933 research outputs found

    Quark mixings and flavor changing interactions with singlet quarks

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    Aspects of the quark mixings and flavor changing interactions are investigated in electroweak models with singlet quarks. The effects on the ordinary quark mixing are determined in terms of the quark masses and the parameters describing the mixing between the ordinary quarks q and the singlet quarks Q (q-Q mixing). Some salient features arise in the flavor changing interactions through the q-Q mixing. The unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix within the ordinary quark sector is violated, and the flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC's) appear both in the gauge and scalar couplings. The flavor changing interactions are calculated appropriately in terms of the q-Q mixing parameters and the quark masses, which really exhibit specific flavor structures. It is found that there are reasonable ranges of the model parameters to reproduce the ordinary quark mass hierarchy and the actual CKM structure even in the presence of q-Q mixing. Some phenomenological effects of the singlet quarks are also discussed. In particular, the scalar FCNC's may be more important in some cases, if the singlet quarks as well as the extra scalar particles from the singlet Higgs fields have masses \sim 100 GeV -- 1 TeV.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, added reference

    Hierarchical Quark Mass Matrices

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    I define a set of conditions that the most general hierarchical Yukawa mass matrices have to satisfy so that the leading rotations in the diagonalization matrix are a pair of (2,3) and (1,2) rotations. In addition to Fritzsch structures, examples of such hierarchical structures include also matrices with (1,3) elements of the same order or even much larger than the (1,2) elements. Such matrices can be obtained in the framework of a flavor theory. To leading order, the values of the angle in the (2,3) plane (s_{23}) and the angle in the (1,2) plane (s_{12}) do not depend on the order in which they are taken when diagonalizing. We find that any of the Cabbibo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix parametrizations that consists of at least one (1,2) and one (2,3) rotation may be suitable. In the particular case when the s_{13} diagonalization angles are sufficiently small compared to the product s_{12}s_{23}, two special CKM parametrizations emerge: the R_{12}R_{23}R_{12} parametrization follows with s_{23} taken before the s_{12} rotation, and vice versa for the R_{23}R_{12}R_{23} parametrization.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages. References added, minor changes in text. Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Hierarchy and Up-Down Parallelism of Quark Mass Matrices

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    In view of the quark mass hierarchy and in the assumption of the up-down parallelism, we derive two phenomenologically-favored patterns of Hermitian quark mass matrices from the quark flavor mixing matrix. We compare one of them with two existing {\it Ansa¨\it\ddot{a}tze} proposed by Rosner and Worah and by Roberts {\it et al}, and find that only the latter is consistent with the present experimental data.Comment: RevTex 9 pages. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The see-saw mechanism: neutrino mixing, leptogenesis and lepton flavor violation

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    The see-saw mechanism to generate small neutrino masses is reviewed. After summarizing our current knowledge about the low energy neutrino mass matrix we consider reconstructing the see-saw mechanism. Low energy neutrino physics is not sufficient to reconstruct see-saw, a feature which we refer to as ``see-saw degeneracy''. Indirect tests of see-saw are leptogenesis and lepton flavor violation in supersymmetric scenarios, which together with neutrino mass and mixing define the framework of see-saw phenomenology. Several examples are given, both phenomenological and GUT-related. Variants of the see-saw mechanism like the type II or triplet see-saw are also discussed. In particular, we compare many general aspects regarding the dependence of LFV on low energy neutrino parameters in the extreme cases of a dominating conventional see-saw term or a dominating triplet term. For instance, the absence of mu -> e gamma or tau -> e gamma in the pure triplet case means that CP is conserved in neutrino oscillations. Scanning models, we also find that among the decays mu -> e gamma, tau -> e gamma and tau -> mu gamma the latter one has the largest branching ratio in (i) SO(10) type I see-saw models and in (ii) scenarios in which the triplet term dominates in the neutrino mass matrix.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures. Expanded version of talk given at 10th Workshop In High Energy Physics Phenomenology (WHEPP 10), January 2008, Chennai, India. Typos corrected, comments and references adde

    SO(10) GUT and Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices

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    The phenomenological model that all quark and lepton mass matrices have the same zero texture, namely their (1,1), (1,3) and (3,1) components are zeros, is discussed in the context of SO(10) Grand Unified Theories (GUTs). The mass matrices of type I for quarks are consistent with the experimental data in the quark sector. For the lepton sector, consistent fitting to the data of neutrino oscillation experiments force us to use the mass matrix for the charged leptons which is slightly deviated from type I. Given quark masses and charged lepton masses, the model includes 19 free parameters, whereas the SO(10) GUTs gives 16 constrained equations. Changing the remaining three parameters freely, we can fit all the entries of the CKM quark mixing matrix and the MNS lepton mixing matrix, and three neutrino masses consistently with the present experimental data.Comment: 32pp, REV TeX, 12 EPS Figure

