2,310 research outputs found

    Analysis of the vertex DDρD^*D^* \rho with the light-cone QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we analyze the vertex DDρD^*D^*\rho with the light-cone QCD sum rules. The strong coupling constant gDDρg_{D^*D^*\rho} is an important parameter in evaluating the charmonium absorption cross sections in searching for the quark-gluon plasmas. Our numerical value for the gDDρg_{D^*D^*\rho} is consistent with the prediction of the effective SU(4) symmetry and vector meson dominance theory.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, revised versio

    NLFK4ALL: An Open-Source Demostration Toolbox for Computationally Efficient Nonlinear Froude-Krylov Force Calculations

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    Accurate modelling of wave-structure interaction is essential for a successful and reliable design of offshore structures and their ancillary systems. However, the fidelity of mathematical models is challenged when nonlinearities become significant, i.e. when the floater operates in severe sea states and/or it shows large dynamic responses compared to the incoming wave. This is normally the case for wave energy converters (WECs) because large motions are desirable for better power extraction, while conventional offshore structures are usually designed to prevent large responses and ensure stability. Fastcomputation is a further mandatory requirement for mathematical models that are used for design purposes. This is particularly true for wave energy applications, since extensive parametric studies are needed to minimize the cost of energy, i.e. increase power extraction capabilities while limiting capital and operational expenditures. Furthermore, model-based control strategies, essential for substantial increase of the WEC performance, require representative mathematical models. The requirements of accuracy and low computational time are usually contrasting, so an appropriate compromise should be defined. This paper proposes a nonlinear Froude-Krylov (NLFK) force model for axisymmetric floaters. The symmetry of the geometry (common for WECs) is exploited to achieve a low computational time (about real-time computation). Furthermore, since NLFK forces are the main nonlinearities for such devices, the obtained accuracy is higher than linear models. An open-source Matlab demonstration toolbox is introduced, called NLFK4ALL (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.3544848), which provides a ready-to-use implementation of the NLFK approach in six degrees of freedom. Accuracy and computational aspects of the method are here discussed, such as the complexity of the analytical description of the intersection between free surface elevation and the floater, and the impact of tolerances on the convergence of the numerical integration

    Experimental investigation of the mooring system of a wave energy converter in operating and extreme wave conditions

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    A proper design of the mooring systems for Wave Energy Converters (WECs) requires an accurate investigation of both operating and extreme wave conditions. A careful analysis of these systems is required to design a mooring configuration that ensures station keeping, reliability, maintainability, and low costs, without affecting the WEC dynamics. In this context, an experimental campaign on a 1:20 scaled prototype of the ISWEC (Inertial Sea Wave Energy Converter), focusing on the influence of the mooring layout on loads in extreme wave conditions, is presented and discussed. Two mooring configurations composed of multiple slack catenaries with sub-surface buoys, with or without clump-weights, have been designed and investigated experimentally. Tests in regular, irregular, and extreme waves for a moored model of the ISWEC device have been performed at the University of Naples Federico II. The aim is to identify a mooring solution that could guarantee both correct operation of the device and load carrying in extreme sea conditions. Pitch motion and loads in the rotational joint have been considered as indicators of the device hydrodynamic behavior and mooring configuration impact on the WEC

    Relativistic quasiparticle time blocking approximation. II. Pygmy dipole resonance in neutron-rich nuclei

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    Theoretical studies of low-lying dipole strength in even-even spherical nuclei within the relativistic quasiparticle time blocking approximation (RQTBA) are presented. The RQTBA developed recently as an extension of the self-consistent relativistic quasiparticle random phase approximation (RQRPA) enables one to investigate effects of coupling of two-quasiparticle excitations to collective vibrations within a fully consistent calculation scheme based on covariant energy density functional theory. Dipole spectra of even-even 130^{130}Sn -- 140^{140}Sn and 68^{68}Ni -- 78^{78}Ni isotopes calculated within both RQRPA and RQTBA show two well separated collective structures: the higher-lying giant dipole resonance (GDR) and the lower-lying pygmy dipole resonance (PDR) which can be identified by a different behavior of the transition densities of states in these regions.Comment: 28 pages, 13 figure

    Violation and persistence of the K-quantum number in warm rotating nuclei

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    The validity of the K-quantum number in rapidly rotating warm nuclei is investigated as a function of thermal excitation energy U and angular momentum I, for the rare-earth nucleus 163Er. The quantal eigenstates are described with a shell model which combines a cranked Nilsson mean-field and a residual two-body interaction, together with a term which takes into account the angular momentum carried by the K-quantum number in an approximate way. K-mixing is produced by the interplay of the Coriolis interaction and the residual interaction; it is weak in the region of the discrete rotational bands (U \lesim 1MeV), but it gradually increases until the limit of complete violation of the K-quantum number is approached around U \sim 2 - 2.5 MeV. The calculated matrix elements between bands having different K-quantum numbers decrease exponentially as a function of ΔK\Delta K, in qualitative agreement with recent data.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    The B_{s0} meson and the B_{s0}B K coupling from QCD sum rules

