148 research outputs found

    Quantificação de lesões em carcaças de bovinos abatidos em frigoríficos no Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense.

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    Conforme o programa de qualidade da carne bovina do Estado de Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos da América, as lesões ocasionaas pelo manejo pré-abate e transporte representam a maior perda da indústria de carne bovina norte-americana. Em auditoria feita em 1995, por este programa de qualidade de Nova Iorque, foi constatado que 80% das carcaças de vacas apresentavam lesões, sendo que a maioria era múltipla. Calcula-se que as perdas anuais naquele país sejam de U75milho~es(NYSCattleHealthAssuranceProgramBeefQualityAssuranceModule,2005).NaAustraˊlia,osprejuıˊzosestimadosporanosa~odeaproximadamenteU 75 milhões (NYS Cattle Health Assurance Program Beef Quality Assurance Module, 2005). Na Austrália, os prejuízos estimados por ano são de aproximadamente U 20 milhões (New south Wales Department of Primary Industry, 2005). No Brasil existem escassos estudos sobre o assunto. Na maioria dos países produtores de carne bovina os caminhões são as principais formas de transporte dos bovinos para o abate. Apesar de toda a evolução nos métodos de transporte, esse ainda é o evento considerado mais estressante que os bovinos sofem durante a vida. O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar as possíveis lesões relacionadas a vacinas, medicamentos e transporte encontrados nos bovinos ao chegarem no frigorífico e nas carcaças no abate e sugerir soluções preventivas de melhorias aos produtos e aos frigoríficos.bitstream/item/79539/1/COT45.pd

    Food and Energy (In)security: Evidence from Agricultural Investments in Selected Emerging Economies

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    Land grabbing appears to be driven by a variety of factors that seem destined to expand in the long term. The aim of this paper is to highlight the behavior and the role of China (a net food importer country) and India (which is facing a problem of energy insecurity) in the current escalation of the commercialization of land and to identify (through a correlation matrix) the drivers of land grabbing deals. Our analyses are based on the Land Matrix Database

    KRIT1 loss of function causes a ROS-dependent upregulation of c-Jun

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    Loss-of-function mutations in the KRIT1 gene (CCM1) have been associated with the pathogenesis of cerebral cavernous malformations (CCM), a major cerebrovascular disease. However, KRIT1 functions and CCM pathogenetic mechanisms remain incompletely understood. Indeed, recent experiments in animal models have clearly demonstrated that the homozygous loss of KRIT1 is not sufficient to induce CCM lesions, suggesting that additional factors are necessary to cause CCM disease. Previously, we found that KRIT1 is involved in the maintenance of the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis to prevent ROS-induced cellular dysfunctions, including a reduced ability to maintain a quiescent state. Here, we show that KRIT1 loss of function leads to enhanced expression and phosphorylation of the redox-sensitive transcription factor c-Jun, as well as induction of its downstream target COX-2, in both cellular models and human CCM tissues. Furthermore, we demonstrate that c-Jun upregulation can be reversed by either KRIT1 re-expression or ROS scavenging, whereas KRIT1 overexpression prevents forced upregulation of c-Jun induced by oxidative stimuli. Taken together with the reported role of c-Jun in vascular dysfunctions triggered by oxidative stress, our findings shed new light on the molecular mechanisms underlying KRIT1 function and CCM pathogenesis

    Trends in the prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis in Italy between 1991 and 2010

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    The prevalence of asthma increased worldwide until the 1990s, but since then there has been no clear temporal pattern. The present study aimed to assess time trends in the prevalence of current asthma, asthma-like symptoms and allergic rhinitis in Italian adults from 1990 to 2010. The same screening questionnaire was administered by mail or phone to random samples of the general population (age 20–44 yrs) in Italy, in the frame of three multicentre studies: the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) (1991–1993; n56,031); the Italian Study on Asthma in Young Adults (ISAYA) (1998–2000; n518,873); and the Gene Environment Interactions in Respiratory Diseases (GEIRD) study (2007–2010; n510,494). Time trends in prevalence were estimated using Poisson regression models in the centres that repeated the survey at different points in time. From 1991 to 2010, the median prevalence of current asthma, wheezing and allergic rhinitis increased from 4.1% to 6.6%, from 10.1% to 13.9% and from 16.8% to 25.8%, respectively. The prevalence of current asthma was stable during the 1990s and increased (relative risk 1.38, 95% CI 1.19–1.59) from 1998–2000 to 2007–2010, mainly in subjects who did not report allergic rhinitis. The prevalence of allergic rhinitis has increased continuously since 1991. The asthma epidemic is not over in Italy. During the past 20 yrs, asthma prevalence has increased by 38%, in parallel with a similar increase in asthma-like symptoms and allergic rhiniti

