445 research outputs found

    Body image perception and body composition: assessment of perception inconsistency by a new index

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    BACKGROUND: A correct perception of the body image, as defined by comparison with actual anthropometric analyses, is crucial to ensure the best possible nutritional status of each individual. Bioimpedance analysis (BIA) represents a leading technique to assess body composition parameters and, in particular, the fat mass. This study examined the self-perception of body image at various levels of adiposity proposing a new index. METHODS: We investigated 487 young Italian adults (mean age of males: 21.9 ± 2.4 years; mean age of females: 21.0 ± 2.2 years). Each subject could choose, on the Contour Drawing Rating Scale, the silhouette that he/she considered most resembling his/her perceived body image as well as his/her ideal body image. On each subject, we performed anthropometric measurements and determined the values of Fat mass and  Ãºt with BIA. A new index, FAIFAT (Feel fat status minus Actual fat status Inconsistency), was developed to evaluate possible fat status perception inconsistencies by BIA. RESULTS: Based on ideal and feel body image comparison, women showed higher dissatisfaction than men and preferred slimmer silhouettes. FAIFAT values indicated that the fat status perception was correct in the majority of the examined individuals and only three subjects showed a serious misperception. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that FAIFAT is an appropriate index for assessing the perceived fat status from the body image when compared with data obtained by BIA. In a population, the use of this index will allow the correct identification of groups at risk for eating disorders

    Effects of Sucrose on the Internal Dynamics of Azurin

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    AbstractSucrose is a natural osmolyte accumulated in cells of organisms as they adapt to environmental stresses. In vitro, sucrose increases protein stability and forces partially unfolded structures to refold. Its effects on the native fold structure and dynamics are not fully established. This study, utilizing Trp phosphorescence spectroscopy, examined the influence of molar concentrations of sucrose on the flexibility of metal-free azurin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition, by means of specific mutants of the test protein, namely I7S, F110S, and C3A/C26A, that altered its thermodynamic stability, its intrinsic flexibility, and the extent of internal hydration, this investigation sought to identify possible correlations between these features of protein structure and the influence of the osmolyte on protein dynamics. Alterations of structural fluctuations were assessed by both the intrinsic phosphorescence lifetime (Ï„), which reports on local structure about the triplet probe, and the acrylamide bimolecular quenching rate constant (kq) that is a measure of the average acrylamide diffusion coefficient through the macromolecule. From the modulation of Ï„ and kq across a wide temperature range and up to a concentration of 2M sucrose, it is concluded that sucrose attenuates structural fluctuations principally when macromolecules are internally hydrated and thermally expanded. Preliminary tests with trehalose and xylitol suggest that the effects of sucrose are general of the polyol class of osmolytes

    Dynamical response of the "GGG" rotor to test the Equivalence Principle: theory, simulation and experiment. Part I: the normal modes

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    Recent theoretical work suggests that violation of the Equivalence Principle might be revealed in a measurement of the fractional differential acceleration η\eta between two test bodies -of different composition, falling in the gravitational field of a source mass- if the measurement is made to the level of η≃10−13\eta\simeq 10^{-13} or better. This being within the reach of ground based experiments, gives them a new impetus. However, while slowly rotating torsion balances in ground laboratories are close to reaching this level, only an experiment performed in low orbit around the Earth is likely to provide a much better accuracy. We report on the progress made with the "Galileo Galilei on the Ground" (GGG) experiment, which aims to compete with torsion balances using an instrument design also capable of being converted into a much higher sensitivity space test. In the present and following paper (Part I and Part II), we demonstrate that the dynamical response of the GGG differential accelerometer set into supercritical rotation -in particular its normal modes (Part I) and rejection of common mode effects (Part II)- can be predicted by means of a simple but effective model that embodies all the relevant physics. Analytical solutions are obtained under special limits, which provide the theoretical understanding. A simulation environment is set up, obtaining quantitative agreement with the available experimental data on the frequencies of the normal modes, and on the whirling behavior. This is a needed and reliable tool for controlling and separating perturbative effects from the expected signal, as well as for planning the optimization of the apparatus.Comment: Accepted for publication by "Review of Scientific Instruments" on Jan 16, 2006. 16 2-column pages, 9 figure

    Basic properties of nonsmooth Hormander's vector fields and Poincare's inequality

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    We consider a family of vector fields defined in some bounded domain of R^p, and we assume that they satisfy Hormander's rank condition of some step r, and that their coefficients have r-1 continuous derivatives. We extend to this nonsmooth context some results which are well-known for smooth Hormander's vector fields, namely: some basic properties of the distance induced by the vector fields, the doubling condition, Chow's connectivity theorem, and, under the stronger assumption that the coefficients belong to C^{r-1,1}, Poincare's inequality. By known results, these facts also imply a Sobolev embedding. All these tools allow to draw some consequences about second order differential operators modeled on these nonsmooth Hormander's vector fields.Comment: 60 pages, LaTeX; Section 6 added and Section 7 (6 in the previous version) changed. Some references adde

    COVID-19 and individual genetic susceptibility/receptivity: Role of ACE1/ACE2 genes, immunity, inflammation and coagulation. might the double x-chromosome in females be protective against SARS-COV-2 compared to the single x-chromosome in males?

