1,133 research outputs found

    Amplitude envelopes as a means to quantify vowel length contrasts

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    pandapower - an Open Source Python Tool for Convenient Modeling, Analysis and Optimization of Electric Power Systems

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    pandapower is a Python based, BSD-licensed power system analysis tool aimed at automation of static and quasi-static analysis and optimization of balanced power systems. It provides power flow, optimal power flow, state estimation, topological graph searches and short circuit calculations according to IEC 60909. pandapower includes a Newton-Raphson power flow solver formerly based on PYPOWER, which has been accelerated with just-in-time compilation. Additional enhancements to the solver include the capability to model constant current loads, grids with multiple reference nodes and a connectivity check. The pandapower network model is based on electric elements, such as lines, two and three-winding transformers or ideal switches. All elements can be defined with nameplate parameters and are internally processed with equivalent circuit models, which have been validated against industry standard software tools. The tabular data structure used to define networks is based on the Python library pandas, which allows comfortable handling of input and output parameters. The implementation in Python makes pandapower easy to use and allows comfortable extension with third-party libraries. pandapower has been successfully applied in several grid studies as well as for educational purposes. A comprehensive, publicly available case-study demonstrates a possible application of pandapower in an automated time series calculation

    Carbon farming in Africa: Opportunities and challenges for engaging smallholder farmers

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    The IPCC stresses the importance of achieving net-zero CO2 emissions worldwide by 2050 and natural climate solutions, particularly carbon farming, can play a significant role in this goal. However, current markets do not account for environmental externalities, which creates a mismatch between individual costs and societal benefits. Payment systems linked to carbon farming practices could help bridge this gap. Research is essential to develop effective agricultural carbon markets, and this study focuses on the opportunities and challenges faced by smallholder farmers in these markets. The research examines four areas: agricultural markets as a funding source for carbon farming, payments for carbon sequestration, opportunities for smallholder farmers, and cost-effective monitoring and verification of carbon stocks. Further research is needed to monitor carbon sequestration accurately, reduce GHG emissions, and develop institutional arrangements to promote sustainable production methods in Africa

    „Aus GrĂŒnden der VerstĂ€ndlichkeit ...“: Der Einfluss generisch maskuliner und alternativer Personenbezeichnungen auf die kognitive Verarbeitung von Texten

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    Gegen geschlechtergerechte Sprache wird hĂ€ufig eingewandt, dass sie die QualitĂ€t und die kognitive Verarbeitung von Texten beeintrĂ€chtige. Um diese Annahme zu testen, lasen 86 deutschsprachige Teilnehmende drei verschiedene Versionen einer fiktiven Packungsbeilage eines Medikaments, die hinsichtlich der Form der Personenbezeichnung - generisches Maskulinum, Beidnennung mit Neutralisierung, Binnen-I - variierten. Es wurde erhoben, wie gut sich die Teilnehmenden an die Inhalte des Textes erinnerten und wie sie den Text im Hinblick auf verschiedene Merkmale der TextqualitĂ€t bewerteten, d.h. VerstĂ€ndlichkeit, GĂŒte der Formulierungen und Lesbarkeit. Weibliche Teilnehmende zeigten bei allen drei Textversionen eine Ă€hnlich gute Erinnerungsleistung und bewerteten die verschiedenen Textversionen als gleichermaßen verstĂ€ndlich. Die mĂ€nnlichen Teilnehmenden unterschieden sich ebenfalls nicht bedeutsam in der Erinnerungsleistung fĂŒr die drei Textfassungen, bewerteten die generisch maskuline Textfassung jedoch am besten. It is frequently argued that gender-fair language impairs processing of textual information. To test this assumption, 86 native speakers of German read three versions of a fictitious package leaflet that varied with regard to the personal nouns used: a generic masculine version and two gender-fair ones. Subsequently, participants answered questions about the content of the text and evaluated the text with regard to various criteria of textual quality. Female participants recalled a similar amount of details when answering questions on the generic masculine text and the gender-fair versions and they rated the intelligibility of all versions similarly. Male participants also recalled a similar amount of details in all three versions. However, concerning intelligibility they preferred the masculine generic text over the gender-fair versions

    Chinas Energiediplomatie: Kooperation oder Konkurrenz in Asien?: Aus chinesischen Fachzeitschriften

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    Die GewĂ€hrleistung einer sicheren Energieversorgung ist weltweit eine der bedeutendsten Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Insbesondere Chinas enormer Energiebedarf und der dadurch verschĂ€rfte Wettbewerb um die verbleibenden Energie-Ressourcen wirft heute mehr denn je die Frage nach Kooperation oder Konkurrenz in Asien auf. Dies spiegelt sich auch in der Tatsache wider, dass die Energiediplomatie der Volksrepublik als Teil der außenpolitischen Gesamtstrategie die aktuelle wissenschaftliche Debatte in chinesischen Fachzeitschriften dominiert. (Autorenreferat

    Sex determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2) amplification is an independent indicator of disease recurrence in sinonasal cancer.

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    The transcription factor SOX2 (3q26.3-q27) is an embryonic stem cell factor contributing to the induction of pluripotency in terminally differentiated somatic cells. Recently, amplification of the SOX2 gene locus has been described in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of different organ sites. Aim of this study was to investigate amplification and expression status of SOX2 in sinonasal carcinomas and to correlate the results with clinico-pathological data. A total of 119 primary tumor samples from the sinonasal region were assessed by fluorescence in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for SOX2 gene amplification and protein expression, respectively. Of these, 59 were SSCs, 18 sinonasal undifferentiated carcinomas (SNUC), 10 carcinomas associated with an inverted papilloma (INVC), 19 adenocarcinomas (AD) and 13 adenoid cystic carcinomas (ACC). SOX2 amplifications were found in subsets of SCCs (37.5%), SNUCs (35.3%), INVCs (37.5%) and ADs (8.3%) but not in ACCs. SOX2 amplification resulted in increased protein expression. Patients with SOX2-amplified sinonasal carcinomas showed a significantly higher rate of tumor recurrences than SOX2 non-amplified tumors. This is the first study assessing SOX2 amplification and expression in a large cohort of sinonasal carcinomas. As opposed to AD and ACC, SOX2 amplifications were detected in more than 1/3 of all SCCs, SNUCs and INVCs. We therefore suggest that SNUCs are molecularly closely related to SCCs and INVCs and that these entities represent a subgroup of sinonasal carcinomas relying on SOX2 acquisition during oncogenesis. SOX2 amplification appears to identify sinonasal carcinomas that are more likely to relapse after primary therapy, suggesting that these patients might benefit from a more aggressive therapy regime

    Soft modes in hot QCD matter

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    The chiral crossover of QCD at finite temperature and vanishing baryon density turns into a second order phase transition if lighter than physical quark masses are considered. If this transition occurs sufficiently close to the physical point, its universal critical behaviour would largely control the physics of the QCD phase transition. We quantify the size of this region in QCD using functional approaches, both Dyson-Schwinger equations and the functional renormalisation group. The latter allows us to study both critical and non-critical effects on an equal footing, facilitating a precise determination of the scaling regime. We find that the physical point is far away from the critical region. Importantly, we show that the physics of the chiral crossover is dominated by soft modes even far beyond the critical region. While scaling functions determine all thermodynamic properties of the system in the critical region, the order parameter potential is the relevant quantity away from it. We compute this potential in QCD using the functional renormalisation group and Dyson-Schwinger equations and provide a simple parametrisation for phenomenological applications.Comment: 7+8 pages, 5+4 figure
