111 research outputs found

    Efectos terapéuticos de la dieta macrobiótica ma-pi4 sobre la mejora en la compensación de los niveles de glucosa, triglicéridos y colesterol en adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad, Octubre-Noviembre 2014

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    El objetivo general de la presente investigación fue evaluar los efectos terapéuticos de la dieta macrobiótica Ma-Pi4 sobre la mejora en la compensación de los niveles de glucosa, triglicéridos y colesterol en adultos con sobrepeso y obesidad. El estudio es cuasi experimental, descriptivo de corte transversal, monocéntrico. Realizado en 18 adultos que presentaron altas concentraciones de lípidos séricos y glucosa en sangre con sobrepeso y obesidad, los cuales fueron sometidos durante 28 días a la implementación de la dieta macrobiótica Ma-Pi4, se les aplicó una encuesta con el propósito de caracterizar los aspectos sociodemográficos y hábitos alimentarios, fichas para la obtención del estado nutricional y exámenes bioquímicos (perfil lipídico y glicemia) previo y posterior a la implementación de la dieta. El 50% (9) se encontraban en Obesidad I, cifra que posterior a la implementación de la dieta se redujo a 26.66% (3). La glucosa, el colesterol total, el colesterol de LDL y los triglicéridos, mostraron reducciones significativas, el colesterol total paso de ser una media de 223.42 a 178.5, de mismo modo los triglicéridos se redujeron de 191.72 a 138.12; y la glucosa que previo tenía una media de 94.82, posterior fue de 83.81. El colesterol de HDL no obtuvo cambios significativos. El 22.22%(4) de los sujetos padecían de HTA I, la cual luego de los 28 días no se encontró ninguna persona que presentará esta condición, obteniendo que el 88.88%(16) tenían su presión arterial en rangos normales. Como conclusión, el esquema terapéutico con dietas macrobióticas Ma-Pi evaluado, resultó exitoso en promover el control de parámetros clave del metabolismo glucídico y lipídico, y en reducir el riesgo cardiovascular asociado a los niveles lipídicos. Estos resultados apoyan el empleo de la dieta macrobiótica como herramienta efectiva adicional para el tratamiento de las dislipidemias y valores altos de glucosa

    Calidad asistencial percibida y satisfacción de las personas sordas con la atención primaria de un Área de Salud de la Región de Murcia

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    Objective: To describe the quality of care and satisfaction with regard to the primary care services of the Health Area II Cartagena of the Murcia Health Service as perceived by deaf people of Cartagena and the region.Method: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The data were collected through the simultaneous translation of the Questionnaire on Evaluation and Improvement of the Quality of Care (EMCA) relative to the Perceived Quality in Primary Care. The variables analyzed were: age, sex, level of education, kind of deafness, first language and use, communication systems or supports, quality of perceived service, perception of professionalism and humane treatment by doctors, nurses and administrative personnel and overall satisfaction perceived regarding their Health Center.Results: Professionalism and humane treatment on behalf of doctors and administrative staff was perceived as deficient, yet this perception was good in the case of nurses. Overall satisfaction is lower than that in the general population. There are statistically significant differences between the type of deafness and the perceived professionalism, the humane treatment and the perceived professionalism and between the communication system or support and the perceived quality of care.Conclusions: The health care provided to this group with special needs must be adapted so that they perceive quality health care leading to increased access and monitoring of deaf people in the health system.  Objetivo: Describir la calidad asistencial percibida y la satisfacción frente a los servicios de Atención Primaria del Área de Salud II Cartagena del Servicio Murciano de Salud por parte de las personas sordas de Cartagena y comarca.Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Los datos se recogieron mediante la traducción simultánea a la lengua de signos española del Cuestionario de Evaluación y Mejora de la Calidad Asistencial de Calidad Percibida en Atención Primaria. Se analizaron las variables: edad, sexo, nivel de estudios, tipo de sordera, primera lengua y uso, sistemas o apoyos comunicativos, calidad de atención percibida, percepción de la profesionalidad y trato humano por parte del profesional de la medicina, enfermería y administración y la satisfacción global percibida con su Centro de Atención Primaria. Resultados: La profesionalidad y trato humano recibido por parte del personal médico y administrativo fue percibido como deficiente, considerándose bueno en caso de las enfermeras. La satisfacción global es menor a la de la población general. Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el tipo de sordera y la profesionalidad percibida, el trato humano y la profesionalidad percibida y entre el sistema o apoyo comunicativo y la calidad de la atención percibida. Conclusiones: Es necesario adaptar la atención en salud que se presta a este colectivo con necesidades especiales a fin de que perciban una atención sanitaria de calidad que derive en un mayor acceso y seguimiento de personas sordas en el sistema sanitario. &nbsp

    Relationship Between Self-Perceived Health, Vitality, and Posttraumatic Growth in Liver Transplant Recipients

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    Our objective was to analyze the differences in posttraumatic growth in 240 liver transplant recipients based on two factors. First, self-perceived health: better (Group 1 = G1) and worse (Group 2 = G2). Second, vitality: more (Group 3 = G3) and less (Group 4 = G4). The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, SF-36 Health Survey (Item 2) and SF-12 Health Survey (vitality dimension) were used. Firstly, analyzing main effects recipients with better (G1) compared to worse (G2) self-perceived health, showed greater posttraumatic growth. Interaction effects were found on essential posttraumatic growth domains such as new possibilities (p = 0.040), personal strength (p = 0.027), and appreciation of life (p = 0.014). Statistically significant differences showed that among transplant recipients with worse self-perceived health (G2), those with more vitality had higher levels on abovementioned posttraumatic growth dimensions. However, in transplant recipients with better self-perceived health (G1) respective dimensions were not significantly influenced by the level of vitality. Among the recipients with less vitality (G4), those with better self-perceived health showed higher scores on abovementioned posttraumatic growth dimensions. We conclude that positive self-perceived health might compensate for a lack of vitality as well as a high level of vitality may compensate for negative self-perceived health regarding the development of crucial aspects of posttraumatic growth after liver transplantation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2014-51950-

    Effect of boron and water-to-cement ratio on the performances of laboratory prepared Belite-Ye'elimite-Ferrite (BYF) cements

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    The effect of superplasticiser, borax and the water-to-cement ratio on BYF hydration and mechanical strengths has been studied. Two laboratory-scale BYF cements—st-BYF (with -C2S and orthorhombic C4A3 S) and borax-activated B-BYF (with a’H-C2S and pseudo-cubic C4A3s) have been used, and both show similar particle size distribution. The addition of superplasticiser and externally added borax to BYF pastes has been optimised through rheological measurements. Optimised superplasticiser contents (0.3, 0.4 and 0.1 wt%for st-BYF, B-BYF and st-BYF with externally added 0.25 wt % B2O3, respectively) result in low viscosities yielding homogeneous mortars. The calorimetric study revealed that st-BYF is more reactive than B-BYF, as the values of heat released are 300–370 J/g and 190–210 J/g, respectively, after 7 days of hydration; this fact is independent of the water-to-cement ratio. These findings agree with the higher degree of hydration at 28 days of b -C2S in st-BYF (from 45 to 60%) than a’H-C2S in B-BYF (~20 to 30%). The phase assemblage evolution has been determined by LXRPD coupled with the Rietveld method and MAS-NMR. The formation of stratlingite is favoured by increasing the w/c ratio in both systems. Finally, the optimisation of fresh BYF pastes jointly with the reduction of water-to-cement ratio to 0.40 have allowed the achieving of mortars with compressive strengths over 40 MPa at 7 days in all systems. Moreover, the st-BYF mortar, where borax was externally added, achieved more than 70 MPa after 28 days. The main conclusion of this work does not support Lafarge’s approach of adding boron/borax to the raw meal of BYF cements. This procedure stabilises the alpha belite polymorph, but its reactivity, in these systems, is lower and the associated mechanical strengths poorer.UMA18-FEDERJA-095 y P18-RT-720, ambos cofinanciados FEDE

    Autocuidado en gestantes con obesidad según requisitos universales de Dorothea Orem, en usuarias que asisten al Centro de Salud Adán Barilla Huete, Juigalpa Chontales, I semestre 2016

