15,080 research outputs found

    Construction of Wannier functions from localized atomic-like orbitals

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    The problem of construction of the Wannier functions (WFs) in a restricted Hilbert space of eigenstates of the one-electron Hamiltonian H^\hat{H} (forming the so-called low-energy part of the spectrum) can be formulated in several different ways. One possibility is to use the projector-operator techniques, which pick up a set of trial atomic orbitals and project them onto the given Hilbert space. Another possibility is to employ the downfolding method, which eliminates the high-energy part of the spectrum and incorporates all related to it properties into the energy-dependence of an effective Hamiltonian. We show that by modifying the high-energy part of the spectrum of the original Hamiltonian H^\hat{H}, which is rather irrelevant to the construction of WFs in the low-energy part of the spectrum, these two methods can be formulated in an absolutely exact and identical form, so that the main difference between them is reduced to the choice of the trial orbitals. Concerning the latter part of the problem, we argue that an optimal choice for trial orbitals can be based on the maximization of the site-diagonal part of the density matrix. The main idea is illustrated for a simple toy model, consisting of only two bands, as well as for a more realistic example of t2gt_{2g} bands in V2_2O3_3. An analogy with the search of the ground state of a many-electron system is also discussed.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Risk factors for mortality from imported falciparum malaria in the United Kingdom over 20 years: an observational study

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    Objectives To determine which travellers with malaria are at greatest risk of dying, highlighting factors which can be used to target health messages to travellers. Design Observational study based on 20 years of UK national data. Setting National register of malaria cases. Participants 25 054 patients notified with Plasmodium falciparum malaria, of whom 184 died, between 1987 and 2006. Main outcome measures Comparison between those with falciparum malaria who died and non-fatal cases, including age, reason for travel, country of birth, time of year diagnosed, malaria prophylaxis used. Results Mortality increased steadily with age, with a case fatality of 25/548 (4.6%) in people aged >65 years, adjusted odds ratio 10.68 (95% confidence interval 6.4 to 17.8), P<0.001 compared with 18–35 year olds. There were no deaths in the ≤5 year age group. Case fatality was 3.0% (81/2740 cases) in tourists compared with 0.32% (26/8077) in travellers visiting friends and relatives (adjusted odds ratio 8.2 (5.1 to 13.3), P<0.001). Those born in African countries with endemic malaria had a case fatality of 0.4% (36/8937) compared with 2.4% (142/5849) in others (adjusted odds ratio 4.6 (3.1 to 9.9), P<0.001). Case fatality was particularly high from the Gambia. There was an inverse correlation in mortality between region of presentation and number of cases seen in the region (R2=0.72, P<0.001). Most delay in fatal cases was in seeking care. Conclusions Most travellers acquiring malaria are of African heritage visiting friends and relatives. In contrast the risks of dying from malaria once acquired are highest in the elderly, tourists, and those presenting in areas in which malaria is seldom seen. Doctors often do not think of these as high risk groups for malaria; for this reason they are important groups to target in pre-travel advice

    Redshifts and Luminosities for 112 Gamma Ray Bursts

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    Two different luminosity indicators have recently been proposed for Gamma Ray Bursts that use gamma-ray observations alone. They relate the burst luminosity (L) with the time lag between peaks in hard and soft energies, and the spikiness or variability of the burst's light curve (V). These relations are currently justified and calibrated with only 6 or 7 bursts with known red shifts. We have examined BATSE data for the lag and V for 112 bursts. (1) A strong correlation between the lag and V exists, and it is exactly as predicted from the two proposed relations. This is proof that both luminosity indicators are reliable. (2) GRB830801 is the all-time brightest burst, yet with a small V and a large lag, and hence is likely the closest known event being perhaps as close as 3.2 Mpc. (3) We have combined the luminosities as derived from both indicators as a means to improve the statistical and systematic accuracy when compared with the accuracy from either method alone. The result is a list of 112 bursts with good luminosities and hence red shifts. (4) The burst averaged hardness ratio rises strongly with the luminosity of the burst. (5) The burst luminosity function is a broken power law, with the break at L = 2x10^{52} erg/s. The luminosity function has power law indices of -2.8+-0.2 above the break and -1.7+-0.1 below the break. (6) The number density of GRBs varies with red shift roughly as (1+z)^(2.5+-0.3) between 0.2<z<5. Excitingly, this result also provides a measure of the star formation rate out to z~5 with no effects from reddening, and the rate is rising uniformly for red shifts above 2.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, submitted to ApJLet

    Emerging Technologies, Signal Processing and Statistical Methods for Screening of Cervical Cancer In Vivo: Are They Good Candidates for Cervical Screening?

