102 research outputs found

    The GRACE event calendar

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    GRACE mission is a joint venture of NASA and GFZ. This mission was launched to provide with unprecedented accuracy, estimates of the global high resolution models of the Earth’s gravity field. The study of time-variability of Earth’s gravity field is very helpful in climate sciences and earth’s sciences studies. People have done a lot of work to demonstrate the effect of many natural phenomenon on gravity. Gravity estimates from GRACE are used for estimating mass redistribution at continental scale. So, we can observe hydrology, seismology and glaciology potential areas where GRACE can be useful. This research work focuses on identifying the hydrological events such as floods and drought, seismic events such as earthquakes and volcanic activity and also the glacier melting in the GRACE time-series. The work includes the development of strategy for the analysis of these events keeping in mind their behaviour and GRACE limitations of spatial resolution and sensitivity. Further in this work we would produce a event calendar for such events stating whether gravity changes caused by such events are visible to GRACE. Calendars are generated for hydrological events, floods and droughts separately and also for earthquake events. For rest of the phenomenon we have not generated calendars since these events are very few in numbers. This work is a qualitative analysis, so we could observe whether GRACE signal is able to observe these events or not. Hydrological events are observed by searching outliers in the grace observed time-series. The large floods such as 2009 Amazon floods can be seen when we take whole catchment, but the small floods affecting smaller region such as Sao Paulo flood is not visible in catchment time-series, so we have to go for selected area time-series generation. The factors such as time period for floods and droughts are very important factors when we want to observe them by GRACE. Earthquakes visibility depends on range rate amplitude, and also the quality of ΔC20, we have discussed these aspects while analysing earthquakes occurred in last decade from GRACE. We have given the possible explanation for the events not visible, and those visible have helped in the development of a methodology for analysis of a particular event. The volcanic activity in Caldera and Bolivia are pushing earth upward so we can expect some signal, but the spatial extent of these areas is small with caldera area greater than that of Bolivia, only caldera showed a trend. We also did trend analysis for 2 Asian glaciers and a part of Greenland for observing the melting of these ice masses. The work finally produces a series of events which we were able to observe by GRACE and we also get the methodology suitable for analysis of an event

    Accounting for GIA signal in GRACE products

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    The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) observes gravitational potential anomalies that include the effects of present-day surface mass change (PDSMC)- and glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA)-driven solid Earth mass redistribution. Therefore, GIA estimates from a forward model are commonly removed from GRACE to estimate PDSMC. There are several GIA models and to facilitate users in using a GIA model of their choice, both GRACE and GIA products are made available in terms of global gridded fields representing mass anomaly. GRACE-observed gravitational potential anomalies are represented in terms of equivalent water height (EWH) with a relation that accounts for an elastic solid Earth deformation due to PDSMC. However, for obtaining GIA EWH fields from GIA gravitational potential fields, two relations are being used: one that is similar to that being used for GRACE EWH and the other that does not include an elastic deformation effect. This leaves users with the possibility of obtaining different values for PDSMC with a given GRACE and GIA field. In this paper, we discuss the impact of this problem on regional mass change estimates and highlight the need for consistent treatment of GIA signals in GRACE observations

    Holographic dark energy through Kaniadakis entropy in non flat universe

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    By extending the standard holographic principle to a cosmological framework and combining the non-flat condition with the Kaniadakis entropy, we construct the non-flat Kaniadakis holographic dark energy model. The model employs Kaniadakis parameter KK and a parameter cc. Derivation of the differential equation for KHDE density parameter to describe the evolutionary behavior of the universe is obtained. Such a differential equation could explain both the open as well as closed universe models. The classification based on matter and dark energy (DE) dominated regimes show that the KHDE scenario may be used to specify the Universe's thermal history and that a quintom regime can be encountered. For open and closed both the cases, we find the expressions for the deceleration parameter and the equation of state (EoS) parameter. Also, by varying the associated parameters, classical stability of the method is established. On considering the curvature to be positive, the universe favors the quintom behavior for substantially smaller values as opposed to the flat condition, when only quintessence is attained for such KK values. Additionally, we see a similar behavior while considering the curvature to be negative for such KK values. Therefore, adding a little bit of spatial geometry that isn't flat to the KHDE enhances the phenomenology while maintaining KK values at lower levels. To validate the model parameters, the most recent 30  H(z)30\;H(z) dataset measurements, in the redshift range 0.07≤z≤1.9650.07 \leq z \leq 1.965 are utilized. In addition, the distance modulus measurement from the current Union 2.1 data set of type Ia supernovae are employed.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Re-assessing global water storage trends from GRACE time series

