7,964 research outputs found

    A Recursive Definition of the Holographic Standard Signature

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    We provide a recursive description of the signatures realizable on the standard basis by a holographic algorithm. The description allows us to prove tight bounds on the size of planar matchgates and efficiently test for standard signatures. Over finite fields, it allows us to count the number of n-bit standard signatures and calculate their expected sparsity.Comment: Fixed small typo in Section 3.


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    Current and historic records of species occurrences in particular localities enable researchers to monitor changes in species distribution and abundance. While current fauna can be documented with sufficient effort, missing historical records represent data that can never again be obtained. It is with this importance in mind that we report for the first time records of eight reptile species in Montgomery County, Indiana, USA, that were documented in 1964, though no vouchered specimens persist. These species include: Sternotherus odoratus, Terrapene carolina carolina, Chrysemys picta marginata, Apalone spinifera spinifera, Thamnophis sauritus sauritus, Storeria dekayi wrightorum, Lampropeltis calligaster, Lampropeltis triangulum. We also provide a list of the 23 currently documented reptile species that occur (or have occurred recently) in Montgomery County

    Rethinking Security Incident Response: The Integration of Agile Principles

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    In today's globally networked environment, information security incidents can inflict staggering financial losses on organizations. Industry reports indicate that fundamental problems exist with the application of current linear plan-driven security incident response approaches being applied in many organizations. Researchers argue that traditional approaches value containment and eradication over incident learning. While previous security incident response research focused on best practice development, linear plan-driven approaches and the technical aspects of security incident response, very little research investigates the integration of agile principles and practices into the security incident response process. This paper proposes that the integration of disciplined agile principles and practices into the security incident response process is a practical solution to strengthening an organization's security incident response posture.Comment: Paper presented at the 20th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2014), Savannah, Georgi

    Enhancing security incident response follow-up efforts with lightweight agile retrospectives

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    Security incidents detected by organizations are escalating in both scale and complexity. As a result, security incident response has become a critical mechanism for organizations in an effort to minimize the damage from security incidents. The final phase within many security incident response approaches is the feedback/follow-up phase. It is within this phase that an organization is expected to use information collected during an investigation in order to learn from an incident, improve its security incident response process and positively impact the wider security environment. However, recent research and security incident reports argue that organizations find it difficult to learn from incidents. A contributing factor to this learning deficiency is that industry focused security incident response approaches, typically, provide very little practical information about tools or techniques that can be used to extract lessons learned from an investigation. As a result, organizations focus on improving technical security controls and not examining or reassessing the effectiveness or efficiency of internal policies and procedures. An additional hindrance, to encouraging improvement assessments, is the absence of tools and/or techniques that organizations can implement to evaluate the impact of implemented enhancements in the wider organization. Hence, this research investigates the integration of lightweight agile retrospectives and meta-retrospectives, in a security incident response process, to enhance feedback and/or follow-up efforts. The research contribution of this paper is twofold. First, it presents an approach based on lightweight retrospectives as a means of enhancing security incident response follow-up efforts. Second, it presents an empirical evaluation of this lightweight approach in a Fortune 500 Financial organization's security incident response team

    Security Incident Response Criteria: A Practitioner's Perspective

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    Industrial reports indicate that security incidents continue to inflict large financial losses on organizations. Researchers and industrial analysts contend that there are fundamental problems with existing security incident response process solutions. This paper presents the Security Incident Response Criteria (SIRC) which can be applied to a variety of security incident response approaches. The criteria are derived from empirical data based on in-depth interviews conducted within a Global Fortune 500 organization and supporting literature. The research contribution of this paper is twofold. First, the criteria presented in this paper can be used to evaluate existing security incident response solutions and second, as a guide, to support future security incident response improvement initiatives

    Modeling Unemployment Rates by Race and Gender: A Nonlinear Time Series Approach

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    This paper presents an unemployment rate model that provides insight into how the time series behavior, in terms of both the mean and volatility, of the unemployment rates of black males, white males, black females, and white females differ. Demographic differences in the unemployment rate response are likely to occur if certain demographic groups face discrimination or if different demographic groups gave differing investments in human capital, for example. In addition, there may be differences in other characteristics of the groups, such as differences in the age of distribution or in the marital status distribution. This paper develops and estimates a model to determine whether or not differences in unemployment rate volatility among demographic groups actually exist, utilizing an ARCH-class (autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) model. The findings suggest that conditional variance is symmetric for white females, black females, and black males, but is asymmetric for white males. In particular, the findings indicate that innovations increase the conditional volatility changes in each group's unemployment rate and have symmetric effects for all groups except white males.

