1,030 research outputs found

    First-principle density-functional calculation of the Raman spectra of BEDT-TTF

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    We present a first-principles density-functional calculation for the Raman spectra of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. Our results are in excellent agreement with experimental results. We show that a planar structure is not a stable state of a neutral BEDT-TTF molecule. We consider three possible conformations and discuss their relation to disorder in these systems.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, submitted to the proceedings of ISCOM 200

    Non-random dispersal in the butterfly Maniola jurtina: implications for metapopulation models

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    The dispersal patterns of animals are important in metapopulation ecology because they affect the dynamics and survival of populations. Theoretical models assume random dispersal but little is known in practice about the dispersal behaviour of individual animals or the strategy by which dispersers locate distant habitat patches. In the present study, we released individual meadow brown butterflies (Maniola jurtina) in a non-habitat and investigated their ability to return to a suitable habitat. The results provided three reasons for supposing that meadow brown butterflies do not seek habitat by means of random flight. First, when released within the range of their normal dispersal distances, the butterflies orientated towards suitable habitat at a higher rate than expected at random. Second, when released at larger distances from their habitat, they used a non-random, systematic, search strategy in which they flew in loops around the release point and returned periodically to it. Third, butterflies returned to a familiar habitat patch rather than a non-familiar one when given a choice. If dispersers actively orientate towards or search systematically for distant habitat, this may be problematic for existing metapopulation models, including models of the evolution of dispersal rates in metapopulations

    Mechanics of cooling liquids by forced evaporation in bubbles

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    Injecting a non-dissolvable gas into a saturated liquid results in sub-cooling of the liquid due to forced evaporation into the bubble. Previous studies assumed the rate of evaporation of liquid into the bubble to be independent of the degree of sub-cooling. In our study we quantify the bubble growth by direct observation using high speed imaging and prove that this hypothesis is not true. A phenomenological model of the bubble growth as a function of the degree of sub-cooling is developed and we find excellent agreement between the measurements and theory. This bubble cooling process is employed in cooling a liquid. By identification of all heat flows, we can well describe the cool down curve using bubble cooling. Bubble cooling provides an alternative cooling method for liquids without the use of complicated cooling techniques

    Personalities in female domesticated pigs: behavioural and physiological indications

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    The inconclusive evidence so far on the existence of distinct personality types in domesticated pigs, led us to perform the present experiment. A total of 128 gilts from 31 sows were systematically studied from birth to slaughter in two identical trials. Intra-test consistency in individual behavioural andror physiological reactions was studied in three different tests. We were not able to show consistencies in reactions of gilts over time to a backtest (at 2–4 days and 4 weeks of age) and to a novel environment test (at 10 and 24 weeks of age). Individual aggression, however, as measured in a group-feeding competition test in stable groups (at 10 and 24 weeks of age), proved to be highly consistent. Explanations for these discrepancies in intra-test consistencies are critically discussed. Inter-test consistencies were determined by relating the individual reactions of gilts to the backtest to various characteristics and responses to tests at a later age. The highest correlations were found when resistance in the first backtest was involved. No evidence was found for the existence of specific isolated categories of animals with respect to this resistance. For further analysis, extreme responding gilts in the first backtest (roughly the top and bottom 25% of the distribution) were classified as low resistant (LR; <3 escape attempts; n=31) or high resistant (HR; >4 escape attempts; n=45). By comparisons of mean responses of LR and HR gilts within groups, we have established a relationship between the backtest and several other variables. Behaviourally, the HR gilts showed more aggression in the group-feeding competition tests. Also, in the competition for the most productive teats at the anterior, a predominant position of HR piglets at this site was observed during the suckling period. The latter piglets also gained more weight during this period than LR ones. Compared to HR pigs, in the first novel environment test LR pigs hesitated longer to leave their home pens and to contact a human, but no difference in their locomotory behaviour was observed. Contrasts between LR and HR pigs in the second novel environment test were reduced or absent. Physiologically, when compared to HR gilts, LR ones had a higher reactivity of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenocortical (HPA) system. This was shown by higher cortisol responses to the first novel environment test, to routine weighing at 25 weeks of age, and to administration of a high dose of ACTH. It is discussed that these findings for LR and HR gilts, may provide support for the existence of behavioural and physiological responses in pigs, resembling those of proactive and reactive rodents.

    Міфологізм у символістській прозі Клима Поліщука

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    The particularities of mythology in symbolist prose by Klym Polishchuk are explained in the article. There are two time planes of plot evolvement in fantastic stories by Klym PolishchukG past and present. Fantastic events in the past have continuation in

    Implications of coping characteristics and social status for welfare and production of paired growing gilts

