324 research outputs found

    Remote detection of aerosol pollution by ERTS

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    Photogrammetric and densitometric examination of ERTS-1 MSS imagery of Eastern Virginia coupled with extensive ground truth air quality and meteorological data has shown that the identification and surveying of fixed particulate emitters (smoke plumes) is feasible. A description of the ground truth network is included. The quantitative monitoring of smoke stacks from orbital altitudes over state size regions appears possible when tied to realistic plume models and minimal ground truth. Contrast reductions over urban areas can possibly be utilized to produce isopleths of particulates when supplemented by local measurements

    An Annotated Bibliography of Financial Therapy Research: 2010 to 2018

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    The purpose of this paper is to expand upon Mentzer, Britt, Samuelson, and Herrera’s (2010) annotated bibliography of research conducted in the field of financial therapy prior to 2010 and provide readers with a current overview of financial therapy research published since that time. Annotated bibliographies are categorized by topics and future research in each area is suggested. In addition, two tables were developed to provide readers a snapshot of the current landscape of financial therapy. The first table provides a list of journals of published articles featuring financial therapy or related topics. The second table provides an overview of types of research, population studies, key topics, as well as highlighting whether theory and financial therapy are overtly referred to within the article

    A multi-modal approach to measuring particulate iron speciation in buoyant hydrothermal plumes

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    Processes active within buoyant hydrothermal plumes are expected to modulate the flux of elements, such as Fe, to the deep ocean; however, they are yet to be described in a comprehensive manner through observations or models. In this study, we compare observed particulate Fe (pFe) speciation with thermodynamic (equilibrium) reaction path modeling for three vent fields in the Eastern Lau Spreading Center (ELSC). At each site, particles were collected from the buoyant rising portion of hydrothermal plumes using in situ filtration with a Remotely Operated Vehicle. Filter bound particles were analyzed by synchrotron micro-probe X-ray fluorescence mapping (XRF), X-ray diffraction (XRD), XRF spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Fe 1 s edge, as well as XRF-based chemical speciation mapping for Fe. For buoyant plumes of the ELSC, diversity in solid-state chemistry was high, and poorly crystalline, meta-stable phases were common. We demonstrate that to fully describe the crystalline-to-noncrystalline character of plume pFe, a multi-modal XRD-XANES analytical approach is needed. We found that an equilibrium modeling approach worked well for pyrite but performed poorly for important families of meta-stable pFe, namely Fe (oxyhydr)oxides and monosulfides. Based on our findings, we recommend future field expeditions strategically explore sites representing a diversity of site-specific conditions to better capture the full range of processes active in plumes. We also recommend development of kinetic models, as well as expansion of thermodynamic databases to better reflect the solid-state composition of plumes. These steps should allow oceanographers to understand the processes controlling Fe speciation in plumes well enough to create realistic models of hydrothermal fluxes to the ocean

    Dispersion in the open ocean seasonal pycnocline at scales of 1-10 km and 1-6 days

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 50(2), (2020): 415-437, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-19-0019.1.Results are presented from two dye release experiments conducted in the seasonal thermocline of the Sargasso Sea, one in a region of low horizontal strain rate (~10−6 s−1), the second in a region of intermediate horizontal strain rate (~10−5 s−1). Both experiments lasted ~6 days, covering spatial scales of 1–10 and 1–50 km for the low and intermediate strain rate regimes, respectively. Diapycnal diffusivities estimated from the two experiments were Îșz = (2–5) × 10−6 m2 s−1, while isopycnal diffusivities were ÎșH = (0.2–3) m2 s−1, with the range in ÎșH being less a reflection of site-to-site variability, and more due to uncertainties in the background strain rate acting on the patch combined with uncertain time dependence. The Site I (low strain) experiment exhibited minimal stretching, elongating to approximately 10 km over 6 days while maintaining a width of ~5 km, and with a notable vertical tilt in the meridional direction. By contrast, the Site II (intermediate strain) experiment exhibited significant stretching, elongating to more than 50 km in length and advecting more than 150 km while still maintaining a width of order 3–5 km. Early surveys from both experiments showed patchy distributions indicative of small-scale stirring at scales of order a few hundred meters. Later surveys show relatively smooth, coherent distributions with only occasional patchiness, suggestive of a diffusive rather than stirring process at the scales of the now larger patches. Together the two experiments provide important clues as to the rates and underlying processes driving diapycnal and isopycnal mixing at these scales.Results are presented from two dye release experiments conducted in the seasonal thermocline of the Sargasso Sea, one in a region of low horizontal strain rate (~10−6 s−1), the second in a region of intermediate horizontal strain rate (~10−5 s−1). Both experiments lasted ~6 days, covering spatial scales of 1–10 and 1–50 km for the low and intermediate strain rate regimes, respectively. Diapycnal diffusivities estimated from the two experiments were Îșz = (2–5) × 10−6 m2 s−1, while isopycnal diffusivities were ÎșH = (0.2–3) m2 s−1, with the range in ÎșH being less a reflection of site-to-site variability, and more due to uncertainties in the background strain rate acting on the patch combined with uncertain time dependence. The Site I (low strain) experiment exhibited minimal stretching, elongating to approximately 10 km over 6 days while maintaining a width of ~5 km, and with a notable vertical tilt in the meridional direction. By contrast, the Site II (intermediate strain) experiment exhibited significant stretching, elongating to more than 50 km in length and advecting more than 150 km while still maintaining a width of order 3–5 km. Early surveys from both experiments showed patchy distributions indicative of small-scale stirring at scales of order a few hundred meters. Later surveys show relatively smooth, coherent distributions with only occasional patchiness, suggestive of a diffusive rather than stirring process at the scales of the now larger patches. Together the two experiments provide important clues as to the rates and underlying processes driving diapycnal and isopycnal mixing at these scales.2020-08-0

    Observations and numerical simulations of large-eddy circulation in the ocean surface mixed layer

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2014. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 41 (2014): 7584–7590, doi:10.1002/2014GL061637.Two near-surface dye releases were mapped on scales of minutes to hours temporally, meters to order 1 km horizontally, and 1–20 m vertically using a scanning, depth-resolving airborne lidar. In both cases, dye evolved into a series of rolls with their major axes approximately aligned with the wind and/or near-surface current. In both cases, roll spacing was also of order 5–10 times the mixed layer depth, considerably larger than the 1–2 aspect ratio expected for Langmuir cells. Numerical large-eddy simulations under similar forcing showed similar features, even without Stokes drift forcing. In one case, inertial shear driven by light winds induced large aspect ratio large-eddy circulation. In the second, a preexisting lateral mixed layer density gradient provided the dominant forcing. In both cases, the growth of the large-eddy structures and the strength of the resulting dispersion were highly dependent on the type of forcing.Support for the 2004 field experiment was provided by the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Technology Innovation Fund and Coastal Ocean Institute grant 27001545, both through Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and by Office of Naval Research grant N00014-01-1-0984. Support for the 2011 field experiments was provided by ONR grants N00014-09-1-0194, N00014-09-1-0175, N00014-11-WX-21010, N00014-12-WX-21031, and N00014-09-1-0460 and NSF grants OCE-0751734 and OCE-0751653. Simulations were supported under grant N00014-09-1-0268.2015-05-0

    Porphyrin-modified antimicrobial peptide indicators for detection of bacteria

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    This study demonstrates the potential of porphyrin modified antimicrobial peptides for indication of bacterial targets on the basis of changes in the spectrophotometric characteristics of the construct. Detection is a result of changes in the structure of the antimicrobial peptide upon target binding. Those constructs comprised of peptides that offer little or no change in conformation upon interaction with bacterial cells demonstrated negligible changes in absorbance and fluorescence when challenged using Escherichia coli or Bacillus cereus. CD analysis confirms the presence/absence of conformational changes in the porphyrin-peptide constructs. Differing spectrophotometric responses were observed for constructs utilizing different peptides. The incorporation of metals into the porphyrin component of the constructs was shown to alter their spectrophotometric characteristics as well as the resulting absorbance and fluorescence changes noted upon interaction with a target. The described constructs offer the potential to enable a new type of biosensing approach in which the porphyrin-peptide indicators offer both target recognition and optical transduction, requiring no additional reagents

    Compromised Fertility In Free Feeding Of Wildcaught Norway Rats (\u3ci\u3eRattus norvegicus\u3c/i\u3e) With A Liquid Bait Containing 4-Vinylcyclohexene Diepoxide And Triptolide

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    Wild rat pests in the environment cause crop and property damage and carry disease. Traditional methods of reducing populations of these pests involve poisons that can cause accidental exposures in other animals and humans. Fertility management with nonlethal chemicals would be an improved method of rat pest population control. Two chemicals known to target ovarian function in female rats are 4-vinylcyclohexene diepoxide (VCD) and triptolide. Additionally, triptolide impairs spermatogenesis in males. A liquid bait containing no active ingredients (control), or containing triptolide (0.001%) and VCD (0.109%; active) was prepared to investigate the potential use of these agents for wild rat pest population control. Liquid bait was made available to male (n = 8 control; n = 8 active) and female (n = 8 control; n = 8 active) Sprague Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) for oral consumption prior to breeding. Whereas, control bait-treated females produced normal-sized litters (10.0 ± 1.7 pups/litter), treated females delivered no pups. Wild Norway male (n = 20) and female (n = 20) rats (Rattus norvegicus) were trapped, individually housed, and one group given free access to control bait, one group to active bait. Following three cycles of treatment-matched mating pairs, females consuming control bait (control) produced normal litter sizes (9.73 ± 0.73 pups/litter). Females who had consumed active bait (treated) produced no litters on breeding cycles one and two; however, 2 of 10 females produced small litters on the third mating cycle. In a fourth breeding cycle, control females were crossmated with treated males, and treated females were crossmated with control males. In both groups, some dams produced litters, while others did not. The differences in response reflect a heterogeneity in return to cyclicity between females. These results suggest a potential approach to integrated pest management by compromising fertility, and could provide a novel alternative to traditional poisons for reducing populations of wild rat pests

    “Having all of your internal resources exhausted beyond measure and being left with no clean-up crew”: defining autistic burnout

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    Background: Although autistic adults often discuss experiencing ‘‘autistic burnout’’ and attribute serious negative outcomes to it, the concept is almost completely absent from the academic and clinical literature. Methods: We used a community-based participatory research approach to conduct a thematic analysis of 19 interviews and 19 public Internet sources to understand and characterize autistic burnout. Interview participants were autistic adults who identified as having been professionally diagnosed with an autism spectrum condition. We conducted a thematic analysis, using a hybrid inductive–deductive approach, at semantic and latent levels, through a critical paradigm. We addressed trustworthiness through multiple coders, peer debriefing, and examination of contradictions. Results: Autistic adults described the primary characteristics of autistic burnout as chronic exhaustion, loss of skills, and reduced tolerance to stimulus. They described burnout as happening because of life stressors that added to the cumulative load they experienced, and barriers to support that created an inability to obtain relief from the load. These pressures caused expectations to outweigh abilities resulting in autistic burnout. Autistic adults described negative impacts on their health, capacity for independent living, and quality of life, including suicidal behavior. They also discussed a lack of empathy from neurotypical people and described acceptance and social support, time off/reduced expectations, and doing things in an autistic way/unmasking as associated in their experiences with recovery from autistic burnout. Conclusions: Autistic burnout appears to be a phenomenon distinct from occupational burnout or clinical depression. Better understanding autistic burnout could lead to ways to recognize, relieve, or prevent it, including highlighting the potential dangers of teaching autistic people to mask or camouflage their autistic traits, and including burnout education in suicide prevention programs. These findings highlight the need to reduce discrimination and stigma related to autism and disability
