From physical competencies to physical literacy: issues in changing an elementary school physical fitness assessment campaign


Since 1991, in the Province of Luxembourg (Belgium), a sports campaign is organised by provincial institutions, in collaboration with physical educators. During a six-day campaign, 5000 pupils between 10 and 12 years perform 8 physical fitness tests. The goal of this campaign is to promote young people awareness of their physical ability levels and get them involved in regular physical activity. Results of these tests, from 2004 to 2021 were analysed. Moreover, in 2021, 129 pupils were also tested on their physical literacy. Results show a decreased in several fitness parameters, between 2004 and 2021. However, the physical literacy tests present a novel and holistic framework for promotion health including other pedagogical stakeholders. Results communicated to pupils are not only based on their physical performances but also on their daily behavior, knowledge, motivation to develop a healthy and active behavior for life. This socio-ecological approach highlights the importance of interactions between actors from different levels of everyone’s environment for better promotion health and education

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