272 research outputs found

    Designing Auditory Feedback from Wearable Weightlifting Devices

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    While wearable devices for fitness have gained broad popularity, most are focused on tracking general activity types rather than correcting exercise forms, which is extremely important for weightlifters. We interviewed 7 frequent gym-goers about their opinions and expectations for feedback from wearable devices for weightlifting. We describe their desired feedback, and how their expectations and concerns could be balanced in future wearable fitness technologies

    Beyond cute: exploring user types and design opportunities of virtual reality pet games

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    Virtual pet games, such as handheld games like Tamagotchi or video games like Petz, provide players with artificial pet companions or entertaining pet-raising simulations. Prior research has found that virtual pets have the potential to promote learning, collaboration, and empathy among users. While virtual reality (VR) has become an increasingly popular game medium, litle is known about users' expectations regarding game avatars, gameplay, and environments for VR-enabled pet games. We surveyed 780 respondents in an online survey and interviewed 30 participants to understand users' motivation, preferences, and game behavior in pet games played on various medium, and their expectations for VR pet games. Based on our findings, we generated three user types that reflect users' preferences and gameplay styles in VR pet games. We use these types to highlight key design opportunities and recommendations for VR pet games

    Slacktivists or Activists?: Identity Work in the Virtual Disability March

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    Protests are important social forms of activism, but can be inaccessible to people with disabilities. Online activism, like the 2017 Disability March, has provided alternative venues for involvement in accessible protesting and social movements. In this study, we use identity theory as a lens to understand why and how disabled activists engaged in an online movement, and its impact on their self-concepts. We interviewed 18 disabled activists about their experiences with online protesting during the Disability March. Respondents' identities (as both disabled individuals and as activists) led them to organize or join the March, evolved alongside the group's actions, and were reprioritized or strained as a result of their involvement. Our findings describe the values and limitations of this activism to our respondents, highlight the tensions they perceived about their activist identities, and present opportunities to support further accessibility and identity changes by integrating technology into their activist experiences

    Smart Kitchens for People with Cognitive Impairments: A Qualitative Study of Design Requirements

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    Individuals with cognitive impairments currently leverage extensive human resources during their transitions from assisted living to independent living. In Western Europe, many government-supported volunteer organizations provide sheltered living facilities; supervised environments in which people with cognitive impairments collaboratively learn daily living skills. In this paper, we describe communal cooking practices in sheltered living facilities and identify opportunities for supporting these with interactive technology to reduce volunteer workload. We conducted two contextual observations of twelve people with cognitive impairments cooking in sheltered living facilities and supplemented this data through interviews with four employees and volunteers who supervise them. Through thematic analysis, we identified four themes to inform design requirements for communal cooking activities: Work organization, community, supervision, and practicalities. Based on these, we present five design implications for assistive systems in kitchens for people with cognitive deficiencies

    #accessibilityFail: Categorizing Shared Photographs of Physical Accessibility Problems

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    Social media platforms are existing online spaces where users share their daily encounters, providing a large dataset of photographs of inaccessible environments. We analyzed 100 posts from Twitter and Instagram that describe accessibility problems. Our findings suggest these posts are helpful to locate, identify and communicate accessibility problems, and provide design ideas for potential assistive technologies. We suggest design implications using social media posts to improve physical accessibility

    A Democratic Platform for Engaging with Disabled Community in Generative AI Development

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems, especially generative AI technologies are becoming more relevant in our society. Tools like ChatGPT are being used by members of the disabled community e.g., Autistic people may use it to help compose emails. The growing impact and popularity of generative AI tools have prompted us to examine their relevance within the disabled community. The design and development phases often neglect this marginalized group, leading to inaccurate predictions and unfair discrimination directed towards them. This could result from bias in data sets, algorithms, and systems at various phases of creation and implementation. This workshop paper proposes a platform to involve the disabled community while building generative AI systems. With this platform, our aim is to gain insight into the factors that contribute to bias in the outputs generated by generative AI when used by the disabled community. Furthermore, we expect to comprehend which algorithmic factors are the main contributors to the output's incorrectness or irrelevancy. The proposed platform calls on both disabled and non-disabled people from various geographical and cultural backgrounds to collaborate asynchronously and remotely in a democratic approach to decision-making

    Assessing Scope 3 Emissions Within a University Department: Using a Life Cycle Assessment and Supply Chain Case Studies

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    The purpose of this project is to identify opportunities to reduce Scope 3 emissions associated with University operations. While the scope of this report is limited, analysis of the department case study and the two selected products suggest the University should conduct a larger, more comprehensive supply chain assessment in the future to identify methods for emissions and cost reductions from altered purchasing practices. By sharing the information from this report, we hope to encourage the University to pursue more sustainable consumption practices. Poster prepared for the Environmental Studies Senior Seminar/Geography Capstone

    Crowdsourcing Accessibility: Human-Powered Access Technologies

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    People with disabilities have always engaged the people around them in order to circumvent inaccessible situations, allowing them to live more independently and get things done in their everyday lives. Increasing connectivity is allowing this approach to be extended to wherever and whenever it is needed. Technology can leverage this human work force to accomplish tasks beyond the capabilities of computers, increasing how accessible the world is for people with disabilities. This article outlines the growth of online human support, outlines a number of projects in this space, and presents a set of challenges and opportunities for this work going forward
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