41 research outputs found

    Teaching and Learning in San Francisco\u27s Gentrification Tide

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    Singing the Dark Times in There There

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    Rachel Brahinsky uses the Toni Morrison\u27s ideas of map-making and place to consider Oakland as the center in Tommy Orange\u27s There There

    The story of property: Meditations on gentrification, renaming, and possibility

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    Property is a story. We assign land and resources legal status, and we narrate this as ownership and power. The interlocking loans, credit, and debt from which housing markets are compiled are built through narratives about value and its origins. The urban landscape, which is made by those markets, is produced through a confluence of human decisions, made with information about conditions and access. This information is based in stories—stories about what will sell, whether risk is viable, and what constitutes risk itself. These interlocking stories produce processes such as gentrification, one of the key contemporary challenges of booming cities in the Global North. Stories about the value of property, the primacy of growth, the role of race in valuation, and the urgency to invest in the urban landscape all shape gentrification. Meanwhile, stories from below Property is a story. We assign land and resources legal status, and we narrate this as ownership and power. The interlocking loans, credit, and debt from which housing markets are compiled are built through narratives about value and its origins. The urban landscape, which is made by those markets, is produced through a confluence of human decisions, made with information about conditions and access. This information is based in stories—stories about what will sell, whether risk is viable, and what constitutes risk itself. These interlocking stories produce processes such as gentrification, one of the key contemporary challenges of booming cities in the Global North. Stories about the value of property, the primacy of growth, the role of race in valuation, and the urgency to invest in the urban landscape all shape gentrification. Meanwhile, stories from below have power too, offering important reframing. This paper examines two gentrifying neighbor- hoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, analyzes the role of narrative in framing urban change there, and identifies counter-narratives that offer tangible alternatives with the potential to drive deci- sions around urban development. In sum, this paper foregrounds the role of narrative and sto- rytelling in defining the economic forces such as property that shape urban places. have power too, offering important reframing. This paper examines two gentrifying neighbor- hoods in the San Francisco Bay Area, analyzes the role of narrative in framing urban change there, and identifies counter-narratives that offer tangible alternatives with the potential to drive deci- sions around urban development. In sum, this paper foregrounds the role of narrative and storytelling in defining the economic forces such as property that shape urban places

    Tell Him I\u27m Gone On the Margins in High-Tech City

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    The Death of the City? Reports of San Francisco\u27s demise have been greatly exaggerated

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    This article considers how the recent Bay Area turmoil spurred by the technology boom and its attendant housing crisis has revived age-old tensions over regionalism and ethics in urban politics. The author looks at activist tendencies evident in the rise of an “ethical city” framework, which benefits from alternative uses of technology, and which offers a counter-narrative to the ways that tech wealth is also uprooting communities

    Transpiration cooling

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    In the investigation of the problem, it is shown that the process of transpiration cooling is an effective method of cooling. This process may be applied to heat screens or heat shields, as was done in the sample problems worked out here. A porous plate with coolant flowing counter to the flow of heat was used. The plate temperature is determined by the amount of heat flux, coolant flow, thermal conductivity of the material used as a plate, the specific heat of the fluid, the specific heat of the plate material, the density of the plate material and its porosity. In the steady state, the maximum temperature at the surface is dependent only on the heat flux and the mass flow rate of the coolant. The mass flow rate and specific heat of the coolant are the most critical factors in controlling the plate temperatures. It should be emphasized that the values used in the sample problems solved here are arbitrarily chosen and by no means should they be considered as optimum conditions. It Is evident from the small temperature rise (94.8°F), of the first sample problem, that the mass flow of the coolant is greater than is required for the materials used. Liquids may also be used as fluids for cooling. When liquids are used the heat required to vaporize the liquid also tends to lower the temperature of the plate, however, this gives rise to additional problems in pumping and pressure drops through the plate, to say nothing of the changes in volume due to vaporization of the liquid. The plate temperature decreases rapidly after a short distance in the plate. Therefore this process with properly selected materials, would seem to have many applications in industry and research. Applying this process to heat screens or shields would allow thin plates to be used. The potential of this method of cooling seems, to the author, to be great --Abstract, pages 2-3

    Reflections on Community Planning in San Francisco

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    This paper builds on a dialogue between barrio planners and municipal planners on spatial and economic changes in San Francisco’s Mission District. The Mission is a predominantly Latino neighborhood with vibrant streets that have reflected and been transformed by the investments and displacement of recent decades. Though the Mission has seen tremendous upheaval with the influx of new capital and communities, this paper contends that efforts of community members shaped the development of the neighborhood with street-level planning expertise. We find that an attempt by community members to define their own development proposals and engage in land use decisions– rather than waiting to react to developer-designed proposals– created new possibilities for cultural and economic resiliency. Through skillful navigation of the economic crisis, convergence of multiple voices, and a sustainable grassroots planning process, community-led urban planning carved out public space for non-expert voices to be heard. Situated at the convergence of multiple processes, the People’s Plan and Pueblote are examples of the transformations of plans and regulations to address community needs

    Sensing the presence of gods and spirits across cultures and faiths.