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    This paper considers the question whether knowledge on individual coping characteristics of growing pigs may be used to improve welfare and production after mixing. Gilts with either reactive or proactive coping characteristics were identified according to behavioural resistance in a backtest, respectively, being low (LR) and high resistant (HR) in this test. At 7 weeks of age, several pairs of unfamiliar gilts were formed, and pairs and dominance relationships were studied over a 3-week period. The following pairs (combinations) were established: two LR gilts (LR/LR; n = 12), two HR gilts (FIRM; n = 12), one LR and one HR gilt (LR gilt dominant: LR(d)/HR; n = 11), and one LR and one HR gilt (HR gilt dominant: LR/HR(d); n = 12). Results showed that on the day of mixing, aggression subsided less quickly and increases in body temperature were higher in LR/ HR(d) and HR/HR pairs. Also, during the first week post-mixing, feed efficiency was lower and skin damage was higher in LR/HR(d) and HR/HR pairs. Mixing of two HR gilts caused highest levels of stress, indicated by greater catecholamine concentrations in urine following the day of mixing, and higher baseline levels of plasma ACTH at I week post-mixing. The lower tendency of fearfulness. In contrast to gilts within HR/HR pairs to contact a novel object may present higher those of LR/HR(d) pairs, responses of LR(d)/HR pairs revealed much lower levels of stress, which emphasised the importance of dominance relationships, being independent of coping characteristics of individual gilts. We speculate that in LR/HR pairs, dominant LR gilts were able to suppress aggressiveness of HR subordinates. HR or proactive gilts, however, may become aggressive when being dominant. General effects of social status, independent of combination, were also found. Compared to dominants, subordinates showed higher acute cortisol, body temperature and vocal responses to mixing. In the longer term, they showed a higher vocal and parasympathetic responsitivity towards the novel object, and their body growth was impaired. Measures not influenced by combination and social status included those of leucocyte subsets, prolactin, and average heart rates during novelty tests. To conclude, aggressive conditions in newly formed groups. and consequently welfare and production, may largely depend on coping characteristics of individual pigs, but also on dominance relationships. Accordingly, the practical value of the backtest is being discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Design and integration of the HARPS3 software system

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    We present the design of the HARPS3 software system-A distributed, event-driven control system for robotic operation of the HARPS3 spectrograph at the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT). We also describe our approach to integrating the control software components incrementally at various stages of development, using a simulation framework. HARPS3 will be a high resolution (R = 115, 000) echelle spectrograph operating at wavelengths from 380 nm to 690 nm, with a design based on the successful HARPS and HARPS-N instruments. It is being built as part of the Terra Hunting Experiment (THE)-A planned 10 year radial velocity measurement programme to discover Earth-like exoplanets around Sun-like stars

    SupernetNL program: 3.4 km 110 kV AC underground superconducting cable in the Dutch grid

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    TenneT, a leading European electricity transmission system operator (TSO) is planning to install a 3.4 km long underground superconducting 110 kV cable as part of the Dutch electricity grid, in the city of Enschede. HTS cables have already been demonstrated on a relatively small scale in other countries, but they are usually not part of the meshed high-voltage grid and the length of the relevant cable section generally does not exceed 1 km. In 2009, a 600-meter section of HTS cable was installed in New York, and in 2014 a 1-km long section was taken in operation in Essen, Germany to replace a 10 kV AC medium-voltage line. In the Supernet NL program, TenneT is working together with several leading knowledge institutes including University of Twente, Delft University of Technology, the Institute of Science and Sustain- able Development (IWO), HAN University of Applied Sciences and RH Marine. These institutes have been investigating control engineering aspects and the requirements the cable must meet. In the meantime, the tender process has been started which consists of two phases. In the fi rst phase (summer 2017) appropriate candidates are selected directly followed by a call for tender in August. Receipt of the best and fi nal offer is scheduled for the end of November. In the presentation, the project will be introduced and requirements will be discussed, specifi cally focusing on the cryogenic aspects

    Behavioural and physiological consequences of acute social defeat in growing gilts: effects of the social environment

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    Endocrine, behavioural and immunologic processes, together with body growth, were evaluated in gilts that were defeated at 10 weeks of age in resident-intruder tests. Immediately after defeat, gilts were either separated from or reunited with a familiar conspecific (litter-mate; always a barrow). Gilts were assigned to one of four treatments: (a) DI: defeat, followed by isolation (separation from original litter-mate; n=8); (b) I: no defeat, isolation (control group; n=9); (c) DP; defeat, followed by pair-housing (reunion with original litter-mate; n=8); and (d) P: no defeat, pair-housing (control group; n=8). The following general conclusions were derived: (1) social defeat caused pronounced short-term elevations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) and sympathetic-adrenal medullary activities, and of prolactin levels. Moreover, as soon as 1 h after defeat, percentages of blood lymphocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes were, respectively, decreased and increased; (2) social defeat had some long-lasting influence on behaviour and physiology, but isolation predominantly determined responses in the longer term. Defeat, as well as isolation, resulted in increased cardiovascular activities compared to P controls, as observed in a novel object test (NOT: +7 days) and an aversion test (AVT: +14 days). Moreover, defeated as well as isolated gilts did not habituate to a repeated novel environment test (NET: -7, +2 and +7 days) in terms of frequencies of vocalising, whereas P controls did. Isolation, through the separation from any other pig, was responsible for the other observed long-term characteristics, which developed progressively. Isolated gilts showed high mobilities and high cortisol responses in the repeated NET (+7 days), not being habituated. This contrasted the reactions of pair-housed gilts, which were much reduced. In addition to their high cardiovascular activities in the NOT and the AVT, isolated gilts also displayed higher heart rates in the repeated NET and during human presence following the NOT, compared to pair-housed gilts. Finally, isolated gilts were more inhibited to approach a novel object (in the NOT) than pair-housed pigs; and (3) stress responses of defeated gilts were modulated by the subsequent social environment. Stimulation of the HPA-axis (plasma- and salivary cortisol) was prolonged in those defeated gilts which were isolated (observed in the first hour). Changes in leucocyte subsets were still observed after 3 days in DI, but were `normalised' within 1 day in DP gilts. Two days after defeat, habituation to the repeated NET in terms of mobility and salivary cortisol responses occurred in control and DP gilts, but not in DI gilts. We argue that these effects of the social environment shortly after defeat were related to a stress-reducing effect of a stable social relationship, i.e. social support.