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    We evaluate the mass of the Bs0B_{s0} scalar meson and the coupling constant in the Bs0BKB_{s0} B K vertex in the framework of QCD sum rules. We consider the Bs0B_{s0} as a tetraquark state to evaluate its mass. We get m_{B_s0}=(6.04\pm 0.08) \GeV, which is bigger than predictions supposing it as a bsˉb\bar{s} state or a BKˉB\bar{K} bound state with JP=0+J^{P}=0^+. To evaluate the gBs0BKg_{B_{s0}B K} coupling we use the three point correlation functions of the vertex, considering Bs0 B_{s0} as a normal bsˉb\bar{s} state. The obtained coupling constant is: g_{B_{s0} B K} =(16.3 \pm 3.2) \GeV. This number is in agreement with light-cone QCD sum rules calculation. We have also compared the decay width of the \BS\to BK process considering the \BS to be a bsˉb\bar{s} state and a BKBK molecular state. The width obtained for the BKBK molecular state is twice as big as the width obtained for the bsˉb\bar{s} state. Therefore, we conclude that with the knowledge of the mass and the decay width of the \BS meson, one can discriminate between the different theoretical proposals for its structure.Comment: revised version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Fast nonlinear Froude–Krylov force calculation for prismatic floating platforms: a wave energy conversion application case

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    Computationally fast and accurate mathematical models are essential for effective design, optimization, and control of wave energy converters. However, the energy-maximising control strategy, essential for reaching economic viability, inevitably leads to the violation of linearising assumptions, so the common linear models become unreliable and potentially unrealistic. Partially nonlinear models based on the computation of Froude–Krylov forces with respect to the instantaneous wetted surface are promising and popular alternatives, but they are still too slow when floaters of arbitrary complexity are considered; in fact, mesh-based spatial discretisation, required by such geometries, becomes the computational bottle-neck, leading to simulations 2 orders of magnitude slower than real-time, unaffordable for extensive iterative optimizations. This paper proposes an alternative analytical approach for the subset of prismatic floating platforms, common in the wave energy field, ensuring computations 2 orders of magnitude faster than real-time, hence 4 orders of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art mesh-based approaches. The nonlinear Froude–Krylov model is used to investigate the nonlinear hydrodynamics of the floater of a pitching wave energy converter, extracting energy either from pitch or from an inertially coupled internal degree of freedom, especially highlighting the impact of state constraints, controlled/uncontrolled conditions, and impact on control parameters’ optimization, sensitivity and effectiveness

    Isoscalar and isovector dipole excitations: Nuclear properties from low-lying states and from the isovector giant dipole resonance

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    Abstract This review paper concerns the research devoted to the study of the properties of dipole excitations in nuclei. The main focus is on questions related to isospin effects in these types of excitations. Particular attention is given to the experimental and theoretical efforts made to understand the nature and the specific structure of the low-lying dipole states known as the Pygmy Dipole Resonance (PDR). The main experimental methods employed in the study of the PDR are reviewed as well as the most interesting theoretical aspects. The main features of the experiments and of theoretical models are reported with special emphasis on the reaction cross sections populating the dipole states. Results are organized for nuclei according to different mass regions. The knowledge of the isovector dipole response as well as its low energy part is important in order to deduce the nuclear polarizability as accurate as possible. This issue is discussed in this paper together with the connection with the neutron skin and the nuclear equation of state. The important role played by the dipole response to deduce other physical quantities of general interest is discussed in the last two chapters. One concerns the level density and the other the isospin mixing in nuclei at finite temperature and its relation with beta decay

    Applicability of shape parameterizations for giant dipole resonance in warm and rapidly rotating nuclei

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    We investigate how well the shape parameterizations are applicable for studying the giant dipole resonance (GDR) in nuclei, in the low temperature and/or high spin regime. The shape fluctuations due to thermal effects in the GDR observables are calculated using the actual free energies evaluated at fixed spin and temperature. The results obtained are compared with Landau theory calculations done by parameterizing the free energy. We exemplify that the Landau theory could be inadequate where shell effects are dominating. This discrepancy at low temperatures and high spins are well reflected in GDR observables and hence insists on exact calculations in such cases.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure