127 research outputs found

    Leafless roughness of complex tree morphology using terrestrial LiDAR

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    Strategies for extracting roughness parameters from riparian forests need to address the issue that the trees are more than just stems and that in large rivers flow can rise into the canopy. Remote sensing information with 3-D capabilities such as lidar can be used to extract information on trees. However, first and last pulse airborne lidar data are insufficient to characterize the complex vertical structure of vegetation because by definition, there are few data at intermediate levels. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is used in this study to define complex structures at a millimetric scanning resolution for the purpose of extracting canopy parameters relevant for the parameterization of the flow resistance equations. We will mainly be concerned with the projected area of leafless trees, estimating the total tree dimensions using several different methods. These include manipulating mass point cloud data obtained from TLS to create stage-dependent projected areas through complex meshing techniques and voxelization. Stage-dependent projected areas were defined for natural and planted poplar forests in the riparian zone of the Garonne and Allier rivers in southern and central France, respectively. Roughness values for planted poplar forests dominant in many western European river floodplains range from Manning's n = 0.037–0.094 and n = 0.140–0.330 for below-canopy flow (2 m) and extreme in-canopy flow (8 m), respectively. Roughness values for natural poplar forests ranged from n = 0.066–0.210 and n = 0.202–0.720 for below-canopy flow (2 m) and extreme in-canopy flow (8 m), respectively

    Modelling Braided River Morphodynamics Using a Particle Travel Length Framework

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    Numerical models that predict channel evolution are an essential tool for investigating processes that occur over timescales which render field observation intractable. The current generation of morphodynamic models, however, either oversimplify the relevant physical processes or, in the case of more physically complete codes based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), have computational overheads that severely restrict the space–time scope of their application. Here we present a new, open-source, hybrid approach that seeks to reconcile these modelling philosophies. This framework combines steady-state, two-dimensional CFD hydraulics with a rule-based sediment transport algorithm to predict particle mobility and transport paths which are used to route sediment and evolve the bed topography. Data from two contrasting natural braided rivers (Rees, New Zealand, and Feshie, United Kingdom) were used for model verification, incorporating reach-scale quantitative morphological change budgets and volumetric assessment of different braiding mechanisms. The model was able to simulate 8 of the 10 empirically observed braiding mechanisms from the parameterized bed erosion, sediment transport, and deposition. Representation of bank erosion and bar edge trimming necessitated the inclusion of a lateral channel migration algorithm. Comparisons between simulations based on steady effective discharge versus event hydrographs discretized into a series of model runs were found to only marginally increase the predicted volumetric change, with greater deposition offsetting erosion. A decadal-scale simulation indicates that accurate prediction of event-scale scour depth and subsequent deposition present a methodological challenge because the predicted pattern of deposition may never “catch up” to erosion if a simple path-length distribution is employed, thus resulting in channel over-scouring. It may thus be necessary to augment path-length distributions to preferentially deposit material in certain geomorphic units. We anticipate that the model presented here will be used as a modular framework to explore the effect of different process representations, and as a learning tool designed to reveal the relative importance of geomorphic transport processes in rivers at multiple timescales

    Hydraulic validation of two-dimensional simulations of braided river flow with spatially continuous aDcp data

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    Gravel‐bed braided rivers are characterized by shallow, branching flow across low relief, complex, and mobile bed topography. These conditions present a major challenge for the application of higher dimensional hydraulic models, the predictions of which are nevertheless vital to inform flood risk and ecosystem management. This paper demonstrates how high‐resolution topographic survey and hydraulic monitoring at a density commensurate with model discretization can be used to advance hydrodynamic simulations in braided rivers. Specifically, we detail applications of the shallow water model, Delft3d, to the Rees River, New Zealand, at two nested scales: a 300 m braid bar unit and a 2.5 km reach. In each case, terrestrial laser scanning was used to parameterize the topographic boundary condition at hitherto unprecedented resolution and accuracy. Dense observations of depth and velocity acquired from a mobile acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp), along with low‐altitude aerial photography, were then used to create a data‐rich framework for model calibration and testing at a range of discharges. Calibration focused on the estimation of spatially uniform roughness and horizontal eddy viscosity, νH, through comparison of predictions with distributed hydraulic data. Results revealed strong sensitivity to νH, which influenced cross‐channel velocity and localization of high shear zones. The high‐resolution bed topography partially accounts for form resistance, and the recovered roughness was found to scale by 1.2–1.4 D84 grain diameter. Model performance was good for a range of flows, with minimal bias and tight error distributions, suggesting that acceptable predictions can be achieved with spatially uniform roughness and νH.Field campaigns were primarily funded by NERC Grant NE/G005427/1 and NERC Geophysical Equipment Facility Loan 892 as well as NSERC and CFI (Canada) grants to Colin Rennie. Damia Vericat was supported by a Ramon y Cajal Fellowship (RYC‐2010‐06264) funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation during the preparation of this manuscript. Numerical simulations were undertaken during a visit by Richard Williams to NIWA. This visit was funded by the British Hydrology Society and an Aberystwyth University Postgraduate Studentship. Murray Hicks and Richard Measures were funded by NIWA core funding under the Sustainable Water Allocation Programme

