75 research outputs found

    Subsurface oil releases - Verification of dispersant effectiveness under high pressure

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    The main objective with this project was to study possible pressure dependency of droplet formation in case of a subsea blow out of oil and the effectiveness of subsea dispersant injection (SSDI). The droplet sizes documented by the SINTEF Silhouette Camera from comparable experiments (nozzle, oil type, flow rates, injection techniques and dispersant product) at ambient conditions (5 meters depth) and high pressure conditions (175 bar or 1750 meters depth) show no significant difference in droplet sizes as a function of pressure. This lack of a pressure effect was observed for both formation of large droplets from untreated oil and formation of smaller droplets by dispersant injection (1 and 2% dispersant dosage). This strongly indicates that SSDI effectiveness is not significantly influenced by hydrostatic pressure. These experiments were performed using stabilized dead oil without gas. Experiments with recombined oil & natura! gas ("live oil") were performed in a study later in 2015 (Brandvik et al., 2016b ).The American Petroleum Institute - API JITF 03publishedVersio

    Complex Genetic Interactions in a Quantitative Trait Locus

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    Whether in natural populations or between two unrelated members of a species, most phenotypic variation is quantitative. To analyze such quantitative traits, one must first map the underlying quantitative trait loci. Next, and far more difficult, one must identify the quantitative trait genes (QTGs), characterize QTG interactions, and identify the phenotypically relevant polymorphisms to determine how QTGs contribute to phenotype. In this work, we analyzed three Saccharomyces cerevisiae high-temperature growth (Htg) QTGs (MKT1, END3, and RHO2). We observed a high level of genetic interactions among QTGs and strain background. Interestingly, while the MKT1 and END3 coding polymorphisms contribute to phenotype, it is the RHO2 3′UTR polymorphisms that are phenotypically relevant. Reciprocal hemizygosity analysis of the Htg QTGs in hybrids between S288c and ten unrelated S. cerevisiae strains reveals that the contributions of the Htg QTGs are not conserved in nine other hybrids, which has implications for QTG identification by marker-trait association. Our findings demonstrate the variety and complexity of QTG contributions to phenotype, the impact of genetic background, and the value of quantitative genetic studies in S. cerevisiae

    Motivasi Anak SD Inpres Mallengkeri 1 dalam Menonton Serial Kartun Upin Ipin Edisi Ramadhan Tahun 2018 di MNCTV

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    Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 3 hal yang memotivasi anak SD Inpres Mallengkeri 1 dalam menonton serial kartun Upin Ipin Edisi ramadhan tahun 2018 di MNCTV yaitu Pendidikan, Hiburan dan Ibadah. Dalam Pendidikan anak - anak termotivasi menonton serial kartun Upin Ipin dikarenakan serial kartun ini memiliki edukasi yang tinggi. Dalam Hiburan Anak – anak juga termotivasi dari nyanyian – nyanyian islami dalam serial tersebut. Serta dalam Ibadah anak – anak juga termotivasi dari nuansa keagamaan dan aktivitas ibadah yang dikemas secara menarik. Dalam serial kartun tersebut membuktikan bahwa anak SD Inpres Mallegkeri 1 mendapatkan perubahan sikap secara positif dalam artian beberapa pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh serial kartun Upin Ipin adalah terkait pendidikan keagamaan, anak – anak yang tadinya malas beribadah namun setelah menonton serial kartun Upin Ipin menjadi termotivasi untuk rajin beribadah

    ER stress-regulated translation increases tolerance to extreme hypoxia and promotes tumor growth

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    Tumor cell adaptation to hypoxic stress is an important determinant of malignant progression. While much emphasis has been placed on the role of HIF-1 in this context, the role of additional mechanisms has not been adequately explored. Here we demonstrate that cells cultured under hypoxic/anoxic conditions and transformed cells in hypoxic areas of tumors activate a translational control program known as the integrated stress response (ISR), which adapts cells to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Inactivation of ISR signaling by mutations in the ER kinase PERK and the translation initiation factor eIF2α or by a dominant-negative PERK impairs cell survival under extreme hypoxia. Tumors derived from these mutant cell lines are smaller and exhibit higher levels of apoptosis in hypoxic areas compared to tumors with an intact ISR. Moreover, expression of the ISR targets ATF4 and CHOP was noted in hypoxic areas of human tumor biopsy samples. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that activation of the ISR is required for tumor cell adaptation to hypoxia, and suggest that this pathway is an attractive target for antitumor modalities

    The unfolded protein response governs integrity of the haematopoietic stem-cell pool during stress.

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    The blood system is sustained by a pool of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) that are long-lived due to their capacity for self-renewal. A consequence of longevity is exposure to stress stimuli including reactive oxygen species (ROS), nutrient fluctuation and DNA damage. Damage that occurs within stressed HSCs must be tightly controlled to prevent either loss of function or the clonal persistence of oncogenic mutations that increase the risk of leukaemogenesis. Despite the importance of maintaining cell integrity throughout life, how the HSC pool achieves this and how individual HSCs respond to stress remain poorly understood. Many sources of stress cause misfolded protein accumulation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and subsequent activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) enables the cell to either resolve stress or initiate apoptosis. Here we show that human HSCs are predisposed to apoptosis through strong activation of the PERK branch of the UPR after ER stress, whereas closely related progenitors exhibit an adaptive response leading to their survival. Enhanced ER protein folding by overexpression of the co-chaperone ERDJ4 (also called DNAJB9) increases HSC repopulation capacity in xenograft assays, linking the UPR to HSC function. Because the UPR is a focal point where different sources of stress converge, our study provides a framework for understanding how stress signalling is coordinated within tissue hierarchies and integrated with stemness. Broadly, these findings reveal that the HSC pool maintains clonal integrity by clearance of individual HSCs after stress to prevent propagation of damaged stem cells

    A Study On The Model Of Profit And Risk In Xiamen’s Commercial Banks

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    随着相对滞后的金融体制改革提上议事日程,金融业中的银行业的风险和效益的矛盾对立统一日益成为讨论的焦点、热点。加入WTO对金融业意味着拥有先进管理技术和经验的外资银行抢滩国内银行业务,其对国内中资银行的竞争和生存环境的影响是巨大且不可预测的。作者认为国内中资银行是缺乏效率的,为避免银行命脉被外资控制,国内中资银行不能讳疾忌医,而要以有容乃大、自省的态度积极寻求市场经济下的解决之道,最可取的莫过于解剖一只麻雀。 按照这一思路,本文选取了厦门8家经营较稳定的商业银行进行收益风险模式比较,为国内其他中资商业银行的经营管理提供实证参考。 第一章导言。对银行经营活动的一般特点进行描述。提出银行作为经济...Owing to the combination between banking and economics , influencing factor is increasingly complicated. Banker needs to design one macroanalysis model to logically judge different kinds of income chance and danger all banks faced with,through which banker may supply effective diagnose for banking operating management. The theses takes banking 'data in Xiamen as an example .It exists that huge c...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:19981505

    Neuromatch Academy: a 3-week, online summer school in computational neuroscience

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    Neuromatch Academy (https://academy.neuromatch.io; (van Viegen et al., 2021)) was designed as an online summer school to cover the basics of computational neuroscience in three weeks. The materials cover dominant and emerging computational neuroscience tools, how they complement one another, and specifically focus on how they can help us to better understand how the brain functions. An original component of the materials is its focus on modeling choices, i.e. how do we choose the right approach, how do we build models, and how can we evaluate models to determine if they provide real (meaningful) insight. This meta-modeling component of the instructional materials asks what questions can be answered by different techniques, and how to apply them meaningfully to get insight about brain function