2,327 research outputs found

    Imaging natural materials with a quasi-microscope

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    A Viking lander camera with auxilliary optics mounted inside the dust post was evaluated to determine its capability for imaging the inorganic properties of granular materials. During mission operations, prepared samples would be delivered to a plate positioned within the camera's field of view and depth of focus. The auxiliary optics would then allow soil samples to be imaged with an 11 pm pixel size in the broad band (high resolution, black and white) mode, and a 33 pm pixel size in the multispectral mode. The equipment will be used to characterize: (1) the size distribution of grains produced by igneous (intrusive and extrusive) processes or by shock metamorphism, (2) the size distribution resulting from crushing, chemical alteration, or by hydraulic or aerodynamic sorting; (3) the shape and degree of grain roundness and surface texture induced by mechanical and chemical alteration; and (4) the mineralogy and chemistry of grains

    Student voice in education

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    A diverse and contested range of practices referred to as ‘student voice’ have long flourished in many educational contexts, and are regularly re-discovered by new generations of teachers. Currently the fortunes of student voice in England may appear to be waning, particularly compared to their waxing elsewhere and under the 1997-2010 New Labour government. This article argues that even evidencing the value of student voice (whether in instrumental, pragmatic, intrinsic, moral, or democratic terms) is unlikely to convince those who discredit it. Instead, we should change the conversation about voice to go beyond the liberal and individualistic rights-based model underpinning many accounts: we need to develop more nuanced understandings of social contexts, power, the school as an institution, and of voice as a practice rather than the property of an individuated subject. Paying greater attention to the ‘vital relationality’ between subjects, infrastructures, the material and the affective, can help us understand the differences that matter in student voice. We may thereby build socialities that ‘stay with the trouble’ of voice, listen in ways that open us to the other, and create more liveable schools

    Efficiency Analysis of Harvesting Solar Energy to Perform Mechanical Work

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    The majority of the world’s electricity is generated using fossil fuels; in fact, the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA) states that the U.S. used fossil fuels to generate 62.7 % of its electricity in 2019 [1]. The goal of this research was to create a system that could perform mechanical work using only renewable resources. We built a solar charging station that uses two solar panels to generate electricity and an electric bicycle whose battery can be charged using the charging station. The efficiency for the type of solar cell used in this project is well established. Therefore, in order to examine the overall efficiency of the system, the efficiency of the electric bicycle motor was measured. We developed a mathematical model of the motor’s efficiency, which could be used in the future to design new motors or find ways to improve efficiency. With such information, novel systems could be designed to use renewable resources to perform work in the form of transportation

    A Novel Way to Recruit Women Into the Applied Sciences

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    To maintain a healthy agriculture program in a period of declining student enrollment, colleges must recruit actively. In response, the College of Life Sciences and Agriculture at University of Maine enhanced its recruitment program with a booklet aboul female role models. The focus was placed on women in the applied sciences. From responses to a 1988 questionnaire, 23 profiles were written and organized into the booklet aimed at junior and senior high school female students, their parents, and teachers. After extensive distribution, several staye groups bought into the project and used the publication in career programs and proiects. Recruitment results may take several years to be recorded, but, now these young students have more information on which to base their plans for the future

    Bacterial Quality of Private Water Wells in Clark County, Arkansas

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    Most private water wells in Clark County appeared to be contaminated by bacteria, apparently entering the wells from surface water seepage. Eighteen to 24% of the wells investigated were positive for fecal contamination. Deeper wells were less often contaminated. More than one-half of the wells sampled exceeded recommended limits of inorganic chemicals for safe potable water. High concentrations of iron and manganese were most common, exceeding recommended limits in more than 40% of the well

    Geometric partition functions of cellular systems: Explicit calculation of the entropy in two and three dimensions

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    A method is proposed for the characterisation of the entropy of cellular structures, based on the compactivity concept for granular packings. Hamiltonian-like volume functions are constructed both in two and in three dimensions, enabling the identification of a phase space and making it possible to take account of geometrical correlations systematically. Case studies are presented for which explicit calculations of the mean vertex density and porosity fluctuations are given as functions of compactivity. The formalism applies equally well to two- and three-dimensional granular assemblies.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, to appear in The European Physical Journal E - Soft Matte

    “If they’ve had a middle class upbringing that’s not their fault”: the professional practices and personal identities of admissions staff at selective universities in England

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this recordThe role of staff involved with undergraduate admissions and recruitment has changed since the turn towards marketisation in higher education. This article focuses on the system in England following both a sharp rise in student fees and an associated tendency for the public university agenda and related social priorities, such as widening participation, to come up against more private and commercial priorities, such as business engagement, league table performance and internationalisation. Drawing on evidence from detailed interviews with admissions personnel, both academic and non-academic, across three disciplines within one higher prestige university, we revisit the notion of selectivity and the practice of selection. Tensions are revealed between two opposing approaches: a more traditional model of university admissions, as based on local knowledge and sensitivity towards underrepresented groups, and a purportedly merit-driven model, as driven by perceived market position. We explore the intricate and often unexpected ways in which staff reconcile their professed beliefs with their professional practices, and the complex identity work needed to renegotiate personal values in light of shifting institutional needs. Findings are offered as a microcosm for broader trends in the higher education sector

    Digital Intimacies and LGBT+ Youth: Celebration, Equity and Safety

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    “Digital Intimacies and LGBT+ youth” was commissioned by Brook, the wellbeing and sexual health charity for under-25s. It builds on the insights of its earlier report Digital Romance (McGeeney and Hanson 2017) which researched young people’s digital intimacy practices. For this report, we revisited survey and focus group data specifically from LGBT+ participants in that research. Additionally, we reviewed academic literature and gathered new data from LGBT+ youth groups, youth work practitioners and teachers, and parents / carers. Our research took place during the period of lockdowns due to Covid-19. These induced rapid shifts in perceptions of the online and in youth work practices, which have shaped our analysis here. The report summarises its findings under the headings of: // Celebration: We acknowledge the positive experiences that LGBT+ youth have online. We recognise LGBT+ youth as engaged creatively in diverse practices of community-building across many digital and offline spaces. Although there may be some (real and imagined) generational gaps in appreciating the value of digital cultures, we describe how youth work professionals rapidly and flexibly adapted their work with young people to online spaces under lockdown. Evidence that youth work practices were in turn able to positively impact some young people’s online relationship-building shows the value and vitality of cross-generational work and spaces. // Equity: We acknowledge the particular challenges faced by LGBT+ youth in a heteronormative world, which require specific resources to ameliorate. Some of these resources – especially for LGBT+ friendly youth services and other provision – are inadequate and / or under threat. Young people in our research looked particularly to schools to create safe and inclusive spaces including through relationships and sexuality education. We also draw attention to the responsibilities of platform providers, since many features of internet architecture prioritise commercial imperatives above privacy, preventing online harassment, or access to information. // Safety: We acknowledge the particular issues faced by LGBT+ youth in forging relationships and identities and their need for support. These intersect with many different aspects of identity. However we argue that an overemphasis on risk can be alienating and counterproductive, especially if it comes at the expense of more positive representations. Risk-taking is a necessary part of growing and learning. Managing risk should be seen as a lifelong project for all of us, constantly revisited, rather than something that can be avoided entirely or achieved at a single point in time. We conclude by offering a set of recommendations for practice relevant to funding bodies, campaigners, youth work professionals, schools, families and carers. These relate to: • Inclusive Relationships and Sex(uality) Education • Inclusive online safety • Resourcing anti-harassment strategies • Demanding more from digital media providers • Actively supporting parents and carers • Creating and networking safe spaces • Supporting youth community spaces • Supporting creativity/world-making • Outreach and exchang