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    Monitoring changes in freshwater availability is critical for human society and sustainable economic development. To identify regions experiencing secular change in their water resources, many studies compute linear trends in the total water storage (TWS) anomaly derived from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission data. Such analyses suggest that several major water systems are under stress (Rodell et al 2009 Nature 460 999–1002; Long et al 2013 Geophys. Res. Lett. 40 3395–401; Richey et al 2015 Water Resour. Res. 51 5217–38; Voss et al 2013 Water Resour. Res. 49 904–14; Famiglietti 2014 Nat. Clim. Change. 4 945–8; Rodell et al 2018 Nature 557 651–9). TWS varies in space and time due to low frequency natural variability, anthropogenic intervention, and climate-change (Hamlington et al 2017 Sci. Rep. 7 995; Nerem et al 2018 Proc. Natl Acad. Sci.). Therefore, linear trends from a short time series can only be interpreted in a meaningful way after accounting for natural spatiotemporal variability in TWS (Paolo et al 2015 Science 348 327–31; Edward 2012 Geophys. Res. Lett. 39 L01702). In this study, we first show that GRACE TWS trends from a short time series cannot determine conclusively if an observed change is unprecedented or severe. To address this limitation, we develop a novel metric, trend to variability ratio (TVR), that assesses the severity of TWS trends observed by GRACE from 2003 to 2015 relative to the multi-decadal climate-driven variability. We demonstrate that the TVR combined with the trend provides a more informative and complete assessment of water storage change. We show that similar trends imply markedly different severity of TWS change, depending on location. Currently more than 3.2 billion people are living in regions facing severe water storage depletion w.r.t. past decades. Furthermore, nearly 36% of hydrological catchments losing water in the last decade have suffered from unprecedented loss. Inferences from this study can better inform water resource management

    What is the spatial resolution of GRACE satellite products for hydrology?

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    The mass change information from the Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (grace) satellite mission is available in terms of noisy spherical harmonic coefficients truncated at a maximum degree (band-limited). Therefore, filtering is an inevitable step in post-processing of grace fields to extract meaningful information about mass redistribution in the Earth-system. It is well known from previous studies that a number can be allotted to the spatial resolution of a band-limited spherical harmonic spectrum and also to a filtered field. Furthermore, it is now a common practice to correct the filtered grace data for signal damage due to filtering (or convolution in the spatial domain). These correction methods resemble deconvolution, and, therefore, the spatial resolution of the corrected grace data have to be reconsidered. Therefore, the effective spatial resolution at which we can obtain mass changes from grace products is an area of debate. In this contribution, we assess the spatial resolution both theoretically and practically. We confirm that, theoretically, the smallest resolvable catchment is directly related to the band-limit of the spherical harmonic spectrum of the grace data. However, due to the approximate nature of the correction schemes and the noise present in grace data, practically, the complete band-limited signal cannot be retrieved. In this context, we perform a closed-loop simulation comparing four popular correction schemes over 255 catchments to demarcate the minimum size of the catchment whose signal can be efficiently recovered by the correction schemes. We show that the amount of closure error is inversely related to the size of the catchment area. We use this trade-off between the error and the catchment size for defining the potential spatial resolution of the grace product obtained from a correction method. The magnitude of the error and hence the spatial resolution are both dependent on the correction scheme. Currently, a catchment of the size ≈63,000 km 2 can be resolved at an error level of 2 cm in terms of equivalent water height


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    Glass fabric assisted mortar (GFRG) barricade bureau have got to in actuality of cement stucco assisted amidst mirror substances. The bureaus are gorge and might be nearly new as responsibility pertinence bars. The ditch cores contained in the sides may be full upon in-situ meadow or augmented dried. This card presents guidelines for the use of GFRG embankment bureau as an oblique stuff disobedient segment in huts in line with an analytical opinion scheme to reach its facility appraisal less than essential confining, confining including in jet twisting and mow. Variation of buckling lades of unfurl GFRG barricade bureaus for different widths gets out. The significant stuff carrying facility of 1.02 m away and 2.85 m strong side jury, obtained by the analytical search and the check results are akin to that responsibility fact. While fixing the significant stuff capability for device lower than confining, a margin you can foible (causing out-of jet twining) is suspect for. A metallurgy mode is planned to fix the vigor of permeated and caked full GFRG side bureaus in multi-storied house technique withstand sidelong lade comparable to the earthquake

    Can GPS and GRACE data be used to separate past and present-day surface loading in a data-driven approach?

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    Glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) and the hydrological cycle are both associated with mass changes and vertical land motion (VLM), which are observed by GRACE and GPS, respectively. Hydrology-related VLM results from the instantaneous response of the elastic solid Earth to surface loading by freshwater, whereas GIA-related VLM reveals the long-term response of the viscoelastic Earth mantle to past ice loading history. Thus, observations of mass changes and VLM are interrelated, making GIA and hydrology difficult to quantify and study independently. In this work, we investigate the feasibility of separating these processes based on GRACE and GPS observations, in a fully data-driven and physically consistent approach. We take advantage of the differences in the spatio-temporal characteristics of the GIA and hydrology fields to estimate the respective contributions of each component using a Bayesian hierarchical modelling framework. A closed-loop synthetic test confirms that our method successfully solves this source separation problem. However, there are significant challenges when applying the same approach with actual observations and the answer to the main question of this study is more nuanced. In particular, in regions where GPS station coverage is sparse, the lack of informative data becomes a limiting factor
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