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    In December 2019, a novel severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) from a new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) was recognized in the city of Wuhan, China. Rapidly, it became an epidemic in China and has now spread throughout the world reaching pandemic proportions. High mortality rates characterize SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19), which mainly affects the elderly, causing unrestrained cytokines-storm and subsequent pulmonary shutdown, also suspected micro thromboembolism events. At the present time, no specific and dedicated treatments, nor approved vaccines, are available, though very promising data come from the use of anti-inflammatory, anti-malaria, and anti-coagulant drugs. In addition, it seems that males are more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 than females, with males 65% more likely to die from the infection than females. Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) and Chinese scientists show that of all cases about 1.7% of women who contract the virus will die compared with 2.8% of men, and data from Hong Kong hospitals state that 32% of male and 15% of female COVID-19 patients required intensive care or died. On the other hand, the long-term fallout of coronavirus may be worse for women than for men due to social and psychosocial reasons. Regardless of sex-or gender-biased data obtained from WHO and those gathered from sometimes controversial scientific journals, some central points should be considered. Firstly, SARS-CoV-2 has a strong interaction with the human ACE2 receptor, which plays an essential role in cell entry together with transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2); it is interesting to note that the ACE2 gene lays on the X-chromosome, thus allowing females to be potentially heterozygous and differently assorted compared to men who are definitely hemizygous. Secondly, the higher ACE2 expression rate in females, though controversial, might ascribe them the worst prognosis, in contrast with worldwide epidemiological data. Finally, several genes involved in inflammation are located on the X-chromosome, which also contains high number of immune-related genes responsible for innate and adaptive immune responses to infection. Other genes, out from the RAS-pathway, might directly or indirectly impact on the ACE1/ACE2 balance by influencing its main actors (e.g., ABO locus, SRY, SOX3, ADAM17). Unexpectedly, the higher levels of ACE2 or ACE1/ACE2 rebalancing might improve the outcome of COVID-19 in both sexes by reducing inflammation, thrombosis, and death. Moreover, X-heterozygous females might also activate a mosaic advantage and show more pronounced sex-related differences resulting in a sex dimorphism, further favoring them in counteracting the progression of the SARS-CoV-2 infection

    Generalized Jacobi identities and ball-box theorem for horizontally regular vector fields

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    We consider a family of vector fields and we assume a horizontal regularity on their derivatives. We discuss the notion of commutator showing that different definitions agree. We apply our results to the proof of a ball-box theorem and Poincar\'e inequality for nonsmooth H\"ormander vector fields.Comment: arXiv admin note: material from arXiv:1106.2410v1, now three separate articles arXiv:1106.2410v2, arXiv:1201.5228, arXiv:1201.520

    Electrodynamic tether at Jupiter 2. Tour missions after capture

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    Three separate scenarios of an electrodynamic tether mission at Jupiter following capture of a spacecraft (SC) into an equatorial, highly elliptical orbit around the planet, with perijove at about 1.5 times the Jovian radius, are discussed. Repeated application of Lorentz drag on the spinning tether, at the perijove vicinity, can progressively lower the apojove. One mission involves the tethered-SC rapidly and frequently visiting Galilean moons; elliptical orbits with apojove down at the Ganymede, Europa, and Io orbits are in 2:5, 4:9, and 1:2 resonances with the respective moons. About 20 slow flybys of Io would take place before the accumulated radiation dose exceeds 3 Mrad (Si) at 10 mm Al shield thickness, with a total duration of 5 months after capture (4 months for lowering the apojove to Io and one month for the flybys). The respective number of flybys for Ganymede would be 10 with a total duration of about 9 months. An alternative mission would have the SC acquire a low circular orbit around Jupiter, below the radiation belts, and manoeuvre to get an optimal altitude, with no major radiation effects, in less than 5 months after capture. In a third mission, repeated thrusting at the apojove vicinity, once down at the Io torus, would raise the perijove itself to the torus to acquire a low circular orbit around Io in about 4 months, for a total of 8 months after capture; this corresponds, however, to over 100 apojove passes with an accumulated dose, of about 8.5 Mrad (Si), that poses a critical issue

    Identifikasi Risiko Green Supply Chain Management di PT Petrokimia Gresik

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    Supply chain management (SCM) merupakan hal yang penting dikarenakan melibatkan semua elemen yang berpartisipasi. Gangguan atau risiko dalam SCM akan berdampak negatif dalam jangka panjang terhadap kinerja perusahaan. PT Petrokimia Gresik, merupakan perusahaan milik negara yang sadar akan tanggung jawab moral dan sosial terhadap lingkungan dalam aktivitas bisnis mereka yang diwujudkan dalam upaya pengelolaan proses bisnis yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Risiko-risiko yang muncul dalam keseluruhan proses bisnis secara berkelanjutan dapat diminimalisir dengan melakukan identifikasi risiko khususnya yang mempertimbangkan aspek lingkungan di dalam manajemen rantai pasok (green supply chain management). Hasil dari penelitian ini teridentifikasi sebanyak 70 risiko dan 78 agen risiko

    Electrodynamic tether at Jupiter II:Fast moon tour after capture

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    An electrodynamic bare-tether mission to Jupiter,following the capture of a spacecraft (SC) into an equatorial highly elliptical orbit with perijove at about 1.3 times the Jovian radius, is discussed. Repeated applications of the propellantless Lorentz drag on a spinning tether, at the perijove vicinity, can progressively lower the apojove at constant perijove, for a tour of Galilean moons. Electrical energy is generated and stored as the SC moves from an orbit at 1 : 1 resonance with a moon, down to resonance with the next moon; switching tether current off, stored power is then used as the SC makes a number of flybys of each moon. Radiation dose is calculated throughout the mission,during capture, flybys and moves between moons. The tour mission is limited by both power needs and accumulated dose. The three-stage apojove lowering down to Ganymede, Io, and Europa resonances would total less than 14 weeks, while 4 Ganymede, 20 Europa, and 16 Io flybys would add up to 18 weeks, with the entire mission taking just over seven months and the accumulated radiation dose keeping under 3 Mrad (Si) at 10-mm Al shield thickness
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