738 research outputs found

    The influence and impact of artificial intelligence in the consumer decision-making process: comparing Generation X with Millennials

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    Artificial Intelligence is currently considered to be one of the most emerging technologies and that will have the greatest impact on both society and companies. In addition to its use at an organizational level, in operational terms, it's also used in the way it interacts with consumers is equally important and requires attention and development. Not all people have the same adaptability for the use of new technologies and that’s why it’s important to understand the differences that different generations have on this topic. Therefore, the main objective of this dissertation is to understand the real influence and impact that the use of AI can have in the consumer decision-making process, one of the marketing components that is currently more studied by specialists in the area, comparing Generation X with Millennials. With this objective, a questionnaire was developed whose objective was to study the influence and impact that the participants would feel at each stage of the consumer purchase decision process, through the application of AI. Within the different stages of the process, fictitious scenarios were created, where the use of an AI application is implicit for a better understanding of the questions and also of the research objective. With a final sample of 211 participants, the results suggest that AI may have an influence on some phases of the process, but not on all, regardless of the generation to which the participants belong.A Inteligência Artificial é atualmente considerada como uma das tecnologias mais emergentes e que maior impacto terá tanto na sociedade como nas empresas. Para além da sua utilização a nível organizacional, em termos operacionais, a sua utilização na forma como interage com os consumidores é igualmente importante e requer atenção e desenvolvimento. Não são todas as pessoas que têm a mesma adaptabilidade para a utilização de novas tecnologias e é por isso que se torna importante perceber quais as diferenças que diferentes gerações têm quanto a este tópico. Por isso, o principal objetivo desta dissertação é perceber qual a real influência e impacto que a utilização de IA pode ter no processo de decisão de compra do consumidor, uma das componentes do marketing que atualmente é mais estudada por parte dos especialistas na área, comparando a Geração X com a dos Millennials. Com este objetivo, um questionário foi desenvolvido cujo objetivo foi estudar qual a influência e impacto que os participantes sentiram em cada fase do processo de decisão de compra do consumidor, através de aplicação de IA. Dentro das diferentes fases do processo foram criados cenários fictícios, onde estão implícitos a utilização de uma aplicação de IA para uma melhor compreensão das questões e também do objetivo da pesquisa. Com uma amostra final de 211 participantes, os resultados sugerem que a IA pode ter influência em algumas fases do processo, mas não em todas, independentemente da geração a que os participantes pertençam

    Mergers and acquisitions : the case of United and Continental Airlines

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    The US airline industry is characterized to be an industry with a high competition mainly in the domestic segment. In order to face this competition several airlines entered in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals as way to consolidate its position in the market. This trend was accentuated with the global recession that brought several challenges to this industry. For this reason, the merger between United and Continental Airlines, two major US carriers, are being planned and its valuation and analysis are the focus of the present dissertation. By taking in account the current conditions of both airlines are estimated potential synergies of around 37,4% of the merged airline’ equity value without synergies which represent 69% of the current Continental’s market capitalization, the airline seen as the target. Given this, it is suggested an offer with a premium of 21,6% over the current Continental’s market capitalization which will constitute a deal of $3,018 million, which is here suggested to be paid all in stock

    A methodology for understanding the speed of internationalization process: The role of individual-level characteristics

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    This article presents a methodology that aims to explore how the decision-makers’ cognition affects the speed of internationalization. Managerial cognition is evaluated through the lens of the dual-process theory, which assumes that human information processing is made by two systems: (1) the intuitive and experiential cognitive system – System X, and (2) the rational and analytical cognitive system – System C. The speed of internationalization process is examined in terms of earliness (how soon after inception a firm enters in international markets) and post-internationalization speed (how fast a firm involves with new foreign markets after the first entry). This methodology has been put in practice in a multiple case study: the Portuguese footwear industry. The presence of some misalignments between our initial proposal and its implementation helped us to reshape and emphasize specific processes and behaviors associated to the methodology. The results suggest that, when making the decision about the first international entry, the decision-makers of the firms internationalizing earlier mostly relied on the intuitive cognitive system, while the decision-makers of the firm delaying the first entry showed a predominance of the rational cognitive system. However, regardless of being an early or later entrant, the sampled firms combine intuition with analysis to make the final decision about further involvements with foreign markets, resulting in a gradual and slower post-internationalization. Our in depth-analysis suggests that the Uppsala model could be questioned because the speed of internationalization process seems to be governed by how decision-makers perceive a given reality based on its cognition.N/

    How do managers behave? An analysis toward the cognitive configurations affecting Industry 4.0 adoption in international SMEs

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    Objectives: The adoption of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often rests on its positive evaluation from managers, decision-makers, and entrepreneurs. Because of the mixed outcomes attainable through the SMEs’ openness to disruptive changes, managers must weigh the beneficial aspects of I4.0 adoption against the complexities, challenges, and drawbacks coming from its implementation. This study aims to shed light on the multifaceted nature of decision-making processes related to willingness or reluctance toward I4.0 adoption in international SMEs. Theoretical Framework: Our theorizing includes the dual-process theory (DPT) and complexity theory to explain the patterns of factors stimulating or constraining I4.0 implementation. Method: To test our propositions, we employ fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) on a sample of 157 managers and entrepreneurs working in international SMEs. Results/Implications: The results outline that decisional recipes associated with willingness to adopt I4.0 for internationalization are different than those associated with reluctance. This empirical evidence contributes to the “human side of I4.0” by providing reporting the specific combinations of cognitive and contextual factors of decision-makers in international SMEs concerning I4.0 practices.N/

    Bone diagenesis in via XVII inhumations (Bracara Augusta): Identification of taphonomic and environmental factors in differential skeletal preservation

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    Bone decomposition in archaeological contexts is differential and dependent on geological and taphonomic variables. The present work analyses evidences of skeletal diagenesis in 25 inhumations (3rd-4th to 5th-7th centuries) from the Via XVII necropolis of Bracara Augusta (Braga, Portugal). Bracara Augusta is located in the Minho region, Northwest Portugal. Minho’s granitic soils are characterized by high acidity. Precipitation is high in cold seasons and markedly reduced in the summer. The influence of these factors on bone preservation of Via XVII inhumations was analyzed through the comparison between graves with different structural traits (box presence, box material, sediment presence, chronology, coffin/stretcher presence or material, and cover presence or type), using the chi squared test. None of the comparisons showed significant differences in skeletal preservation frequencies. Yet, the comparison between graves that structurally limit skeletal contact with sediment (sealed/undisturbed boxes) or water flow (gable roof boxes) (100%) and the remaining graves (43.8%) presented significantly different frequencies (χ2 = 7.910; p = 0.005). The taphonomic conditions of Via XVII inhumations are inadequate for bone preservation. In graves preserving osteological material, the presence of a box structure is essential, yet only of determining influence if kept sealed or covered with a gable roof. The continued study of taphonomic factors influencing bone diagenesis will allow the preparation of archaeological excavations in Braga funerary contexts to account for the needed specialists and materials.Diagénese óssea em inumações da Via XVII (Bracara Augusta): Identificação de fatores tafonómicos e ambientais na preservação esquelética diferencial A decomposição dos ossos em contexto arqueológico é diferencial, dependente de variáveis geológicas e tafonómicas. O presente trabalho analisa evidências relativas à diagénese esquelética em 25 inumações (séculos III-IV a V-VII) da necrópole da Via XVII de Bracara Augusta (Braga). Bracara Augusta localiza-se no Minho, região no noroeste de Portugal Continental de solos graníticos caracterizados por elevada acidez. A precipitação é elevada nas estações frias, reduzindo-se marcadamente em períodos quentes. A influência destes fatores na preservação óssea das inumações escavadas na Via XVII foi pesquisada pela comparação entre sepulturas de diferentes características estruturais (presença de caixa, material da caixa, contacto com sedimento, cronologia, presença de caixão/padiola, tipo e presença de cobertura), recorrendo ao chi quadrado. Nenhuma das comparações revelou diferenças significativas nas frequências de preservação esquelética. No entanto, a comparação entre sepulturas de estrutura limitadora do contacto com sedimento (caixas seladas/não perturbadas) ou do fluxo de água (caixa com cobertura de duas águas) (100%) com as restantes sepulturas (43,8%) revelou frequências significativamente diferentes (χ2 = 7,910; p = 0,005). As condições tafonómicas das inumações da Via XVII são inadequadas para a preservação óssea. Nos casos em que se preservam evidências osteológicas, a presença de estrutura em caixa é fundamental, mas só tem influência determinante se se mantiver selada ou tiver cobertura de duas águas. A continuação do estudo dos fatores tafonómicos que mediam a diagénese óssea permitirá que a preparação das escavações arqueológicas de contexto funerário em Braga determine os especialistas e instrumentos adequados ao projeto.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(PT2020

    Looking back and looking forward: A multidisciplinary review of the speed of internationalization and future research directions

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    Objectives: An increasing amount of research on the speed of internationalization has shown that this concept has found application across multiple contexts. However, this straddling of multidisciplinary domains fragments the academic understanding on the topic. Considering the growing interest in the speed of internationalization, this study seeks to provide an overview of the trajectory and evolution of the research field. Theoretical Framework: Building upon the review of 200 articles published in Web of Science and Scopus indexed journals, this article develops a context-specific research agenda, whereas discloses the main theoretical approaches used so far. Method: We combined a Correspondence Analysis (CA) along with a Delphi study of prolific authors and practitioners working on the speed of internationalization, we provide a multidisciplinary academic literature. Results/Implications: Our findings offer a holistic picture of the current scholarly research, outlining its key theoretical approaches, research themes, levels of research, and potential areas for future development on this topic.N/

    Do firms internationalize because they are profitable or are firms profitable because they internationalize? Assessing the causality between internationalization and profitability in new ventures

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    International business (IB) theories, including the Uppsala model and the International Entrepreneurship (IE) perspective, have provided explanations linking the level of the firm’s international commitment to organizational performance and found a non-linear relationship. However, causality in that relationship is still a veiled story. The aim of this study is to explore how the organizational age at the time of the first international market entry can change the direction of causality in the binomial internationalization-profitability. We add arguments based upon on the earliness of internationalization (how soon after inception a venture becomes an international player) to suggest a more complex relationship in which financial performance provides feedback on the implementation of internationalization strategies in the form of resources, particularly in firms that start internationalizing at a later stage. This feedback generates both the knowledge and the slack resources needed to support an adaptative feedback during the post-internationalization process. Using the most up-to-date technique in structural equation modeling for testing causality, we performed a multigroup analysis investigating the long-term rather than shortterm causal associations between international commitment and profitability in a longitudinal data set of 1,258 new ventures over five years of post-internationalization. Our findings showed that past profits positively contribute to future internationalization attempts in late internationals, but neither that causality nor the reverse were proven for early internationalizing firms. This cross-lagged evidence, therefore, supports the need to extend IB theories by considering financial performance as an antecedent and not just an outcome of the degree of internationalization.info:eu-repo/semantics/draf

    The earlier the better? A microfoundational perspective of international explorative and exploitative capabilities in the transition of SMEs to Industry 4.0

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    The international exploration-exploitation dichotomy is used in this study to expand on the resource-based view (RBV) and gain a deeper understanding of how these two distinct capabilities affect the adoption of I4.0 in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). We investigate managers' cognitive systems as a crucial microfoundation for the international organizational ambidexterity (i.e., exploration-exploitation), given that both managerial cognition and microfoundations perspective are underdeveloped and undertheorized. The study shows that managerial cognition is a crucial microfoundation of international organizational ambidexterity in the context of I4.0 adoption by using structural equation modeling on a sample of 116 Portuguese international SMEs. The findings also reveal neither international exploration nor exploitation has succeeded in creating new opportunities for the application of a technology-based model in SMEs internationalizing earlier. However, a post-hoc analysis revealed that under early internationalization, less (more) experienced SMEs benefit from international exploration (exploitation) to implement I4.0 technologies. This study concludes with implications and future research avenues.N/

    Do it or not? Explaining the complexity of decision-making processes for Industry 4.0 adoption in international SMEs

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    The adoption of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) often rests on its positive evaluation from managers, decision-makers, and entrepreneurs. Because of the mixed outcomes attainable through the SMEs’ openness to disruptive changes, managers must weigh the beneficial aspects of I4.0 against the complexities, challenges, and drawbacks coming from its implementation. Drawing upon the tenets of the dual-process theory (DPT), this study highlights the cognitive configurations leading to managerial willingness (or reluctance) to adopt I4.0. This is done by investigating perceptions about the international markets in terms of risk and uncertainty, and by assessing organizational stimuli to openness, such as the explorative and exploitative orientations (i.e., ambidexterity), in combination with decision-makers’ cognitive systems. To shed further light on observed heterogenous outcomes, this study explores the managerial willingness (or reluctance) towards I4.0 adoption among 157 managers working in international SMEs. The results of combined Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) and fuzzy-set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) outline different decisional paths associated with willingness and reluctance to adopt I4.0 for internationalization. This empirical evidence, therefore, contributes to the “human side of I4.0” by providing fruitful implications about cognitive configurations of decision-makers in international SMEs concerning I4.0 practices.N/