285 research outputs found

    On principal frequencies and inradius in convex sets

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    We generalize to the case of the pp-Laplacian an old result by Hersch and Protter. Namely, we show that it is possible to estimate from below the first eigenvalue of the Dirichlet pp-Laplacian of a convex set in terms of its inradius. We also prove a lower bound in terms of isoperimetric ratios and we briefly discuss the more general case of Poincar\'e-Sobolev embedding constants. Eventually, we highlight an open problem.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    A note on some Poincar\'e inequalities on convex sets by Optimal Transport methods

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    We show that a class of Poincar\'e-Wirtinger inequalities on bounded convex sets can be obtained by means of the dynamical formulation of Optimal Transport. This is a consequence of a more general result valid for convex sets, possibly unbounded.Comment: 13 page

    A continuous model of transportation revisited

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    We review two models of optimal transport, where congestion effects during the transport can be possibly taken into account. The first model is Beckmann's one, where the transport activities are modeled by vector fields with given divergence. The second one is the model by Carlier et al. (SIAM J Control Optim 47: 1330-1350, 2008), which in turn is the continuous reformulation of Wardrop's model on graphs. We discuss the extensions of these models to their natural functional analytic setting and show that they are indeed equivalent, by using Smirnov decomposition theorem for normal 1-currents.Comment: 26 pages. Theorem A.20 of v1 was not correct: we removed it and replaced it with the counterexample A.18 in v2. We also made some improvements to the wording and corrected some typo

    The second eigenvalue of the fractional pp-Laplacian

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    We consider the eigenvalue problem for the {\it fractional pp-Laplacian} in an open bounded, possibly disconnected set ΩRn\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^n, under homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. After discussing some regularity issues for eigenfuctions, we show that the second eigenvalue λ2(Ω)\lambda_2(\Omega) is well-defined, and we characterize it by means of several equivalent variational formulations. In particular, we extend the mountain pass characterization of Cuesta, De Figueiredo and Gossez to the nonlocal and nonlinear setting. Finally, we consider the minimization problem inf{λ2(Ω):Ω=c}. \inf \{\lambda_2(\Omega)\,:\,|\Omega|=c\}. We prove that, differently from the local case, an optimal shape does not exist, even among disconnected sets. A minimizing sequence is given by the union of two disjoint balls of volume c/2c/2 whose mutual distance tends to infinity.Comment: 38 pages. The test function used in the proof of Theorem 3.1 needed to be slightly modified, in order to be admissible for 1<p<21<p<2. We fixed this issu

    Higher Sobolev regularity for the fractional pp-Laplace equation in the superquadratic case

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    We prove that for p2p\ge 2 solutions of equations modeled by the fractional pp-Laplacian improve their regularity on the scale of fractional Sobolev spaces. Moreover, under certain precise conditions, they are in Wloc1,pW^{1,p}_{loc} and their gradients are in a fractional Sobolev space as well. The relevant estimates are stable as the fractional order of differentiation ss reaches 11.Comment: 36 page

    A pathological example in Nonlinear Spectral Theory

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    We construct an open set ΩRN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N on which an eigenvalue problem for the pp-Laplacian has not isolated first eigenvalue and the spectrum is not discrete. The same example shows that the usual Lusternik-Schnirelmann minimax construction does not exhaust the whole spectrum of this eigenvalue problem.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Improved energy bounds for Schr\"odinger operators

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    Given a potential VV and the associated Schr\"odinger operator Δ+V-\Delta+V, we consider the problem of providing sharp upper and lower bound on the energy of the operator. It is known that if for example VV or V1V^{-1} enjoys suitable summability properties, the problem has a positive answer. In this paper we show that the corresponding isoperimetric-like inequalities can be improved by means of quantitative stability estimates.Comment: 31 page

    Spectral inequalities in quantitative form

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    We review some results about quantitative improvements of sharp inequalities for eigenvalues of the Laplacian.Comment: 71 pages, 4 figures, 6 open problems, 76 references. This is a chapter of the forthcoming book "Shape Optimization and Spectral Theory", edited by Antoine Henrot and published by De Gruyte

    The fractional Cheeger problem

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    Given an open and bounded set ΩRN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N, we consider the problem of minimizing the ratio between the ss-perimeter and the NN-dimensional Lebesgue measure among subsets of Ω\Omega. This is the nonlocal version of the well-known Cheeger problem. We prove various properties of optimal sets for this problem, as well as some equivalent formulations. In addition, the limiting behaviour of some nonlinear and nonlocal eigenvalue problems is investigated, in relation with this optimization problem. The presentation is as self-contained as possible.Comment: 33 pages, 2 figure