200 research outputs found

    Hexagonal microlasers based on organic dyes in nanoporous crystals

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    Molecular sieves, such as nanoporous AlPO_4-5, can host a wide variety of laser active dyes. We embedded pyridine 2 molecules as a representative of a commercially available dye which fits into the channel pores of the host matrix. Many efficient dye molecules, such as rhodamines, do not fit into the pores. But the amount of encapsulated dyes can be increased by modifying the structure of the dyes such that they match the host templates. The resulting microlasers have properties that depend on size and shape of the microresonators, and we discuss a model for microscopic hexagonal ring resonators. In terms of pump needed to reach lasing threshold molecular sieve microlasers are comparable to VCSELs. For dyes which fit into the pores we observed a partial regeneration of photo-induced damage.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figure

    Design of a tourist driven bandwidth determined MultiModal mobile presentation system

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    In this paper we report on first experiences with a new software architecture for agent toolkits. Agent toolkits mainly consist of a software system that defines an agency, which is responsible to host software agents. Most architectures developed so far already define a large set of services, for example for agent migration, communication, and tracking. We propose to employ a kernel-based approach, where the kernel only provides fundamental concepts and functions common in all toolkits and abstracts from any of these services. We were able to show that in particular agent migration can be implemented as an optional service. We believe that this architecture is a useful foundation for research on agent-related topics as it allows research groups to implement their own results as a service which can be used by other groups running an agent system based on the same architecture

    Selbsthilfe und Selbsthilfeunterstützung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Aufgaben und Leistungen der Selbsthilfekontaktstellen in den neuen und alten Bundesländern

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    "Das Modellprogramm 'Förderung sozialer Selbsthilfe in den neuen Bundesländern' hatte zum Ziel, Umfang, Spektrum, Bedeutung und Entwicklung der Selbsthilfe in den neuen Bundesländern zu untersuchen. Geeignete Formen der Unterstützung der Arbeit von Selbsthilfegruppen und Initiativen sollten erprobt werden. Die Ergebnisse des Modellprogramms decken sich grundsätzlich mit früheren Forschungsergebnissen in den alten Bundesländern (vgl. Braun/ Opielka 1992). Das Engagement von Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Selbsthilfegruppen und Initiativen wird durch die Einrichtung von Selbsthilfekontaktstellen maßgeblich unterstützt." [Textauszug

    Acceleration of dynamic ice loss in Antarctica from satellite gravimetry

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    The dynamic stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet is one of the largest uncertainties in projections of future global sea-level rise. Essential for improving projections of the ice sheet evolution is the understanding of the ongoing trends and accelerations of mass loss in the context of ice dynamics. Here, we examine accelerations of mass change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet from 2002 to 2020 using data from the GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment; 2002–2017) and its follow-on GRACE-FO (2018-present) satellite missions. By subtracting estimates of net snow accumulation provided by re-analysis data and regional climate models from GRACE/GRACE-FO mass changes, we isolate variations in ice-dynamic discharge and compare them to direct measurements based on the remote sensing of the surface-ice velocity (2002–2017). We show that variations in the GRACE/GRACE-FO time series are modulated by variations in regional snow accumulation caused by large-scale atmospheric circulation. We show for the first time that, after removal of these surface effects, accelerations of ice-dynamic discharge from GRACE/GRACE-FO agree well with those independently derived from surface-ice velocities. For 2002–2020, we recover a discharge acceleration of -5.3 ± 2.2 Gt yr−2 for the entire ice sheet; these increasing losses originate mainly in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Sea Embayment regions (68%), with additional significant contributions from Dronning Maud Land (18%) and the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf region (13%). Under the assumption that the recovered rates and accelerations of mass loss persisted independent of any external forcing, Antarctica would contribute 7.6 ± 2.9 cm to global mean sea-level rise by the year 2100, more than two times the amount of 2.9 ± 0.6 cm obtained by linear extrapolation of current GRACE/GRACE-FO mass loss trends

    Treatment of Early Breast Cancer Patients: Evidence, Controversies, Consensus: Focusing on Systemic Therapy - German Experts' Opinions for the 16th International St. Gallen Consensus Conference (Vienna 2019)

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    A German working group of leading breast cancer experts have discussed the votes at the International St. Gallen Consensus Conference in Vienna for the treatment of primary breast cancer with regard to the German AGO (Ar-beitsgemeinschaft Gynakologische Onkologie) recommendations for clinical practice in Germany. Three of the German breast cancer experts were also members of this year's St. Gallen panel. Comparing the St. Gallen recommendations with the annually updated treatment recommendations of the Gynecological Oncology Working Group (AGO Mamma 2019) and the German S3 Guideline is useful, because the recommendations of the St. Gallen panel are based on expert opinions of different countries and disciplines. The focus of this article is on systemic therapy. The motto of this year's 16th St. Gallen Consensus Conference was Estimating the magnitude of clinical benefit. The rationale behind this motto is that, for every treatment decision, a benefit-risk assessment must be taken into consideration for each patient
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