322 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Breault, Edmond J. (Madison, Somerset County)

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    Project Tech Top study of lunar, planetary and solar topography Final report

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    Data acquisition techniques for information on lunar, planetary, and solar topograph

    Measurement of Gas Velocities in the Presence of Solids in the Riser of a Cold Flow Circulating Fluidized Bed

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    The local gas velocity and the intensity of the gas turbulence in a gas/solid flow are a required measurement in validating the gas and solids flow structure predicted by computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models in fluid bed and transport reactors. The high concentration and velocities of solids, however, make the use of traditional gas velocity measurement devices such as pitot tubes, hot wire anemometers and other such devices difficult. A method of determining these velocities has been devised at the National Energy Technology Laboratory employing tracer gas. The technique developed measures the time average local axial velocity gas component of a gas/solid flow using an injected tracer gas which induces changes in the heat transfer characteristics of the gas mixture. A small amount of helium is injected upstream a known distance from a self-heated thermistor. The thermistor, protected from the solids by means of a filter, is exposed to gases that are continuously extracted from the flow. Changes in the convective heat transfer characteristics of the gas are indicated by voltage variations across a Wheatstone bridge. When pulsed injections of helium are introduced to the riser flow the change in convective heat transfer coefficient of the gas can be rapidly and accurately determined with this instrument. By knowing the separation distance between the helium injection point and the thermistor extraction location as well as the time delay between injection and detection, the gas velocity can easily be calculated. Variations in the measured gas velocities also allow the turbulence intensity of the gas to be estimated

    Electric utility acid fuel cell stack technology advancement

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    The principal effort under this program was directed at the fuel cell stack technology required to accomplish the initial feasibility demonstrations of increased cell stack operating pressures and temperatures, increased cell active area, incorporation of the ribbed substrate cell configuration at the bove conditions, and the introduction of higher performance electrocatalysts. The program results were successful with the primary accomplishments being: (1) fabrication of 10 sq ft ribbed substrate, cell components including higher performing electrocatalysts; (2) assembly of a 10 sq ft, 30-cell short stack; and (3) initial test of this stack at 120 psia and 405 F. These accomplishments demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating and handling large area cells using materials and processes that are oriented to low cost manufacture. An additional accomplishment under the program was the testing of two 3.7 sq ft short stacks at 12 psia/405 F to 5400 and 4500 hours respectively. These tests demonstrate the durability of the components and the cell stack configuration to a nominal 5000 hours at the higher pressure and temperature condition planned for the next electric utility power plant

    Viability and Application of Mounting Personal PID VOC Sensors to Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

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    Using a UAS-mounted sensor to allow for a rapid response to areas that may be difficult to reach or potentially dangerous to human health can increase the situational awareness of first responders of an aircraft crash site through the remote detection, identification, and quantification of airborne hazardous materials. The primary purpose of this research was to evaluate the remote sensing viability and application of integrating existing commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) sensors with small unmanned aircraft system (UAS) technology to detect potentially hazardous airborne contaminants in emergency leak or spill response situations. By mounting the personal photoionization detector (PID) with volatile organic compound VOC sensor technology on UAS platforms, the needed information may be obtained at an optimum range and resolution without needlessly exposing a human to possible adverse conditions

    Telomerase mediates lymphocyte proliferation but not the atherosclerosis-suppressive potential of regulatory T-cells

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    Objective: Atherosclerosis is an age-related disease characterised by systemic oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation. The role of telomerase and telomere length in atherogenesis remains contentious. Short telomeres of peripheral leukocytes are predictive for coronary artery disease. Conversely, attenuated telomerase has been demonstrated to be protective for atherosclerosis. Hence a potential causative role of telomerase in atherogenesis is critically debated. Approach and Results: In this study we used multiple mouse models to investigate the regulation of telomerase under oxidative stress as well as its impact on atherogenesis in vitro and in vivo. Using primary lymphocytes and myeloid cell cultures we demonstrate that cultivation under hyperoxic conditions induced oxidative stress resulting in chronic activation of CD4+ cells and significantly reduced CD4+ T-cell proliferation. The latter was telomerase dependent, as oxidative stress had no effect on the proliferation of primary lymphocytes isolated from telomerase-knock-out mice. In contrast, myeloid cell proliferation was unaffected by oxidative stress nor reliant on telomerase. Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) deficiency had no effect on Treg numbers in vivo or suppressive function ex vivo. Adoptive transfer of TERT-/- Tregs into Rag2-/- ApoE-/- double knock out mice demonstrated that telomerase function was not required for the ability of Tregs to protect against atherosclerosis. However, telomere length was critical for Treg function. Conclusions: Telomerase contributes to lymphocyte proliferation but plays no major role in Treg function, provided that telomere length is not critically short. We suggest that oxidative stress may contribute to atherosclerosis via suppression of telomerase and acceleration of telomere attrition in Tregs.This study was supported, in part, by British Heart Foundation Project Grants PG/15/85/31744 and PG/12/47/29681 (www.BHF.org.uk) as well as the Newcastle Healthcare Charity (www.newcastle-hospitals. org.uk/patient-guides/charity-matters-at-newcastle-hospitals_charitable- funds.aspx). N.M. Al Zhrany was funded by a stipend from the Government of Saudi Arabia

    Generation of glucocorticoid-producing cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells.

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    Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening condition resulting from the inability to produce adrenal hormones in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Establishing a cell-based therapy would provide a physiologically responsive approach for the treatment of this condition. We report the generation of large numbers of human-induced steroidogenic cells (hiSCs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Directed differentiation of hPSCs into hiSCs recapitulates the initial stages of human adrenal development. Following expression of steroidogenic factor 1, activation of protein kinase A signaling drives a steroidogenic gene expression profile most comparable to human fetal adrenal cells, and leads to dynamic secretion of steroid hormones, in vitro. Moreover, expression of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) receptor/co-receptor (MC2R/MRAP) results in dose-dependent ACTH responsiveness. This protocol recapitulates adrenal insufficiency resulting from loss-of-function mutations in AAAS, which cause the enigmatic triple A syndrome. Our differentiation protocol generates sufficient numbers of hiSCs for cell-based therapy and offers a platform to study disorders causing adrenal insufficiency

    Generation of glucocorticoid-producing cells derived from human pluripotent stem cells

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    Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening condition resulting from the inability to produce adrenal hormones in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Establishing a cell-based therapy would provide a physiologically responsive approach for the treatment of this condition. We report the generation of large numbers of human-induced steroidogenic cells (hiSCs) from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs). Directed differentiation of hPSCs into hiSCs recapitulates the initial stages of human adrenal development. Following expression of steroidogenic factor 1, activation of protein kinase A signaling drives a steroidogenic gene expression profile most comparable to human fetal adrenal cells, and leads to dynamic secretion of steroid hormones, in vitro. Moreover, expression of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) receptor/co-receptor (MC2R/MRAP) results in dose-dependent ACTH responsiveness. This protocol recapitulates adrenal insufficiency resulting from loss-of-function mutations in AAAS, which cause the enigmatic triple A syndrome. Our differentiation protocol generates sufficient numbers of hiSCs for cell-based therapy and offers a platform to study disorders causing adrenal insufficiency
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