    D^0-\bar{D}^0 Mixing and CP Violation in Neutral D-meson Decays

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    D^0-\bar{D}^0 mixing at the detectable level or significant CP violation in the charm system may strongly signify the existence of new physics. In view of the large discovery potential associated with the fixed target experiments, the B-meson factories and the \tau-charm factories, we make a further study of the phenomenology of D^0-\bar{D}^0 mixing and CP violation in neutral DD-meson decays. The generic formulas for the time-dependent and time-integrated decay rates of both coherent and incoherent D^0\bar{D}^0 events are derived, and their approximate expressions up to the second order of the mixing parameters x_D and y_D are presented. Explicitly we discuss D^0-\bar{D}^0 mixing and various CP-violating signals in neutral D decays to the semileptonic final states, the hadronic CP eigenstates, the hadronic non-CP eigenstates and the CP-forbidden states. A few non-trivial approaches to the separate determination of x_D and y_D and to the demonstration of direct and indirect CP asymmetries in the charm sector are suggested.Comment: Latex 42 pages (including 6 PS figures). Minor changes: a) the more popular notation for D^0-\bar{D}^0 mixing is adopted; b) the possibility to test CPT symmetry in D^0-\bar{D}^0 system is not overrated. The present version is going to appear in Phys. Rev. D 1 (January 1997

    Texture zeros for the standard model Quark mass matrices

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    ABSTRACT: A way of counting free parameters in the quark mass matrices of the standard model, including the constraints coming from weak basis transformations, is presented; this allow to understand the exact physical meaning of the parallel and non-parallel texture zeros which appear in some “ans¨atz” of the 3 × 3 quark mass matrices, including the CP violation phenomena in the analysis, it is shown why the six texture zeros are ruled out. Finally, a five texture zeros “ans¨atze”which properly copes with all experimental constrains, including the angles of the unitary triangle, is presented

    Yet Another Extension of the Standard Model: Oases in the Desert?

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    We have searched for conceptually simple extensions of the standard model, and describe here a candidate model which we find attractive. Our starting point is the assumption that off-diagonal CKM mixing matrix elements are directly related by lowest order perturbation theory to the quark mass matrices. This appears to be most easily and naturally implemented by assuming that all off-diagonal elements reside in the down-quark mass matrix. This assumption is in turn naturally realized by introducing three generations of heavy, electroweak-singlet down quarks which couple to the Higgs sector diagonally in flavor, while mass-mixing off-diagonally with the light down-quarks. Anomaly cancellation then naturally leads to inclusion of electroweak vector-doublet leptons. It is then only a short step to completing the extension to three generations of fundamental representations of E(6). Assuming only that the third generation B couples to the Higgs sector at least as strongly as does the top quark, the mass of the B is roughly estimated to lie between 1.7 TeV and 10 TeV, with lower-generation quarks no heavier. The corresponding guess for the new leptons is a factor two lower. Within the validity of the model, flavor and CP violation are ``infrared'' in nature, induced by semi-soft mass mixing terms, not Yukawa couplings. If the Higgs couplings of the new quarks are flavor symmetric, then there necessarily must be at least one ``oasis'' in the desert, induced by new radiative corrections to the top quark and Higgs coupling constants, and roughly at 1000 TeV.Comment: LaTex, 40 page

    Leptogenesis in Neutrino Textures with Two Zeros

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    The leptogenesis is studied in the neutrino textures with two zeros, which reduce the number of independent phases of the CP violation. The phenomenological favored neutrino textures with two zeros are decomposed into the Dirac neutrino mass matrix and the right-handed Majorana one in the see-saw mechanism. Putting the condition to suppress the μeγ\mu \to e\gamma decay enough, the texture zeros of the Dirac neutrino mass matrix are fixed in the framework of the MSSM with right-handed neutrinos. These textures have only one CP violatig phase. The magnitude of each entry of the Dirac mass matrix is determined in order to explain the baryon asymmetry of the universe by solving the Boltzman equations. The relation between the leptogenesis and the low energy CP violation is presented in these textures.Comment: Latex file with 20 pages, 6 eps figure