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    The current cervical cancer screening test (the Pap smear) is a manual cytological procedure. This cytology test has various limitations and many errors. Excellent candidates for improving the performance of the cervical cancer screening procedure are electro-optical systems (EOSs), used for assessment of the cervical cancer precursors in vivo, such as digital spectroscopy, digital colposcopy and bioelectrical phenomena-based systems. These EOSs use the advantages of signal processing methods and can replace the qualitative assessments, with objective metrics. The EOSs can be used as an adjunct to the current screener or as a primary screener. We analyse and discuss the effectiveness of the signal processing and statistical methods for diagnosis of cervical cancer in vivo. This analysis is reinforced by the presentation of the scientific and clinical contributions of these methods in clinical practice. As a result of this analysis, we outline and discuss the well-established estimates of the signal processing features and the ambiguous features, that are used for classification of the cervical pre-cancer in vivo

    A Dusty Disk Around WD1150-153: Explaining the Metals in White Dwarfs by Accretion from the Interstellar Medium versus Debris Disks

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    We report the discovery of excess K-band radiation from a metal-rich DAV white dwarf star, WD1150-153. Our near infrared spectroscopic observations show that the excess radiation cannot be explained by a (sub)stellar companion, and is likely to be caused by a debris disk similar to the other DAZ white dwarfs with circumstellar debris disks. We find that the fraction of DAZ white dwarfs with detectable debris disks is at least 14%. We also revisit the problem of explaining the metals in white dwarf photospheres by accretion from the interstellar medium (ISM). We use the observed interstellar column densities toward stars in close angular proximity and similar distance as DAZ white dwarfs to constrain the contribution of accretion from the ISM. We find no correlation between the accretion density required to supply metals observed in DAZs with the densities observed in their interstellar environment, indicating that ISM accretion alone cannot explain the presence of metals in nearby DAZ white dwarfs. Although ISM accretion will certainly contribute, our analysis indicates that it is not the dominant source of metals for most DAZ white dwarfs. Instead, the growing number of circumstellar debris disks around DAZs suggests that circumstellar material may play a more dominant role in polluting the white dwarf atmospheres.Comment: ApJ, in pres

    Sub-Kelvin Parametric Feedback Cooling of a Laser-Trapped Nanoparticle

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated the ability to optically cool a macroscopic mechanical oscillator to its quantum ground state by means of dynamic backaction. Such experiments allow quantum mechanics to be tested with mesoscopic objects, and represent an essential step toward quantum optical memories, transducers, and amplifiers. Most oscillators considered so far are rigidly connected to their thermal environment, fundamentally limiting their mechanical Q-factors and requiring cryogenic precooling to liquid helium temperatures. Here we demonstrate parametric feedback cooling of a laser-trapped nanoparticle which is entirely isolated from the thermal bath. The lack of a clamping mechanism provides robust decoupling from internal vibrations and makes it possible to cool the nanoparticle in all degrees of freedom by means of a single laser beam. Compared to laser-trapped microspheres, nanoparticles have the advantage of higher resonance frequencies and lower recoil heating, which are favorable conditions for quantum ground state coolin

    Measuring the quantum statistics of an atom laser beam

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    We propose and analyse a scheme for measuring the quadrature statistics of an atom laser beam using extant optical homodyning and Raman atom laser techniques. Reversal of the normal Raman atom laser outcoupling scheme is used to map the quantum statistics of an incoupled beam to an optical probe beam. A multimode model of the spatial propagation dynamics shows that the Raman incoupler gives a clear signal of de Broglie wave quadrature squeezing for both pulsed and continuous inputs. Finally, we show that experimental realisations of the scheme may be tested with existing methods via measurements of Glauber's intensity correlation function.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Are Simple Real Pole Solutions Physical?

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    We consider exact solutions generated by the inverse scattering technique, also known as the soliton transformation. In particular, we study the class of simple real pole solutions. For quite some time, those solutions have been considered interesting as models of cosmological shock waves. A coordinate singularity on the wave fronts was removed by a transformation which induces a null fluid with negative energy density on the wave front. This null fluid is usually seen as another coordinate artifact, since there seems to be a general belief that that this kind of solution can be seen as the real pole limit of the smooth solution generated with a pair of complex conjugate poles in the transformation. We perform this limit explicitly, and find that the belief is unfounded: two coalescing complex conjugate poles cannot yield a solution with one real pole. Instead, the two complex conjugate poles go to a different limit, what we call a ``pole on a pole''. The limiting procedure is not unique; it is sensitive to how quickly some parameters approach zero. We also show that there exists no improved coordinate transformation which would remove the negative energy density. We conclude that negative energy is an intrinsic part of this class of solutions.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Observation of vortex dipoles in an oblate Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We report experimental observations and numerical simulations of the formation, dynamics, and lifetimes of single and multiply charged quantized vortex dipoles in highly oblate dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). We nucleate pairs of vortices of opposite charge (vortex dipoles) by forcing superfluid flow around a repulsive gaussian obstacle within the BEC. By controlling the flow velocity we determine the critical velocity for the nucleation of a single vortex dipole, with excellent agreement between experimental and numerical results. We present measurements of vortex dipole dynamics, finding that the vortex cores of opposite charge can exist for many seconds and that annihilation is inhibited in our highly oblate trap geometry. For sufficiently rapid flow velocities we find that clusters of like-charge vortices aggregate into long-lived dipolar flow structures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 EPAPS fil
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