16 research outputs found

    From physical competencies to physical literacy: issues in changing an elementary school physical fitness assessment campaign

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    Since 1991, in the Province of Luxembourg (Belgium), a sports campaign is organised by provincial institutions, in collaboration with physical educators. During a six-day campaign, 5000 pupils between 10 and 12 years perform 8 physical fitness tests. The goal of this campaign is to promote young people awareness of their physical ability levels and get them involved in regular physical activity. Results of these tests, from 2004 to 2021 were analysed. Moreover, in 2021, 129 pupils were also tested on their physical literacy. Results show a decreased in several fitness parameters, between 2004 and 2021. However, the physical literacy tests present a novel and holistic framework for promotion health including other pedagogical stakeholders. Results communicated to pupils are not only based on their physical performances but also on their daily behavior, knowledge, motivation to develop a healthy and active behavior for life. This socio-ecological approach highlights the importance of interactions between actors from different levels of everyone’s environment for better promotion health and education

    L’analyse du niveau de littératie physiquedes élèves de 10 à 12 ans, à l’échelle d’un territoire

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    La Campagne « En sport aussi une ardeur d’avance » menée depuis 30 ans en Belgique, au sein de la Province du Luxembourg évalue la condition physique de 5000 élèves de 10 à 12 ans. Cette campagne rassemble plusieurs acteurs de fonctions et statuts différents, membres de la Commission Sportive Provinciale, employés du Service Provincial des Sports, les enseignants en éducation physique de l’enseignement fondamental, des étudiants, formateurs et enseignants-chercheurs de la Haute École Robert Schuman. La coopération entre tous ces acteurs communautaires et institutionnels a pour objectifs de sensibiliser les élèves sur leurs niveaux d’aptitudes physiques et de littératie physique, ainsi que sur leur engagement à la pratique d’une activité physique régulière. Outre les 8 tests d’aptitudes physiques réalisés lors des journées de campagne, l’évaluation de la littératie physique a été réalisée, dans un second temps, chez une centaine d’enfants, suivant le modèle d’évaluation canadienne de la littératie physique (CAPL-2). Cette recherche vise à évaluer d’autres compétences chez les élèves, leur motivation, leur confiance, leurs comportements quotidiens et leurs connaissances dans les domaines de l’activité physique et de la santé. L’intervention des différents acteurs, issus du milieu scolaire et des institutions provinciales permet de situer l’élève sur son niveau de littératie physique, et d’en analyser la corrélation avec ses aptitudes physiques et la quantité d’activité physique pratiquée. Cette approche socio-écologique met en évidence l’importance des interactions entre les acteurs de différents niveaux de l’environnement de chaque individu

    The fitness barometer, a tool for physical education teachers

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    Introduction: Belgium has been working on physical fitness assessment since a couple of years (1994, 2004, 2013). In the Province of Luxembourg, a physical fitness campaign was organised every year for children in grades 5 and 6 (10-11 years). In October 2023 this campaign will be modified to provide motor and physical assessment, and health promotion. Several fitness tests will be removed. Objectives: The aim of this study was to provide a complete fitness barometer with the results of the campaign 2022. Methods: In 2022, 4,344 children aged 10 and 11 years performed 8 fitness tests, assessing upper and lower limbs explosive power, cardio-respiratory endurance, speed, flexibility, and abdominal endurance. Tests were assessed by external assessors. Data were analysed by researchers. R software (Rcmdr) was used for statistical analysis. Four groups were categorized by gender and age. Descriptive statistical analysis of percentiles was conducted for each group. Results: Percentiles divided statistical series into different categories that allowed each child to be placed in relation to usual values of children of his/her province, age, and gender. Results for each child highlight some qualities and weaknesses of his/her physical fitness, at the assessment time. Conclusion: This barometer delivered to PE teachers an individualized profile for each student. Collective results were provided for the PE teacher showing strengths and weaknesses of their class. Physical fitness is one domain of competencies that a person must develop to be physically active. Other domains of competencies should be added to this campaign

    Understanding PE teachers’ opinions about physical fitness assessment in children aged 10-11 years

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    Introduction: Physical fitness assessments for children, aged 10-11 years were performed in the province of Luxembourg. Children went to sports centres with their teachers to achieve a battery of 8 tests, evaluating different parameters of their physical fitness. However, this assessment campaign was restricted to the evaluation physical fitness and was focused on performances. Moreover, PE teacher’s involvement in this campaign seemed limited. From October 2023, the framework of the campaign will be modified following recommendations of the new curriculum for health and physical education. Objectives: The aim of this study was to collect PE teachers' opinions about the objectives of the campaign, their role and how the campaign fitted into their PE lessons. Methods: Interviews were conducted to meet forty-five PE teachers involved in the 2022-campaign. Discussions were recorded. Ideas discussed in each interview were transcribed. This procedure was used to create an online survey. Results: Thirty-seven PE teachers completed the online survey. Very few PE teachers were involved in projects regarding the new curriculum. Ninety-two percent of PE teachers prepared their students for the tests. Ninety-two percent of PE teachers informed their students about their results. Results were not discussed with parents. Three-quarters of PE teachers wanted to further integrate the campaign. Conclusion: This survey analysed the impact of this campaign on teachers' interventions, as well as the barriers encountered. This study could allow a better collaboration between PE teachers, parents, researchers, and members of the sports service for the development of future campaigns

    Active Playground: What are the effects on pupils?

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    peer reviewedCet article présente une étude ayant pour objectif de valider la mise en place d’un dispositif de cour de récréation active, avec différentes zones de mouvements et d’en mesurer les effets sur les élèves. La réalisation d’une cour de récréation active s’est construite par le développement d’une recherche collaborative, menée par les interactions entre les chercheurs, les élèves et l’équipe enseignante. Six établissements scolaires de Belgique, situés en Province de Luxembourg ont participé à l’étude. Les déplacements sur la cour de 125 élèves âgés de 10 à 13 ans, ont été mesurés via un podomètre. La création d’un indice de fidélité d’implémentation du dispositif de cour active a permis de quantifier l’importance des variables indispensables à la bonne mise en œuvre du dispositif. Les résultats ont montré que les variables expliquant le plus la variance du nombre de pas par minute pendant les récréations sont le genre, le profil actif des élèves, la superficie, l’instauration d’interventions sur la cour et les conditions atmosphériques. La question de la pérennisation des effets du dispositif sera discutée ainsi que l’analyse selon une perspective écologique.This article presents a study aimed at validating the implementation of an active playground system with different movement zones and measuring the effects on pupils. The realisation of an active playground was built through the development of collaborative research, carried out by interactions between researchers, pupils and the teaching team. Six schools in Belgium, located in the Province of Luxembourg, participated in the study. The movements on the playground of 125 pupils aged between 10 and 13 years were measured using a pedometer. The creation of a fidelity index for the implementation of the active schoolyard system made it possible to quantify the importance of the variables essential for the proper implementation of the system. The results showed that the variables that most explain the variance in the number of steps per minute during breaks are gender, the active profile of the pupils, the surface area, the introduction of interventions on the playground and the atmospheric conditions. The question of the sustainability of the effects of the device will be discussed as well as the analysis from an ecological perspective

