534 research outputs found

    Techno-economic evaluation of battery storage systems in industry

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    In the context of a changing energy system towards one dominated by renewable energy sources, the demand for flexible energy generation and consumption will increase. Battery storage systems can provide a significant share of this energy flexibility, especially when combined with an industrial manufacturing plant to shift the industrial electricity demand over time. This paper contributes to a better understanding of the business decision when investing in a battery storage system and when marketing energy flexibility. For this purpose, the work considers the techno-economic and regulatory framework for flexibility measures and examines the optimal investment and dispatch planning for a battery storage system in an industrial company. The studies in this thesis focus on three central aspects. As a first aspect, the various revenue streams for the stored electricity are analysed and how these influence the profitability of a battery storage system. In particular, the provision of frequency containment reserve power, peak load shifting or peak shaving, arbitrage trading on the energy markets and the increase in self-consumption through photovoltaic self-generation are addressed. For this purpose, an optimisation model is formulated as a discrete, linear programme that maps the economic framework of the flexibility markets and integrates the technological constraints of the battery storage system. As a second aspect, uncertainties about market prices, load and generation behaviour are integrated into the optimisation model and the influence on the investment decision is investigated. This is done on the one hand by a two-stage robust optimisation model, which represents the uncertainty about the market success on the intraday market. On the other hand, the significance of the sequence of uncertain market decisions is illuminated through a multi-stage stochastic optimisation model. As a third aspect, the trade-off between the economic and ecological use of a battery storage system is analysed. For this purpose, an ecological, COâ‚‚-minimal dispatch is calculated by deriving national COâ‚‚-emission factors and compared with an economically optimal dispatch. The case studies are analysed based on real industrial load data from small, medium and large enterprises. The thesis discusses the technical and economic framework conditions, with the main focus on Germany. However, a comparison between the countries Germany, Denmark, and Croatia is also presented. The results show that peak shaving and the provision of frequency containment reserve are complementary and make the investment in a battery storage system economically viable. Self-generation through a photovoltaic system can reduce the risk arising from uncertain energy market prices. However, the sequence of uncertain decisions has a significant impact on the design of the battery storage system. Economically feasible operation through arbitrage trading, on the other hand, is not possible due to the small price differences in the markets and limitations due to battery ageing and efficiency. These battery characteristics also influence the use of a battery storage system for COâ‚‚-reduction. Due to the limited number of cycles and relatively high charging losses, battery technology is currently unsuitable for COâ‚‚-minimal storage use. Nevertheless, the economic and ecological potential of battery storage systems strongly depends on individual factors such as local grid charges, the selected battery technology and the individual industrial load profile. Advances in battery technology, such as increased lifetime, and possible new flexibility markets, such as dynamic grid charges, offer new application and marketing opportunities that could increase the economic viability of a battery storage system

    Comparing empirical and model-based approaches for calculating dynamic grid emission factors: An application to CO2_{2}-minimizing storage dispatch in Germany

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    As one possibility to increase flexibility, battery storage systems (BSS) will play a key role in the decarbonization of the energy system. The emissions-intensity of grid electricity becomes more important as these BSSs are more widely employed. In this paper, we introduce a novel data basis for the determination of the energy system’s CO2_{2} emissions, which is a match between the ENTSO-E database and the EUTL databases. We further postulate four different dynamic emission factors (EF) to determine the hourly CO2_{2} emissions caused through a change in electricity demand: the average emission factor (AEF), the marginal power mix (MPM), the marginal system response (MSR) and an energy-model-derived marginal power plant (MPP). For generic and battery storage systems, a linear optimization on two levels optimizes the economic and environmental storage dispatch for a set of 50 small and medium enterprises in Germany. The four different emission factors have different signaling effects. The AEF leads to the lowest CO2_{2} reduction and allows for roughly two daily cycles. The other EFs show a higher volatility, which leads to a higher utilization of the storage system from 3.4 to 5.4 daily cycles. The minimum mean value for CO2_{2} abatement costs over all 50 companies is 14.13 €/tCO_{CO}2_{2}

    Effects of the tenants electricity law on energy system layout and landlord-tenant relationship in a multi-family building in Germany

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    Multi-family buildings (MFB) accommodate 53% of the German apartment stock. Although PV-systems on single-family buildings are widely implemented, the PV-potential on MFBs has barely been touched. Therefore, the German government introduced the Mieterstromgesetz, the tenants electricity law (TEL), in 2016. This law exempts electricity directly produced and consumed in a building from certain charges and taxes. Within the TEL framework, the landlord acts as the local electricity provider and can profit from selling electricity to the tenants and tenants can save electricity costs. This paper analyses the techno-economic effects of the TEL on the energy system layout of a MFB in Germany. Furthermore, it gives implications on how the TEL affects the tenant-landlord relationship. In this analyses, a MILP model is used to maximize the net present value (NPV) and determines the optimal layout and dispatch of the energy system. The model can choose to invest in PV, CHP and a battery storage system. Additionally, one to six electric vehicles (EVs) are integrated into the model. The novelty of this paper is the model-based analysis of the German Mieterstromgesetz considering EVs. The results show that the combination of PV and CHP is the most profitable system layout with NPVs up to 31.9ke. An optimized charging strategy increases the self-consumption rate and the NPV substantially compared to a fast-charging-strategy. Thus, the TEL can create a symbiotic relationship between landlords and tenants

    In Situ Raman Analysis of CO\u2082-Assisted Drying of Fruit-Slices

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    This work explores the feasibility of applying in situ Raman spectroscopy for the online monitoring of the supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO\u2082) drying of fruits. Specifically, we investigate two types of fruits: mango and persimmon. The drying experiments were carried out inside an optical accessible vessel at 10 MPa and 313 K. The Raman spectra reveal: (i) the reduction of the water from the fruit slice and (ii) the change of the fruit matrix structure during the drying process. Two different Raman excitation wavelengths were compared: 532 nm and 785 nm. With respect to the quality of the obtained spectra, the 532 nm excitation wavelength was superior due to a higher signal-to-noise ratio and due to a resonant excitation scheme of the carotenoid molecules. It was found that the absorption of CO\u2082 into the fruit matrix enhances the extraction of water, which was expressed by the obtained drying kinetic curve

    Evaluierung des Einflusses standardisierter Pflegekonzepte auf Hautbarriere, Hautzustand und Lebensqualität bei Säuglingen und Kleinkindern

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    Einleitung Die Hautbarriere verändert sich im Zuge des Reifungsprozesses im ersten Lebensjahr und darüber hinaus, was durch nicht-invasive Methoden quantitativ messbar ist [1]. Nicht nur bei hautgesunden Neugeborenen sondern insbesondere auch bei Kindern mit trockener Haut und erhöhtem Risiko für atopische Dermatitis (AD) gibt es bisher keine etablierten, altersabhängigen Pflegeleitlinien [2]. Ziel der Promotion ist es, den Einfluss unterschiedlicher Pflegeprodukte auf Barrierefunktion, Hautoberfläche und Lebensqualität in verschiedenen Altersgruppen sowohl bei hautgesunden als auch bei für AD prädisponierten Kindern mit trockener Haut zu untersuchen. Methodik In der ersten von insgesamt 3 Publikationen wurden 50 gesunde Neugeborene (Alter ≤ 96 Stunden) in 2 Gruppen randomisiert. Eine Gruppe erhielt eine Hautpflege mit Sonnenblumenöl, die andere eine handelsübliche Babypflegelotion. In einer zweiten Publikation wurden 22 Säuglinge (Alter 3-12 Monate) mit trockener Haut und erhöhtem AD-Risiko mit einem pflanzlichen Pflegeprodukt behandelt. In einer dritten Publikation wurden 43 für AD prädisponierte Kleinkinder und Säuglinge (Alter 2-6 Jahre, 3–12 Monate) mit Xerosis cutis randomisiert in 3 Gruppen aufgeteilt und erhielten pflanzliche Hautpflegeprodukte bzw. ein Pflegeprodukt auf Petrolatumbasis. In der ersten und zweiten Publikation wurden die biophysikalischen Eigenschaften der Hautbarrierefunktion quantitativ durch Stratum corneum Hydratation (SCH), transepidermaler Wasserverlust (TEWL), Haut-pH-Wert (pH) und Hautoberflächenlipide (Sebum) erfasst. In der dritten Publikation wurde die Hautoberfläche mittels VisioScan bewertet. Die klinische Hautbeurteilung erfolgte mit dem SCORing Atopy Dermatitis (SCORAD) und dem Patient-Oriented SCORing Atopy Dermatitis (PO-SCORAD). Darüber hinaus wurde die Lebensqualität anhand eines Fragebogens evaluiert. Ergebnisse Die Hautfunktionsparameter zeigten bei den gesunden Neugeborenen der ersten Publikation einen pH-Abfall, eine Abnahme des TEWLs am Unterarm sowie eine verbesserte SCH für beide Pflegestrategien [3]. In der Säuglingsgruppe der zweiten Publikation stabilisierten sich TEWL und pH während die SCH anstieg [4]. Bei den Kleinkindern und Säuglingen der dritten Publikation zeigte sich unter beiden Pflegeregimes eine Verbesserung in der klinischen Hautbeurteilung mittels SCORAD und PO-SCORAD [5]. Zusätzlich ließ sich ein Rückgang der Hautschuppung durch den VisioScan nachweisen [5]. Bezüglich der Lebensqualität zeigten sich bei den Eltern eine Verbesserung des Schlafes sowie eine zunehmende Besorgnis, dass ihr Kind eine AD entwickeln könnte. Zusammenfassung Regelmäßige Hautpflege schadet der sich entwickelnden Hautbarrierefunktion nicht, sondern kann den Reifungsprozess unterstützen. Sowohl hautgesunde als auch Kinder mit Xerosis cutis und erhöhtem AD-Risiko können von frühzeitiger, adäquater Hautpflege profitieren. Dadurch kann sowohl die Lebensqualität der Kinder als auch die der Eltern positiv beeinflusst werden.Introduction The skin barrier changes in the course of the maturation process during the first year of life and beyond, which can be quantitatively measured by established non-invasive methods [1]. Not only for healthy newborns but especially for children with dry skin and an increased risk for developing atopic dermatitis (AD), there are no established, age-dependent skin care concepts [2]. This doctoral thesis aims to investigate the influence of different care products on skin barrier function, skin surface and quality of life in different age groups of children with healthy as well as AD predisposed skin. Methodology In publication 1 of 3, 50 healthy newborns (aged ≤ 96 hours) were randomized into 2 groups, whereas one group received sunflower oil for skin care and other received a commercial care lotion. In publication 2, 22 infants (aged 3-12 months) with dry skin and increased risk of AD received a plant-based care product. In publication 3, 43 AD predisposed children and infants (aged 2-6 years, 3-12 months) with xerosis cutis were randomized into 3 groups and received plant-based or petrolatum skin care. In publication 1 and 2, the biophysical characteristics of the skin barrier function were quantified by stratum corneum hydration (SCH), transepidermal water loss (TEWL), skin pH (pH) and skin surface lipids (sebum). In publication 3 the skin surface was evaluated by VisioScan. Clinical evaluation of skin was performed with SCORing Atopy Dermatitis (SCORAD) and Patient-Oriented SCORing Atopy Dermatitis (PO-SCORAD). The quality of life was evaluated by using a questionnaire. Results The skin barrier parameters of the healthy newborns (publication 1) showed a drop in pH, a decrease in TEWL (forearm) and an improved SCH for both care strategies [3]. In the infant group of publication 2, TEWL and pH stabilized while SCH increased [4]. In the group of children and infants of publication 3, both care regimes showed an improvement in clinical skin assessment using SCORAD and PO-SCORAD [5]. Furthermore, a decrease in skin scaling could be demonstrated using VisioScan [5]. Regarding quality of life, parents showed an improved sleep but growing concerns their child might develop AD. Conclusion Regular skin care with sunflower oil or commercial skin lotion doesn’t harm, but can support the maturation process. Both skin-healthy and children with xerosis cutis and increased risk of AD can benefit from early, adequate skincare. This can positively affect the quality of life of both children and parents

    Galectin-3 Enhances the Malignant Melanoma Phenotype by Regulating Autotaxin

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    In melanoma patient specimens and cell lines, the over expression of galectin-3 is associated with disease progression and metastatic potential. Herein, we have sought out to determine whether galectin-3 affects the malignant melanoma phenotype by regulating downstream target genes. To that end, galectin-3 was stably silenced by utilizing the lentivirus-incorporated small hairpin RNA in two metastatic melanoma cell lines, WM2664 and A375SM, and subjected to gene expression microarray analysis. We identified and validated the lysophospholipase D enzyme, autotaxin, a promoter of migration, invasion, and tumorigenesis, to be down regulated after silencing galectin-3. Silencing galectin-3 significantly reduced the promoter activity of autotaxin. Interestingly, we also found the transcription factor NFAT1 to have reduced protein expression after silencing galectin-3. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays from previous reports have shown that NFAT1 binds to the autotaxin promoter in two locations. ChIP analysis was performed, and we observed a complete loss of bound NFAT1 to the autotaxin promoter after silencing galectin-3 in melanoma cells. Mutation of the NFAT1 binding sites at either location reduces autotaxin promoter activity. Silencing NFAT1 reduces autotaxin expression while over expressing NFAT1 in NFAT1 negative SB-2 melanoma cells induces autotaxin expression. These data suggest that galectin-3 silencing reduces autotaxin transcription by reducing the amount of NFAT1 protein expression. Rescue of galectin-3 rescues both NFAT1 and autotaxin. We also show that the re-expression of autotaxin in galectin-3 shRNA melanoma cells rescues the angiogenic phenotype in vivo. Furthermore, we identify NFAT1 as a potent inducer of tumor growth and experimental lung metastasis. Our data elucidate a previously unidentified mechanism by which galectin-3 regulates autotaxin and assign a novel role for NFAT1 during melanoma progression

    Nanoflow liquid chromatography coupled to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry: Sample preparation, data analysis, and application to the analysis of complex peptide mixtures

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    We report the development of a robust interface for off-line coupling of nano liquid chromatography (LC) to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and its application to the analysis of proteolytic digests of proteins, both isolated and in mixtures. The interface makes use of prestructured MALDI sample supports to concentrate the effluent to a small sample plate area and localize the MALDI sample to a predefined array, thereby enriching the analyte molecules and facilitating automated MALDI-MS analysis. Parameters that influence the preparation of MALDI samples from the LC effluent were evaluated with regard to detection sensitivity, spectra quality, and reproducibility of the method. A procedure for data processing is described. The presented nano LC MALDI-MS system allowed the detection of several peptides from a tryptic digest of bovine serum albumin, at analyzed amounts corresponding to one femtomole of the digested protein. For the identification of native proteins isolated from mouse brain by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, nano LC MALDI-MS increased the number of detected peptides, thereby allowing identification of proteins that could not be identified by direct MALDI-MS analysis. The ability to identify proteins in complex mixtures was evaluated for the analysis of Escherichia coli 50S ribosomal subunit. Out of the 33 expected proteins, 30 were identified by MALDI tandem time of flight fragment ion fingerprinting
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