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    La prevalencia de la obesidad en el embarazo esta aumentado debido a los malos hábitos del autocuidado que presentan las gestantes, esto se ha convertido en un factor negativo para la salud, ya que el embarazo es una etapa de mayor vulnerabilidad nutricional, donde la obesidad ha implicado en múltiples complicaciones. Por esta razón, el objetivo general es determinar el Autocuidado en gestantes con obesidad según requisitos universales de Dorothea Orem, en usuarias que asisten al Centro de Salud Adán Barilla Huete, Juigalpa Chontales, I semestre 2016. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal con enfoque cuantitativo, el universo es de 40 gestantes, lo cual fue tomado todo el universo para ser aplicada la encuesta, se recolecto la información, mediante un cuestionario con 29 preguntas cerradas. Los datos recolectados fueron ingresados en la base de datos SPSS para realizar su previo análisis. Como principales conclusiones podemos mencionar según los objetivos planteados, con relación al aporte suficiente de agua un 89% de las gestantes encuestadas ingieren la cantidad suficiente de agua, sin embargo un 47.5% de gestantes que consumen cantidades alarmantes de bebidas altas en calorías como café y coca cola, pudiéndose decir mediante estos datos que las gestantes no tienen un autocuidado favorable, consecuentemente, el porcentaje del aporte suficiente de alimento el 82.5% de las gestantes reflejan tener hábitos alimenticios pocos saludable, ya que se alimentan con poca frecuencia en relación a la recomendada en la gestante lo cual puede provocar epigastralgia

    Predecir la demanda de alumnos matriculados en el CCDG para el año 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la cantidad de alumnos matriculados en los diversos programas para el año 2020 dentro del Centro de Capacitación y Desarrollo Global (CCDG), ubicado en la ciudad de Lima; ello, a través del análisis del historial de la data de los años 2018 y 2019. Se ejecutó una investigación predictiva, dado que dicho tipo de investigación tiene como propósito prever o anticipar situaciones futuras, con el fin de tomar buenas decisiones en cuanto a la apertura de vacantes de los diversos programas y diplomados para cubrir la posible demanda de alumnos matriculados y, por otro lado, determinar las variables que permiten captar un mayor número de clientes. La metodología de ciencia de datos aplicada fue la regresión lineal simple; esta es una técnica que ayuda a proyectar el número de alumnos que podrían matricularse en el periodo 2020. Las variables utilizadas para esta técnica fueron la cantidad de alumnos matriculados y el número de meses correspondientes a los dos últimos años analizados. Como resultado, se obtuvo que, posiblemente, se tendrían 3280 alumnos matriculados para el año 2020 en los programas del CCDG, y que la variable más influyente para la atracción son las clases de modalidad virtual; asimismo, los cursos más demandados son la certificación del Organismo Supervisor de las Contrataciones del Estado (OSCE) y los diplomas del Sistema Integrado de Administración Financiera (SIAF). Los medios de contacto más efectivos, y con los que es posible atraer un mayor número de clientes, son la aplicación de WhatsApp y las llamadas telefónicas.The present research work aims to determine the number of students enrolled in the various programs for the year 2020 within the Global Training and Development Center, located in the city of Lima. This, through the analysis of 2018 and 2019 data history. A predictive research was carried out, since this type of research is intended to foresee or anticipate future situations, in order to make good decisions regarding the opening of vacancies in the various programs and diplomas to cover the possible demand of enrolled students, and, also, to determine the variables that allow a greater customer acquisition. The applied Data Science methodology is simple linear regression, which is a technique that projects the number of students who would enroll in the 2020 period. The variables used for this technique were the number of enrolled students and the number of months corresponding to the last two years analyzed. As a result, there would possibly be 3280 students enrolled by 2020 in the programs offered at the CCDG, and the most influential variable for customer recruitment are virtual classes; also, the most demanded course is OSCE certification and SIAF diplomas. The most effective means of contact, which can attract more clients, are WhatsApp and phone calls.Trabajo de investigació

    Coping strategies in liver transplant recipients and caregivers according to patient posttraumatic growth

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in coping strategies employed by liver transplant recipients and their family members according to patient posttraumatic growth. Two matched groups of 214 liver transplant recipients and 214 family members were selected. The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory and Brief COPE were used. The most relevant results were: (1) Interactive effects in active coping, support (instrumental and emotional) and acceptance strategies, which were all used more by patients with higher growth levels, while their family members showed no differences in use of these strategies by patient growth level. Furthermore, while a low level of patient growth did not mark differences between them and their caregivers, a high level did, patients employing more active coping and support (instrumental and emotional), (2) In both groups a high level of patient growth was associated with more use of positive reframing and denial than a low one, and (3) Self-blame was employed by patients more than by their caregivers. It was concluded that a high level of posttraumatic growth in liver transplant recipients is associated with more use of healthy coping strategies, basically active coping, instrumental support, and emotional support.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad PSI2014-51950-