    Modelling outburst floods from moraine-dammed glacial lakes

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    In response to climatic change, the size and number of moraine-dammed supraglacial and proglacial lake systems have increased dramatically in recent decades. Given an appropriate trigger, the natural moraine dams that impound these proglacial lakes are breached, producing catastrophic Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs). These floods are highly complex phenomena, with flood characteristics controlled, in the first instance, by the style of breach formation. Downstream, GLOFs typically exhibit transient, often non-Newtonian fluid dynamics as a result of high rates of sediment entrainment from the dam structure and channel boundaries. Combined, these characteristics introduce numerous modelling challenges. In this review, the historical, contemporary and emerging approaches available to model the individual stages, or components, of a GLOF event are introduced and discussed. A number of methods exist to model the stages of a GLOF event. Dam-breach models can be categorised as being empirical, analytical or numerical in nature, with each method having significant advantages and shortcomings. Empirical relationships that produce estimates of peak discharge and time to peak are straightforward to implement, but the applicability of these models is often limited by the nature of the case study data from which they are derived. Furthermore, empirical models neglect the inclusion of basic hydraulic principles that describe the mechanics of breach formation. Analytical or parametric models simulate breach development using simplified versions of the physically based equations that describe breach enlargement, whilst complex, physically-based codes represent the state-of-the-art in numerical dam-breach modelling. To date, few of the latter have been applied to investigate the moraine-dam failure problem. Despite significant advances in the physical complexity and availability of higher-order hydrodynamic solvers, the majority of published accounts that have attempted to reconstruct or predict GLOF characteristics have been limited, often by necessity, to the use of relatively simplistic models. This is in part attributable to the unavailability of terrain models of many high-mountain catchments at the fine spatial resolutions required for the effective application of numerically-sophisticated codes, and their proprietary (and often cost-prohibitive) nature. However, advanced models are experiencing increasing use in the glacial hazards literature. In particular, the suitability of emerging mesh-free, particle-based methods for simulating dam-breach and GLOF routing may represent a solution to many of the challenges associated with modelling this complex phenomenon. Sources of uncertainty in the GLOF modelling chain have been identified by various workers. However, to date their significance for the robustness of reconstructive and predictive modelling efforts have been largely unexplored and quantified in detail. These sources include the geometric and material characterisation of moraine dam complexes, including lake bathymetry and the presence and extent of buried ice, initial conditions (freeboard, precise spillway dimensions), spatial discretisation of the down-valley domain, hydrodynamic model dimensionality and the dynamic coupling of successive components in the GLOF model cascade

    Numerical modeling of glacial lake outburst floods using physically based dam-breach models

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    The instability of moraine-dammed proglacial lakes creates the potential for catastrophic glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in high-mountain regions. In this research, we use a unique combination of numerical dam-breach and two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling, employed within a generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) framework, to quantify predictive uncertainty in model outputs associated with a reconstruction of the Dig Tsho failure in Nepal. Monte Carlo analysis was used to sample the model parameter space, and morphological descriptors of the moraine breach were used to evaluate model performance. Multiple breach scenarios were produced by differing parameter ensembles associated with a range of breach initiation mechanisms, including overtopping waves and mechanical failure of the dam face. The material roughness coefficient was found to exert a dominant influence over model performance. The downstream routing of scenario-specific breach hydrographs revealed significant differences in the timing and extent of inundation. A GLUE-based methodology for constructing probabilistic maps of inundation extent, flow depth, and hazard is presented and provides a useful tool for communicating uncertainty in GLOF hazard assessment

    Morphodynamic signatures of braiding mechanisms as expressed through change in sediment storage in a gravel-bed river

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    [1] Previous flume-based research on braided channels has revealed four classic mechanisms that produce braiding: central bar development, chute cutoff, lobe dissection, and transverse bar conversion. The importance of these braiding mechanisms relative to other morphodynamic mechanisms in shaping braided rivers has not yet been investigated in the field. Here we exploit repeat topographic surveys of the braided River Feshie (UK) to explore the morphodynamic signatures of different mechanisms of change in sediment storage. Our results indicate that, when combined, the four classic braiding mechanisms do indeed account for the majority of volumetric change in storage in the study reach (61% total). Chute cutoff, traditionally thought of as an erosional braiding mechanism, appears to be the most common braiding mechanism in the study river, but was more the result of deposition during the construction of diagonal bars than it was the erosion of the chute. Three of the four classic mechanisms appeared to be largely net aggradational in nature, whereas secondary mechanisms (including bank erosion, channel incision, and bar sculpting) were primarily net erosional. Although the role of readily erodible banks in facilitating braiding is often conceptualized, we show that bank erosion is as or more important a mechanism in changes in sediment storage than most of the braiding mechanisms, and is the most important “secondary” mechanism (17% of total change). The results of this study provide one of the first field tests of the relative importance of braiding mechanisms observed in flume settings

    Geomorphology of the Rees Valley, Otago, New Zealand

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    We present a 1:33,333 geomorphological map of the Rees Valley, Otago, New Zealand. The Rees River drains an area of ~405 km2 and feeds into the head of Lake Wakatipu. This area has been affected by a range of geomorphological processes including tectonic activity, glacial erosion and deposition, mass movement, fluvial action, and base (lake) level change. Mapping was achieved by a combination of interpretation from SPOT 5 HRG satellite imagery and ground-truthing. The map presents the current distribution of landforms and sediments associated with the wide variety of contemporary and past geomorphological processes. It represents the most detailed and finest resolution geomorphological map of this region to date, and hence a number of features have been mapped and described for the first time. The map will assist on-going studies in the Rees catchment that seek to understand fluvial sediment transport and associated flood hazards, the dynamics of former glaciers, base level change associated with a drop in the level of Lake Wakatipu, and mass movement hazards. © 2013 Simon J. Cook