en la Figura (pag. 4). La unidad emisora, fija próxima al obenque, consiste en un diodo láser visible (de longitud de onda: 670nm y potencia: 1OmW) cuya radiación se acopla a una guía de luz por fibras ópticas. Esta guía se divide en dos partes, proporcionando de este modo dos fuentes luminosas con una separación entre sí de: d0 = 380 mm, en la dirección vertical En la zona del puente elegida como "punto fijo de referencia", distante a unos 170m del obenque a medir, se colocó la unidad detectora. Esta consiste en un telescopio reflector de distancia focal: f = 210cm, y apertura: a = 18cm, que forma una imagen demagnificada de las fuentes luminosas sobre un arreglo detector CCD ("charge-coupled-device") con una resolución espacial de 756 x 581 pixels. La salida de video de la cámara CCD, correspondiente a las sucesivas imágenes detectadas, se almacenó en una grabadora de video (VCR). La cámara CCD se ubicó de forma que los desplazamientos verticales de la unidad emisora coincidieran con la dirección horizontal, de mayor tamaño, del monitor de observación. A continuación se describe el procedimiento utilizado para efectuar las mediciones.Informe técnico. Digitalizado en SEDICI-CIC DigitalFacultad de Ingenierí

    Colour appearance in led lighting

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    The paper shows a comparative study of colour comparison between white LED lamps and conventional ones (incandescent and compact fluorescent). The LED lamps used were a model designed by the direct replaces of halogen incandescent lamps. The technology used for white light generation was based on short waves emitter chips and secondary emission. As result of the experience, significant object colour coordinates displacements in LEDs lighting were observed. As it was predictable from LEDs spectral distribution, orange – red colours were poorly reproduced. However, the subjective experience did not show a remarkable preference to the conventional light sources. Furthermore, several observers qualified the objects under LEDs light as “more naturals”.Facultad de IngenieríaComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Revised and Extended Analysis of Five Times Ionized Argon (Ar VI)

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    The spectrum of five times ionized argon, (Ar VI), has been observed in the 280-2100 Å wavelength range. Eighty-seven lines have been identified as transitions between levels of the latex3s23platex 3s^{2}3p, latex3s3p2latex 3s3p^{2}, latex3s23dlatex 3s^{2}3d, latex3p2latex 3p^{2}, latex3s3p3dlatex 3s3p3d, latex3s24slatex 3s^{2}4s, latex3s24dlatex 3s^{2}4d and latex3s3p4slatex 3s3p4s configurations. For 33 of the lines the classification is new. Forty-one energy level values belonging to these configurations were analyzed and we propose 9 new energy level values for levels corresponding to odd parity configurations. The configurations are interpreted by fitting the theoretical energy expressions to the observed energy levels using least- squares techniques. The parameter values are compared with results from Hartree-Fock calculations

    Colour appearance in led lighting

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    The paper shows a comparative study of colour comparison between white LED lamps and conventional ones (incandescent and compact fluorescent). The LED lamps used were a model designed by the direct replaces of halogen incandescent lamps. The technology used for white light generation was based on short waves emitter chips and secondary emission. As result of the experience, significant object colour coordinates displacements in LEDs lighting were observed. As it was predictable from LEDs spectral distribution, orange – red colours were poorly reproduced. However, the subjective experience did not show a remarkable preference to the conventional light sources. Furthermore, several observers qualified the objects under LEDs light as “more naturals”

    Atomic transitions for the doubly ionized argon spectrum, Ar III

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    We present new experimental atomic transition values for the atomic emission spectrum of doubly ionized argon, Ar III. In this work we studied 3s23p4 — 3s23p33d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p34s , 3s23p4 — 3s23p34d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p35s, 3s23p33d — 3s23p34p, and 3s23p34s — 3s23p34p transition arrays and 196 lines were identified as new atomic transitions between levels of these configurations. The experimental data were obtained from a capillary-discharge tube. The identifications are supported by multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Atomic transitions for the doubly ionized argon spectrum, Ar III

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    We present new experimental atomic transition values for the atomic emission spectrum of doubly ionized argon, Ar III. In this work we studied 3s23p4 — 3s23p33d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p34s , 3s23p4 — 3s23p34d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p35s, 3s23p33d — 3s23p34p, and 3s23p34s — 3s23p34p transition arrays and 196 lines were identified as new atomic transitions between levels of these configurations. The experimental data were obtained from a capillary-discharge tube. The identifications are supported by multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    Asignación iónica de líneas del Xe IV

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    The Xe IV spectrum between 2280 and 6100 A emitted by a new model of a non conventional spectroscopic «ource, has been studied. Si* hundred and «ixty «even lines has been assigned to this ion by employing the conventional method of energy variation, and the characteristic form of the spectral lines resulting from this type of spectral lamp has been particularly considered.El espectro del Xe IV entre 2280 y 6100 A emitido por un nuevo modelo de fuente espectroscópica no-convencional, ha sido estudiado. Seiscientas sesenta y siete líneas han sido asignadas a este ion, empleando el método convencional de variación de energía, y ha sido particularmente considerada la forma característica de las líneas espectrales que resultan de este tipo de fuente espectral.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Charge Transfer via Temporary Bonds in C60+C60+C_{60} + C_{60}^+ Molecular Collisions

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    We present a theoretical description of resonant charge transfer in collisions of nano-particles, specifically for C60+C60+C_{60} + C_{60}^+ collisions. We predict that transient bonds between colliding fullerenes can significantly extend the interaction time, allowing for a greater probability of charge transfer. In our model, the dumbbell-shaped (C60C60)+(C_{60}-C_{60})^+ quasi-molecule, that is temporarily formed during the collision, is described as a dynamic system of 120 zero-range potentials. Using this model, we calculate the exchange interaction between colliding fullerenes and subsequently determine the corresponding charge transfer cross sections at different collision velocities. Our results have been verified with data obtained from quantum molecular dynamics simulations of the fullerene collisions. The presented theoretical model provides a description of the experimental data on the C60+C60+C_{60} + C_{60}^+ resonant charge transfer collision through the inclusion of the temporary formation of dumbbell-shaped fullerene molecules at low collision velocities.Comment: 5 pages (6 if you include citations), 3 figure

    Revised and Extended Analysis of Five Times Ionized Argon (Ar VI)

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    The spectrum of five times ionized argon, (Ar VI), has been observed in the 280-2100 Å wavelength range. Eighty-seven lines have been identified as transitions between levels of the 3s23p, 3s3p2, 3s23d, 3p3, 3s3p3d, 3s24s, 3s24d and 3s3p4s configurations. For 33 of the lines the classification is new. Forty-one energy level values belonging to these configurations were analyzed and we propose 9 new energy level values for levels corresponding to odd parity configurations. The configurations are interpreted by fitting the theoretical energy expressions to the observed energy levels using least- squares techniques. The parameter values are compared with results from Hartree-Fock calculations.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta