454 research outputs found

    Contested Narratives of the Weimar Republic

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    Using Portfolio Reflections to Re-Form Instructional Programs and Build Curriculum

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    An educator who finds merit in both content- and student-centered instruction may find it difficult to develop a classroom learning program with a firm theoretical base drawing on strengths from both perspectives. The implementation of a collaborative portfolio project as an ongoing curriculum reformation is described

    Socioeconomic inequalities in early adulthood disrupt the immune transcriptomic landscape via upstream regulators

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    Disparities in socio-economic status (SES) predict many immune system-related diseases, and previous research documents relationships between SES and the immune cell transcriptome. Drawing on a bioinformatically-informed network approach, we situate these findings in a broader molecular framework by examining the upstream regulators of SES-associated transcriptional alterations. Data come from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), a nationally representative sample of 4543 adults in the United States. Results reveal a network—of differentially expressed genes, transcription factors, and protein neighbors of transcription factors—that shows widespread SES-related dysregulation of the immune system. Mediational models suggest that body mass index (BMI) plays a key role in accounting for many of these associations. Overall, the results reveal the central role of upstream regulators in socioeconomic differences in the molecular basis of immunity, which propagate to increase risk of chronic health conditions in later-life

    Socioeconomic inequalities in molecular risk for chronic diseases observed in young adulthood

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    Many common chronic diseases of aging are negatively associated with socioeconomic status (SES). This study examines whether inequalities can already be observed in the molecular underpinnings of such diseases in the 30s, before many of them become prevalent. Data come from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), a large, nationally representative sample of US subjects who were followed for over two decades beginning in adolescence. We now have transcriptomic data (mRNA-seq) from a random subset of 4,543 of these young adults. SES in the household-of-origin and in young adulthood were examined as covariates of a priori -defined mRNA-based disease signatures and of specific gene transcripts identified de novo . An SES composite from young adulthood predicted many disease signatures, as did income and subjective status. Analyses highlighted SES-based inequalities in immune, inflammatory, ribosomal, and metabolic pathways, several of which play central roles in senescence. Many genes are also involved in transcription, translation, and diverse signaling mechanisms. Average causal-mediated effect models suggest that body mass index plays a key role in accounting for these relationships. Overall, the results reveal inequalities in molecular risk factors for chronic diseases often decades before diagnoses and suggest future directions for social signal transduction models that trace how social circumstances regulate the human genome


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    A compreensão da perspectiva dos residentes de um destino turístico é fundamental para facilitar o desenvolvimento da comunidade para maior apoio em benefício ao turismo. A cidade de Trujillo, escolhida como objeto de estudo está localizada na costa norte do Peru, no distrito de La Libertad, cujos atrativos turísticos são principalmente culturais e arqueológicos. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo é analisar a influência dos fatores pessoais na percepção dos impactos promovidos pelo turismo na cidade de Trujillo (Peru). A metodologia aplicada é de caráter exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa. Os resultados demonstraram a existência de diferença estatisticamente significativa em quatro das cinco dimensões de análise e em diversos fatores pessoais dos residentes, confirmando a teoria e demonstrando a influência de tais fatores no processo de percepção dos impactos do turismo em destinos

    Polygenic Index Inventories Documentation

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    This guide documents the key information regarding the construction and use of polygenic indexes (PGIs) for the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) as part of the Resource Profile and User Guide of the Polygenic Index Repository. Summary Information About PGIs Polygenic indexes (PGIs) are constructed using the same general approach (described below) and have the same substantive meaning as polygenic scores (PGSs, used more prominently in social science genomics contexts) and genetic risk scores (GRSs, used more prominently in the medical contexts). Here, we provide a brief summary of how the PGIs were constructed (please see the Methods section of Becker et al. for a more detailed description). We refer the reader to the relevant tables of Becker et al. where more information can be found

    Cellular bases for human atrial fibrillation

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) causes substantial morbidity and mortality. It may be triggered and sustained by either reentrant or nonreentrant electrical activity. Human atrial cellular refractory period is shortened in chronic AF, likely aiding reentry. The ionic and molecular mechanisms are not fully understood and may include increased inward rectifier K<sup>+</sup> current and altered Ca<sup>2+</sup> handling. Heart failure, a major cause of AF, may involve arrhythmogenic atrial electrical remodeling, but the pattern is unclear in humans. Beta-blocker therapy prolongs atrial cell refractory period; a potentially antiarrhythmic influence, but the ionic and molecular mechanisms are unclear. The search for drugs to suppress AF without causing ventricular arrhythmias has been aided by basic studies of cellular mechanisms of AF. It remains to be seen whether such drugs will improve patient treatment


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    Considera-se o turismo de negócios como um aspecto potencial para o desenvolvimento local e regional de um destino, e a importância de proporcionar um excelente serviço aos visitantes, levando em consideração as estratégias de comunicação que devem ser projetadas para ajudar o destino a se comunicar de forma eficaz, desempenhando um papel vital no aumento da atratividade. Nesta temática, o artigo tem como objetivo analisar a percepção dos turistas de negócios sobre a comunicação da FENAHABIT e a hotelaria de Blumenau/SC. A metodologia aplicada foi de abordagem quantitativa. A realização da pesquisa ocorreu durante a feira, na qual, foram aplicados 31 questionários diretamente com os gestores de negócios. Os resultados obtidos apontam alguns fatores relevantes em relação a comunicação realizada pela feira em comparação com a percepção dos gestores de negócios, caraterizados pelo envolvimento, segurança e interação durante o evento