    Muscle Activity Onset Prior to Landing in Patients after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    <div><p>Muscle activation during landing is paramount to stabilise lower limb joints and avoid abnormal movement patterns. Delayed muscle activity onset measured by electromyography (EMG) has been suggested to be associated with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury. Therefore, the aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to test the hypothesis if ACL-injured patients display different results for muscle onset timing during standard deceleration tasks compared to healthy control participants. PubMed, Embase, Scopus and ScienceDirect databases were systematically searched over the period from January 1980 to February 2015, yielding a total of 1461 citations. Six studies meeting inclusion criteria underwent quality assessment, data extraction and re-computing procedures for the meta-analysis. The quality was rated “moderate” for 2 studies and “poor” for 4. Patients included and procedures used were highly heterogeneous. The tasks investigated were single leg hopping, decelerating from running or walking, tested on a total of 102 ACL-injured participants and 86 controls. EMG analyses of the muscles vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, lateral and medial hamstrings revealed trivial and non-significant standardised mean differences (SMD<0.20; p>0.05) between patients and control participants. Furthermore, no differences were found between the contralateral leg of patients and controls for muscle activity onset of the medial and lateral gastrocnemius (SMD<0.20; p>0.05). Based on 3 studies, the involved legs of ACL-injured patients showed overall earlier muscle activity onset compared to control participants for the medial gastrocnemius (SMD = 0.5; p = 0.05). Similar results were found for the lateral gastrocnemius (SMD = 2.1; p<0.001), with a greater effect size but based only on a single study. We conclude that there are no differences between leg muscles of ACL-injured patients and healthy controls regarding the muscle activity onset during landing. However, current evidence is scarce and weak, which highlights the need for further research in this area.</p></div

    Overview of the main studies characteristics.

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    <p>ACLD, ACL-deficient; ACLR, ACL-reconstructed; PT (patellar tendon graft); STGT (semitendinosus-gracilis tendon graft); ms, milliseconds; %SP, percentage of stance phase; %GCT, percentage of gait cycle time; VL, vastus lateralis; VM, vastus medialis; RF, rectus femoris; ST, semitendinosus; SM, semimembranosus; BF, biceps femoris; GM, gluteus maximus; MG, medial gastrocnemius; LG, lateral gastrocnemius; SO, soleus; TA, tibialis anterior. Note that in the study of Lindstrom et al, the final number of included participants is lower due to technical issues related to the EMG recordings.</p

    Transition vers une éducation physique, au bien-être et à la santé : le cas de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

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    Introduction générale/Présentation du contexte : Depuis 2014, la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (FWB) mène une réflexion transversale sur son système scolaire afin de renforcer la qualité de l’offre d’enseignement et d’adapter les compétences et les savoirs à développer aux besoins du 21ème siècle. Dans ce contexte, le cadre de référence des enseignants en éducation physique (EP) en charge des 3-15 ans connait actuellement une évolution très importante avec un renforcement de l’ancrage sociétal du cours (Cloes, 2017) et l’apparition du bien-être et de la santé parmi les priorités de l’enseignement (FWB, 2017). Cette nouvelle orientation demande aux acteurs de repenser les objectifs, les contenus, l’évaluation et le processus d’enseignement-apprentissage. C’est dans cette perspective que le CAPBES, un consortium de chercheurs issus des 12 institutions francophones formant des enseignants en EP, a été mandaté par le Ministère de l’Enseignement pour concevoir et expérimenter des dispositifs destinés à fournir une base de références aux praticiens. En s’appuyant sur le modèle de l’école qui bouge proposé par Snyers et al. (2014), le but de ce symposium consiste à illustrer plusieurs projets qui ont été testés par des membres du consortium. Description de l’organisation du symposium (vendredi 28/02/2020 de 13h00-14h30 - Session parallèle 6 - Espace Prémontrés) : 1) Introduction au symposium (Jean-Philippe Dupont) : enjeux et objectifs du groupe de recherche dans le cadre des travaux du Pacte d’Excellence en Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. 2) Présentation de l’équipe de Virton avec Benoit Vercruysse et Amélie Brau. 3) Présentation de l’équipe de Liège avec Marc Cloes et Jérémy Bonni. 4) Présentation de l’équipe de Bruxelles avec Xavier Flamme et Jean-Philippe Dupont. 5) Présentation de l’équipe de Morlanwez avec Sylvie Herreman et Madison Bodart. 6) Période d’échange avec l’auditoire

    Forest plot illustrating muscle activity onset times of both groups and group differences for medial gastrocnemius.

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    <p>SMD between ACL patients’ healthy contralateral legs (Patient-contralateral leg) and control participants (Control). (a), values in milliseconds.</p