    Neutral and Cationic Bis-Chelate Monoorganosilicon(IV) Complexes of 1-Hydroxy-2-pyridinone

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    A series of spirocyclic monoorganosilicon compounds of the form RSi(OPO)2Cl [R = phenyl (1); p-tolyl (2); benzyl (3); Me (4); tBu (5); thexyl (6)] (OPO = 1-oxo-2-pyridinone) was synthesized and characterized by 1H , 13C, and 29Si NMR spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, and elemental analysis. In the solid state, complexes 1, 2, and 3 are neutral and possess cis-OPO ligands in an octahedral arrangement, and complexes 4, 5, and 6 are cationic and possess effectively trans­-OPO ligands in nearly ideal square pyramidal geometries along the Berry-pseudorotation coordinate. In 4-6, chloride dissociation is attributed to the additive effect of multiple intermolecular C—H∙∙∙Cl interactions in their crystals. In DMSO-d6 solution, compounds 1-6 form cationic hexacoordinate DMSO adducts with trans-OPO ligands, all of which undergo dynamic isomerization with energy barriers of ~18-19 kcal/mol. Compounds with better leaving groups, (p-tolyl)Si(OPO)2X [X = I (7); X = triflate (8)], exhibit identical solution NMR spectra as 2, supporting anion dissociation in each. The fluoride derivatives RSi(OPO)2F [R = benzyl (9); Me (10)] exhibit hexacoordinate geometries with cis­-OPO ligands in the solid state and exhibit dynamic isomerization in solution. Overall, these studies indicate, in both the solid and solution states, that the trans-OPO ligand arrangement is favored when anions are dissociated and a cis­-OPO ligand arrangement when anions are coordinated

    Marshall University Music Department Presents an Honors Recital, William Bradley, Trumpet

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    Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned

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    The article delineates some of the challenges in implementing of one of the global trends among universities - increased cooperation and collaboration to create and transfer intellectual property. Universities all over the world are increasing cooperation and collaboration in different fields. In addition to the traditional student and faculty exchanges, more and more universities are exploring deeper collaborations ranging from replication of degree programs to creation of dual degree programs. The article presents a case study of an extended collaboration to replicate a program founded by the University of Texas at Austin at the University of Lodz in Lodz, Poland. The transferred program is the year long executive MS in Science and Technology Commercialization (MSSTC) Program which focuses on wealth creation associated with intellectual property by transforming ideas based on science and technology into new products, new services, and new ventures to create jobs. The MSSTC program was transferred successfully from the University of Texas at Austin to the University of Lodz in Poland. However, one of the most significant challenges associated with the program replication across countries and cultures is how to best address a program’s intellectual property issues. This paper examines some of the intellectual property issues involved in transferring the MSSTC program like from a US to a Polish university. Some of the lessons learned re: intellectual property are delineated, examined, explored, and recommendations offered.Globalne trendy i międzynarodowy charakter komercjalizacji technologii sprawia, że pojawiły się globalne trendy do zacieśnienia współpracy pomiędzy uczelniami. Uniwersytety Trzeciego wieku oprócz misji edukacyjnej i naukowej włączają się w nurt przedsiębiorczości nazwanej akademickiej, współpracy z przemysłem i instytucjami rządowymi. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na istotną rolę transferu własności intelektualnej zawartej w programach edukacyjnych, szkoleniowych wymiany kadry i studentów. Współpraca rodzi wartość dodaną jako uzyskują uczelnie w postaci wspólnych programów lub transferu wiedzy z jednej uczelni do drugiej. Prezentowany artykuł zawiera również studium przypadku oparte na współpracy dwóch uczelni amerykańskiej i polskiej oraz transferze programu magisterskiego Komercjalizacji Nauki i Technologii z Austin do Łodzi. Udostępnienie wiedzy i najlepszych praktyk Instytutu IC2 w Austin obejmowało wyzwania związane z prawidłowym transferem własności intelektualnej wielu podmiotów jak wykładowców, uczelni, instytutu, doradców oraz innych osób pracujących przez wiele lat przy tworzeniu najlepszego w USA programu magisterskiego do zarządzania technologią. Autorzy zebrali najbardziej istotne problemy występujące podczas ich pracy w programie i przedstawili je w rozdziale Intellectual Property Challenges in Replicating an American Graduate Program in Poland Experiences, Perspectives, and Lessons Learned AbstractDruk materiałów sfinansowano ze środków Ministerstwa Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach projektu „Kreator innowacyjności – wsparcie innowacyjnej przedsiębiorczości akademickiej”

    Medical Cyber-Physical Systems Development: A Forensics-Driven Approach

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    The synthesis of technology and the medical industry has partly contributed to the increasing interest in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MCPS). While these systems provide benefits to patients and professionals, they also introduce new attack vectors for malicious actors (e.g. financially-and/or criminally-motivated actors). A successful breach involving a MCPS can impact patient data and system availability. The complexity and operating requirements of a MCPS complicates digital investigations. Coupling this information with the potentially vast amounts of information that a MCPS produces and/or has access to is generating discussions on, not only, how to compromise these systems but, more importantly, how to investigate these systems. The paper proposes the integration of forensics principles and concepts into the design and development of a MCPS to strengthen an organization's investigative posture. The framework sets the foundation for future research in the refinement of specific solutions for MCPS investigations.Comment: This is the pre-print version of a paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Trustworthiness in Medical Cyber-Physical Systems (MedSPT 2017