52 research outputs found

    Dysphoric milk ejection reflex: A case report

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    Dysphoric Milk Ejection Reflex (D-MER) is an abrupt emotional "drop" that occurs in some women just before milk release and continues for not more than a few minutes. The brief negative feelings range in severity from wistfulness to self-loathing, and appear to have a physiological cause. The authors suggest that an abrupt drop in dopamine may occur when milk release is triggered, resulting in a real or relative brief dopamine deficit for affected women. Clinicians can support women with D-MER in several ways; often, simply knowing that it is a recognized phenomenon makes the condition tolerable. Further study is needed

    The making of a mammalian peroxisome, version 2.0: mitochondria get into the mix

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via the DOI in this record.A recent report from the laboratory of Heidi McBride (McGill University) presents a role for mitochondria in the de novo biogenesis of peroxisomes in mammalian cells (1). Peroxisomes are essential organelles responsible for a wide variety of biochemical functions, from the generation of bile, to plasmalogen synthesis, reduction of peroxides, and the oxidation of very long chain fatty acids (2). Like mitochondria, peroxisomes proliferate primarily through growth and division of pre-existing peroxisomes (3-6). However, unlike mitochondria, peroxisomes do not fuse (5,7); further, and perhaps most importantly, they can also be born de novo, a process thought to occur through the generation of pre-peroxisomal vesicles that originate from the endoplasmic reticulum (reviewed in (8,9). De novo peroxisome biogenesis has been extensively studies in yeast, with a major focus on the role of the ER in this process. Comprehensive studies in mammalian cells are, however, scarce (5,10-12). By exploiting patient cells lacking mature peroxisomes, Sugiura et al. (1) now assign a role to ER and mitochondria in de novo mammalian peroxisome biogenesis by showing that the formation of immature preperoxisomes occurs through the fusion of Pex3- / Pex14-containing mitochondriaderived vesicles with Pex16-containing ER-derived vesicles

    Natural Selection Affects Multiple Aspects of Genetic Variation at Putatively Neutral Sites across the Human Genome

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    A major question in evolutionary biology is how natural selection has shaped patterns of genetic variation across the human genome. Previous work has documented a reduction in genetic diversity in regions of the genome with low recombination rates. However, it is unclear whether other summaries of genetic variation, like allele frequencies, are also correlated with recombination rate and whether these correlations can be explained solely by negative selection against deleterious mutations or whether positive selection acting on favorable alleles is also required. Here we attempt to address these questions by analyzing three different genome-wide resequencing datasets from European individuals. We document several significant correlations between different genomic features. In particular, we find that average minor allele frequency and diversity are reduced in regions of low recombination and that human diversity, human-chimp divergence, and average minor allele frequency are reduced near genes. Population genetic simulations show that either positive natural selection acting on favorable mutations or negative natural selection acting against deleterious mutations can explain these correlations. However, models with strong positive selection on nonsynonymous mutations and little negative selection predict a stronger negative correlation between neutral diversity and nonsynonymous divergence than observed in the actual data, supporting the importance of negative, rather than positive, selection throughout the genome. Further, we show that the widespread presence of weakly deleterious alleles, rather than a small number of strongly positively selected mutations, is responsible for the correlation between neutral genetic diversity and recombination rate. This work suggests that natural selection has affected multiple aspects of linked neutral variation throughout the human genome and that positive selection is not required to explain these observations
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