    Mortality rate of patients with cystic fibrosis on the waiting list and within one year after lung transplantation : a survey of Italian CF centers

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    Background: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Centers are involved in the decisions regarding the eligibility of CF patients with end-stage lung disease and timing for inclusion on waiting lists (WL) for lung transplantation (LT). There are currently no data on the mortality rates of Italian CF patients on WL and during the first year after LT and we aimed to assess these outcomes by surveying the CF Centers. Methods: A survey was sent to Italian CF Centers which were requested to report the age at which all CF subjects included on the WL between 2010 and 2014 were included on the list, admitted to either standard or urgent LT, or had died either while on the WL or within the first 3 and 12 months after LT. All outcomes were recorded by December 31, 2015. Results: Two hundred fifty-nine CF subjects were included on the WL during the 5-year study period. The mortality rate during the WL was 19.3% and was not associated with sex, age at inclusion on the WL or standard or urgent access to LT. 159 (61.4%) subjects underwent LT, 46 (28.9%) with urgent procedure. Deaths within the first 3 and 12 months after LT were significantly more prevalent in individuals who underwent urgent LT compared to those with standard LT (p < 0.01). Conclusions: The mortality of Italian CF patients, included in our survey, was about twice that reported by the National Transplant Center for all LT indications, including CF, during the same time period and despite the introduction of urgent LT. The latter was associated with an unfavorable early outcome compared to standard LT

    Donne immigrate e screening cervicale nel Veneto

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    According to the literature, women coming from countries with strong migratory pressure are at a greater risk of cancer of the cervix with respect to Italian women. This is connected with the fact that women born outside Italy are less likely to undergo a cervical smear. In the Veneto Region the official immigrant population is equivalent to approximately 10% of the total population. This article analyzes the utilization of cervical smear from immigrant women in the Veneto Region, taking into account the smears performed both inside and outside organized screening programmes. Data have been gathered both from the archives of the screening programmes of the Local Health Authorities and from PASSI, a national surveillance system based on a standardized questionnaire administered through telephone interviews. The screening crude participation rate among foreign women was 45.3%, only slightly lower than the one of Italian women. The participation is lower in women from Asia and in women above 50 years. The percentage of positive smear tests was 2.7% among Italian women and 4.0% among foreign women. Compliance to colposcopy has been 89.9% for Italian women and 88.1% for foreign women. The detection rate of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade II or worse (CIN II+ diagnoses) in foreign women has been twofold the one detected in Italian women. If we consider the number of smear tests carried out in the last three years and outside the context of screening programmes, the number of women who have undergone a pap smear is much higher among Italian women, women 39-45 years old and women with a high level of education and without particular economic difficulties. The opposite is true for the organized screening programmes, where the differences according to age, level of education, economic difficulties and citizenship are reduced. These data confirm that women coming from countries with strong migratory pressure are at a greater risk of cancer of the cervix with respect to Italian women. A decrease in inequalities (in terms of education level, socio-economical status and nationality) is shown when considering the access to the screening programs

    Trans-heterozygosity for mutations enhances the risk of recurrent/chronic pancreatitis in patients with Cystic Fibrosis

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    Background: Recurrent (RP) and chronic pancreatitis (CP) may complicate Cystic Fibrosis (CF). It is still unknown if mutations in genes involved in the intrapancreatic activation of trypsin (IPAT) or in the pancreatic secretion pathway (PSP) may enhance the risk for RP/CP in patients with CF.Methods: We enrolled: 48 patients affected by CF complicated by RP/CP and, as controls 35 patients with CF without pancreatitis and 80 unrelated healthy subjects. We tested a panel of 8 genes involved in the IPAT, i.e. PRSS1, PRSS2, SPINK1, CTRC, CASR, CFTR, CTSB and KRT8 and 23 additional genes implicated in the PSP.Results: We found 14/48 patients (29.2%) with mutations in genes involved in IPAT in the group of CF patients with RP/CP, while mutations in such genes were found in 2/35 (5.7%) patients with CF without pancreatitis and in 3/80 (3.8%) healthy subjects (p < 0.001). Thus, we found mutations in 12 genes of the PSP in 11/48 (22.9%) patients with CF and RP/CP. Overall, 19/48 (39.6%) patients with CF and RP/CP showed one or more mutations in the genes involved in the IPAT and in the PSP while such figure was 4/35 (11.4%) for patients with CF without pancreatitis and 11/80 (13.7%) for healthy controls (p < 0.001).Conclusions: The trans-heterozygous association between CFTR mutations in genes involved in the pathways of pancreatic enzyme activation and the pancreatic secretion may be risk factors for the development of recurrent or chronic pancreatitis in patients with CF
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