    Spanish adaptation and validation of the Transplant Effects Questionnaire (TxEQ-Spanish) in liver transplant recipients and its relationship to posttraumatic growth and quality of life

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    The valid assessment of the impact of transplantation on psychological well-being is highly relevant to optimize treatment. However, to date there is no standardized instrument available in Spain. The Transplant Effects Questionnaire (TxEQ) evaluates the specific problems associated with organ transplantation, such as worry about transplant, guilt regarding the donor, disclosure of having undergone transplantation, adherence to medical treatment and responsibility toward the donor, family, friends, or medical staff. Against this backdrop the English original version of the TxEQ was translated into Spanish and validated in a sample of 240 liver transplant recipients. Participants also filled in the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), and the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12v.2). Confirmatory factor analysis of the TxEQ-Spanish revealed a five-factor structure equivalent to the English original version, and satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha: worry α = 0.82, guilt α = 0.77, disclosure α = 0.91, adherence α = 0.82, responsibility α = 0.83). Results showed that better mental quality of life was associated with higher adherence and disclosure, as well as less worry and guilt. Higher posttraumatic growth was significantly associated with worry, guilt, and responsibility. Interestingly, the most powerful predictor of posttraumatic growth was worry. Analysis of variance showed an interaction effect of PTG and mental quality of life on adherence, with medium PTG being associated with significantly stronger adherence in participants with better mental quality of life. In conclusion our study could successfully adapt and validate the Spanish version of the TxEQ in a large sample of liver transplant recipients. Our findings show a complex relationship between emotional reactions to transplantation, mental quality of life, and posttraumatic growth, which give further insight into inner processes supporting psychological well-being and adherence after liver transplantation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España PSI2014-51950-

    Post-traumatic growth and its relationship to quality of life up to 9 years after liver transplantation: a cross-sectional study in Spain

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    Objective Little is known concerning post-traumatic growth (PTG) after liver transplantation. Against this backdrop the current study analysed the relationship between PTG and time since transplantation on quality of life. Furthermore, it compared PTG between liver transplant recipients and their caregivers. Design Cross-sectional case–control study. Setting University Hospital in Spain. Participants 240 adult liver transplant recipients who had undergone only one transplantation, with no severe mental disease, were the participants of the study. Specific additional analyses were conducted on the subset of 216 participants for whom caregiver data were available. Moreover, results were compared with a previously recruited general population sample. Outcome measures All participants completed the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory, and recipients also filled in the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey. Relevant sociodemographic and clinical parameters were also assessed. Results In the sample of 240 recipients, longer time since transplantation (>9 years) was associated with more pain symptoms (p=0.026). Regardless of duration, recipients showed lower scores on most quality of life dimensions than the general population. However, high PTG was associated with a significantly higher score on the vitality quality of life dimension (p=0.021). In recipients with high PTG, specific quality of life dimensions, such as bodily pain (p=0.307), vitality (p=0.890) and mental health (p=0.353), even equalled scores in the general population, whereas scores on general health surpassed them (p=0.006). Furthermore, liver transplant recipients (n=216) compared with their caregivers showed higher total PTG (p<0.001) and higher scores on the subscales relating to others (p<0.001), new possibilities (p<0.001) and appreciation of life (p<0.001). Conclusions Our findings highlight the protective role of PTG in the long-term outcome of liver transplant recipients. Future studies should analyse and develop psychosocial interventions to strengthen PTG in transplant recipients and their caregivers.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España) PSI2014-51950-

    LectoTEA: inicios de un método informatizado de lectoescritura en alumnos con trastornos del espectro del autismo

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    El proyecto se enmarca en una colaboración entre cuatro grupos de trabajo: la asociación Autismo Sevilla, un Centro de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la ciudad de Sevilla, la Escuela de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla, y la Facultad de Psicología de la misma Universidad, estas últimas implicadas en el proyecto Sinergia de trabajos de fin de grado. Objetivos: 1. Diseñar una aplicación informática, basada en la estructura básica del método de Ventoso (2003), que sea adecuada a las características y capacidades de estos usuarios y que ofrezca un primer nivel de enseñanza de la lectura. Por tanto se centra en el método global de palabras completas y la asociación de estas a una imagen. 2. Realizar un posterior pilotaje del prototipo diseñado en una pequeña muestra de niños afectados con TEA, analizando la adecuación de la aplicación