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    Hearing the voice of God, feeling the presence of the dead, being possessed by a demonic spirit-such events are among the most remarkable human sensory experiences. They change lives and in turn shape history. Why do some people report experiencing such events while others do not? We argue that experiences of spiritual presence are facilitated by cultural models that represent the mind as "porous," or permeable to the world, and by an immersive orientation toward inner life that allows a person to become "absorbed" in experiences. In four studies with over 2,000 participants from many religious traditions in the United States, Ghana, Thailand, China, and Vanuatu, porosity and absorption played distinct roles in determining which people, in which cultural settings, were most likely to report vivid sensory experiences of what they took to be gods and spirits.Templeton Foundatio

    Profiles in Community-Engaged Learning

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    To provide a snapshot of the many impressive manifestations of community-engaged learning at the University of San Francisco, a 2014-2015 Faculty Learning Community (FLC), supported by the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), has collected the following profiles of selected faculty members across all the schools and colleges. This report was prepared by members of the CTE’s Faculty Learning Community on Community-Engaged Learning: Kevin D. Lo, Facilitator (School of Management), Emma Fuentes (School of Education), David Holler (College of Arts and Sciences), Tim Iglesias (School of Law), Susan Roberta Katz (School of Education), Star Moore (Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good), Chenit Ong-Flaherty (School of Nursing and Health Professions), Jennifer Parlamis (School of Management) Susan Pauly-O’Neill (School of Nursing and Health Professions). Our intent with this report is to offer USF administrators and incoming faculty members a sense of what’s being done well in community-engaged learning (CEL), while also pointing out what challenges remain as we establish our identity as a university that prioritizes community engagement. (Incidentally, we prefer the term “community-engaged learning” to “service-learning,” which we feel more precisely defines the scope of our activities. For more about this designation, please see the Executive Report on Community Engaged Learning issued by this same committee in June 2015.) Community-engaged learning as defined by Eyler and Giles is “a form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students . . . seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves. In the process, students link personal and social development with academic and cognitive development . . . experience enhances understanding; understanding leads to more effective action.” (qtd. in Bandy, Vanderbilt Center for Teaching, “What Is Service Learning or Community Engagement?”). We invited at least two faculty members from each school/college to answer several questions about the application of CEL in their courses. After providing a brief overview of activities in each course, we asked each professor what works well and what challenges persist. The successes and the challenges, as you’ll see, vary widely, and yet they clearly delineate, limited though our present sample size is, the great variety and energy and commitment our faculty have demonstrated in working with community partners and students. It is our hope that this report is merely the beginning of a much more ambitious project to be taken up by the McCarthy Center which will provide many more profiles of professors in the months and years to come

    Барокова образність творів Івана Величковського

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    Статтю присвячено вивченню образної системи збірок Івана Величковського, а також художньо-виражальних стилістичних прийомів, якими послуговувався поет. Доведено вплив на формування духовних текстів літературних тенденцій бароко. Свідчення тому є риторизм, динамічність, експресивність викладу, що досягається концентричним, або акафістним, способом організації образного матеріалу. Охарактеризовано витоки образної системи його робіт, що беруть початок в Античності, а потім збагачуються християнською традицією і являють собою барокове утворення. Ключові слова: бароко, біблійні сюжети, образи й мотиви, символ, інтерпретація, тематика.Статья посвящена изучению образной системы сборников Ивана Величковского, а также художественно-выразительных стилистических приемов, которыми руководствовался поэт. Доказано влияние на формирование духовных текстов литературных тенденций Барокко. Свидетельство тому – риторизм, динамичность, экспрессивность изложения, символичность образов, достигающаяся концентрическим, или акафистным, способом организации образного материала. Охарактеризированы истоки образной системы работ писателя, берущей начало в Античности, обогащенной христианской традицией и превратившейся таким образом в явление барокко. Ключевые слова: барокко, библейские сюжеты, образы и мотивы, символ, интерпретация, тематика.The article “Baroque imagery of Ivan Velychkovsky’s creative activity” deals with the least explored subject of the early Ukrainian literature- creative activity of an outstanding baroque writer of the XVII-th century Ivan Velychkovsky. The results of the historiography analysis of the poet’s creative activity are presented in this article. Thems of the spiritual and secular lyrics, imagery and stylistic means of Ivan Velychkovsky’s works are investigated. Close connections of the heritage of Ivan Velychkovsky with the Bible and hagiographic plots are determined. Keywords: baroque, the Bible’s plots, images and motives, symbol, interpretation, thems