Atomic transitions for the doubly ionized argon spectrum, Ar III


We present new experimental atomic transition values for the atomic emission spectrum of doubly ionized argon, Ar III. In this work we studied 3s23p4 — 3s23p33d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p34s , 3s23p4 — 3s23p34d, 3s23p4 — 3s23p35s, 3s23p33d — 3s23p34p, and 3s23p34s — 3s23p34p transition arrays and 196 lines were identified as new atomic transitions between levels of these configurations. The experimental data were obtained from a capillary-discharge tube. The identifications are supported by multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock relativistic calculations.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasFacultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

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